Review by Derby

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Inner Evil
Level rating: 7.8

Introduction to Inner Evil:

Inner Evil’s a great level made by iCeD, and the good concepts of the level cover up the visible flaws of this level.

Content: One level and a music file.

Unbiased Review:

Design/Content: 2.5/2.5

The level has three parts to it, if you look at it from top to bottom. The top of the level is welcoming, but also lets you fall quite easily, while the middle has the CTF bases, and the bottom is just your ordinary lava-filled bottom. The design really has no flaws, but a few things could have been changed.

Tile/Tile compatibility: 2.0/2.5

The tiles fit well together for the platforms, but wall texturing was done very strangely, in some walls. Still, it looked like some effort was made to make things look neat, which isn’t wrong.

Tile/Event Compatibility: 1.7/2.0

The level is half-dead, which doesn’t seem right for this tileset. On the other hand, different weapons were required to get certain weapons, which was good. To make this level have a little more life, the layers substituted.

Event/event compatibility: 1.0/1.0

Events in this level didn’t have to fit together to make this level any better. You could get around normally, and find everything you need. There are also some neat little secret areas you can get into, to make getting to another place take less time.

Layer use: 0.8/1.0

The way the layers were used made navigation around the level confusing in a way it shouldn’t be. Going through walls without wanting to or having a clue isn’t very hard to do, here. There’s also something interesting about this CTF level you should know, which can be really helpful, and isn’t listed in this section.

Game compatibility: 1.0/1.0

The level plays without any errors or access violations. The music selected for this level was half-decent, but that doesn’t count towards this rating at all.

Overall rating: 9.0/10.0

This level isn’t anything to pass up, at all. Its a great level, like any other great level, and has common flaws, like any other great level. You’ll have some fun in this CTF level, whether you like CTF or not.

Biased Review:

Replayability: 4.5/5.0

This level will always play for long, as long as more than one person is playing. This level should last a couple hours of play, at the maximum, but can’t really be trashed at all.

My opinion on this level: 4.8/5.0

I liked the design and the look of this level. I have played this level before, in one of iCeD’s servers, so I know that it does play well, and does suit me, though I’m not the biggest CTF fan.

My overall rating: 9.3/10.0*

I don’t like CTF as much as battle, because I’m not too good at it.

True rating: 9.15/10.0*

If the level is fairly replayable, and fairly good, then I rate it as a good level. Everything’s rated at its own standard; Levels as levels, packs as packs.


The file is huge. It includes a music file, but it is still worth trying out for what it is. You should also look to this level’s design as a good example.

Interesting fact:

You can jump under the CTF bases to get the flags in this level, since the platforms are very thin in this level.

  • Only the unbiased rating counts towards the site’s review rating system.

~ Derby

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Frenzy in the Forest
Level rating: 2.4

Lets clear up something first: as far as i know, “mrplonker” is former “hac2k”.
Now, i won’t make a long review for a level like this again. In short: the design is far below average (very monotonous), there is no eyecandy and the tile/event/weapon placement is just bad in my opinion.
But well, you submitted it, i, as a jazz2 fan, rated it. C’est la vie.

P.S.: The next level setting is missing/wrong also.
P.P.S: To all authors, please DO NOT include Epic tilesets in your ZiP files. That doesn’t make sense.

Review by SPLASHcc

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: FoDTower
Level rating: 5.5

im sorry but this is crap.
although the level is nice detailed, it is quite irritating: shooting, warping, shooting, warping…
the whole warp puzzle is one big irritating thing, and for the rest only enemies to blast. i cant say this is a single player lvl. this lvl is nothing.
you should make puzzles and variety in your lvls

Review by FireClaw

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jungle Warfare
Level rating: 7.2

Pretty good level, but I have a few complaints.

1) Bottom right, there is a little passage above the little straw house thingy, that leads to the place known as “Nothing Town.”

2) Bottom left, the log that leads to the powerup, I think there should be a quit way out, like a oneway up on top, or a warp.

2) Too little springs.

3) The background layers aren’t too good. The vines don’t make for a good background, a bit annoying, and the other pieces of background layers just vanish after going to high.

But besides that, great level!

Review by FireClaw

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Toxic Waste
Level rating: 7.9

Nice work, Disguise. And this time, I only have one complaint… Too many weapons! Other than that, great level!

Great amount of eye candy, not to mention good design.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Inner Evil
Level rating: 7.8

In my opinion, it’s a good idea to use a "different" tileset and the resulting level is pretty neat.
Although the author could have added some more eyecandy, the design is quite good.
What i dislike is the music choice: Skaven (former FC member, yay!) is denitely one of my favourite trackers but my ears start to hurt when i gotta listen to this track: maybe it’s great technically, but it’s just too loud and i miss a melody. Prolly that’s because the song was composed for an evil 3d shooting game called "Unreal Tournament" :-)
I was very very undecided between six and seven points but i’ll give out VERY LOW SEVEN (6.56) points because ICeD used this cool tileset. -> Download! and check out the level yourself

Review by hac2k

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Inner Evil
Level rating: 7.8

I like this level immensely!
He has used a wicked tileset, made it really good!
When I was playing it, I fell down a big gap, and i thought it was a dodgy bit in the level and i would fall to my end, but in the end i landed on another bit of the level, which shows how vast this level is! He even used the coolest music ever, which just happens to be my favourite music from the game Unreal Tournament!
Well done and keep up the good work!

