I cant help, i dont like this level very much. Its way too small for everything, even for a 1vs1.
Also the tileset file isnt stuffed in the ZIP so some people wont be able to play it.
Seems to be a cool tileset conversion of a JJ1 tileset.
Unfortunately there is no an example level which decreases my rating.
Haha! That game rocks. My friend and I play it every time he comes arounsd. I even got bdj on my icq list. :)
Heh, I can remember that Onag asked me to make a level for it.. but I lost mine level and tileset so I could never build one.. =)
anywayz I think this is one of the Best JJ1 -> JJ2 Tileset conversions made.. no 10? Well, if ya want to make a special ya need a fast comp =\
Overall a little over an average level. Nothing much to say, I barely have anything to say in reviews. :-)
Cause me not smart :)
Yes, I like this tileset. He also made another one.. Guess I need to post that one, eh? :)
These are classics and should never be forgotten…
Wow, i guess this is the first time, i will give the highest rating for a level :-)
Well, no problem, Shadow, here are my high 7 points shakes his hand, hehe.
I like the layout and tileset selection (the Astronia set in "Night War" rox) very much, dont ask me why. Call me naive, i dont care :-) LETS BATTLE!!!
A nice easter tileset with a lill’ chicken animation…not bad…but well, it looks kinda primitive though.
There is no example level included and thats why i cant give a higher rating. But i think it was a lot of hard work to put this together so all tileset collectors should really download this!
(P.S.: the second set in the archive isnt worth extracting, sorry :-)
A very good J2LC pack of nine quality levels both Battle and CTF. Actually it got 8 points from me because of Disguise’s levels.
I just love his design style as you may have noticed :-)
Besides, i think its a good idea to form a team of level makers and release some levels as a pack.
Of course, i wont forget to mention the other authors: EvilMike’s levels are quite good (but i dont like the design as much as in Disguise’s levels) and Fquist’s CTF level just needs some more eyecandy.
Everything else is fine :-)
Nice old tileset, very colored. Not much too say. Its a pity that there’s no example level.
Well, if you’re a tileset freak/collector you might want to download this.
A very decent CTF level, which could also make a good battle. Design and eyecandy are better than the average and look very nice.
Unfortunately, the author forgot to stuff the HH98 tilesets and music in the pack. The next level setting is also wrong.
In spite of all that, i recommend to download this for the upcoming winter season :-)
A very good CTF pack (also regarding the fact its very old) with great design in all four levels.
Eyecandy is okay, everything else isn’t that special.
Oh by the way: the author has a pretty interesting homepage.
Good. In a week your low status will be over.
We aren’t cheating. Like you saw the people tried to avoid rating it because of pokemon and from what i saw they rated the level well.
Why didn’t you set the level type to tileset? :P
ok sorry pals i confess i cheated
cos i think youre cheatin too cos you all give it a four.
but i PROMISE i will never do it again
Im trying but i cant find a way to make shots of jj1 :P
Has onag made any other j1 tilesets? Because this tileset has been done very well, and <B>I WANT MORE J1 STUFF!!!!</B>
Great work! It’s pretty hard to make these.
Whoa, 64.5 as a rating. Must be a really good level, heh.
Getting to the levels, these levels are AWESOME. Great layout, awesome event placement, great replay value, overall something that will outlast ANY official level.
Download now. Or else.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.