RecommendedQuick Review by MilloCz

5 Sep 2010, 17:56
For: Castle 1 W&B
Level rating: 3.6

Maybe conversion takes 5 minutes, but anyone didn’t convert it yet.
I think it is not bad idea.If you want black and white castle, then download it.

RecommendedQuick Review by Toni_

5 Sep 2010, 13:50
For: Twisted System
Level rating: 8

hmm, nice level, symmetrical, almost balanced, but as jake told it is easy to rush.

[Don’t rate levels you didn’t download. Original rating 8.0. ~cooba]

RecommendedQuick Review by Jgke

5 Sep 2010, 11:30
For: Twisted System
Level rating: 8

The gameplay here is good, but the fastest route between bases is way too fast. It’s too easy to rush.

[Don’t rate levels you didn’t download. Original rating 8.7. ~cooba]

RecommendedQuick Review by Ron97

5 Sep 2010, 10:56
For: Twisted System
Level rating: 8

I suppose I can review this,since I helped only with advices. Gameplay is good enough,the tube system seems to work fine. I think the ammo placement could have been better,but the amazing eyecandy and good gameplay matter more. Here you go with a nice 8.5 and a DL rec.

RecommendedQuick Review by Blackraptor

4 Sep 2010, 21:35
For: Foreign Country
Level rating: 8.2

played this the other day and man was it nostalgic to see this set. this level looks beautiful and is also layed out nicely and plays fairly well. also, i’m pretty surprised how well the rayman graphics still look and the level did a great job of showing that

Not recommendedQuick Review by Cobra NF

4 Sep 2010, 15:17 (edited 4 Sep 10, 15:17 by vulman)
For: Castle 1 W&B
Level rating: 3.6

I am sorry but I dont see the point in doing this and upoading it.

Review by andbr98

4 Sep 2010, 14:13
For: Technoir Remix!
Level rating: 6.1

Yeah, in French, Technoir is supposed to be pronnounced [tehn°war] with short “w” but we speak English and Robert A. Allen is English too.

Not recommendedReview by CarrotusCastle

4 Sep 2010, 13:14
For: Assault of flying turtles in Diamondus
Level rating: 7

You have PRO Game Maker huh?

Okay, this game is MUCH better than your first one (JazzDrift)
This game is created Game Maker 8.0 PRO?

+WOW! when you scroll game with arrow keys you can see cool 3d effects in trees.
+Cool graphics

and then bad thigs…

-Humm… This game is boring…
-What music this is? This is your own created music with synth played with one finger…??? Music are worse than JazzDrift’s terrible music. if you can’t play music… paste the original Diamondus level’s music in this game. OKAY?

Final rating is: 2.0 SORRYYYYY i play music with synt so i don’t like bad synth or Modplug music tracks.

And final bad thing is my english…

Review by CarrotusCastle

4 Sep 2010, 13:00
For: Jazz Drift
Level rating: 5.8

Tell me what game maker version this is created.
I have game maker 8.0, 6.0, 5.0, 2.0.
and i can’t open it. THE GMR FILE ISN’T A GAME MAKER FILE!!!!!!

I just wanted watch how this game is edited….

Not recommendedQuick Review by FawFul

4 Sep 2010, 09:36
For: Castle 1 W&B
Level rating: 3.6

This takes time, no skill, no creativity, nothing.
This takes max 5 minutes to be exact. Kind of worthless..

RecommendedQuick Review by Rodrigo_arg

3 Sep 2010, 19:01
For: Sanctuary River
Level rating: 8.2

Eye candy: 15/20
Gameplay: 17/20
Pickups: 16/20
15 + 17 + 16 = 48
48 : 3 = 16
16 : 2 = 8
8 + 0.2 = 8.2
Good job!

Review by andbr98

2 Sep 2010, 20:25
For: 6 Pointless Diamondus Edits
Level rating: 8.6

Hey BlurredD, look at Violet CLM’s Crysilis V pack and play the third example level, that Marbelara-ish one. If you do the same thing he did in the final part (setting Y speed of layer 5 to -1 and adding all things that have to be in layer 4) will be great with your flipped tilesets.

