A pretty nice and small level,has some annoying areas but overall it’s great. Good job!
This pack should be featured. Excellent.
It’s been a while since I last played a single player level in JJ2, so I decided to give this one a go and I’m impressed.
The tileset is a perfect fit for the intended theme the author is aiming for. The yellow toxic snowflakes is a nice touch and all the rooms look very nice. The music also fits nicely.
The level is split up into several rectangular rooms connected to one another via small tunnels or sucker tubes. The player will have to explore several of these rooms more than once in order to progress. The objective here is to navigate the different rooms and the tunnels that branch off some of the areas to find Trigger Crates to open the next section and to also raise or lower the water level in order to access the crates that were inaccessible the first time. The level also makes excellent use of the Morph Box. There will be some scenery that you cannot destroy with the current character. Jazz will be used for breaking the blocks that are above the player and Spaz or Lori are used to side kick the blocks that Jazz cannot break himself.
Goodies are nicely placed and are not excessive. There is enough food to provide the player with one Sugar Rush. There are also Coins to be found in order to access a Bonus Warp.
Power-ups can be found in secret areas but these are not required.
This level is very fun to play and will probably take about 10-15 minutes on a first playthrough. There are some very creative uses of Morph Boxes and controlling the water level in order to complete the many puzzles in the level. I really enjoyed this level and my overall rating is 8.5.
If the author releases the other levels that make up this pack I’ll be sure to play them and update the review.
This pack is awesome. I was playing these levels for a long time and I didn’t even know they weren’t released…now is time to rate them. Here you go with a nice 10,and keep making more awesome levels!
well the tileset (is bad)!!!!
but the level is good
[Please rate the tileset only, and also behave ~cooba]
what is this? THIS IS THE WORST!
What the hell were I on when I wrote my last review?
A bit biased with the rating, but I don’t care. These are some of the best battle levels I’ve played for jj2 so far. Sfalls2 and E. Prime held up quite well through the years. E. Prime IS a classic!
This pack was surely made with patience as most of the levels in it have been there with us for years already. The oldest ones are from 2004, not sure which one is the oldest one but my bet is the ‘Grass Hill Citadel.’
The levels generally have a very high-quality eyecandy, although the oldest ones could also have a little more of it. Still, even if some levels aren’t as perfect visually, the gameplay and design is innovative and unique in each of the 10 levels. Yes, in each.
I can’t really find a level that I would hate inside this pack, although I find ‘Grass Hill Citadel’ the least awesome for my tastes. However, the pack also contains the massive ‘Apocalyptic End’, which is by far my favourite level in this pack, but it is also my favourite all-time battle level.
‘Apocalyptic End’ pretty much describes the level theme. It is a very complex level where you gain your strength progressively with fly-carrots involved. Fun fact is that the “level stats” are also progressive. The fly-carrots aren’t only a fun side-gimmick. Instead they are the main thing about this level, as they determine which areas/passages/pickups you can or can’t reach.
‘Action Attic v2’ is radically different from it’s precursor, basing it’s gameplay partly on pits, and wide roads and rooms.
‘Dethroned’ is the biggest level of the pack, and is influenced by Epic’s Battle3. While being the biggest level, it’s also the most complex one, giving enough room for even 32 players.
We all know ‘E.Prime’ kind of, don’t we? After those dozens of times it was played in JDC Events, the level should be familiar to almost everyone. But wait, it’s not actually the very identical E.Prime we know. A small change has been made. All the seeker ammo seems to have gotten replaced with RF-missile ammo. Also the Power-Up has been replaced with another RF Power-Up with a much slower respawn(there are now 2 of them.) While the opinion on this change is going to vary, I personally don’t mind it, since it surely reduces the amount of airhits in this level.
‘First Strike’ is a castle-level with a much more narrower gameplay compared to the other levels in the pack. Still the gameplay isn’t too platformy, and the level atmosphere is great.
‘Grass Hill Citadel’ is probably the oldest level in the pack, as I already said, and thus it also has the least innovative gameplay. But still, it is worth a try. The level is open, but not gigantic so even a duel could work in it perhaps.
