I dont like airboards, but i do like space. Everything else is…nice. Is has a spacey
background and nice custom music. But hey, i dont see much layer work.
All in all its okay. Download it, if you collect good levels.
Another cool Disguise tileset! It has a great 3D look with pipes and everything.
The best tileset isnt worth that much without a nice example level: Disguise has it,
ready for CTF or Battle play over the net. Metal Mania is one of the best tilesets available.
Warning: levels were made by my little brother :-)
Well, these levels arent that good but one could have some fun racing…thats it.
EvilMike: 1.24 is better and cool. Your problem if you dont like it.
I hope im allowed to rate this level because its made by my brother :-)
In contrast to EvilMike i like the level pretty much. It was the first level besides Dethmans "24 Hour Coffee"
that used the MezMeriZe tileset and the very cool "regret.mod" music.
The eyecandy is not bad, its fluently playable and it has the wise guru in the chatroom >:-]
As you may know, i don’t like CTF that much. But this awesome pack has everything that elite levels need: nearly perfect eyecandy, a fair layout for CTF teamplay and a superb music selection (really, those songs are absolutely super l33t!!!).
Happy CTF are the very best CTF levels i know of at the moment. Check it out yourself: Very High eight points and a MUST-DOWNLOAD for EVERYONE (not only CTF fans!).
Great tileset, but you could use a little more color and make the texture work :)
A good level, lots of eye candy. But I do think that it’s just a bit small, don’t you think? :-)
This is a great tileset. Very original.
This tileset looks pretty good for assult levels too. The only reason why I didn’t give this a 10 is because its a bit hard to use.
The other authors thing doesn’t work, so I will stick the information here.
Tileset by mezz.
Very confusing for me. I dont like the layout at all. Bad layer 8 too imo.
Everything else is fine.
I hope your next pack is compatable with version 1.23. Lucky i dont know what tileset this uses because if it is a 1.23 tileset I would give this a 0
I dont like tsf only. Im tempted to give this a 0 but i wont.
Very confusing at first. The best part of this level hast to be the backround. I dont like the warps though.
VERY original stuff here. I love how you put sound effects in the level. This is also one of the very few levs where lighting doesnt annoy me too ;)
And its cool how you can exit the space station with an airboard.
Nice level, but I find its hard to move around in it. And the sewer is a bit too dark. Everything else about this level is pretty good.
Very nice program, Aiko. Even though it has no use for me. :-)
This level looks VERY dull. It needs lots more eye candy. (Yes, eye candy is an aspect you have to do right) The layout wasn’t bad, and I like the small battle aspect though.
Everything I can say about these 2 levels is that they are ok. And that it’s better that you don’t play them in 8 bit mode.
Btw it would be better sometoimes if you would use layer 7 a bit more.
Even if he didnt make the tileset himself, this level is still superb. I will give it 8 points
which is is the highest score i’ll give for multiplayer levels.
The tileset takes you back to ’94 and by the way, it is a very good battle level.
I’ll recommend to download this!
Huh, shouting Bobby? Uhm, I really don’t know the download stuff cause I didn’t program it. That’s Quist or Cheeze.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.