Review by Disguise

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Inner Evil
Level rating: 7.8

Hmmm, not a bad level, but not a good one either. The lava at the bottom seems to move up a bit too fast for my liking, it’s a bit too high also. The design is good, nice and open, and i LOVE open :) Only problem is that it is too open for a CTF level. With Jazz i can basically use my ears to get from one base to another wihtout needing to stop or getting a dead end. Another little bug that bothers me is that warp above the ammo barrel at the bottom. Sometimes i try to buttstomp the barrel but instead i go into the warp. Using the coin warps at the bases is a nice new idea. You can get from one base to another instantly if u have enough coins (10).

Just here to finish something I left unfinished a looong time ago. Nice level, and doesn’t deserve a 5 when comparing it to others.[This review has been edited by Disguise]

Review by Disguise

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Disguise's Beach Bonanza
Level rating: 7.1

hehe, iCeD, you like beach and I like colonius ;) Beach is ok for me, just that it has low eye candy in my opinion :(

Aiko you mentioned that the levels are 7.6 but you rated it 7.0. Are you aware of the fact that you can rate levels each 0.5 points? I don’t understand why you don’t use them. Wisey seen you mention that this is a “high” 7 or a “high” 6. Why nor rather say 7.5 or 6.5?

Review by Disguise

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Equal Halves
Level rating: 6.2

WHA? Fast paced music? BAH! This must’ve been the level I tested my mods with. Originally it had the colonius music. Sorry I didn’t pick this up when I tested the level because I had JJ2 music on mute busy listenign to Club Anthems 2000 (way cool music cd ;)

Ok I just tested the thingy, and the music file is friends.xm. I’m not even suprised that mod is playing, i love it! :) but it’s not da right music for da level. Anyways, for those of you who complain about the hard-to-find bases I removed the password. When it asks for it just press “enter”. I’ll re-upload the level now (i just hope this works).

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Uninhabitable Battle Pack
Level rating: 8.1

yes, a big back of good battles! (ok, I know it’s just 1 level.)

Despite the fact that all of these are conversions (and they are TSF only), I liked these battle levels. They have good design, eye candy and such. Complaints include the fact that the layers can get confusing. Weapons were a bit excessive, too. Overall this battle pack is worth downloading if you’re bored and want a good pack to play on TSF. :-)

Review by Newspaz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Disguise's Beach Bonanza
Level rating: 7.1

1) To small (-2)
2) Not enough eye candy (-1)
3) -0,5 (standard procedure with me)

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: FoDTower
Level rating: 5.5

Heh, i beat it. 5 minutes :-) Im experienced in exploring confusing levels i guess. Actually i don’t think "FoDTemple" is that bad. The tileset is used nicely and eyecandy at least still hits the average.
Of course, it could get very confusing to find the exit ‘cause of all the different paths in this "Tower". And there are also some minor tile/mask bugs.
Summary: I don’t know, just download if you feel like. Its not a must.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: FoDTemple
Level rating: 6.4

Pretty nice level using the great Temple tileset by EvilMike. Design and eyecandy are good.
Unfortunately it’s a bit too easy and the warp event is overused. Nevertheless, this is a good single player level, at which everyone should take a look.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: FoDDiamondus
Level rating: 6.7

FoDDiamondus is a slightly above the average single player level i think. The eyecandy is okay but i found some things in the design, which i dont like: for example, there are “dead-ends”, places where you have to die or keep falling (like in an Sierra Adventure, i more prefer LucasArts ;-)
Besides i think that a real good level needs an original name. However, if you are bored and want to have some 10-minutes-single player fun this could be interesting. Decide for yourself.

Review by FireClaw

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Disguise's Beach Bonanza
Level rating: 7.1

Pretty nice battle levels. Well, found a few complaints for each… but who cares about 2 small things?

Review by FoD MERC

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: FoDTower
Level rating: 5.5

Sorry this was so hard to figure out that you never found the end.. I didn’t intend for that to happen.

I just told iCeD how to beat it, and if any of you can’t beat this, I’ll try to help you out.

Review by FireClaw

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Equal Halves
Level rating: 6.2

Too large and out in the open, too many weapons in places, something I don’t like about it for some odd reason… Oh, yeah, large. I don’t like this as much as your others, really.

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: FoDTower
Level rating: 5.5

My least fave by FoD for a couple of reasons:

Tedious and confusing.

I never could find a way to win this… I just kept going around in circles.

Anyone can make a single player level like this, I hope. :-)

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: FoDTemple
Level rating: 6.4

The above statement is true, I do like this level. :-)

This is prolly my fave by FoD, it had nice design, eye candy (this includes the way tiles were used, etc.) and such.

Just a few problems:

The parts near the end got sort of tedious.

Some parts can be tricky to figure out.

Overload of enimies in various spots..

Overall: Want a good single player? Get this one. :-)