Aiko, I’d say you didn’t spend much time looking at this level. It has all sorts of secrets and stuff to find.
Sorry but I think it’s all about the playing and not about the title or music..
I already got this one a while :) And it looks very cool. You can make lot’s of things with it but it is SO !!!! Hard to use that you go 2 points down with me :(
This is a battle level with a kind of a hotel tileset. It has no name, nearly no eyecandy, no music and its too small.
Anyways: the layout is okay.
Actually i dont like rating CTF levels called "Untitled" (by the way: i didnt hear music in TSF)
I dont know much about team play strategy and stuff but i dont see many cool ideas in this level, sorry.
Eyecandy and layout is on an average.
As the other reviewers already mentioned this single player level is not an easy one. The eyecandy is good, there are some
nice effects and good single player levels are hard work: thats why i’ll reward you with 6 points for "Deserted Diamondus".
One bad thing: i didnt hear any music (thats why i gave 6 instead of 7 points)!
Hehe, i dont agree with Bobby at all: this is a great tileset jam-packed with a great
example level that has a very cool layout. The music by CCCatch is undoubtedly suberb
and fits to the atmosphere of this level. You should really download this, esspecially
if your favourite color is blue (heh, its MY favourite color also ;)
Awesome tileset and level! You have to see this "hidden temple".
Besides, its a good battle level.
My brother used tilesets here that werent used much when he made this level.
The levels themselves arent too ingenious, but the background music fits very well in both levels.
It seems like there is an unique concept behind this level. I didnt completely figure out
but i guess its cool. Im not sure about how to rate this -> Experimental-6-points.
Really, this is not my favourite tileset, but Bobby made a good level using it.
The layout and everything else is fine, its good for Battle as well as CTF…so…why not download this?
A quite cool race level using the very good looking BioLab tileset.
Maybe theres an idea behind this, i have no idea.
If you like monotonous levels go download this. To me it seems very boring.
Everyone could do a level like this (hopefully :-)
A very funky level using the hard-to-do colonial tileset!!! The music selection by F quist fits perfectly here.
Download this immediately!
Ambient lighting and ambient music (and its in space) > "Cosmic Conflict" is not bad :)
A download for level collectors.
Its a bit like a hotel with rooms and stuff. It has some areas for battling, chatting
and whatever. The eyecandy isnt that attractive. I dont like this one too much, sorry.
Awesome set. Though there is one problem I can find. Well, maybe i’s just me, but I don’t think there is much you can make with that set. Put all the rest, awesome! :)
Awesome level pack, Stripe! :-) All the levels are very nice, though I don’t like the Labrat one too much…
Awesome tileset. I loved the background and the rest was quite original. The only problem is, as Mike said, it looks hard to use.
EvilMike made intensive use of the pipes in mez first tileset.
the background effect (lightning) is cool, the rest is average.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.