‘Intercity Grudge Match’ has a unique pit-concept with a secret crate. There are many dangerous corridors and several more or less useful tubes.
In ‘Quick Death Valley’ you have to be quick or be dead literally. Someone could call this level “RF spamfest” but for me it’s a fun and action-packed skirmish level. The only ammo type you’ll find from this level is RF, yes. There is lots of space to shoot with your RF-missiles, but there is also a clear and easy-to-learn layout.
‘15 Second Rush’ is based upon a coin-concept. This level is probably a more unknown one to some players as it hasn’t been played much in JDC events and such. I have seen it a little in some public battle servers though. With a total of 50 coins, you can buy yourself a total of 15 seconds of time to rush on your opponents with a “nice godmode.”
The smallest level in the pack is ‘starlight falls II’, with a more simplistic but still interesting design. It used to be a popular duel level, ‘cause it was in a duel tournament mappool. Well, popular for a battle level. But also this level has changed in terms of pickups. The Seeker Power-Up was substituted with a Toaster one.
I know this level pack is worthy enough for an even more detailed review, but I wish not to reveal too much of it all myself. I rather wish you to find it out more by yourself. But I promise even if you haven’t seen even a few of the levels yet, you won’t be disappointed. BlurredD has put all the effort he got during all these years. Finally, the levels are in public. Download this, right now!
P.S. Awesome name for the pack by the way. SC2 now stands for two things to me. This pack, and StarCraft 2. ;)
Generally polished through and through, SC2 promises consistent, long term enjoyment. These levels, being familiar to most by now, have a lasting legacy, particularly in JDC events. The fact that these levels are still just as playable as ever says a lot.
A decent old level pack what is still good. All the levels have a unique yet satisfying layout with enough detail for eyecandy. I've spent at least 1 day in my life playing all these levels during a JDC or bash.
Ok now let me see what do we have here
i will start with diamondus enzo
eyecandy 2.0
the eyecandy is good
but many tilebugs the grounds
are not finished yet!
layers 1.0
all of the layers are empty!
you just used layer 4 an 8!
you could use layer 1 for the
moving leaves in diamondus tileset
gameplay 3.5
gameplay is fairly good
you start and get ammo quickly
then there are some enemies which
aren’t avoidable the gemstomp is
incorrectly used there is a hill which can
be shot; this is not groundforce this is sp
at the end you fight the boss with some
respawning enemies
baddie placement 2.0
there are too much baddies
which aren’t avoidable
ammo placement 1.0
too much ammo and don’t use freezer
ammo in levels they are useless
second level: winter assault
ok this time layers are used but there
are same tilebugs here almost all of the things above
there is some puzzle here i broke the trigger
crate but nothing opened i just went hopping
here and there.
my levels are also not too much good but i know
that levels should be made good.
i’m very sorry if these are your first levels
but keep practicing i know that you will make
good levels someday!
Awesome pseudo-3D background. The concept of the tileset is clear, but lacks the execution to back it up. The levels themselves are pretty forgettable. For what it is, it’s a good effort. C+
A prime example of experimentation gone wrong. Birdie started a fire going, in which he did not have the power to control. Ambition and creativity should be applauded, but almost all functionality is lost; these are MP levels we are talking about.
Levels are good, but the battle level is too big and has too long roads. The tileset is a bit weird. From snow to green landscapes in 1 tile.., doesn’t seem very natural in my oppinion.
Solid collection of noteworthy tests that provide simple entertainment on a rainy day. A-
Minimalism can be good a thing given the right circumstances, but to what cause for this pack? While there’s nothing rancid, it seems sloppy around the edges. Toni isn’t afraid to show his lazy side – he copies one level and makes another version of it as pure filler. There’s some enjoyment in the pack, but don’t bother digging for gold. B-
Something for nikola, this whole upload is about the level, not the tileset.., and I dont like ur sarcastic review or rating.
@minmay: I would suggest rating the levels first and foremost, since Morten chose to upload this as “single player” and not as “tileset”. Although, it would also be relevant to let the tileset’s quality influence your rating. This upload seems to be more along the lines of “level pack with custom tilesets” rather than “tilesets with example levels”.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.