Quick Review by MilloCz

2 Sep 2010, 18:10
For: Chromatic Ascendancies
Level rating: 4.2

how dissapeared all the bad commands ??
This won’t get better than 4 from me.

RecommendedReview by andbr98

2 Sep 2010, 09:24 (edited 2 Sep 10, 09:25)
For: Meza
Level rating: 8.4

Maybe I’ll make a ‘Tetris-Jazz don’t get squashed’ game with it. Looks very good, and useful. Is very colourfulness and eyecandyness and I think it has its deserveness to get a good ratingness after I’m gonna stop this crap with ‘-ness’ endigs.
It has even 3D-ish sucker tubes and 3D-ish tunnels and other useful stuff(I like this word “stuff”, it’s better than “thing”). It has fine vines but it doesn’t have labrat-ish conveyor belts but at lest it has poles and tiles with you can combine the colors of the bricks or of the vines.
Not so easy to use altrough. But beautiful and colourful and Violet-ish(he has a tileset that looks similar to this but this is better). Nice, deserves a 8,2-8,7(8,5) because I don’t rate example levels or music (my PC is so doomed that I can’t hear anymore sounds :( D: only the PC incorporated Alert-Sound System that has a few bunch of cr*ppy noises, I hope ‘cr*p’ isn’t a swear word). So here is it your 8.5 and a D-LD Recommend because it is very useful and stuff-ful.

Review by andbr98

31 Aug 2010, 20:03
For: Old Jungle
Level rating: 7.8

Poor guy that used 0-s in that noughts and crosses game

RecommendedReview by Cobra NF

31 Aug 2010, 03:52 (edited 4 Sep 10, 15:19 by vulman)
For: Chromatic Ascendancies
Level rating: 4.2


Bad BG

Dont make a ctf and a battle level with the same layout,tileset and pattern.

All you did was take out the CTF bases.

DL:Its fun to play.I say yes.



Event Placement:good

Base Placement:Good


And at Pos,39.26,you can get stuck in the wall there.

Make the Start positions in different places around that teams bases.

And the Electro PU placement:Bad

BG:Change the BG

DL recommendation? I guess

Oh and take out the Labrat3.j2l in the file.

EDIT: Ok,I do not see anymore bugs except I think you REALLY should change the BG of it.


EDIT 2 :WTF do u mean by bad commands millo?

and why does the Helpful Index of this review say -89.62?

Ok I will admit that this is a SMALL CTF level.

Sean,from now on,try and make them bigger.

RecommendedQuick Review by MoonBlazE

30 Aug 2010, 21:57
For: Episode Five: The Fortress of Ruin
Level rating: 9.8

I forgot how awesome it is to just sit down and play Jazz Jackrabbit. You get that feeling when you play Mike’s levels. He manages to pull off some amazing level designs and tricks that you’ve never seen before. I’m honored to have contributed to this amazing project with a tileset.

RecommendedReview by andbr98

30 Aug 2010, 20:30 (edited 2 Sep 10, 20:13)
For: Colonial Fix V1
Level rating: 6.5

Hey PT32. Since this is so helpful why didn’t you rate it 10 or any other greater rate than 5.3?? I say that every guy on j2o interessed to make a colonius level should get this thing. It rearranged the ornamental bircks that were such a drag and it has some other stuff that helps a lot. I think it deserves a 7 to 8 so I give 7.7. Haha, “7.7” looks like a face of an emo guy crying.

Review by GLaDOS

29 Aug 2010, 17:33 (edited 30 Aug 10, 17:49)
For: Coldwater Mines
Level rating: 8.4

TW, your review doesn’t make sense as in the final rating:

> 41.5/50
> Penalties: None
> 7.9/10

WTF? How did you get from 41.5/50 to 7.9/10? The rating should be 8.3/10 instead…

EDIT: Nevermind he fixed it

Review by Ron97

29 Aug 2010, 14:15
For: Coldwater Mines
Level rating: 8.4

Just a note,don’t try to cheat and you won’t mind the shield trap :D

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