Review by Black Ninja

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 7th Lava Fall
Level rating: 9

yee haw!
this is about the best level ive ever seen.. funny, i thought Dethman was Ded.
ah well.
the level rocks
download it
nothing much else to say…….. except for 5 words:

Review by Derby

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Garden of Achenoc
Level rating: 4.7

Its disappointing that you’d have to lie about the version to get extra downloads, if it were the author’s intentions… It was especially disappointing to me, because I decided to drop JJ2 during the time TSF was being distributed – and now I can’t get it… I decided to try JJ2 again, to remember how it was, and here I am, again… Just goes to show you how addicting this game can be. =)

The point I’m trying to bring up here – Don’t lie about the version just to get extra downloads. I spent a good two seconds trying to download this, only to get a version conflict error message. =P

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Garden of Achenoc
Level rating: 4.7

Hmmm, a few things to think of in this level. One is the obvious fact that the version is a lie. I tried it with 1.23 and it didn’t work…
Also, what’s the point of having gems in a battle level? Decoration? :-)

The rest is pretty average. Ok Design and somewhat good eye candy.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Garden of Achenoc
Level rating: 4.7

There are only minor bugfixes (back music fixed [doesn’t fit well by the way] and next level set) so i copied and pasted most of my old review (same level, same author).
A very simple Diamondus battle level that makes use of one (nice) effect over and over again throughout the pretty large area. The design could be described as average but the lack of eyecandy is too obvious.
Also there is [still an] old bug: Hurt events in battle levels arent a good idea.
Sorry, i [still :-] cant give a download recommendation for this level.
Okay, lets say high five stars (5.4) because you really tried to remove some bugs i mentioned in my first review.
Its just…it doesnt hit my style, sorry. Someone else rate this please :-)

Review by Achenoc CC

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Garden of Achenoc
Level rating: 5

A new version is up now !!!

Review by Achenoc CC

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Garden of Achenoc
Level rating: 4.7

Mail any bugs also to

Review by Bobby aka Dizzy

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Another Dimension
Level rating: 8.2

Cheeze already said this, but I feel it necessary to repeat it. The point of the one meg limit so you do not waste the limited space we have. If we had more space we would have no limit, but that is not the case.

Review by BossipCR

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 2 Battle Levels
Level rating: 6

I made them for 1.24 a long time ago!
I had that installation problem you know!
So it was’nt possible to make 1.23 levels that time!
I’m only submitting one single player level for tsf soon!
I was thinking to make a Single-levelpack for 1.23 after that :)

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 2 Battle Levels
Level rating: 6

Nice eye candy in these levels, I’ll say… however some stuff takes away from this review…

Eye Candy: +5
Great work on the eye candy here, I liked it. The tilesets were used nicely. (ever though there were some little tile nitches)

Design: +2
Pretty yawnish, lenear design here. I should comment that the dead ends and hard to find the way out of rooms were a bad idea.

1.24 compatible only: -.5
Hmm, is there any real reason to make this 1.23 incompatible?

Navigation: -.3
I dislike the polls somewhat, then can get annoying, I should also comment that the layout was a little too linear. Oh well.

Overall a 6.2 from me.

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Daydream Diamonds
Level rating: 6.2

Pretty average level overall it seems, let me go over the good and bad aspects that affect the review…

Design: +5
The design here is good, though it seems dull at times, events could have been placed better, spring placement could be better too. (springs are a major factor in my reviews)

Eye Candy: +1
Unoriginal background layers, at least the Layer 4 and 3 stuff was good..

Next Level setting: -0.1
I’m going to take away an unnoticable bit of this review because of the next level. Sure, I have it, but it wasn’t included in the zip file, leading to problems.

Navigation: -0.3
Navigation here was a pain, because of lack of good spring placement and lack of one ways where they were needed.

Overall it comes down to a pretty average level. It gets a 5.6 from me.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 2 Battle Levels
Level rating: 6

Two cool battle levels using the Carrotus (grin) and the Jungle tileset. The author really tried to put some eyecandy in. The Design is okay also (some minor [tile] bugs and i dont like poles too much :-).
Definitely worth the download! (Very high six points!)

Review by FQuist

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Daydream Diamonds
Level rating: 6.2

It will be changed. I am currently on a little break(read: much lazyness, a lot of school and homework, and alot of tiredness after school.)

