Good job aiko. In the castle version the vines in the backround make it look like you’re always about to fall onto them :P though. (:
Woah is all I have to say. :P
Fabulous eyecandy. Great everything :P. This completely rules. As Black Ninja says, the townhouse tileset is tough, I just struggled with it to make me own level. (: Awesome job martin. (:
Two this level gets. At least it is semi-usable…(:
But what got this level a 2 is that it got me stuck within seconds of my entering the level. :P
this level pack relly does rule!
I encourage you all to review and download it… martin has once again, truly outdone himself. One of the greatest and most known level creators has done it again. I downloaded it, as i always download martins pack, and i had suspicions when i heard there was a .j2e file included. I tried out the pack instantaniously. It ruled. If you want 5 minutes x2 of good fun, download 5 alive.
i love these levels, as they are long, trickier than the official levels, and the eye candy blows me away. Good use of many tiles, i have trouble using the townhouse tilesets.
Nice big levelpack but much to confusing.. ~Spaz
Actually this is crap. I think "grok2" is a good description for it. Even worse, its a hotel! (Dont ask me about hotels!)
Nevertheless, the level uses a modified "Cool Day" tileset (nice try) and has some wrong placed trigger crates in it.
In the ZIP archive there is also a custom music file that doesnt play in the level. Don’t jam the Internet downloading this.
Huh? My rating in another language appeared at the top. (im not telling what language it is)
Saluti, schiuma della terra. Ho dato a questi livelli quello perché penso che succhiassero. Inoltre, congratulazioni sul rendere loro crap totale! Anche se ho reso più difettoso prima. Controllo giusto verso l’esterno il mio primo livello! A proposito, ROCCIA ITALIANA!
Look at this rating, a 1. That’s right. The lowest possible score you can get. Why? This level is HORRIBLE, plain and simple. It’s a hotel (the scourge of JJ2), and has a poorly placed together layout, bad eye candy, etc.
WHAAA? U have got to be KIDDING! me. we made this to see if we could get the lowest possible rating (I just couldn’t resist adding comments to the newbies), and what do we get? 6?!?!?!?!? Aiko thanks for at least rating honestly (and fireclaw for the honest remark). 6, haha, man, I wonder if I’ll ever hear the end of this, that’s the last time I try to make the worst levels out, BOOHOOHOO! Looks like the newbies still beat us in the act, ugh.
Oh, sorry boss for not having ur name in. I’m 100% sure I put it in, it was the first thing I did to make sure I didn’t forget. Hmmm, I wonder what could’ve happenned, I could blame it on J2O, but I suppose I’ll just give them gray hairs (and that after putting up an awesome site like this), so rather not. I’ll just go with the average saying that says I forgot to put it in. End of story :)
For being made with evil MS Paint, this tileset really looks good. Actually the colors arent that
tasteful but from another perspective they’re funky.
Another Jazz 2 fan also attached a cool treasure hunt example level with some nice music playing in the background.
Im undecided if to give 6 or 7 points…well, its saturday, sun is shining, the point is yours.
<font size=7> <b>
AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! NOT MS PAINT!!!!! </font> </b>
(by the way, I know html tags dont work. I just felt like adding them.)
By the way, its kind of annoying to extract the file only to find theres a capture land folder. (i had to move the tileset to my jazz2 folder)
(actually, its not a bad tileset, but I like to be this way because you used such a bad image processer. and I have always weared glasses)
I warn you, If you start using that image processer too often, you will start drawing mr paperclip in it. then he will take over your mind and soon enough you will BE ONE OF THEM!
So get psp. its better.
Anyway, now for some serious rating stuff.
This tileset isn’t bad, and it is great for a first. the only reason you got a 6 here instead of a 7 is because I dont like how when you try to blend one colour into another, theres a bunch of dots. It is especially ugly in the sky.
Also, I find the arrows you put down are a bit too tiny.
I have built worse before…
(My first few levels)
Great Tileset. It may not look as good as the Epic sets, but I think you could make some really nice levels outta it. All I’ve seen is the example level, but from it, I don’t think it’ll be too hard to use. And it does have a fair amount of eye candy in it. Good job! :)
Disgusting, really!
But sorry guys, i give out one extra point for eyecandy and effects! Mwhahaha.
Wow ! This shows some fantastic CRAP !
Well done you did what you had to do: Showing South Africas bad side..
10 points to give newbies a nice lesson :) Well done CRAP !
(Fantastic crap, maybe, but not 10-level fantastic crap. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
hawhaw, this was good.. both my levels took me approx a halfhour to make.. but disguise’ ones take the CAKE! hahah.. that wus fun! :)hey, disguise, u forgot to put my name into the Other Authors box! grrrr… ;P
Whoops, forgot to mention, keep a close look out for ZA’s good side, to be released soon. It was originally planned to be released with this pack, but I have a whole athletics meeting thingy tomorrow, so I had to practice for the time I was ill and didn’t get a chance to work on any levels.
Sometimes it works for me if i just press end task really really fast.
oh yeah, btw ppl, there is a way to get out of that irritating "access violation" that happens every so once in a while.. simply press the end task and then VERY quickly do a 3-finger salute (ctrl-alt-del)… if u do it right, jazz2 will be one of the tasks u can tell windows to kill.. :) umm, this assumes you don’t have a Pentium 10 4000… in which case ur gonna havetae be flash to get this right.. hehehe..
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.