Review by Carrot.cud

Posted more than 21 years ago
Level rating: 7.9

agree with the others on everything

this is definetly one of the best singleplayer levels i ever seen (and thats alot levels)!
specially great leveldesign.
good music choice 2

tileset can be improved but this level is fun and its * new * compared to alot other levels => high 9

conclusion: a must download!

note: error is a pity but is probably easy to solve cant wait for the levelpack!

Review by FireClaw

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Frosty Fighting
Level rating: 8

Level: Nice eye candy, no tilecutting or dead ends. I think it would be a fun one to play in. But they are two things that I would suggest for inprovements.

1) Try more.. Uh, I don’t have a word for it. But let’s just say they are better tunes for the music.

2) Never put hurt events in your levels!

Tileset: Nice tileset, good amount of eye candy. I think you could make a lot of good levels outta it. But I don’t know why you put the "And no TSF anymore…" Oh well, doesn’t bother me.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Frosty Fighting
Level rating: 8

Wow, this is pretty awesome again. You gotta like Blade’s tilesets, they are so beautiful! They kinda remind me of an oil painting. By the way, i also rate the tileset here because the previous uploaded versions of this tileset didnt work for me (dont know why though).
But the design of the level itself is of great quality also. Weapon placement plus layer work are very good so this will make a very cool battle server. A MUST DOWNLOAD i think!
P.S.: I couldn’t start the level using Jazz 2 Organizer. Hmm.
P.P.S.: Actually Hurt events in multiplayer levels are a bad idea. But if i take this as an example level for the tileset its ok (to show the spikes in the tileset :-).
P.P.P.S.: The pack includes a pretty good background music (although its a bit too "techno"-stylish i think).

Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: (The real) Big Achenoc Battle
Level rating: 4

This level is just too simple.
BTW, why this is maked with TSF?

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: (The real) Big Achenoc Battle
Level rating: 4

Hmm, i think i already reviewed the "previous" version of this, but it seems like it was deleted.
Well, in my humble opinion the level still isnt an great enjoyment. The tile placement really doesnt look very beautiful, the design isnt very "open" and there isnt much eyecandy.
Besides, Tube Electric really needs some animated tiles.
Summary: If i had kids, i would not recommend them to download this. Um. Kids? Im still pretty much a kid myself :-) Whatever: High 4 points.

Review by FQuist

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: (The real) Big Achenoc Battle
Level rating: 4

I am really sorry.. It should be fixed now.

Review by Ice M A N

Posted more than 21 years ago
Level rating: 7.9

I have dipped into my non-tileset JJ2 knowledge and found out a solution to this level’s Homecooked level list bootup problem (It worked for me, anyways…). Simply rename the level to

instead of

I think the 2 dots are messing JJ2 up…

Review by hac2k

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blocksville 1.0
Level rating: 5.3

"Not my favourite level. In my opinion there is a major lack of good design, eyecandy, length, weapon selection, enemy placement etc.. The blocks in MEZ01 (which is, btw, not included in the ZIP) are pretty easy to use, really. But if its your first, hac2k, you surely will get better hour by hour in front of the JCS.
Im sorry, but i cant give a download recommendation for this level. Four points are ok i think."

that is out of order. its my first level and u cant even give me any help or advice -hac2k

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blocksville 1.0
Level rating: 5.3

Not my favourite level. In my opinion there is a major lack of good design, eyecandy, length, weapon selection, enemy placement etc.. The blocks in MEZ01 (which is, btw, not included in the ZIP) are pretty easy to use, really. But if its your first, hac2k, you surely will get better hour by hour in front of the JCS.
Im sorry, but i cant give a download recommendation for this level. Four points are ok i think.

Review by SPLASHcc

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blocksville 1.0
Level rating: 5.3

hmm..the artist said its his first lvl.
its not bad for a first one but, as always, there all still things i have to point him.
at first: the areas are way too far from each other.
second: i got hurt by a floor for no reason (bad idea) there werent spikes or something.
third: the ammo n stuff arent placed very well. but
the good things are that for a first lvl its nice and i would say to the artist: keep going on and you might make a decent battle lvl!

Review by Newspaz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blocksville 1.0
Level rating: 5.3

Good level, for a first one. I saw that you have actually practiced with JCS before making this level !! :) Well done.
Here’s a url that can learn you some more advanced jcs-work:

Review by Cheeze

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Under Siegeness!
Level rating: 7.3

Good times. ;p


Review by Derby

Posted more than 21 years ago
Level rating: 7.9

Introduction to The Library:

This level uses The Library Tileset, a 120-tile arrangement of tiles that consist of books that are used as platforms in this game. Considering that the tileset was made in MS Paint, he did a great job with it.

