Hehehe, I also remember this, was quite a LONG time ago. A J2LC Summer Pack, well, it wasn’t actually posted in summer for you ppl, but Wisye here in the southern hemisphere managed to rejoice through the summer because this is one pack actually made for him :)
I also cannot rate this because some (I think 3 or 4) of the levels are mine.
An awesome battle pack! Would’ve ogtten 10 if those barrels in the water weren’t that annoying. This is a MUST-DOWNLOAD for all battle freaks :)
I will try not to lower this because of pokemon. First off, the tileset is pretty unoriginal.
The graphics in the tileset THAT YOU MADE aren’t too good either. This tileset also needs a mask.
Overall, this is just a quickly assembled tileset that probly took less then a week to make.
I guessed what level this was similiar to just from the name.
1 point off for not being quite original.
Otherwise, very good. I myself have tried converting between tilesets and could never do it too well. Good job.
The Easter Tileset itself was hard for me to even thinking of building with. But J2LC did an OK job with it, looks good.
Btw, NewSpaz, Easter is in April.
as you all can see, you can’t please everyone…
by the way: there’s a way out of the prison on the left!
it’s easy to find even if you don’t know it!
and Fquist: thanx for removing the wrong download!
As you requested your other upload is removed.
1)The Tileset is way to choppy.. (lost 2 points)
2)The level has some lame points:(lost 2 points with that.
kicking while talking in chat and be kicked or.. Poke haters go that way.. and you’ll be in a prison..
3) Stole tiles from other custom tileset creators (2 points away with that)
But I think the pokemonlovers here will like this. But I don’t
I like the easter set.. It hasn’t that much special effects but you can make some really nice eye candy with it. And be creative like building your own buildings with the little house part.
And you can go underground with it… Place eastereggs everywhere. But I never liked the snow set very much.
So.. go start on your easter level (?) And be creative ! (When is easter? hmm..)
This gets a -2 difference from what I could’ve rated this because of unoriginal design. Download the level and see what this lev bares a slight resemblence to. I dare ya! :-P
Anyways, good job converting this level with such good improvation, Quist. I like some of the substitutes, but it coul have been much better. Overall a slightly above average lev. Your choice to download or not. :-)
I find this tileset much more useful then recharge 2. This tileset could use a better background though. Like noraa said, this is a great beginners set, however I do not go easy on levels and tilesets that are firsts (or almost) because I have no feelings :P. (j/k)
Well, anyway, I’m not going to spend much time saying how you can improve this tileset because there is no posibility that you will change it.
This tileset also needs a mask.
My rating: 6.5
Oh yeah, and JUMP is dead, and I beleve I was the only JUMP guy who made levels for this pack, so now It’s just a j2lc pack. (I’m in j2lc)
I remember this… I forgot to submit it and it got released in the winter ;D
I think I blamed it on email problems.
By the way: the levels in this pack are over a year old. It was not intended for release this summer.
I’m not going to rate this because some levels are mine.
This level is sooo cute ;-)…
I was fortunate enough to get to see this level while Fquist was still designing it. I won’t give away which level it parodys, so that you’ll have to go download it for yourself :P. Anyway, Fquist did a very good job of rebuilding this level. He had to use a lot of clever improvisation when converting the tiles without counterparts in the hh98 set. I also love the humorous text :). There’s, so far as I can tell, no errors anywhere. This level deserves a 10, but because the idea is not entirely original, I only give it a 9. Great job, Fquist! :-)
This ancient tileset reminds me of my early days in tileset creation. It’s got a lot of the same primative elements that I find in my own first sets. Overall, it’s excellent for a begginer’s set… and that’s mostly why it got an 8. It’s got a lot of usefull tiles, which also helps, although not many of them are exactly, well, pretty (typical of first sets). The use of gradients across the faces of many of the tiles would’ve made a better impact, along with a more definate light source. More eye-candy would also be an asset. Overall, I salute Fquist for his excellant work, and sympathize with him for his errors in this early tileset. …DooDlyness… :-).
This level rocks :). It’s the right length, has great use of its tileset, and… it’s really fun! The only reasons why it didn’t get a 10 are that its music is a little too slow-paced for a race level (although it is nice :) ), and in some parts of the level (like the middle) I think a little more eye-candy could’ve been used. Aside from that, it’s great! I absolutely love that background! If you download one race level in your entire life, make it this one! Fquist obviously put a lot of thought into it.
Tee hee. Indeed. I had a lot of fun with those blocks. That’s why i placed those bouncers. If you first shoot a one higher block with the normal gun, and then shoot a bouncer while standing on the lower block, and jump on the higher block, the bouncer kills the lower block precicly, slowering the enemy..
Quite a nice little lev. The music is good. (doesn’t fit the level as good as other tunes would…) The length of this level was just right and overall it gets a good 7 from me.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.