Its a nice pack, but like Martin said the best is in that Sonic level :)
Also, Dat’s level really bother me the way they are so similar. Warps on boths side and such.
Evil TSF Paul, evil. ;P
Ack! The sound prolem you have with trancestruct is quite simple :) Most ppl should actually hear the sound. I forgot (I’m sure you all heard me say this word at least 1000 times in my lifetime) to remove the music file extension. So, if ya wanna hear sound, just change the "songcd8.s3m" to "songcd8". Sowwy about that ya all.
Btw, Martin, this is a batle pack and I would prefer not to seperately submit the levels. I’d hate to have 2 versions of the same level on the net and downloa them all the time. If any of you other ppl would like this level, then the only way you’re gonna get it is to download the whole pack.
Another fun little fact, I spent more time and effort on Dis44 than I did with Dis43. I’ve never used the neonius tileset before and had to figure out basically everything from scratch, but I made the sonic tileset, and there is absolutely no easier tileset to use than your own :)
If anything im truely impressed with the amount of time and effort put into dis43.j2l. Really i think it’s worth 10 but it came down because of the two mez lvls. In fact take dis43.j2l out post it again and i’ll give it 10! :)
(and im not joking)
Aiko you have to upload them in pieces because you can only upload 1 mb a time !
Okay, i’ll break my own laws: 9 points for this AWESOME multiplayer battle pack from South Africa. Two of my very favourite level/tileset guys put their work together (which is a good idea) to make this SUPERB pack.
Eyecandy and design in all of the five levels are just perfect. The selection of tilesets (MHZ, Neonius, Mez1+3, Dats1) and background music is unquestionable brilliant.
Well, what else to say? "ZAs Good Side" just rocks. To conclude my comments, i’d like to say that this is one of the best levelpacks i ever played. Keep up the great work, Dis and Dats! THiS iS A MUST-DOWNLOAD!
P.S.: I didnt hear music in "Trancestruct". Well, doesnt matter cause the level is so cool.
Miss eye candy? Everybody said to me that there’s almost to much of that :)
Look better fireclaw.. you can take some other ways if you play wel..
The level design for that flying pumpkins level was nice, but you "abuse" the foreground and background layers! Why would you want these annoying flying pumpkins and blocks flying everywhere? The layout was bad for that vertical tubeelectric level, because it was all, well, vertical! Also, that little box battle is like a jail. My advice: Don’t use annoying things like flying pumpkins and blocks in your foreground like that. Also, don’t have castles in the background appearing out of nowhere. That’s all that I have to say. The design of that one level with the flying pumpkins was fine, and is the only thing that actually brings it up to a 4. The eyecandy of the other layers just isn’t good.
~ Derby
Let’s see. The way between bases is just one path. And I’ve noticed when sometimes I take a wrong turn, I have to pretty much start over again.
And I did notice a few annoying dead-ends. And a few places with tile cutting, but most of that is okay. Not much tile cutting. And maybe it needs more eyecandy. Just a bit. Let’s just say, that level is better then what a newbie can make. :-)
Carrots? Well they’re nice…but lets focus on your level :-)
Lets see: 1) 5 points are average, 2) in my opinion this is an average level.
The design is okay, but i really miss some eyecandy. So its 5 points this time. Dont worry Newspaz :-)
I found quite a few errors but the level
it-self is sound, i’m quite impressed. :)
Maybe if your real nice i’ll tell you how. :)
I want more people to review 5 Alive even if they are repeating others words.
What do you think? I need to know! :)
I was undecided between 7 and 6 points, too. The "triple 7" level pack includes
four very good single player levels using different tilesets and some very loud rock guitar background
music :-) The eyecandy is pretty good and the layout is, as EvilMike stated, very original.
Actually i wanted to give 6 points here because the details of the pack arent okay: for example, none of the levels
has a nextlevel setting (but, isnt it a pack?). Also, you have to download the music in seperate files which isnt a good idea at all.
However, the levels themselves are worth a download.
Castle level: 6
Toooooooooooo many warps…
The level is fun, but I found the enimies took cheap shots at me sometimes, and that lowered the rating.
If you use spaz and kick at the exit you fall down a pit and don’t go to the next level. Theres also too many carrots.
The level is pretty original.
Daimondus level: 7
This one has too many bees. I like the foreground, although it sometimes is bad because it hides badguys.
Inferno level: 5
I hate this. For one thing there are too many ravens, sometimes the fog covers up the spikes so I get hit, and there are too many fire sounds so sometimes it is so loud you can’t hear any other sounds.
Tube level: 6
Its just a level worthy of a 6. Nuff said.
Overall: 7
Don’t ask why it got a 7 instead of a 6. Thats just what I give it overall.
5 points for being avarage, 2 for using the tilesets right.
"Rootop Madness" is another pretty cool CTF level. Paul used the TSF Town tileset which
is quite hard to do but very nice to look at. The background music is "" which is one of my favourite J2 music files (Impulse tracker is better :).
Eyecandy and layout in this level are very good so theres really nothing to complain about.
Esspecially CTF fans shouldn’t miss this one -> go ahead and Download!
Very good pack… Nice and long. However, although it is nice to be able to choose it from the episode screen (How’d you do that?) It is kind of strange that the icon is exactly the same as homecooked levels. Anyway the level almost makes the town tileset look easy to use! It’s really not (as said above). I tryed once, and gave up!
Basically the levels are great, nice layout, great use of the town tilesets, yadda yadda yadda
Anyway, wb Martin! I hope you make more good levels like these!
Oh, And this is really an 8.5 rating.
One of a handful of levels that use a Cool Day tileset (and the only one other than one of mine that uses that AWFUL CoolDay2 tileset) and I can’t open it (no TSF here..) =/
Oh well… it sounds as if it isn’t worth seeing anyway =/
I tested this level and I liked the much different baseruns :). All the bugs are fixed and It’s just great :)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.