YaY, I like this level a lot more than your other ones. It has nice design and eye candy, though the event placement could have been improved. Download or not? I guess so. :-)
Although im not a big fan of the Carrottus tileset this is a pretty cool level me thinks.
The reward idea is kinda original, it has a very good layout and and a fairly high amount of what we call eyecandy. The weapon and coin placement is okay, too.
Conclusion: Every battle fan should add "Fortune Carrots!" to his/her collection!
Coolness. I like the eye candy here, the layout is good too.. I did find a few probs, one of them being Jazz navigation is a little difficult. And the ammo could have been placed a little bit better.
Oh well, download now. :-)
Very small tileset and not very good looking. The one thing that makes the rating as high as it is, is the background clouds, vewwy kewlish.
This is a very nice level. Even though it is a bit larger than ur other levels, it is still small. About 4 players should be nice. Some bugs in the tiling, but those are very minor and should not discourage you to download this level. I love the design, vewwy nice :)
message to genotoxin:
ive asked and it appears that operation KILL (a remake of Phoenix Temple) was built with 1.24, so its a bit strange when u have 4 1.23 lvls and 1 1.24 lvl.
that explains why its .24
work on your ratins, ppl.
8.3 is closer to 8.5 than 8.0
Unbiased Point of View:
Introduction to PayPack:
This level pack includes five battle levels and a readme file. The two different levels (Jungle All the Way and Payback time) also include night levels. Operation K.I.L.L. is the final result of the major design changes Payback made to Payback Time. Jungle All the Way uses the Jungle tileset, while Payback Time and Operation K.I.L.L. use the Castle tileset.
Design/Content: 2.3/2.5
The levels were all linear, but looped, anyway. You can get around the levels easily, and there were enough obstacles in your way to possibly slow you down. You’d also find that there are secret routes that can lead you across obstacles, allowing for more strategies. Another thing I liked about these levels was the fact that different weapons were spread throughout the levels, so you’d have to go across the level to get to the weapon you want.
Tile/event use: 2.0/2.5
Destructable scenery was used, but not in a very good way. Destructable scenery works best when obstructing paths and strategies for climbing higher, and tougher scenery to reach a weapon or powerup. The levels also lacked life – The animals’ eyes in the jungle level did help to bring this up, though. The pack does include night levels, so the effort to make a good transition also brings the rating up a bit.
Tile/Tile compatibility: 1.8/2.0
I can’t say that the tiles didn’t fit well together. In some places, you could see overuse of the same tiles, making walls look very strange, but most of it is fine.
Event/Event Compatibility: 0.9/1.0
The events are well-placed, and there isn’t really any need for adjustments. Still, in some places, there’s an overplacement of the weapons.
Layer use: 1.0/1.0
Payback did a commendable layer job in all of his levels. The eyecandy is without a doubt, a high factor of this pack. He at least used the most useful layers well.
Game compatibility: 1.0/1.0
The level pack plays without any problems. I don’t take any points off if you make anything using TSF – though it would be nice if you made 1.23 compatible levels in 1.23’s Jazz Creation Station.
Overall rating: 9.0/10.0
The levels were almost as good as the official levels, but had a few flaws that kept it back. The levels never did have a real "center" to them. The level is still just as fun as a level without one.
How could this level have been improved?
The official tilesets have life in them – Make use of the possible animating tiles. A level that doesn’t have life makes fun nosedive into boredom. Make more things to shoot at, since the player doesn’t encounter another player all the time.
Biased Point of View:
Replayability: 4.0/5.0
The levels are great – You’ll do more shooting than exploring, which is a good thing when it comes to battle levels. The pack should last an average of three hours, depending on how many people you play against, and how bored you are.
My opinion on this level: 4.5/5.0
These levels, in my opinion, are very good. I enjoy playing this level, but I also look forward to something new, when I do play it. I also like the music that was used for Jungle all the Way. I hope to see this pack being served.
My overall rating: 9.5/10.0*
I liked this level pack, almost as much as I like cheese.
True rating: 9.25/10.0*
Though this level could be considered "very good," I’d say its "great."
Download this level pack, if you’d like to have some fun (First, make sure you have 1.24.) This might also be a good example of a good level. Good job, PayBack!
~ Derby
Before I start with anything else, I would like to say that you get -5 points for making this TSF. It has nothing TSF, therefore the requirement is pointless.
Actually, this is a pretty cool pack. I like the design and eye candy, the dead ends and bad masking drove me crazy though…
i must say i really really like these lvls, and lately use em to host.
good structures, good eyecandy, great gameplay. just everything u ever need.
well, just look at what Aiko said, I agree with him…
Episode 3? Well, I promised to Fire he can build it, cos I’m going to work on my new TRILOGY (so far name: Adventures of SPLASH) and I promise it’s gonna be real good!
The "PayPack" is another pretty good level pack including basically three battle maps, which make use of the Castle and the Jungle tileset. Some additonal night/day versions are also included.
The design (which, for example, also means weapon placement) and the eyecandy of the levels are great and i didnt discover any bugs or errors that would be worth mentioning. Thats why i really recommend to download these levels and to host a decent battle server :-)
I played this episode as one of the first ever played and I must say: It took SPLASH quite a time to build. But the result makes up the time.
This baby is real fun. It got some nice puzzling things in it and some good enemy positions. SPLASH really proofs he can build anything with any tileset. If this episode is too hard for you, just get a friend to play it with you. In Coopmode it also rocks. You can assist eachother real good with the bosses and puzzles.
Another thing which is good: the eyecandy. You’ve got to have 10 inch thick glasses to see a bug or anything.
Well, just download it and you’ll see I’m right.
One final thing before I go to bring the paper around: When is episode 3 coming? =:)
<It’s Payback Time>
This level is quite poorly done. The level is just basicly a poorly done ride. You start on a plateform, and sucker tubes take you to an room. Anyway, poor eye candy, poor design, and just about anything else. And the level must of been completed in 10 minutes.
Not worth your download.
very good leveldesign (beginning)
eyecandy good
indiana jones rules!;)
music goes well with the level
cant save during play and cant play on hard mode! (2 much enemies)
leveldesign goes dooooown when the warps start (after indy)
(too much warps btw;)
conclusion: start is very good, second half sucks
note: (who is NOT good with the diamondus tileset?;)
very good leveldesign
eyecandy good
liked the fallen stars
way 2 easy
dont give away the solutions 2 the puzzles!
conclusion: just nice level – download anyways
leveldesign ok
tileset looks great!
2 short (actualy only one room)
apart from the spikes 2 easy
conclusion: worth downloading but specially for the tileset
good idea
good music
self-destruct very kewl (but 2 short)
explosion nice worked out
2 short and 2 easy (specially for this sorta game)
story begins very good but gets weaker 2 the end
access violation with last level:(
conclusion: disagree with the others: very nice idea but could been worked out much better
leveldesign ok
level looks unfinished sometimes!
2 easy (finished it without getting killed once)
conclusion: better than average
good leveldesign
eyecandy good
nice level but a little 2 easy
puzzles also 2 easy specially if u give away the solutions!
part with the poles and springs 2 long and boring
conclusion: just a nice level but little surprises
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.