Wow, a great (and classic) CTF level by Jeh. I’ve always liked this level, but I don’t have much to say here. But take my word for it, it’s worth a download. :-)
Great battle level by Jeh. Some .5 points were taken away by overload of weapons. (Like Jeh always has in his levels. :-P)
Much like Aiko, I don’t have much ta say, just download. :-)
Ah, this brings back memories of my newbie days when I downloaded all of the new levels off of J2C. :-)
This is one of my faves from Jeh, the layout is great and the weapon selection was nifty. The only problem was one too many weapons in some places and all around too many carrots. But oh well. Download anyway. :-)
I, not being a battle fan, don’t recommend many battle levels, however I think this one is worth it because of the great layout, eye candy, and weapon placement and such. Overall gets an 8.3 from me. :-)
Nice CTF level by Jeh. The event placement, base placement, and such were all good. The big downfall is it’s awful as far as flag bug goes… oh well, download anyway. :-)
Jeh submitting all of his levels to J2O I see? Coolness. :-)
Nice use of the tileset, good eye candy.
However, I did find some problems. One being the fact that there was a huge overload of weapons, and a few missing springs. However that’s not gonna stop me from saying this is worth downloading. :-)
Great single player level, pretty much "Epic" style (i wonder why :))). Its way too easy though (-> Epic style :).
3y3(4ndy 4nd d3$1gn 4r3 v4ry l33t 4150 (sorry could not resist).
Even i think that this is a pretty awesome Capture the Lag…eh…Flag level.
From design(Wow!) to eyecandy (Beautiful!) everything is very cool and higly recommendable (DOWNLOAD NOW! :-).
Its a CTF level by Jeh. What else to say? (heh, another rhyme! heh jeh)
Design and weapon selection are very good, layer work is good and thats it. Just download and play this online. (Low eight points.)
Yeah, weird. And it gets very confusing sometimes. I should explain this: "Parallel Worlds" is split into two parts that look alike so you can warp from one "parallel world" to another. All the rest is of very good quality (layout[!], eyecandy, weapon selection[!]).
Summary: "Parallel Worlds" is another classic battle level that everyone should know and download. High seven points again.
This is an Evil Bill release. Its oldskool so it gotta be kewl i guess.
Apart from that, "Sting In Your Tail" is a very good single player level with lots of puzzles and stuff. Not much to say and low eight points (7.6) here.
"Where Warriors Fall" is one of my favourite Jeh levels. In my opinion the layout is pretty awesome and i really love playing this level.
Everything else is just fine (eyecandy, weapon selection etc.). Low eight points from me.
Extra 0.25 points for the level name. It inspired me to name one of my servers "Where Rabbits Rule". Heh :-)
A great level by a great J2 legend. The design is very very good, eyecandy isn’t bad also and overall its fun to play.
I dont have much to say here, i dont know. Maybe because its Diamondus!? However: Very high seven stars! Everyone should really have this in his/her level collection.
One word… Whow! Amazing work.
Well, one thing, it needs just a bit more by the way of weapons..
Wow, one of the few single players I’ve liked in a while. :-)
This episode has good design, decent eye candy and nice music picks. (I had all of the music files already, actually. :-P)
Some of the ideas were creative, however there were some problems, one is the obvious fact that the water looks bad in the castle level. The other being the fact that it needed a few more save positions.
Overall worth a download. Good job. :-)
Sorry, I forgot to make it 1.24 (honest !!)
BTW, where were those gems?
Wow, this is pretty cool. "CarrotClan Episode2" features 16 levels that show us many new interesting ideas (things i’ve never seen) and a very good layout.
The eyecandy is good and the levels (some of them use famous custom tilesets by Astronia and MEZ! btw) are pretty hard in single player mode and include many challenging puzzles. The pack also includes some well-know (but still great) custom music files that fit quite good in each level.
To sum it up, this pack is very very close to 8 points (7.4): you really should DOWNLOAD THiS and have some single player fun!
(Darn, im still unsure about my rating…maybe its EIGHT points, who knows? :-)
this is my second episode. it took me quite some time to make cos of school (bleh!). i just hope you like playing it. (please read the readmefile, and mail me if u see any bugs at
man martin, someday you’re bound to make a bad level….. nah, never mind.
This is a MUST has!
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.