Review by Jim_PPP01

5 Aug 2010, 17:08
For: Green Islands
Level rating: 4.6

First of all Rabib Rab you will not tell me what to do (…don’ t upload more levels.) You got it? Secondly thanks to all of you for comments and rating. I think some of you didn’t read the readme file!!!! The difficulty lvl of this episode is: Novice. Thanks again for coments and rating. Because I see what you wrote I made the 3rd lvl of Hell Islands it is only the 3rd lvl to see the difficulty, the scenery and many many other thinks… Please see it and tell me what I should change to Green Islands and on this lvl that I say.

Not recommendedQuick Review by Narsist

5 Aug 2010, 16:18
For: Green Islands
Level rating: 4.6

Actually, Rabid Rabb said everything.
Could be good? Yes. But shuold be developed.

Review by EvilMike

5 Aug 2010, 09:13 (edited 5 Aug 10, 09:15)
For: Helldome
Level rating: 8.4

Loon: can you at least read the description before writing a review?

There are no bugs in this level.

Also, don’t rate things based on how they look in JCS. Every one of my levels has copied and pasted tiles, but you don’t notice that unless you zoom way out.

Quick Review by Narsist

5 Aug 2010, 07:36
For: Mindfreak
Level rating: 4.6

Could be better… But today? Umm, no.

Not recommendedReview by bestALEX4u

5 Aug 2010, 07:05 (edited 5 Aug 10, 07:13)
For: Mindfreak
Level rating: 4.6

Oh..Two sean’s level

It’s not the best..Many tilebugs and camp place everywhere.

Ammo placement:
Too many fast fire(s) botton left.Power ups are hmm.. Ok..
But a lOt or carrots for a little battle level


i saw that you put something in layer 6 :/
Its pretty weird when you play


“A little eyecandy…”
I didn’t saw…less than 2%

DR: No
Play when you’re bored: Yes


(Sorry i was short cuz i dont know very well english XD)

RecommendedQuick Review by GLaDOS

4 Aug 2010, 18:37 (edited 8 Aug 10, 13:52)
For: Magic Dust
Level rating: 7.3

Eye candy: Nice, but there are still some tilebugs.
Gameplay: Although one player will probably be camping the Seeker PU all the time, gameplay is generally okay.
Placements: Good idea with the freezable springs near the seeker PU, good PU choices but RF PU doesn’t respawn. Carrots were placed well.

7.9 w/ DR

RecommendedQuick Review by snzspeed

4 Aug 2010, 16:57
For: Light Point
Level rating: 8.2

wathax good level

Not recommendedReview by Rabid Rabb

4 Aug 2010, 16:05 (edited 4 Aug 10, 16:07)
For: Green Islands
Level rating: 4.6


There’ s guide for beginners but nothing.
- 0/0 -


This is one thing i found good :).
- 5/5 -


What can i say? These levels are less in eyecandy , so simple and those Floating platforms :S . The background is nearly None and would be better in texture , Why didn’ t you made the same as in the Offical carottus levels? Eyecandy makes a level looks good and real , I think that it didn’ t taked too much time to make the levels . The Idea is not bad but you need more attentiion. There’ s no bugs in it. - 2/10 -


From the first level to the third : too many pits , But pits was something I got killed . The boss level was very easy , but why did u need to froze at start? really not needed.
The secrets makes it Bit good.
- 2/10 -

—-Enemy Placement—-

There were a correct number of enemies and somewhere tricky . In the other hand there are lots of same Enemies, same Placings and some bugs.
- 4/10 -

—-Pickup Placement—-

These levels are less in foods, got bad in coins, good in gems (instead of the bonus). The placements aren’ t bad but Too Many … TOO MANY powerups and the secrets are outfilled.
- 2/10 -


These Levels are in single short and the episode too. I Think you shoud practice , see some excellent levels or don’ t upload more levels.

- 16/45 - 3,5/10

Quick Review by bestALEX4u

4 Aug 2010, 16:02 (edited 4 Aug 10, 16:05)
For: Jazz2 for Windows
Level rating: 7.7

Not original :P (Joke)

RecommendedQuick Review by Micky

4 Aug 2010, 15:40
For: Assault Base
Level rating: 7.8


Not recommendedQuick Review by Micky

4 Aug 2010, 15:38 (edited 4 Aug 10, 15:39)
For: Two Hotels...
Level rating: 3.4

i dislike this :(

Quick Review by Micky

4 Aug 2010, 15:35
For: JJ2 TileSet Viewer
Level rating: 3.9


Quick Review by Toni_

4 Aug 2010, 15:21 (edited 30 Aug 10, 15:46)
For: Universal CTF
Level rating: 8

well level is big, very good for big games like 3v3/4v4s, designed with not the best tileset, but eyecandy is good. Also tubes, carrots and PUs are good placed. download recommended.

RecommendedQuick Review by Ron97

4 Aug 2010, 14:50
For: Magic Dust
Level rating: 7.3

Sorry for writing a quick review,but I do not have much to say. The eyecandy is fine enough,though it can be improved. There is a bit more open space on some place than I prefer,but overall the layout is nice. Ammo placement is good. The highest rating I can give is 8.2.

RecommendedQuick Review by Narsist

4 Aug 2010, 13:52 (edited 5 Aug 10, 09:04)
For: Jazz 1 Layout Editing Suite
Level rating: 8.9

Very good and useful!

(thank you cooba.)

RecommendedQuick Review by DarkSonic

4 Aug 2010, 12:03
For: Helldome
Level rating: 8.4

A level that people could call a classic by now. It’s one of the best event levels (at least in CTF and DCTF) It’s always fun to freeze the spring and let someone fall with the flag (hopefully not one from your team) It also has a really good flow. I don’t think I will get tired of playing this level in an event.

