Evil Mike showed us how to use this J1 tileset in his beautiful Shine-O-Rific level.
Now, this level includes great background music (very good choice!!! its from the game "Fury of the Furries") and uses a superb custom tileset but the most important things are nearly completely missing: design and eyecandy!
The selection of weapons is good i think.
To sum it up: this level has more potential, the author should spend some more hours in front in front of his/her JCS. But if you like high quality tracked music, you should download this.
I felt Ice and TnT could only get in the way of useful weapons in battle
as for Electro Blaster most of the eye candy was done in the 3rd layer
and it would only show the gap’s in-between layers.
I would like to say that this is the last level I sent to Jazz2city before
it closed a great site so I’d like to dedicate this level to them.
And also to ET who helped me with the Beta, yes it was finished in time. :)
Nothing to add. Allright, weapons you should put more.
Introduction to JazzEd:
JazzEd is a program made by Aiko that basically changes your server name, your rabbit’s fur, and your rabbit’s name to funkier colors for any player and either version of Jazz Jackrabbit 2 without having to edit your registry.
This program will appeal to those who do not like to risk editing the registry, people who don’t know about the registry, and those who just want to save time and enjoy the game sooner. This program is handy because it appeals to all users of Jazz Jackrabbit 2.
Operating System/Game compatibility: 5.0/5.0
JazzEd works just as well as Jazz Jackrabbit 2. Of course, all you need is Windows 95 (or higher) itself, because it requires the registry (which Jazz Jackrabbit 2’s values are entered into.)
Usefulness: 2.5/2.5
JazzEd does what it promises, and proves to be quite useful. You can change your rabbit’s fur and name properties, and change the server name, to make it stand out. You can change the letter spacing and leave or remove the colon with just the click of a button.
Easy-to-use: 2.5/2.5
The program is very easy to use, and you do everything step-by-step. All your information is entered into the registry, so all your preferences are saved and you’ll be able to use it the next time. Editing the registry all the time can sometimes be annoying, if you like to change your fur and name a lot. This saves the time and you can play instead of editing.
Overall rating: 10.0/10.0
JazzEd got its rating in the bag. It promises what it does without a problem or a flaw, and works on both versions of Jazz Jackrabbit 2. If this program doesn’t appeal to you, or you think you don’t need it, then don’t download it. But if you want to have a little fun and make your rabbits funky while saving some time, then download this.
~ Derby
Introduction to the Uninhabitable Battle Pack:
This level pack has a lot of original ideas… It is really one level, converted into thirteen versions. Aiko must have spent a lot of time with the conversions, because these tilesets are completely different (besides day and night ones.) You’ve gotta love the flating island/pillar/soldier/fire/tree/etc. though! Every once in a while, you’ll see a floating "island" in the foreground. The design is great, the eyecandy was just as good, but the weak point here was the use of the layers.
Design/Content: 2.5/2.5
The design of the level is great for some battle action for any amount of players. You’ll find obstacles where they should be to have the player struggle to get to the other.
Tile/Event use: 2.3/2.5
Aiko was careful about where his events went with the tiles. The tiles fit well with the events, and the levels certainly have some life, unlike some other levels I’ve seen. Still, it was just under the limit because you don’t see it everywhere.
Tile/Tile compatibility: 1.7/2.0
The tiles fit fairly well, with each other. There are only a few places where tiles could be replaced by walls or another decent tile. Other than that, the eyecandy’s terrific.
Event/Event compatibility: 0.8/1.0
The events did go well with each other. You’d find that there is more tiling than events, and it gets unbalanced, here.
Layer use: 0.7/1.0
The only disappointing factor in this level pack is the use of layers. The floating island doesn’t take this down at all, because it was not overused. In fact, the floating island idea only brings up this factor. I enjoyed seeing a pillar, tree, soldier, or something similar, flying across the screen every once in a while – it never did get old. However, branches and platforms were in the sprite foreground layer, in the middle of an area which should have more platforms, where the speed of the layer almost matches the sprite layer. This really made the level’s obstacles confusing, and sometimes, annoying.
Game Compatibility: 1.0/1.0
You won’t have many problems with this level pack. This level pack works with TSF, so make sure you have it. I don’t decrease points for making it only TSF compatible – Make your levels 1.23 or 1.24 – it will only make a difference to users that don’t have one or the other.