It wouldnt be that hard to change really..I will do it now. :-)
(edit: Nevermind cough cough
cheeze made it so it only can work with fifths if I completely overhaul the script. I’ll do that someday, but not now..too tired.)

Is it worth it to add a rating system that accepts tenths? (using a text box)

Review by Derby

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Daydream Diamonds
Level rating: 6.2

Oh, yes… Thanks. I forgot about that. Must’ve been thinking about Monolith and weapon 0ing him, at the time. =P

I really only mentioned Dino Station because of its usage of spikes. If the spikes weren’t there, it would be a lot easier…

Still, I don’t think that should change the rating too much, eh? J2O doesn’t allow reviewing on every tenth. Also, that reminds me… Last time I looked at the review edit page (a day or two ago) it only allowed editing reviews for whole numbers. Is that going to be changed (or has it already been changed?)

~ Derby

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Daydream Diamonds
Level rating: 6.2

Yet another decent battle level by Laguna. Im not a Diamondus fan, but eyecandy and layout are definetely above the average. I didnt find any bugs except the next level doesnt work (again!).
Summary: Not much to say but fun to play (hey a rhyme!). High six stars…eh…points! Lets have a battle server!

Oh and im just reading Derby’s great and detailed review: as far as i know Hurt events wont improve a MP battle level like this because they only hurt the server :-) "Dino Station" was SP, of course.

Review by Cheeze

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Another Dimension
Level rating: 8.2

The whole point of the 1 meg limit is so that you don’t abuse the space given to you. Onag does only have a certain amount of space and we DON’T want to waste it. Do not do this again. If you need music for your level or something else that’s big, place it somewhere else and link to it.

Review by Derby

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Daydream Diamonds
Level rating: 6.2

When making levels, you have large levels, and small levels… When you have large levels, more open area is preferrable and its not as linear. When making small levels, you have more puzzles, and less open area (more linear.) Well, "Daydream Diamonds," being a small level, has more open area, and is less linear. Why could this be a problem? You have to have a lot of people to play to actually have fun.

Certain things look strange in this level – like stumps that don’t even fall, could be replaced by walls, which would make more sense. An average job was done with the layers. However, the goody placement was great. Overall, the design needed some work.


Design/content: 1.0/2.5
Tile/event use: 1.7/2.5
Tile/tile compatibility: 1.3/2.0
Event/event compatibility: 1.0/1.0
Layer use: 0.5/1.0
Game compatibility: 1.0/1.0

Overall Rating: 6.5/10.0

How could this level be improved?

Using the layers and events more effectively could make this level a little more "alive." To improve the design of this level, you might need a little more obstacles in the level. Tiles would look better with each other if they were used correctly; Walls not being composed of one stump or similar ideas. Tiles and events could be used better together; for example, if you wanted to make tall tree stump, you could have it fall down after shooting it. Or, create obstacles that give damage to players – like those spikes, that Wakeman overused in "Dinostation." =P

Eyecandy isn’t a large factor in my reviews – the design is what really counts. A good design is made of thought, effort, tiles, and events. =P

A good job, Laguna. The levels you come out with are improving in quality.

~ Derby

Review by FQuist

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Carrotus Squash(noneTSF)
Level rating: 9.2

I don’t have any problem with sparse(sp?) ammo, it makes a level more challenging. No weirdos shooting their 99 seeker ammo empty on ya. :P

Review by EverLasting

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Carrotus Squash(noneTSF)
Level rating: 9.2

Very awesome level, martin!
Has great layout and no eyecandy errors.
Only reason why this isn’t a 10 is because it’s not alot of ammo in it.

Great job, keep it up!

Review by FireClaw

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 7th Lava Fall
Level rating: 9

Awesome tileset and level! Well, I gave it 9.5 for one reason…

I’d give a rating of 9 for levels, and 10 for tileset, so this is what I’d rate it.

Great job!

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: MegaMan
Level rating: 7.9

Who is "MegaMan" again? Well whatever, this is a quite good, very colorful and good-looking tileset. And the example level shows what a skilled author could create using the set.
Well done, Newspaz. I dont have much to add to Derbys detailed review. Every tileset collector should download "MegaMan".