Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: FoDDiamondus
Level rating: 6.7

Not bad, actually. But I did find some problems:

The “Jump up” part led me to some frustration to find the warp. (I’m so stupid.)

The part where you can touch the bottom is just evil.

A few more that I’m too lazy to write.

The eye candy was good (oops, you didn’t do that. Teehee.)

Overall you should get this if yer a single player fan.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Disguise's Beach Bonanza
Level rating: 7.1

“Disguise’s Beach Bonanza” (hmmm…:-) is a first class battle pack including two Beach levels.
Okay, lets check my fully automatic review creation station: Eyecandy is great. Bleep. Design…brilliant. High seven points (7.6). Download recommended!
EOF. Please give new input, need more Disguise levels. Bleep.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Equal Halves
Level rating: 6.2

I can’t help it: i just like Disguise’s level style. And Colonius is actually one of my favourite tilesets. Heh.
I think this is another great quality level release with many interesting ideas of how to use the tileset. No doubt, design and eyecandy are great, as always in Disguise’s levels.
As you may know, i’m not a CTF expert so i can’t say much about the base placement. But i agree with iCED that they were not too easy to locate.
What i dislike a bit is the music choice. I think the fast-paced custom track (which is, btw, not included in the pack!) doesnt fit very good. I’d would like to listen to the original Colonius music here.
Overall, it’s still great and a another Disguise creation that no Jazz fan should miss!!! Download now!

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Toxic Waste
Level rating: 7.9

Aha, a new experimental review fashion invented by iCeD. Well, you know im pretty conservative so here i go:
I fully agree with the author: "Toxic Waste" (don’t get it mixed up, ShadowGPW also released a #1 level called "Toxic Waste") is one of my favourite levels by him, mainly because of its great design. The layer work and everything else is first class as well.
To sum it up: it’s always fun to roast some bunnies in this level. I really think its a classic and a MUST-DOWNLOAD! (Low eight points. I was undecided between 7 and 8 points.)

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jungle Warfare
Level rating: 7.2

"Jungle Warfare" has everything a great battle level needs. Beautiful eyecandy, superb design and the weapon placement isn’t that bad in my opinion (i guess thats because i’m a Battle/Disguise fan).
Everyone should download this and host a decent online battle party! :-)

P.S.: The next level setting is "wrong", if you dont have the level "dis25" (very minor bug i think)

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Disguise's Beach Bonanza
Level rating: 7.1

Nifty, two good levels using the beach set. And I must say I like the beach set, btw. :-)

The design, eye candy and such for these two levels were good, event placement could have been improved slightly, and the lack of one ways near the spring part of shores or sorrow gets annoying.

Overall: Two more good Disguise levels. Download or not? Yes please. :-)

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Equal Halves
Level rating: 6.2

You like the colonius set? Wow, I’ve never been a fan of it. :-)

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Toxic Waste
Level rating: 7.9

Recomended? Yes.
Good design, eye candy and event placement? Yes.
Download? Yes.


Review by Disguise

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Equal Halves
Level rating: 6.2

HEY! I like the colonius set! :)
I know it’s too big, that was the point, I actually wanted a big level that could do wonders for a full server. You never get those lately, so it was a bad idea, but I still wanted it big in case :)

I was quite the weapons placement freak back then, so it’s pretty normal to see lotsa weapons from my previous releases, I give you my full permission to rate the levels as low as you want because of that :)

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Equal Halves
Level rating: 6.2

Ahh, I don’t like this one as much as your other levels. Don’t get me wrong, it’s cool, but I found a collection of problems:

-The bases are quite hard to find
-Size is a little too big
-Overload of weapons in some places…

It is, nonetheless, cool for a level using the evil colonius set. Download or not? You decide.

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jungle Warfare
Level rating: 7.2

Ah, it’s nice to see some actual good battle levels. :-)

I like this level, it has good eye candy, nice layout and other cool stuffs. The problems which I could spot were the fact that weapons in large masses are bad. Also, a few tiny navigation problems could be spotted.

