How’d this get 68.5?!
lucky you gets to have the best rated level on j2o ;)
All the levels in this pack are above avarage, original levels. I think all of them are pretty good stuff. I took away half a point though, because some of the levels are repeats.
(I’m reviewing this level because it is BloodBunny’s, not mine)
Although this pack was released in the Fall of 1998, I have yet to see any CTF level or levels come close to the awesome quality of these levels. They are the best.
Correcting a bug by posting..
hey, told ya they where ol d=)
Ah.. I tried to look that up but i didn’t know how cheeze’s ip thing worked.
Lag really is a major setback, I tried to play htis over the network with Distruct on my other P200mmx, but even on the lowest detail and stuff he was waaay too slow to do anyhting. I’d say 233mhz will still be a bit slow, a P2 233mhz is minimum requirements, If you want to run this on a proper speed I’d say P2 300mhz should be enough. The lag might be a big problem, but the design of the level is out of this world, If you have a good enough PC you have to see this, the concept and design is just awesome! The same as Assault from Unreal Tournament, I hope you enjoy :)
Hmmm, not many diagonals. The design is okay, as mentioned before the levels are very small. I’d guess about 50×50, just about perfect for 1vs1 (you got that Bobby? ;) I also liked the way he used my tileset (the rain moves a bit too slow though), a long time ago when I tested this he mentioned some "lightning" effect where the background flashed every now and then for some unknown reason. The levels are okay overall, not anyhting extremely great, but also not the worst I’ve seen. I will repeat myself and say: The only thing they are really worthy of is dueling.
Its the origional, and its still great. But go download partner also, thats fun for smaller groups and lags less ;P
A great download.
Yes, he WAS cheating. He had the exact same IP.
And since i can’t seem to get the edit function to work, i’m deleting his review.
i didnt give this a ten because this level is quite good but too old and too much of a warp here opps that was a warp
oops another warp
Its not too original. These levels, especially the mukamo one, are basicly rectangles of land thrown here and there with a few springs thrown in to make it playable. The mountan one is better, but still not as good.
The eyecandy could have been improved in both the levels if you gave it enough work also.
5 points for avarageness
1 for a littile eyecandy
There’s really not that much here. They’re pretty small, which makes them nice for lots of close combat, but still… they lack a lot of eye candy. ‘Not really an important download, but it may still be worth your time seeing it’s better than what most people can do with JCS.
Great tileset. Nice looking and well made.
Hmm these levels are pretty small.. I like some of the components.
I like the background and foreground layers.
It could use some more eye candy but
I dont think thats possible with this set.
(also in da read me file)
Hey there welcome to Shadow`s Archives of Non-released..
These levels here are more then a year old now =P (july/aug 1999)
it was made in the time that i was J2lC and later GpW software (so before Mystic Legends)
it was mine first tryouts for a costum tileset and even not that bad .. =P
But why I didn`t release those because the levels are way to small (good for a 1vs1 thought) also i thought i lost them but i found a old ZiP drive floppy with the files on so.. lets release those =D
there is a smaller version of the 2 levels and big version =) .
Have Fun~Shadow[GpW
Could only play the first two due to the
third being TSF and not having the tile set.
Found food type events in the second level which
as anyone knows the sugar rush doesn’t work online. (bummer)
Along with the needed downloaded music file in a multi-
player level, again. Gives this other wise fantastic pack a 7.5
I have absolutely no clue about the whole Pokemon thingy but this is one of the best
crap levels i saw. Hehe, really. The author tried to make his own tileset and tried to put some eyecandy.
Unfortunately there are some bugs and the layout is, well, not-so-great.
So if you like that japanese comics (dunno) you may want to download "CCs Pokemon Stadium". If not, better dont touch this.
You think so?
Just because I love Pokemon I’m cheating?
I give it a ten because I love it!
I don’t care if you guys don’t like it!
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.