-Too fastest ways to bases(RF climb)
-RF climb is not nice in beach levels
-(recommended IC Tubelec)
-Nice idea with copter
-Good pit
-And very much power ups,not nice sorry
-Nice music for a beach level like this
-Bad layers add more
-Nice level of course.
hey Kat :D
nice race, but big lvl xD
GJ and dont make fun of the contest by calling it stupid
Won :)
Nice level, with a small nice puzzle…
May not be infinite, but then again, NC members get ratings from me higher than 5!
[Biased rating (7.0) clearance. ~cooba]
This level is too small brilliant, fun, creative, and a neat little challenge.
very nice and cool level ! xD
Not even infinite. But hey, because of the music.
Lol, it is not infinfinite but it is a very very big race.
I used this level to test the music in-game to see how it would play back while I’m editing the song in ModPlug. It was a home-brewed “development tool”.
Jazz2’s music engine played music a little differently than winamp or even modplug, so this level gave me the means to hear the actual playback. it’s all part of beta-testing.
Ummm,ok This is kinda pointless
really though wat is the point in it?
If this is just for testing your music,then dont put a lvl in there
Just upload the music and they can hear it
I just played Systematic Crash… oh geez, backgrounds have so sharp colors that sometimes I thought something is platform I can jump on while it was just background…
I like it really much, I could really make something with this… It inspired me. This is not a bad thing, but I’ll say it: I find the headspinning owl disturbingly retarded. :P But hey, that’s the thing with owl sometimes…
Perhaps, Its all opinion. To me you are rating how good the test is. It doesn’t mean its better than something such as Get me R.Movie wise, Its like saying “I think 10 is overrated for a Chick flick” .
Maybe you should give a review then if you think 10 is too much for the level.
A new version was uploaded. Reuploads cause files to be “bumped” to the top of the list.
[This review was referring to some people wondering how this upload got to the top of the list, regarding its upload date; their reviews have been deleted.]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.