Review by Paul

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Medieval Frenzy
Level rating: 7.5

Ah yes, I’ve played this level many a time, and loved it every time…it’s just great :D

Review by pb186

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Race Tournament Pack Demo v: 2.0
Level rating: 7.2

I have played the beta of the full and it is awsome. Another jazz 2 fan has come up with some eccellent levels.

Review by Black Ninja

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 3D Battle Pack
Level rating: 8.2

this pack is great.
it has the best graphics ever attempted in j2, and noraa did a good job of combining the graphics AND blocks properly placed to make a sweet level!
It seems to need custom music in my mind tho.

Review by Paul

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JustASet
Level rating: 6.8

Simple but good. (:
It works well and it just looks nice (:
Good, especially for 2 days (:

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Burning Desert
Level rating: 8

Oh wow: Another Blade tileset. Im a big fan of Blades releases and this tileset pack is yet another example of the awesome quality they have.
The tileset itself looks very beautiful to my eyes and includes lots of useful tiles and many goodies like a cactus, spikes etc..
But what would be an #1 tileset like this without a good example level. "Burning Desert" has it, and it really rocks: a classic, not-too-small battle map with great design, good weapon placement and a rocking background music track!
In my humble opinion, "Burning Desert" is a MUST-DOWNLOAD!

Review by SPLASHcc

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Burning Desert
Level rating: 8

I must say a pretty wicked tileset.
It has a fun layout and stuff in it.
But there was something that bothered me: The yellow and brown tiles. I know its a desert but only brown and yellow in my eyes gets a bit annoying after a time. Luckily, the artist has added some green stuff like cactusses and flowers. I think this is worth a download yes

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 3D Battle Pack
Level rating: 8.2

When people join a battle server using this pack, the normal reaction is "WOW!!!". This reaction is caused by three very awesome 3Dish tilesets.
They look so d-a-m-n cool. Of course, i’m not sure if anyone will ever be able to make a different looking level (different from the three 3dbattles) with one of those tilesets. But that doesnt take away anything from my rating.
I even like the design and size of the levels very much. They fit perfectly for, lets say, a duel and you’ll have some plain battle fun (yay!) when three or more rabbits join. Furthermore, the lack of eyecandy doesnt matter, the tileset is eyecandy enough :-)
Conclusion: I think this pack is a classic that noone should miss (-> Download!).

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 3D Battle Pack
Level rating: 8.2

The thing that gave these levels/tilesets such a high rating was the tilesets. They RuLe. :-) I had lots of navigation problems in the levels themselves, though. Bah, nothing much to say about this. I can’t 100% say this gets a download reccomendation from me, though…

Review by martin aka partydude

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Sting in Your Tail
Level rating: 7.7

It’s clever little levels like this that make
me want to play them again and again. :)

It’s fun. Puzzles are just right I don’t want to have to spend hours
running around looking, this is one of the best SP levels I’ve seen.

Download now!

Review by jeh

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Fortune Carrots!
Level rating: 7.4

Heh… well I thought it was about time I moved away from Diamondus and the Castle tilesets :)

Yeah, Carrotus is a lot harder to work with, in particular the wall/brick tiles as very few actually match up and not wanting to make all the walls look the same, I opted to have a few tile bugs :) gasp! :)

Thank you for all your kind words though. I’m very happy with the way this turned out – albeit all the 6-7.5 scores :) LOL.

I actually had this map done with a different theme but was dumb enough NOT to test out my theory online before finishing the level. Originally, some of the spawn tubes would turn you into a frog and you’d have to find Eva to turn you back into a rabbit before you could get Roasting :) This worked locally, but as you know both the "Morph Frog" and "Eva" events are banned in MP games :\

Ah well :)

- Jeh

Review by FoD MERC

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Fortune Carrots!
Level rating: 7.4

Some say that the official tilesets are boring.. maybe this’ll prove ‘em wrong.