The level:

The level itself has a great design. You’ll find yourself falling from obstacles where the fall isn’t too bad. Certain areas had a wall as a background, which was done quite nicely.

The tileset:

The tileset has average eyecandy, compared to other tilesets. I’d say that the shading could have used some work, but the level that uses it cancels out the look of the tileset. This level would look terrific if it used the "Haunted" tileset in TSF, for TSF.

Design/Content: 2.3/2.5

The level itself was great – It had a nice layout and the style it was made in was close to the official way. The only thing that took down the rating was the tileset itself. At least more tiles could have been used for this tileset, so the level could be more compatible with other concepts – This tileset wouldn’t make too many animating tiles, so it would be a great idea. Ambient lighting was used very well in this level, and it made a good touch.

Tile/event use: 2.0/2.5

Tiles and events should associate a little more, together. Destructable scenery could have been used to make things a little more active. Hurt events could be used more often, too, so some obstacles could be avoided.

Tile/tile compatibility: 1.5/2.0

The tiles really do fit well together, for the first third of the level. The rest was too confusing, as most tiles didn’t fit well together. The level was still attractive, because most of the layers’ tiles did fit well together.

Event/Event compatibility: 1.0/1.0

All the events fit well with each other. Where the tiles and events didn’t associate much, the events did, with each other. There was good use of the events that were on "Hard" only.

Layer use: 0.7/1.0

In the beginning of the level, great use of the layers was demonstrated. However, it began to get really confusing after a while, as the background layers were mixing in incorrectly. This is resolved for the last third of the level, though.

Game compatibility: 0.5/1.0

The fact that you may often get application errors when running it from within the game, and must run it from JCS to avoid these problems, brings down this level’s rating by half a point. I’m not sure what causes this (it doesn’t recognize the tileset being in the same folder) but for the half point back, it should be resolved for any further releases.

Overall rating: 8.0/10.0

The great design and good use of the tiles in the tileset paid off for the flaws of the layer use and the associations with the tiles and events. There’s still room for improvement.

Possible improvements:

This level could be improved, if the layers in the second third of the level were used in a way to make it less confusing. You can make levels confusing, but not too confusing, because this is a single player level. Tiles and events could have been used better together. Destructable scenery in levels can bring this rating up a little, as its a good example of the associations between them. Without associations between the tiles and the events, your levels won’t come close to being as alive as the official levels. Booting the level up itself, is a problem, if the game can’t recognize the tileset, while Jazz Creation Station can.

Summary for The library:

Downloading this level and the tileset is not a bad idea at all. You should at least download this for the tileset, because it can be used pretty well, if you’re good. The layer use is above average, the eyecandy of the tileset is average, and the design of the level is exceptional.

My opinion on The Library:

I enjoyed playing the level, because its design was great, and from what’s placed in the level – Its what I like.

Recommendation: Recommended

~ Derby

Review by FQuist

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: (The real) Big Achenoc Battle
Level rating: 4

Fixed. :)

Review by Achenoc CC

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: (The real) Big Achenoc Battle
Level rating: 4

Will be fixed bij Fquist soon !

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Another Dimension
Level rating: 8.2

Oh, and it was annoying d/ling all those files, when it turns out I have most of them….

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Another Dimension
Level rating: 8.2

Nice levels and all… but it took me like an hour to figure out where to start. For future reference, when making an episode, ALWAYS:

make it clear what is the first level, and have all the rest not appear in Home-cooked levs.

Begin each levels filename with an abreviation for the episode (example: AD….. .j2l). In my Race-Tournament Pack, all levs start with "RTP" then the name. This is important so that the levels are grouped together.

PS: I hope the first level was the colony one… because that is where I finally started.

Other than those issues, the levels are great! Real fun…. blablabla…

Review by Achenoc CC

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Garden of Achenoc
Level rating: 4.7

Also there is [still an] old bug: Hurt events in battle levels arent a good idea.
I thought I removed all of them, where is it?

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Under Siegeness!
Level rating: 7.3

The design is absolutely terrific and its very very playable! Eyecandy is not very original or anything, tho’ (as always in Jeh’s levels). And Shadow is right, this could really make a good 4th default battle level.
"Under Siegeness" is another important part of J2 community history, thats why everyone should add it to his or her homecooked level folder and host a server once in a while.

I dont like full energy carrots like the one in "Under Siegeness". They decrease the playing fun sometimes.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Beach Brawl
Level rating: 7.3

"Beach Brawl" is a great old beach level by great old Jeh. Its CTF, the design (including weapon placement) is truly awesome (as always) and the eyecandy is good.
Another legendary homecooked level for your CTF collection (Download now!).