Review by aiko

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: WEIRD!!!
Level rating: 1.6

Please dont mess up ratings, FoD.
F quist, Cheeze and Bobby worked hard to get this great rating sytem finished.
Thank you in advance.

Review by EvilMike

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Race Tournament Pack Demo v: 2.0
Level rating: 7.2

I remember when this thing came out AGES ago on j2c (more then a year ago!)

So, its still a demo eh?

Review by EvilMike

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: WEIRD!!!
Level rating: 1.6

Why give it a 10 then?
Weird how it generates an access violation for most of us. It happened to me too.

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Another Story (Try-Me Competition event 3 entry)
Level rating: 8.7

I would recommend that the authors create a (longer?) sequel. Another, another story ;) That would be soooo cooool! Please?

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Another Story (Try-Me Competition event 3 entry)
Level rating: 8.7

I remember when I played this. It was THE BEST EPISODE I EVER PLAYED! Sure, it was a little short, but the storyline and challenges (like the one in the second level with the secret-passageway trees) are totally awesome! When I first d/led it, I wanted to just rave about it on the JMMB! (Well, I didn’t, but it is awesome) If you don’t have it, the DOWNLOAD IT NOW!!!!!

Review by FoD MERC

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: WEIRD!!!
Level rating: 1.6

I’m not sure I even want to download it.. my computer is too messed up already :P

Review by Disguise

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: WEIRD!!!
Level rating: 1.6

Two skeleton monsters and a crate on a 2×8 layer 4, way boring really.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Electric Nightmare
Level rating: 7.5

Okay, this time Another Jazz 2 fan gets his 7 points. Why? Well, the "Electric Nightmare"
becomes true in this pack which uses the Tubelectric tileset and a cool Jazz 1 music file.
The layout is kinda crazy but very original! I really like it.
"Electric Nightmare" is a single player pack, its not too difficult (actually its too easy :-)
and includes a cool bonus thats also based on an original idea -> you have to collect coins
in different sections of a castle.
My opinion: The old "Electric Nightmare" (its from ’99) is still fun to play, go download it!

Oh, by the way, "Electric Nightmare" doesnt seem to work with TSF. The game quits
with a "Memory allocation error"; maybe you could fix that. No idea :-)

Review by aiko

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Race Tournament Pack Demo v: 2.0
Level rating: 7.2

"Another Jazz 2 fan" made a good race pack using all the three famous MEZ sets.
Sometimes the layout is of good quality but then suddenly looses quality in certain places of
the level. For example, invisible H-/V-Poles arent a great idea.
In my opinion the levels are very long (maybe too long) and there are too many sucker tubes and other
stuff you dont need in race levels.
To sum it up: this pack is good and fun to play. All you race & MEZ fans should download it.
P.S.: I really look forward to see the "full version" (the author claims this to be a "demo").
P.P.S.: I am still undecided between 6 and 7 points. Lets say its 6,5 :-)

Review by aiko

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: WEIRD!!!
Level rating: 1.6

Huh? This is generating some nice Access Violations (my PC crashed!).
Return to sender please.

Review by Newspaz

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: WEIRD!!!
Level rating: 1.6

Sorry Mike but I think you went a little overboard. It works fine here. And I think allan only wanted to show us his strange stuff.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: 5 Alive
Level rating: 8.9

Wow, great work martin! This a very good single player episode including two long,
good-looking levels using the TSF Town tileset + music plus one funky custom music file
called White Coffee. "5 Alive" even includes a shortcut for the Jazz2 menu to choose
the episode directly from within the game (not from the homecooked levels list).
The ZIP file is jampacked with a nice readme and a bonus game (which i didnt try out though).
Every Jazz2 fan should download and play this immediately!

by the way EvilMike: your comments about TSF get boring, just download TSF somewhere (some people know an URL). Its just better than 1.23 (thats why its called 1.24). Thats it.

Review by EvilMike

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: WEIRD!!!
Level rating: 1.6

Thats right, a 1. The lowest rating possible. And this is the first level to get it. All 3 times I played this level it gave me an access violation and I had to restart windows because the error window would not go away no matter what I did.

Review by EvilMike

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: 5 Alive
Level rating: 8.9

Why does everyone need to make the best level packs tsf? It makes me sick. I know you used a tsf tileset, but your last level pack was also tsf only and I hear some levels were not the tsf tilesets. At least some of the levels in it could have been version 1.23.

Review by EvilMike

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Dino Station
Level rating: 8.9

I think the difficulty in this level is perfict. Nice and hard, even on easy mode. This level is perfect. The only reason I took away one point was because
it was confusing for me a littile, and I didn’t like the part where you climb that room with the spikes you have to stand on.

Review by FoD MERC

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: FoD CTFs
Level rating: 5.4

Ya know what? I’m not gonna make levels anymore.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: FoD CTFs
Level rating: 5.4

One level is FoD’s "Blaster Battle" with some additonal eyecandy and CTF bases,
the other ones are actually one level using a day/night version of the Diamondus tileset.
Well, its not against you FoD(!!!), but i dont like the layout and eyecandy very much. Everything else is okay.
(Its not a must-download.)

Review by Newspaz

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Digitaliza
Level rating: 6.8

Done nicely, I also think it’s a little bit confusing at the start. But further it’s ok….
And the sucker tubes to escape from your enemy rock :)

The Tileset is just well done. No more comments with that one ;)

Review by Noraa

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Metal Mania
Level rating: 8.9

Wonderful tileset! The only real problem I can find is that there’s not quite enough color. Aside from that, it’s DooDly :-).

Review by Cmdr Dats

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Phraxian Claustrophobolis
Level rating: 7.6

EvilMike : u mean the tubes in the middle? well, ur supposed to be able to, so you can go up and down.. :P there is one more on the far right (if i can ‘member correctly) that’s almost like that, but i did that for accessibility.. ::grin:: anyhow, glad you liked it!