Overall you should get this one if you’re a battle fan. :-)

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 3D Universe 12
Level rating: 2.9

Ehm, you can’t make a level in 15 minutes, and this is obvious proof. Sorry, but I really don’t like this much at all. It has bad tiling, bad weapons placement and such.

Let me tell you, Hac2k, don’t try to make a level in less than an hour and actually submit it, it is almost preset to get bad reviews. Spend at least a good few hours in front of JCS and take suggestions. You’ll get much better that way.

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Code of Carrotus
Level rating: 6.2

Not too bad, I like the fact that the tilesets were used differently than normal. Though some navigatabiity issues and such make me decrease the rating by -.5.
Also, the music doesn’t fit too well.
Sorry but I can’t give a download reccomendation to this one.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 3D Universe 12
Level rating: 2.9

The author said it took 15 minutes(!) to finish this level and thats what it looks like. There are lots of misplaced tiles/masks, events, weapons etc. and the background music doesnt fit in my opinion. The tileset used is one of Noraa’s great 3dbattle sets (still looks great, even in this level :-).
Now, seriously hac2k: if you really mean to make a level that people could rate high (over 5 points that is) you have to spend lots of hours of work in front of your Jazz Creation Station. Believe me. It needs a lot of effort. And im pretty sure all serious levelmakers and most of the serious reviewers here will agree with me.
Conclusion: It wont make much sense to continue posting "15-minutes-levels" here ‘cause the ratings won’t make you happy i guess. Just play around with JCS and try everything out. Have a look of some great levels and learn from them. Test your levels online and ask for comments. Sorry for the bad rating, i hope this helps :-)

Review by darkwasp

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Fortune Carrots!
Level rating: 7.4

I have a few words about it:
<strike>Pretty darn good
I like it.
I’ve seen better.
No comments here.
Not ML worthy.</strike>
Kinda-pretty good here!
sorry had a moment of Writer’s Block. =)
<strike>That’s my final answer</strike>
That’s my rating. Didn’t want any copyright laws

<strike>5.0</strike> <strike>7.5</strike> <strike>4.0</strike> 6.0 is perfect… Why? it’s <font color="blue">InSaNe!</font> Why is it insane? because it’s by <font color="red">JEH</font>, Creator of the Mind-Wrecking, All-Nighter, Lag-o-Riffic, Stupendous Single Player Episode <font color="blue">Queen of B o a r D</font>!

Review by FunkyKiller

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 3D Universe 12
Level rating: 2.9

I must say its a cool titleset.
But the lvl is not neat whit to mayne wapens :(

Good luch whit the next,
I think thats a cooler lvl!!!

Review by defalcon

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Code of Carrotus
Level rating: 6.2

Yeah, I asked him to help me pick out some bugs, sent it to him and he went over em.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Code of Carrotus
Level rating: 6.2

Not too bad. A pack of three levels using Noraa’s awesome 3D tilesets. I esspecially like the third level (Emblem of Truth) because its pretty different from Noraa’s original levels.
Unfortunately, there are some minor tile(set)placement/mask/layer bugs and the music selection doesnt fit always in my opinion. However, its a nice pack and if you like interesting named 3d battle levels, you may want to download this.
Btw: Jeh tested this? Wow! :-)

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blocksville 1.2, Final 1.2 release!
Level rating: 5.8

Because i dont see any major improvements, i copied and pasted most parts of my review from the "previous" version of this level. And although the author calls it a "Final 1.2 release", its needs a lot of bugfixing.
Not my favourite level. In my opinion there is a major lack of good design, eyecandy, length, weapon selection, enemy placement etc..
The blocks in MEZ01 are pretty easy to use, really. But if its your first, hac2k, you surely will get better hour by hour in front of the JCS.
I’m sorry, but i cant give a download recommendation for this level. Four points are ok i think.
P.S.: I don’t even figured out what mode this is for (Battle? Hurt events! Enemies!), Single Player (Weapons? Exit?).
P.P.S.: You can not say things like "Dont criticize my level!" (see Readme) and post it here. This site is about critizising levels.

Review by defalcon

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Carrotus Squash(noneTSF)
Level rating: 9.2

Whoop! Go martin!