Unfortunately, i was able to open this level. Layer 8 is empty and the rest is totally confusing and crappy.
It has a nice custom music file. But please, do not download this, its completely insignificant.
If stripe would still do his (cool) "Butt ugly level of the week" contest, "JUNGLE2" would be his choice for this week :-)
Disgusting, really.
No layer 8 and bad navigation, design and pretty much everything.
Don’t waste bandwidth d/ling this, PLEASE.
Another great level (:
A few features reminiscent of capture4, but nothing wrong with that (:
Great level yeh have here. Like Aiko, I have nothing else to say. :)
For some reason I cannot open this, it says that it is incompatible with my version of JJ2. Grath, do you have the 1.23 patch?
Grath posted and gave himself an 1. You may NOT rate your own levels. (You can not but he could with his double username)
"nice but too many powerups on one place
there is a maze to get to the powerups but it is really easy,rant rant rave and so on it is not very good"
grrrrr8 hahahah nice not too hard but very good
Holy Cow! I gave a 9! Heh yes I think effort has paid off with some very
compelling CTF level’s. Keep it up! :)
Fine level..
Normaly i often have problems navigating thru ctf levels, I hadn’t it that much this time.
I also hadn’t any problems while finding bases.
The Eye candy is very good to.
Best little levelpack ever seen.
The eye candy is SuperB
It’s difficult (I like that :)
Levels are long.
That means that you have to download this.
Agreed Cheeze, but every system that lets people participate needs some basic rules.
For example…
- you are not allowed to rate a level twice
- you are not allowed to give ratings without any sense and/or without giving any proper reasons
By the way: i actually did send you a list of suggestions for the site. But you didnt answer.
P.S.: J2O rules.
"Emerald wafare CTF" is a good level. Really. Everything is fine. Nothing more to say.
Review ends here :-)
A good Capture The Flag level. Eyecandy, layout and everything else is okay. Nothing special though.
Why didnt you make a pack of your two levels?
I havn’t seen any levels from you lately and you are a great level maker.
Anyway, I think this level is slightly unfair, because it is eaiser to get from the blue base to red base then vice-versa. everything else is good.
Nice level. I love the foreground especially. The design and eyecandy are pretty good too.
I agree with Derby. His review made the most sense here. That’s why i love/hate this system….there are the few that make wonderful reviews, like Derby, and than the people that tend to throw things off and screw up the ratings.
Not that it only occurs here, but everywhere. So when you rate, please don’t have a bias, and vote truthfully and how you truely feel about the level.
Oh, and i wonder how FoD rated twice….gotta look at Fquist’s coding.
But as for you comment, Aiko, well, i’m not sure exactly what i want out of this site. A good downlaods system, private messeges, nice info, or whatever. But what i think this site should be is whatever you want it to be. This is based around user input, like the review system, for example. It relies on everyone’s input, not just a stand-alone person (not only that, we don’t have to go around rating levels. hehe. ;-P). And whatever anyone wants, we will try to provide it here and get it done. In facr, i’m working on a few things from user input. Well, not much as of yet, but it’ll only get better if you tell us what you want. If we guess at what you want, then it won’t necissarily be what you want.
So, the purpose of this site is whatever you want it to be.
So the purpose of this site is to make people feel better?
I would like to know the webmasters opinion on that. However, i thought this was
for rating levels/tilesets/etc..
When teaching new things and ideas to other fans, you should make it more interesting, and more explorable, in a sense. A small level like that does not do very well for the example, but the "3" is the credit for finding it out for yourself and showing others how to do it. This may be the most positive review for this level, that can be looked at. The bottom line: Good job. You’re giving ideas to other JJ2 fans, which is a good thing. You’re just not taking any examples for others to follow, to a high level.
~ Derby
10 points. I’m biased.
[This review has been edited by Bobby aka Dizzy]
I’m not messing with the ratings, I’m trying to make allan feel better. Seems like all we get around here is negative reviews. Can’t you guys look for the good in things?!!?!?!?
(There are other ways of making new level makers feel better than to give them unfair ratings. I recommend you figure some out before reviewing any more levels such as this. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.