RecommendedReview by Loon

27 Oct 2010, 10:38
For: ZTF BA [SB]
Level rating: 4.5

Because all these sarcasm comments without any arguments what is actually good on this map. (Or bad.), I’ll review this. So, yay! First level uploaded, well done! Ok, now the level. Pretty good, small, placements are well, I don’t like the ammo choices, is good for duels, has good eyecandy, the horizontal 1 tiles aren’t good for the structure of this level. That’s it, Small review, didnt want a long review. This is good though.

Review by snzspeed

26 Oct 2010, 20:15 (edited 28 Oct 10, 03:41 by snz)
For: ZTF BA [SB]
Level rating: 4.5

Amazing. I noticed I had music muted in jj2 so i unmuted it, and boom, my ears got orgasm too. my only complaint is that the “chuj ci dupe” text is missing.

RecommendedQuick Review by Dodges.

26 Oct 2010, 19:57 (edited 26 Oct 10, 19:58)
For: ZTF BA [SB]
Level rating: 4.5

Bravo! Your best level so far! =O

Quick Review by Galana

26 Oct 2010, 19:16
For: ZTF BA [SB]
Level rating: 4.5

love the warps placement :D
it`s fun to play this after setting a few things in plus


RecommendedQuick Review by RedComputer

26 Oct 2010, 11:47
For: J2E Editor
Level rating: 8.3

Looks cool

[Review changed to quick review, see the review rules. ~cooba]

Not recommendedQuick Review by PurpleJazz

26 Oct 2010, 10:11 (edited 10 Dec 10, 19:36)
For: Meteor Shower Facility
Level rating: 6.8

Somewhat messy. The foreground ec, despite being part of the theme, is extremely obstructive. The layout is far too simple and open, and generally the level looks pretty ugly. Sorry. D

RecommendedQuick Review by minmay

25 Oct 2010, 20:05
Level rating: 8.8

Pretty much what you expect from Mike – original and interesting ideas that are well-implemented. Not really exceptional, however.

RecommendedQuick Review by RedComputer

25 Oct 2010, 19:38
For: Battle1 StreetFight + Original Races Online
Level rating: 8.7

That Is ramke


4 Stars – Very Good

[Review changed to quick review, see the review rules. ~cooba]

Review by jcsuser95

24 Oct 2010, 14:42 (edited 28 Oct 10, 17:39)
For: Adventure Island I
Level rating: 8

There will be a new version of this tileset maybe in this year or if not then 100% in the next year and I would like to thank for Loon who explained me to me that I have made mistakes and I will repair it as soon as possible until then you’ll need patience.


RecommendedReview by [GpW]Urbs

24 Oct 2010, 13:03
For: Zaitox Station 67
Level rating: 8.8

Love the flow, love the open space in between and the “catacombs” underneath. The fact it’s still being played today, 8 years after its release tells you a lot.
However, I have to say, that in my opinion it is slightly overlooked if we compare it to levels like semi and distopia, especially the latter has got a lot less going for it in terms of gameplay.
Zaitox allows for smart gameplay, but it’s also incredibly quick. You can die and be in the enemy base in no time.
Cell, in my opinion, was always good at making original levels, that were a wee bit different from all the rest. I remember one which had a specially interesting way of getting in and out of the enemy base, but short of downloading all of cells levels, I really couldn’t tell you which one it was.
However, we can safely say, that this great levelmaker will be best remembered for this very level, and with good reason, because it is indeed one of the best.

I think nobody deserves a 10, so I’ve decided to give it a 9,5

Not recommendedQuick Review by Superjazz

24 Oct 2010, 00:38
Level rating: 7

I had to review this ages ago, but finally:

This level is complete anti-entertainment for me. Even if the tileset is limited, one isn’t forced to make 90% linear gameplay. Also I don’t see anything original here. The random class-feature has been used before and it just makes the level pure lottery. Download other stuff by Birdie, not this.

Review by Loon

23 Oct 2010, 22:17
For: FrenchLaby
Level rating: 6.7

First of all, it is a too small doorwayed level. So, camping to earn gems is too fast gained. Second of all, there are too many gems. there can minimal 5 players win with a score of 100.., so, it would be a rush, and in a small level such as this, is that almost impossible. I won’t review this long, because the eyecandy is only for layer 4. I only could said something about the gameplay. I’ll give this a 6.7. And for the DR, I don’t know. If you like messed-up-1-tile-rushes-to-find-the-exit-for-the-end-of-the-level-levels, is this a level for you ;-). (I don’t say I don’t ‘like’ this level, I only don’t like the 1 tile moves, way too campy and no places to move to..)