RecommendedReview by Loon

4 Aug 2010, 10:30 (edited 6 Aug 10, 08:17)
For: Helldome
Level rating: 8.4

This level is really fun for 2v2, for a duel it can be might to big. That was the first thing of all.

Original, it is really good that you did the transulent black tile on layer 6. The lava pits are really well done. I’d love to see such a nice eyecandy, this was really original.

I expected more from this, more layer 4 eyecandy, and the what more eyecandy tiles what was given in the tileset. So it really looks like you did more work on it then it really was. So, that was a bad point in my oppinion. Bad it wasn’t bad at all, just something more, but not too much. I see it back in JCS that you used some tiles (I’m talking about 8×8 tiles..) and you putted them on an other place. It only make it more ‘un’finished.

Well, this level is quite big. with 2 c’s and the 2 ways to the base. There are just 2 roads, leading to the base, and that’s it. The flow is really good, you have only to run. So you can eat a cookie while running =). But some more roads, that you go up or down from road is something what I had wanted to see. The gameplay is good, but liniar too. The pits are really nice, you fall, score for the other team, and hope that your teammate is ready. But it might be annoying for duels, then there are 2 scores, so it will be fast over. And I did a duel last with someone, and if he died into the pit, he scored for his own team. So that is a bug that has to be fixed. (Or it was server lag..) Anyway, the idea is nice, but can give some sirious discussions in a duel or 2v2.

Pick-up placements:
The ammo is putted in the way you walk to the base, so you will always get ammo when you just walk. The powerups are well placed, balanced. So that is quite good.

Really good, this one fits the level a lot.

Edit: I did reading the discription. And I only said there was a sort of bug when we played. If he died, he scored for his own team. So if he died, I was losing points, but it has to be: if he dies, that I get a point. Right?

Edit 2: I did the score higher, for some reasons. I rated this level somehow stricter and that is something what I would never do. And I didn’t zoomed out in JCS, I zoomed it here out. And my eye fell immediately on the copied blocks. I only pointed you on that. But I gave an higher rating because it was too strict.

DR: Yes, it’s still a good level in these days =).

Review by Stijn

4 Aug 2010, 09:29
For: JJ2 TileSet Viewer
Level rating: 3.9

Well yeah, as StarLORD says it’s certainly the best program put on J2O today so far, but frankly that doesn’t say much since it’s 11:15 AM at the moment and utility uploads are typically rare. I therefore doubt that this achievement alone is enough to warrant a 10.0 rating and suggest you look at the application’s actual qualities instead, which are:

- It does what it says on the tin

That’s pretty much all of it; open a tileset with the program and it shows you the tileset’s image, much like J2O’s file preview feature. Sfaizst’s effort however uses black as a transparent color (black is what’s used internally in the tileset file) instead of the purple-blue that everyone’s used to because it’s what JCS uses. While the one color isn’t inherently better than the other it’s always a wise idea to stick to what people are used to if there is no particular reason not to do so.

I imagine the typical use of this utility would be quickly checking out a tileset from inside Windows Explorer. That can certainly be useful and the utility eliminates the tedious work of opening up JCS, scrolling down the tileset list, looking for the correct set (which can be rather hard when you have a few hundred sets) and loading it.

That’s pretty much where the feature list stops though as once you’ve opened a tileset with the program not much can be done with it. You can’t view the masks, export the tileset image or do stuff with the palette. So while this app does do what it promises to do, it doesn’t do anything else apart from that, limiting its use. Still worth a download if you have a large set of tilesets you’d like to check.

(Honestly, I mostly wrote this review to balance out StarLORD’s ridiculous 10. A shorter version would’ve been “what Violet said”)

Not recommendedReview by Violet CLM

4 Aug 2010, 08:13 (edited 4 Aug 10, 11:48)
For: JJ2 TileSet Viewer
Level rating: 3.9

This program is somewhat functional, but I’m not sure what use it has. First off it’s not even all that good at displaying tilesets: the window isn’t fixed width, even though the contents are, and for some reason there’s a black margin to the left of the tileset image so you can’t have nothing but the image in the window. Not that you’d want to, since the information displayed at the bottom of the window is actually wider than a tileset. The transparent color, as noted, is black, unlike the traditional purple, and this cannot be modified. It takes longer to load a tileset than JCS does, and displays only the image, not the clipping or transparency masks.

Some directions this program does not take that could make it at least slightly useful:
  • Function to create (and presumably begin editing) a new level using the selected tileset
  • Function to list all levels using that tileset
  • Grid view
  • Number of repeated tiles
  • Number of animated tiles possible using that tileset
  • Export to image
  • Clipping/transparency mask view
  • Palette extraction (and saving as .pal) and importation
  • Really any kind of editing capabilities at all
  • Any direct exportation functions (but I guess j2ff already does that)
  • Function to change version
  • 1.10o support
  • Palette-sensitive events preview (as in JPS)
  • Integrate tileset viewing algorithm into the Windows Explorer Preview Pane instead

However, not a single one of those possibilities is realized, and this program, incredibly, does just what it says on the box: it shows you the image of the tileset. It’s competently written, and the code should be a good base for actual utilities down the line, but right now, this is no more than a proof of concept uploaded to J2O instead of posted to the JCF or left on the uploader’s HD as a stepping stone towards future projects.

P.S. StarLORD: If you’re interested in finding the best utility upload of each day, I have another recent upload to point you towards…

Review by StarLORD

4 Aug 2010, 07:42 (edited 4 Aug 10, 16:42)
For: JJ2 TileSet Viewer
Level rating: 3.9
Violet did you mean your Jazz 1 Layout Suite? I did not tested it because i don’t get jj1.I’ll get it tommorow.
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