Good lvl!!!
There are things to make better.
But its a cool and neat lvl.
Thanks. I appreciate comments like that, since my levels aren’t very good. =)
A nice, well made tileset.
I think it would benefit from a nicer background, though.
I think would give the tilesets a 1 on functionality because it’s non-existant. It is not possible to make your own levels with them. The whole tilesets are just three big pictures with a mask. They look very good though.
The levels, though, are great. I would give them a 9.
So don’t download this for the tilesets, but definitely download this for the levels.
I like this level in a way: The tileset rocks (quite literally), and it is well made! shame its a bit small.
Next time you create 2 versions of your level(one with the tileset included and one without) just post one. I think this is spamming, just like your flooding messages at my account.
You are subject to get low status soon if you continue acting this way.
Looks like you uploaded another version. Oh well. And if I delete this version then other version will stop working. Just quit spamming and you won’t get low status.
Seems to be a good, green & slimy (j/k) tileset that has some very useful tiles.
Add an example level and i’ll rate it 7. Very high six points for now.
Example level comming right up ;)
"Medieval Frenzy" is a pretty neat Capture The Flag level by south african top 10 level maker Disguise, which finally makes use of a different tileset that is not completely overused.
The design is great and so is the layer work (aka eyecandy). I agree with FireClaw that there are too many weapons in certain places in the level, though.
Apart from that, my overall impression of this level is still very good. Add this to your collection of great levels!
A great level, but strangly, it has a lot of downsides…
Forground makes it hard to navagate, not to mention, it hides masked tiles.
Oh, the rain in it is going WAY to fast!
I would slow it down.
I also think this level would be better for battle.
I found one spot where you got the go up for fast fires, well, you can get traped there, and someone can finish you off with ease without a back door.
I also found one spot with too many weapons. You can bring about 5 different weapons back to full ammo again by going there.
And last, the flag bases can be a bit of a problem finding.
And that’s why it got the rating of 6.
Very nice.
I liked the way the tileset looked and I go out of my way to say that you made a nice music choice for the level. :-)
Overall a marvelous thing to download.
Download! Now!
Simple, but not bad… I really don’t see a lot of capability from this, though… I agree with Disguise, you should always include an example level. Makes the set seem much more usable that way.
Always loved this one. :-)
The layout and eye candy is great, an overload of weapons in a few places, but don’t stop me from saying you must download this. :-)
strike strike strike strike
x out is cool =)
this level rocks!
i’d give it a ten, but some eye candy is ‘questionable’.
great level!
must have if you like
love jeh’s levels, this level is ok great!
The thing I love about these levels is the uniqueness of the idea. These levels are the only ones that use tilesets in that way (download it and see), and the gameplay isn’t bad in them either.
Points were taken off because the tilesets are too limited to use. You could have at least made the background seperate from most of the objects (spheres, blocks, ect) so levels created with them wouldn’t be so similar to the ones in this pack.
Nice eye candy, and such. But I just have one small complaint, kinda small.
Oh yes, I wanted to add somehting else. If u would’ve spent just a few more hours working on an example level showing how to use the tiles properly ur rating would’ve been boosted. Tilesets can look like a proper mess after being put together, and if a person would have to look at the mess instead of what the tileset is capable of they would not rate it as high. Never rush a tileset.
NOTE: I’m not saying ur tileset looks like a mess, that’s just an example.
No example level, bad, I like having a look at how the designer of the set uses the set for the purpose he made it for. For me a set without an example level is incomplete.
Some nice textures and gradient effects, the set is mostly green, very small, but i’m sure that’s not a problem looking at the quality of the tiles :)
The set was made in two days, i would rather not congratulate you because of fear that an epidemic might start to see who made their set the fastest. I’m actually tempted to rate it a little lower because of that, but because i’m a good guy i’d rather not. There is now way I can tell how much pre-planning was made, and the other reason is some of my sets were made in the same time, but those included weeks and weeks of pre-planning.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.