Review by Loon

23 Oct 2010, 21:11
For: Adventure Island I
Level rating: 8

I don’t know what I have to see in this tileset. It has good graphics, is quite good drawed. But, you made too many colors, for every tile 10 colors.., well, I don’t get that. You could use the other 9 colored tiles into more tiles of the same color. You can make more then this. You can’t make a great level with this. The tileset structure isn’t balanced with it’s name. Adventure Island, I would expect more then just only some stone tiles, I would like to see more green, plants, trees, stuff, rocks.., not only stones.. That makes me feel a bit disapointed. And try to do more with the tile’s mask. Diagonal blocks would be nice. The theme of this map has to be in nature, with woods and stuff, there are woods as eyecandy. And 1 tree, thats it.
The layers: I don’t see a textured background in this level. So, we have to deal with some colors to make a textured background, or just a fletshed color at the back. There are just a couple of trees as background, what is ending at one side. Maybe it is build up like that, but would be nice if there are at 2 sides an ending up. Not at one. Plus!, there could be more eyecandy layers for variation, but there aren’t. So, I can’t rate layer 6 and 5, but I’ll do 5 too, because people use it for the background. (But in this tileset it is almost impossible..), or for the layer 4 eyecandy, well. I have to tell you, I can’t make something nice with it. That could be a problem for people. Layer 4, ok, this is just a part what is normal, because I miss the diagonal blocks, and there are way too much layer 4 tiles.., so that isn’t very helpful. You can only use layer 3 for secret doorways, there is nothing to say about. And for layer 2 and 1 I miss stuff.., like rain or something. It would be nice, for people who like it. So, the tileset drawing is good, but I don’t get the point of the theme and layer structure. I would like to see an example level. But there isn’t one either. I wouldn’t recommend this. And I explained it all why I wouldn’t. But, keep going on with drawing, but make the theme clear.


RecommendedQuick Review by zepect

23 Oct 2010, 08:58
For: Timber Collection Forest
Level rating: 7.6

very good map~!!

Not recommendedReview by ThunderWalker

22 Oct 2010, 17:19 (edited 22 Oct 10, 17:21)
For: Street Zerg
Level rating: 3.5

I’ll write also a full review:

None, as said.

Allright, easy points to pick here. Too many crabs are annoying though.

The way you used secrets actually cuts most here. Many tilebugs… too many to list. Also some bad enemy placement, especially placing Fencers in narrow area’s isn’t a good idea. Looks ugly and does not work. The tilebugs were avoidable.

—— Gameplay ——

Level layout.
Well, it was much better if most of the secrets were (partally) covered by layer 3. Don’t cover all secrets entirely; otherwise players might decide to not search for them. If they actually see something, they’re going through a massive maze covered with layer 3 (unless it is frustrating with a lot of enemies and traps).

Also the 4-destruct blocks were placed wrong; sometimes enemies get stuck with them (especially the destruct blocks.

In general, the level layout was quite horrible. Something was done right, but that’s not enough to be anything more than…

Enemy placement:
Some enemies were placed well, like the Bats in the beginning and the Fat chicks. Some were not: The rows of Tuff Turtles and the Crabs are obvious examples.
Variety of enemies is good, but do not overdo it. Think of a reason why those enemies are placed there.

Ask yourself the question:
What is that enemy doing there in the first place?

I liked the King Kong monkey, but the other monkey shouldn’t be there because of it.

Huge levels can use most kinds of enemies which can appear in several parts of the level… however, in levels of a size like this level uses, just use a few different enemies. Let’s say, Fat Chicks, Dogs and/or Cats and Tuff Turtles, maybe a few bats or Ravens scattered around.

The bosses… well.
As Ischa said, I would definately NOT pick the Uterus boss in a city level. Probably a pair of Tuff bosses was better. The tuff Boss and Caterpillars in the wall were great.

Pickup placement:
Too few floating pickups. Could be a lot more (especially ammo)… alltough I would reccommend less crates with ammo when doing so. More difficult to kill enemies (or just huge flocks of Ravens) can force heavy ammo usage though).
Also, what are coins doing in a level when there isn’t a coin warp?
Food placement was fine.

Replay value:
None. I’m sorry. I never want to play this again, so…

26/60 = 4,3/10

End level bug: -0,5 (to fix this, place “Ending” in the Next level string.)
No Layer 3 usage: -0,5

Final score: 3,3/10

DR: No.

Advice: Most of my advice is already in the review. Other things to note are, that several things are easy to improve, like the End level bug which is very easy to avoid and takes only half a minute.

I honestly think you can make good levels in the future. We all have to start somewhere. When planning to make an huge level, don’t be afraid to put twenty hours, or maybe even a lot more time in a level. Heck, if you need to put fifty hours in a large level to add in everything you want, just use all the time you need. There is really no reason to finish a level quickly.

Put time in a level whenever you want to… sometimes there are boring moments, like covering a large level with tons of layer 3, but just keep on going and do other things in between. You don’t have to work with a deadline, after all.