Review by martin aka partydude

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Where Warriors Fall
Level rating: 8.5

One of the great’s and still is download now! :)

Review by Disguise

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rush Hour
Level rating: 6

lol, i have a fan, YAYAYA!! dances around
ok, jokes aside. errr, wait, keep the jokes here. No japanese pocket monsters, LOL! I find that funny. THREE CHEERS FOR AIKO!!! (did i mention i’m an aiko fan? ;)

Not that I’m a top rater or anyhting, but i would rate a self-made tileset that looks as bad as this one higher than one filled up with a bunch of japanese pocket monsters. The whole point of making a tileset is that it is your own work. I haven’t seen a level taken directly from sonic or anyhting. Noooo, you ppl would say he cheated and took it from somewhere else. Blah, that annoys me. At least be original people. Stop trying to hunt for a good rating early. There isn’t one JJ2er I can think of whose first level was an absolute masterpiece. Take me for an example. My first level was an empty room with a bunch of airboards. My first tileset had almost nothing except for a nice background i took from another program. Some of you might think Ultimate World was my first tileset, it is actually my fifth. Rush Hour is my 21st Tileset.

As for your last comment Shadow. I am busy making another tileset as I am writing this here comment, a proper one. The expected release date is 20 October 2000. This is a little added to the time I think I will make it, but unlike Blizzard I add to my release date rather than shorten it to dissapoint ppl. Usually my tilesets get done a lot faster. I made ultimate hotel in 12 hours, blue world in 48 hours. This does not include planning, now THAT takes time. Usually about 2 weeks MINIMUM! Although ultimate world was about one week with planning. I can say that my new set is past planing, i have everyhting whacked into a nice text file :)

So, uhhh, shadow, MINE tileset should be done soon evil grin

Review by ShadowGPW

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rush Hour
Level rating: 6

A bit of a disappointment when I saw the tileset =)
but then i readed "made in 1 hour"

and if ya compare this to a newbie ya score higher (lol) ;)

anyways, its fun to see it but next time make it in 1 month and not 1 hour ;)

Review by ShadowGPW

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Fortune Carrots!
Level rating: 7.4

This one is an orginal level by a dude called Jeh =)

everyone forgets here that the Carrotius tileset is a lot harder then the other tilesets.. mainly becuase the tile it self has a few bug`s but we go on..

Somehow the level reminds me of Diamondus Warzone I dont know why but it reminds me of it..

It has lesser weapons and that is lesser frag-da-lag ;)

-a few tilebugs, but it doesn`t hurd te gameplay at all because this level rocks in Mplayer
(never test a battle/ctf level without a game in Mplayer)
-the level is pretty orginal and fun =)

Review by martin aka partydude

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Fortune Carrots!
Level rating: 7.4

I like it, theres lots of room to move around goody’s given each
time you die is a good idea. This could be alot of fun online.

However next time you may want to pay more attention to the
tiles and a little less txt everyware you go.. heh. :)

Review by Newspaz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rush Hour
Level rating: 6

Conclusion: You can’t make a good set in one hour.

Review by Newspaz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Fortune Carrots!
Level rating: 7.4

I don’t think it’s on ML niveau. And Jeh, you can do MUCH better I’m sure of that. Nuff said,

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rush Hour
Level rating: 6

Heh, i think its still a nice experimental tileset. Did you know i’m a Disguise fan? ;-)
An example level is attached, there are some basic tiles, a nice sky with clouds for layer 8 and no japanese pocket monsters. So what?
Okay, seriously…you should never do this experiment again! Its an order!

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Diamondus is not enough
Level rating: 7.3

Wow, i really love the size and eyecandy of this level! In spite of the fact it uses Diamondus, which will never be my favourite set, this should be a lot of fun to play.
Design and weapon placement are pretty cool also. Im very undecided between seven and eight points here. Hmmm. High seven points! Dont forget to DOWNLOAD this NOW and host a battle server!