Review by Ninja Dodo

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: MegaMan
Level rating: 7.9

A very nice tileset and a very good example level.
I’m not going to give this a higher rating because the graphics were copied from a game but I think the tileset is good anyway.

Review by ShadowGPW

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Carrotus Squash(noneTSF)
Level rating: 9.2


this level rules all da way..
why a 10er? because i love the layout and those weapons? they are yust fine.. (ala Cliffy!)

hmm. ya should contact Jeh or DethMan for a Job at Mystic Legends =)

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Carrotus Squash(noneTSF)
Level rating: 9.2

W00! AWESOME Level!
I was one of the beta testers from the original version of this, so I’ve known it’s coolness for quite some time.

My only complaint was the fact that it has too few weapons, but oh well. Good job marin. :-)

Review by Laguna

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Carrotus Squash(noneTSF)
Level rating: 9.2

Yes this is really great. Eyecandy, placement, layer use. Some more weapons would be nice but that doesn’t really matter generally. The size is good (not too small). Some bridges, yes overall a perfect level.

This shows how JCS should be used :-)

Review by Newspaz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Carrotus Squash(noneTSF)
Level rating: 9.2

ROX :) Heh !!!! This really shows how carrottus should be used. Climb up for yer powerups in this huge battle level.

This is a MUST !

Review by martin aka partydude

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 7th Lava Fall
Level rating: 9

Jesus Rules, Read the Bible, Download this! :)

Review by Derby

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: MegaMan
Level rating: 7.9

This tileset takes about one hundred tiles, altogether. A pretty small tileset, yes, but the author was able to use it very well, so the example level did have average eyecandy…

However, the less tiles there are, the more animating tiles you’d have; But why would anyone want to do that? With no room for destructable scenery or similar ideas, consider this a great rip, though… The example level tells you about the different sceneries you can use…

Content: 1.8/2.5
Ease-of-use: 2.0/2.0
Eyecandy: 0.6/1.5
Example Level: 0.5/1.0
Tile/tile compatibility: 1.0/1.0
Event intergration: 0.2/1.0
Overall compatibility: 1.0/1.0

Total: 7.0/10.0

How could this tileset be improved?

You might not make too many animated tiles with this tileset, which means you can add more tiles to this tileset. Destructable scenery that would look different from a wall would be handy… Also, tiles that would fit well to make animated tiles or trigger events would give this level more life. Good job, Newspaz. I believe people can look at this tileset and see what they could, and should make out of a tileset…

~ Derby

Review by Newspaz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 7th Lava Fall
Level rating: 9

Set can earn 5 points and level can earn five points:

5 points for the set.
3.5 point for the level. (I think it’s a bit empty every once in a while
1 point for the bonus level :)

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Another Dimension
Level rating: 8.2

Wow! This is probably the laaargest level pack ever. If you are bored and want to have some single player fun i strongly recommend this episode.
All the levels (that use nearly all of the Epic tilesets plus the Mez tiles) are pretty neat and there are no major bugs to complain about. Design and eyecandy are above the average and some(!) of the custom music files are interesting (all in all most of them dont hit my favourite "style").
Its a pity that the author didnt make use of his own homecooked tilesets (they’re sooo cool, Blade!). Also the pack is way too large: some of the custom music files are redundant. Really.
However, this pack is much much much fun to play and i guess the author worked really very very hard on it (and for a very long time). Needless to say, this is a MUST-DOWNLOAD!
Very high EiGHT POiNTS (8.4).

Review by BossipCR

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Another Dimension
Level rating: 8.2

Well, there are too many pickups for me!
I always make blocks of 4 banana’s or gems! Other than that I have nothing to say ‘bout this!

An 8


Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Another Dimension
Level rating: 8.2

Yes, I know this episode is big, and in seven parts. But I still recommend it.

Review by Bobby aka Dizzy

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 7th Lava Fall
Level rating: 9

An amazing tileset and a good level pack. Dethman’s CTF level is a fine level that could possibly be easier to navigate. Jeh’s level is nice and small but isn’t the same as a level like DW.

Still an amazing download.[This review has been edited by Bobby aka Dizzy]

Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 7th Lava Fall
Level rating: 9

It has everything. "Best" is the right word to tell what is it.

Review by Derby

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 7th Lava Fall
Level rating: 9

7th Level Fall and Jehlevator are two great, but confusing CTF levels.

First, I’ll start off with the main feature of this pack… 7th Lava Fall. This level’s long, linear, and confusing. It is more like a misleading circuit, than anything else. The tileset is used very well here. The fact that it is linear doesn’t take the rating down; its a CTF level. At first, it may seem impossible to get to the other base, but then you’ll get the hang of it.

The Jehlevator is especially amusing. The level is very small, but with many people, you’ll have a great time.

Also, this pack contains standalone versions of the levels, where the same level plays after it ends.

The design of the 7th Lava Fall is what brings the rating down a little. I don’t think anyone would ever not get confused…

I highly recommend downloading this pack. However, the other guys who have already reviewed this one should have convinced you, by now. =P

~ Derby

Review by EverLasting

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 7th Lava Fall
Level rating: 9

I don’t review alot of levels but this pack is so awesome I just have to review it.

First of all, this is the coolest and very best tileset I have ever seen. Full of eyecandy and animations. The tileset itself is almost worth about 9 without the levels. But because of the levels the rating won’t be at 9, it will be higher. The levels really show what you can do with this awesome tileset and a little bit more. I have checked this level out with JCS and I can’t find one tiny little tile that has bad eyecandy.
And Aiko, you said the Jehlevator is a bit small but I have never read that there is a specific level size that make ratings go higher. Try think of it as this, if you had to make a level with the same size as Jehlevator, would you be able to make it even close to that good? I don’t think so. Making small levels that are very good is very hard, although it doesn’t seem very hard for ML… ;)

My rating is 9.8 but since I have to round off it’s a 10. The reason why It’s not really 10 is because 7th Lava Fall is a bit confusing as iCeD mentioned.

Keep up the good work ML and continue making levels!

Review by Laguna

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Funky CTF
Level rating: 5.2

Now its just about the level. You dont think im so dumb not putting the next level string in? If i ever play online its always with a next level. And the size wasnt a problem in The Jehlevator….

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Funky CTF
Level rating: 5.2

Hmm, hmm, i really dont know. Lets see: it has custom music and uses a custom tileset -> good ideas that make the level something "special".
Indeed, the level is interesting because its "different" but apart from that, "Funky CTF" is still a pretty odd pack/level. The tile placement, size(!) and eyecandy are very questionable in my opinion.
However, i recommend you to have a look at this.
Besides, Laguna keeps forgetting the next level setting.

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 7th Lava Fall
Level rating: 9

This is one of my only ratings that’s above 9. This tileset it truly awesome in every way. :-)

The two CTF levels are good. The 7th Lava Fall one is a tad confusing though, so .5 taken away because of that. I like both CTF levels equally. Anyways, just download already. :-)

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Fantasy World
Level rating: 7.6

Yeah, i fully agree with Laguna. "fantasy world" is a pretty nice tileset and has many interesting (animated) tiles.
All in all: very low seven points (6.6) because there is no example level.

Review by Laguna

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Fantasy World
Level rating: 7.6

This tileset is made by a friend of mine who left jj2 long time ago. Im sure he doesnt mind if submit this. I think its a pretty good tileset. Enuff tiles, good animting tiles, good background, i think its worth it :>