Wonderful tileset! The only real problem I can find is that there’s not quite enough color. Aside from that, it’s DooDly :-).
EvilMike : u mean the tubes in the middle? well, ur supposed to be able to, so you can go up and down.. :P there is one more on the far right (if i can ‘member correctly) that’s almost like that, but i did that for accessibility.. ::grin:: anyhow, glad you liked it!
South African origin, hehe, I like that :)
You see folks, we’re not that bad afterall :P
I dont find it confusing at all. Its another superb tileset/level combination of
south african origin. The green color in the tileset scheme is cool, its very futuristic
(similar to Plastic Dreams) and the example level provides a very good battleground
just as i like it. Okay, the airboard is more than redundant und the music is a bit too techno like
but everything else is great. You really should add this to your level collection.
The level is designed nicely, however I find it confusing at first and you should have used float up events at the sides (it wouldnt be as annoying then).
I dont like how you can enter some tubes from the side. Thats really the only problem with this level. everything else is fine.
Great race level. It has a perfect length too. I took away 2 points because the end part is too empty and that warp (the one that doesn’t set the lap) could be replaced by some tubes if you just keep them in the walls. (they can jump to other walls too by using trigger zones)
Wow, a very nice design for a battle level ya got there :) Small, nice for duels (hehe, I’m sure Bobby will like it) or a small group of ppl. I’d say about 6 MAX. The tileset is also awesome, but in a way ur first is better. But don’t think this means this one isn’t good. It sort of reminds me of my old motherboard tileset, but just better :)
Only problem I found is those sucker tubes at the sides very irritating if you want to go down at the sides. Both sucker tubes go up at the sides, and since there is nothing to block you from going into them from any side, you can easily run into them and go all the way up again, so this only gets a 7 form me.
This level is ok.. A bit empty in a while but its cool to race in it..
And it is a lil confused sometimes (because of the 1st warp)
Another "Plastic Dreams" level. Its a battle, has some sucker tubes the right size, a good selection of weapons
and first class custom music. What else could i say? Save it to your HD and start a Jazz server!
(Hmm, im not sure if i should 7 or 8 points…well ok…its 8 this time.)
censored, i just like the stuff this guy produces. This is a cool race level, kinda fast,
not too long, not too short and it has a great back music (again :-). Tileset is selfmade (its Plastic Dreams).
Fairly good level. No tile cutting. And I do like music. Though the name I don’t think will get in the world records for the best level name. :)
And I don’t think the things you gotta do in the race are very nice at places. Half and half I’d say. But, I do think it’s better then most race levels I’ve seen.
Coolness: a level tutorial by a pro. As i already mentioned somewhere, i love
Cmdr. Dats’ sets & levels. In this tutorial he tries to explain stuff and to share thoughts about levels
and how they should be. He even made some comments on things like music selection, which is, as he puts it,
more important than most peeps think.
All in all this is something different and its really cool in my opinion.
And hey…some greetz fly to Commander Dats :-)
btw the tutorial is also available on his (pretty interesting) homepage which is stored at:
Its the design of these levels that I like the best. Everything else is good too.
A very nice race level, lots of eye candy, blah, blah. Long, a nice challenging race. Blah, blah. And more blah! I’d put this for 8 points…
A very nice tileset. Maybe a bit hard to use, and maybe just a little too little eye candy put in the tileset for use. But for the rest, awesome tileset.
Good job, Dats! :-)
A nice level, though some of the puzzles are annoying. Like the block maze. But wih the parts where you gotta shoot, shoot, shoot, are nice. :)
Wow. Highly cool. (:
The spaceship level is so incredibly cool that it’s scary. (:
Hard to use? I actually kinda liked the layout, but then again it’s my tileset :)
If there is another layout you consider easier to use, then feel free to blabber it all out on me. Send me a private message on this page, email me, talk to me on AIM and/or ICQ. My email is drbeute@futurest.co.za, AIM Name is DisguiseDA, and ICQ # is 46345394. Tell me of a tileset that you like that layout of and I’ll change my layout.
One other thing, if it involves making my tilesets a little less cramped, then you are wasting your time. After I tried to compile this tileset (and another one, Mountain Hill Zone) they were too big to be used by JJ2 1.23. I’d rather cramp up my tilesets a little than only make them available for TSF.
So, uhh, keep those easy ideas coming :)
After seeing this levels I saw that i rated Comander Dats’s set much to low ! Great job Disguise.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.