Aah..shucks. forgot to give the level a rating and until cheeze finishes the edit review script.. evil grumble
Good level. Nothing more.. Good eyecandy, not too much, not too less, good design, etc.. I have seen better levels by disguise. :)
The music doesn’t really fit the level, although I do like music made by Tsec. If you want more Tsec music just point your browser in the direction of energymusic.com.
To be short, this level isn’t really worth downloading.
Long review:
The level design actually has potential, but it’s a demo, like the name already says, and not a good one either. You have a very small playground, where the author only used layer 4, and to get the full version it says you’ll have to browse the servers. So you can only obtain it when the author decides to host a server with it.. The level uses a trigger zone, has one powerup and that’s about it..
The +- 4 small fighting rooms you get doesn’t make this a worthy download.
Oh I almost forgot:
If you find any bugs please mail me
i put n/a because i didnt play the level yet ninja password for the lvl please
Pretty good level. Nice eye candy. (And a pretty good amount of it, too) Well, nothing much to say about it. :-) No problems, and that’s about it.
please remove this level, there is a new version posted.
Lots of routes possible in the levels, and the eye candy is exceptional.
Hehe, yes, kinda tiny, especially for me. I’ve passed the limit by over 100 tiles before, a real bad thing to do is remove sections of ur tileset. You feel like you wasted your time and hard work on somehting ppl will never see. Ah well, cramping up seems to help a lot!
NOTE: I’d much rather cut ot 300 tiles of my tileset than only make it available for TSF, or mybe release two versions, U will NEVER! see me make a tileset only fir TSF.
I tired this once before, and the storyline touched my heart (The music went very well with the levels.) Its all perfect, except when the levels are over, the game crashes and I am forced to go out of it. Fixed? I would give it a 10.
Nice levels, to its still a Demo, it doesn’t get full rating… Sorry. I know what it will look like in the end, and I will change my review when the new levels are posted up. :)
AtomicFelineDWHEHE! Don’t worry! I will fix it now.
FelineVery nice level, I have to say. The design, puzzles and eye candy were all very nice. I did have some complaints though:
NEVER use respawning enemies. I hate to kill an enemy just to do the same again 10 seconds later.
Jazz had a small advantage during the avoid the fallen stars part.
Don’t let these flaws stop you from downloading though. Good job AtomicFeline!
A slightly above average level, I guess.
I’m not a huge fan of the design, as the dead ends here really cause trouble at times.
Also, be careful about using that battle~1.j2l thing, it garentees trouble. :-)
I can only promise my next one will be better
If not you can kick my (asparagus) and make me build singleplayer levels
(Content edit. It would be a good idea to not swear after getting low access. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Hmm, i am very undecided about how to rate here. 6 or 7 points, i dont know. The first level
called "Rounded Walls" is pretty nice and large (well its also kinda primitive), the second one called
"The Mysterious Secret" isnt very fun at all. It has that so-called secret and a boss. Besides, i prefer Pepsi. j/k.
And the third level tries to tell the story behind it but suddenly loses all quality in the end (very bad tileset work).
Low 7 points. (6.6)
"The Growing Walls" is a very good single player level featuring some nice puzzles, secrets, paths and
lots of other neat stuff. The design and eyecandy is pretty good (some minor tile bugs though).
To sum it up, i really recommend you to download and play this. Very good work, AtomicFeline (7.4 points
The level is not bad. The design is okay. I dont have much too say. Its slightly above average.
P.S.: Please, never name your files "battle~1" or something like that. It only causes trouble :-)
(P.P.S.: The author forgot to put the next level setting.)
Ahum a tiny set? It was the biggest one i’ve ever made… :P
A tiny set, with no example level. I must admit, I did like the overall look though. :-)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.