That’s all I wanted to say…

RecommendedReview by Loon

22 Oct 2010, 14:46
For: Dream Stage
Level rating: 8.9

Another level of Snooze.

The gameplay is good in this level. It isn’t very hard to play on. So you’ll won’t have problems with playing this, the flow is good, just know the ways well and you can play this level easily. The eyecandy in this level is in 1 word perfect! The layer 4 eyecandy, the lights, the background eyecandy, everything. Well done! It might be an old level, but it is still good though.., I don’t get it why you never released it. The placements are good, but that isn’t the important thing in a map. Well, the music is good, it makes for me in this level the atmosphere very comfortable, I don’t know why, I just got a feeling of this. Well, maybe too personal… But, the level is very good, and I recommend this level because this level is even better then good in my oppinion.

Quick Review by KiMO

21 Oct 2010, 14:26
For: Deader Than Dead 2. In Honor Of Satan
Level rating: 6.3

A wonderful concept which could have been one of the bests if the game-play, the eye-candy would’ve succeed in the same perfect way. But then again, the music choice and some excellent replies will set this level to your selection, DTD2 managing as an alternative level for your boredom.

RecommendedReview by minmay

20 Oct 2010, 00:46
For: Lava Fortress v2
Level rating: 9.2

Lava Fortress is certainly a very good tileset. It is well-drawn and easy to use. However, like anything, it does have certain flaws. This review will try to explore the tileset in more detail than 350 characters and “hope someone uses this” can allow.

How does it look?
The tileset consists of two different themes: a barren, rocky and irreconcilably brown landscape of dust, and a generic factory setting with pipes and conveyor belts.
And lava. Lots of lava.
Both settings are nicely drawn. I think I prefer the look of the factory setting, however, simply because it is much more varied; there are very few eyecandy tiles available for the outdoors — just some wooden poles, bridges, and a dead tree.
And, um, lava.

I must, however, make one exception. The volcanoes in the background look like crap. In fact, they look sort of like actual crap. I admit that volcanoes erupting with actual crap would appeal a lot to my juvenile sense of humor, but it doesn’t excuse bad artwork.

What about usability and flexibility?
It’s certainly easy to use, I’ll give it that. Tile layout is sensible; there are a few tiles placed in rather odd places, but they’re still easy to find.
Flexibility is when the tileset begins to lose some serious points. It’s called “Lava Fortress,” but /you can hardly do anything with the lava/. It is extremely restrictive; lava can only be in one-tile-high pools on a single flat surface. There are tiles for lava pouring into the pools, but no tiles for lava pouring out of them, which means there are no true lavafalls (they’re like waterfalls, BUT WITH LAVA).

And then there’s layer 5. The tileset is impossible to use effectively without layer 5; there are no tiles containing both solid ground and background, requiring you to split them up between layers. I completely understand the tile limit, but come on, I had to give up a layer so that you could draw some fricking crap volcanoes?

Also, the large pipes lack corner tiles, which is rather disappointing (even the example level finds this a problem).

Anything else?
The mask, palette, and event tiles are fine. You can shut up now, Boldface Text.

RecommendedReview by Toni_

19 Oct 2010, 18:06
For: EvilMike's Not-So-Evil Fortress
Level rating: 8.5

EvilMike’s Not-So Evil Fortress, as the name says, is fortress with 2 towers. Good, decent, and pretty tactical battle level with a big surprise on the top of the level. I won’t tell what it is, download level and see, but I really like it. You did a great job when you made this.

I like placement of Power UP’s and carrots. Maybe you should not put Water Shield, because it is usually disabled in MP games, but that’s your opinion, you liked it and because of that you added it. Anyone can has a big advantage if (s)he get the shield. Even the worst player can beat you here. That’s very good, and it gives a chance for win to everyone. Also I recommend you to make more battle levels, because this one is very good, with a lot of tricks. Sucker tube is smart-placed there where it is, and in a lot of cases in battle games, very very useful.

Eyecandy is something what is the best in this level. Very good usage of every tile. Maybe you should use translucent tiles somewhere, and captio tile if you wanted to decorate the JJ2 window, but that’s not important now.

Suggestion: you should try to fix that tilebug on the top of the level with layer 3. Position 35,45. I am not 100% sure if that is a tilebug, but it looks very bad. You are able to see your character’s foot =( .

This level will never be annoying. If battle games are as popular as CTF games are, this would have the same “rate” as EotM has in CTF.

Quick Review by Ester

19 Oct 2010, 17:15 (edited 20 Oct 10, 18:38)
For: Timber Collection Forest
Level rating: 7.6

I think this map is pretty cool, but the eyecandy could be improved, the gameplay seems good. So 7. EDIT: I am sorry, but there are still some empty places, which is not good at all. You should edit it some more. Good luck with yor lvl…

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