Bonus – Level conversions: 0.5/0.5
All the levels in this level pack are actually the same. They just use different tilesets, which brings up the bonus half-point. Aiko would have to spend a lot of time to convert the level to different tilesets – he even converted it to a mez tileset. Each level has a few differences, but are just as fun. For the effort made to convert it to different tilesets (which takes a very long time with the different tilesets and their placements) this level gets a bonus half point (Not available for perfect levels.)
Replayability: 3-4 Hours
You’ll get a couple hours of fun out of this pack. I suggest downloading this pack to do some things: Play the levels, serve the levels, explore the levels, and/or observe the levels. See how they’re alike and how they’re different – how well they were converted. It also makes for a good battle level, which it was meant to be.
Summary for the Uninhabitable Battle Pack:
Download this level pack, and have some fun. It is nothing you’ll regret passing up, but it is also nothing you want to pass up at all. Everyone else’s opinions’ count, too – Its what the community demands.
~ Derby
This goes without saying. You do not rate your own level.
Small, I admit. But it’s nice and open with many secrets, some just under your little rabbit nose!
Very nice level. Much better than the 4.5 from FireClaw (imo). Perhaps I’m easy to impress, and/or maybe this level just plain rocks… But I like it. There are very few (if any) problems with this level. The music doesn’t really fit perfectly, but is uber-cool anyways. =)
NOTE to Blade: I haven’t had a ton of free time lately, but I should be able to do the "Fixed warp backgrounds" soon.
hehe.. after re-reading my review, it seems as if I was reviewing the tileset. But I did play the level and make my rating according to the level and tileset use within the level. =)
Nice =)
As Aiko said, this includes a quite nice tileset made by MS paint (yAy! Paint rulez ;) I can’t wait for the full version with more and better tilesets =)
The level itself is also nice. It shows what you can do with this tileset and does it well.
Beautiful work ;)
And thanks for the thanks. =) Terrible Site! yAy! =)
I really like this "Library": it includes a very cool tileset (remember its made with Evil Paint) and a level that makes use of that tileset very very well. Design and eyecandy are on a pretty high level.
I’ll give out very high seven points for this demo version and i really look forward to see and rate the finished levelpack. It’ll sure deserve eight or more points then!
Mostly OK…
But no tile-cutting, which I do find very rare in levels. Music isn’t the best pick. Creative, but not the best name. :-)
Whow! Nice level, I do have one small complaint, though. I think in some places, he put a bit too many weapons.
Pretty good-looking battle level. The design is interesting, too, eyecandy is okay and the background music is a very good choice.
Another great addition to your battle level collection: Download now (high seven points!).
Whoops, agian a old level =)
And same as iCeD i always liked this level with no doubt =)
EyeCandy is high and also the Layout looks fine..
but it’s a lil Lag-o-rama, but ingore the lag and ya got tons-o-fun =)
To be honest.. I think this level is not the "greatest" ive seen =P
There is a small Fun factor, and the qoutes are not annoying or what but it misses something..
Maybe there is a lil to mucho weapons and stuff..
but anyhow..
I recommand this download because its still a Jehy =)
This one is a big level but one of the most orginal levels I ever played..
i can still remember the beta test and I was a bit impressed of the idea "hey no one ever thought about that"
so thats the main stuff why this level is mostly underestameted by people…
It has the know Jeh style Eyecandy so ya really know that this level is a l33t one.. :) Weapons layout is pretty ok but navigation.. don`t count on it =D
It scores a 9 because of the orginal idea and EYECANDY!
The Old, the Classic and still one of the Better downloads..
lotso EyeCandy, Lotso Fun nice (and Weird layout)
I would say a good replacement of the Orginal (by Cliff) Battle Levels =)
There is a lil lack of Weapons but that wont hurd the level a bit.. =)
anywayz get this classic
no not because i am a Ml too =)
I think this one is Jeh`s best "free" level made ever..
because it has a nice layout and it uses the good old Diamondus tileset..
EyeCandy give a kind of "Diamondus warzone feeling" (duh DW is also made by Evilbilly)
Weapons are Good selected and placed on a good place i think that there could be just a LIL more of Coins in it =)
So if ya still dont have this level.. then GET IT NOW!!!! =)
Hey.. may i rate too ;)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.