I really love the concept with “Level up”
And this level is awesome. :)
jó!!! :)
[English only please. Original rating 8.0. ~cooba]
hey does this thing stop server
ping times?
[No. Please don’t rate uploads if you don’t know what they do. Original rating 8.2. ~cooba]
This shouldn’t get a high rating because the levels are way too big or too small and it’s just blocky and too horizontal. And the tilesets you used were just epic and you used them too many times in this pack. Uh right, it might be fun but it’s also campy, i wouldnt recommend this tough.
disguise is weird?
wtf was that?
but ok it does not look like
a tribute to mez’s tilesets
but the 3d look was awesome!
i like this very much but how
did you make such a great tileset?
very use full and stuff ful like andbr98 said
but while making such a great tileset!
newspaz rox!
great tileset i need to say!
the best level is “Battle level”!
this must be featured
i dont know why it didnt become featured
i hope you like it xc
I don`t get why this one reminds you of semi so much.
i said this is semi 2(deluxe version)
Interesting level based around a pretty cool concept. Fairly standard otherwise, but still solid. Bonus points for using the music I made.
A pretty nice and small level,has some annoying areas but overall it’s great. Good job!
This pack should be featured. Excellent.
It’s been a while since I last played a single player level in JJ2, so I decided to give this one a go and I’m impressed.
The tileset is a perfect fit for the intended theme the author is aiming for. The yellow toxic snowflakes is a nice touch and all the rooms look very nice. The music also fits nicely.
The level is split up into several rectangular rooms connected to one another via small tunnels or sucker tubes. The player will have to explore several of these rooms more than once in order to progress. The objective here is to navigate the different rooms and the tunnels that branch off some of the areas to find Trigger Crates to open the next section and to also raise or lower the water level in order to access the crates that were inaccessible the first time. The level also makes excellent use of the Morph Box. There will be some scenery that you cannot destroy with the current character. Jazz will be used for breaking the blocks that are above the player and Spaz or Lori are used to side kick the blocks that Jazz cannot break himself.
Goodies are nicely placed and are not excessive. There is enough food to provide the player with one Sugar Rush. There are also Coins to be found in order to access a Bonus Warp.
Power-ups can be found in secret areas but these are not required.
This level is very fun to play and will probably take about 10-15 minutes on a first playthrough. There are some very creative uses of Morph Boxes and controlling the water level in order to complete the many puzzles in the level. I really enjoyed this level and my overall rating is 8.5.
If the author releases the other levels that make up this pack I’ll be sure to play them and update the review.
This pack is awesome. I was playing these levels for a long time and I didn’t even know they weren’t released…now is time to rate them. Here you go with a nice 10,and keep making more awesome levels!
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.