Gets his 7? 7??? Is that what raters say now adays??? True, some levels are so nice, that they are common. Therefore one would think that they are not so special. Forget commonalaty. He deserves a 8.
FelineIm not gonna criticise yer opinions. I do think you cant rate a level on the level thats next.
This level gets -.5 from the last level I reviewed from Laguna for several reasons…
1. The event placement if awful. I find it a flaw to put springs on 180 degree slants, and to put weapons in corners, near an annoying masking.
2. The repetitive tiling is much more present in this level than his others, I didn’t like the look of several places.
Not as many indivisual flaws, but the flaws found were quite annoying.
A nice little battle level using the Casle tileset.
I myself don’t find Castle very hard to use, but onto the flaws…
1. Don’t put springs in the foreground. It gets confusing.
2. There’s repetitive tiling above pos 52,20. You should almost always variate the tiling.
3. The next level is Battle1. I’m not sure if I should decrease the rating for this, though. It could be a problem in fast multiplayer games, though…
Overall it could’ve gotten a 7, but -.5 for the problems.
Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this the level Bridges Over Carrotus is linked to? Just wondering.
Finally a level using a different tileset (censored! Thanks Laguna. Apart from that, "Boiler battle" is another
pretty average map. The eyecandy and design is okay: for example, the way the author tried to hide the v-springs is quite interesting. I dont like horizontal springs and vines too much though.
Well, all in all i think its a good battle. 6 points again :-)
Minor bugs (nonetheless they’re annoying): 1.) filename is messed up, 2.) no next level set
"Also, the next level is non-existant…"
Its non-existant cuz i didnt have a next level
Nice level, more variety of weapons would be nice tho. Some more eyecandy wouldnt be bad too but overall its a good battle level :-)
Dunno why but i always have the urge to make small levels. Guess i should try making a larger level. Ok thanks for your tips :). Im off to JCS :-)
Diamondus JUMPERS v2.0 is a nice level. I dont have much to say about this level except that it is an early morning release :-)
yawn Diamondus…ok…eyecandy…ok…design…ok yawn what a sleepy review…:-)
"Castle Crazyness" is a decent battle level by Laguna and in my opinion its slightly better than
"Bridges over Carrotus". From design to eyecandy, everything is pretty good. Disadvantages are the small size and the lack of super original ideas so still 6.4 points (its very close to 7 points)!
However the summary is that you should download this and have some battle fun :-)
Overall, I’d say this level is nothing but a big pile of garbage(SP?).
Bad eyecandy, lots of cutting. And just a bad everything else if bad. I’d even say that I’m giving it too high of a ratting with 1.
Oh, there’s no point of making to for TSF, also. So, next time, do a lot better of a job.
This level uses the castle tileset, the tileset most find very difficult to use. Laguna used the castle tileset well, as the eyecandy of the level is nothing to worry about. Its not the size of the level that brings the rating down, its the layout. He used the layers well, but the level is just too linear. There’s one basic path in a small circle. The goodies in the level were also placed well. If this level were to be improved, it would have to be a little more open and non-linear. The level’s also a bit gloomy, but its fine for the castle tileset. Hopefully, the creation of this level made the creator better with the castle tileset.
~ Derby
My browser isn’t letting me change old messages, resubmit levels, and other small, yet annoying inconviences.
FelineP.S. Thats why I’m not editing the old message that I made on this post. :(
A very simple Diamondus battle level that makes use of one (nice) effect over and over again
throughout the pretty large area. The design could be described as average but the lack of eyecandy is too obvious.
Also there are three of the old and annoying "bugs"…1.) no background music (if its custom music PLEASE include the file),
2.) no next level set, 3.) hurt events in battle levels arent a good idea.
Sorry, i cant give a download recommendation for this level.
Depends if ya like this or not.. but i like this.. because it reminds me a lot of the free game BatteryCheck (duh its bc)
i wonder where i putted mine cd =P
Wow… You put me in other authors… Well I did help a little, but don’t give me too much credit! Well, the pack certainly turned out a lot better than the beginning (what I saw). And not to brag, but I was probably part of the reason that the levels were improved… Anyways I’ll give it a seven (from what I remember). It is good for a first….
Maybe it was. :)
Nothing to add to these ratings..
Very simple this is indeed. The layout is good (bordering on ok) and the lack of eyecandy is pretty bad, however I really don’t have much to say about this level…
Well, I have not a whole lot to say about this level except this.. it’s crud.
Please, level downloader, don’t waste your net time downloading this.
And Grath, you should spend more time on your levels, this one looks like it was made in 10 minutes…
Pretty average.
I like the eye candy and such but it was a little too small and had nothing special. Also, the next level is non-existant…
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.