RecommendedQuick Review by snzspeed

27 Jul 2010, 01:23
For: Psychedelic Experience
Level rating: 8.7

I think this is an awesome level and truly an experience. I dont know, I dont think I can give a single level 10 but still im gonna rate this high. DL rec ofcourse :DD

RecommendedReview by ThunderWalker

26 Jul 2010, 18:59 (edited 27 Jul 10, 19:20)
For: Light Switch
Level rating: 8.7

Levels which use the JJ1 Medieval tileset are indeed messing up at the preview. Always.

I played this – the hardcore version – online a few days ago, and well, with 4 vs 4 or something like that…. And guess. It was awesome!
Everything was well placed and works properly.
The light switch was the most ingenious and nasty thing ever… especially when everybody was blinded and some fell quite a few times into one of the deathpits lol.
It was one of the funniest CTF games I ever played.

There is also a version which put the lights back to normal after you die, which is obviously a good thing.

Fine. No problems or whatever.

Everything works properly, no noticable tilebugs.

Level layout: Well, seems fine. I like it. You can run fast through the level once you know it and ti is easy to learn.

Pickup placement:
No complaints about it. Everything is fine… alltough I should place 2 normal carrots instead of the Full RNG for the sake of symmetry.

Replay value:
Well, this isn’t a level that you want to play once.
I still want to play it again lol.

44/50 / 5 = 8,8/10

Penalties: None

DR: Yes. It is really fun.
The “babie” version is more suited for serious duels, but the hardcore version was suprisingly awesome when playing with quite a few players!

A question for the admins:
Why am I unable to rate this an 8,8?
Edit: Thanks VioletCLM.

Quick Review by FOX292

26 Jul 2010, 13:39
For: JJ1 Carrotus !!!
Level rating: 3.5

Hmmm…. Noka Noka, where all the originality gones? This is just a Jazz 1:Diamondus edit with one of the ugliest pallettes I ever seen. Also, Where is JJ2 carrotus’ eyecandy items?

Sorry. 5.5 only because the idea…
DR? N/A..


RecommendedQuick Review by MilloCz

26 Jul 2010, 10:34 (edited 31 Jul 10, 22:04)
For: The Twilight Park
Level rating: 8.9

This need not comment.
I feel free when playing it.

@Violet:I think about levels made by this tileset.

Quick Review by KiMO

26 Jul 2010, 08:57
For: Two Hotels...
Level rating: 3.4

Well as I said in your previous upload (which now it’s no longer available), this level can be fun only for the ‘instagib LRS’ players and nothing more.

RecommendedQuick Review by MilloCz

26 Jul 2010, 08:31 (edited 8 Aug 10, 17:09)
For: Two Hotels...
Level rating: 3.4

Good, but on “up” side – there should be more stuff.
Then another bad, it is little :/

Review by StarLORD

26 Jul 2010, 08:13 (edited 3 Aug 10, 19:31)
For: Two Hotels...
Level rating: 3.4
This was realy approved for fun and instagib lrs fights.So i’ll make an a long review with all words and things about this level. EYECANDY-MM good for your choice, this eyecandy is better than GB house’s. Then those layers are not too harmonic and tiles too. GAMEPLAY-Good gameplay and i don’t words to do in this category about the level. BUGS DISCOVERED-This map contains some tile-bugs and bugs where i can stuck with /wb on which here isn’t available this :P. FINAL CONCLUSIONS-In general,this level is for hosting in lrs instagib games and for no fire zone.This is an a exception that i would not recommend this,due the certains bugs appears in the level and due the layers :P. I’ll give a 5 for starting in making opposive levels. Well,I don’t reported it to admins and+ he insult in uploading everybody and why insulting me? ~StarLORD!

Not recommendedReview by StarLORD

23 Jul 2010, 12:46 (edited 3 Aug 10, 13:12)
For: Sirpentus Rhinno
Level rating: 5.6
Us cannot understand why xander made levels with annoying bugs and idk why he don’t know how to fix them.This is horrible in discovering and get stuck in a tileset which is this: xlmbeach. So i don’t give recommandation because this level really suffers crashes and tile-bugs which i hate them. That’s it .I don’t recommend this.


RecommendedQuick Review by StarLORD

22 Jul 2010, 12:29 (edited 22 Jul 10, 13:36)
For: Frog Force
Level rating: 8.5

this is a real pack survivor for frogs for fun.
This is a new idea to make new tips of levels.
%{font-size: 1cm; font-weight: bold;}Big text

Review by Ktos.

22 Jul 2010, 00:28
For: Forest Route
Level rating: N/A

Hah, Aycox send me that level before. It’s.. Nice, but I can see many things because of layer 3, layout is a bit strange, but it’s better than mine first ctf level : P. Also, it’s looking nice, good eyecandy. But its surely unplayable. So i just don’t know how to rate it…

Review by troglobite

21 Jul 2010, 19:24 (edited 22 Jul 10, 02:48)
For: Infernal Dungeon
Level rating: 7.3

I saw a new single player level uploaded, and it was rated quite high, so I was excited to play it. Unfortunately, I was somewhat let down.

Gameplay: 6/10
The gameplay was extraordinarily average. The vast majority of the level simply involved large amounts of enemies and a few hurts. The extremely large number of enemies was offset though by the fact that there were several more carrots than needed, and the level really felt a lot like an official Epic level, except with more health lost and gained back. I think if there were simply less of everything, the level would be a bit cleaner and have more interesting gameplay. I did like the amount of ammo, and they type of ammo. There were also several death pits, which could be a hair annoying, because I often found myself plummeting into them from a great distance, and only at the last second realizing they were there. However, I liked that there were pits, because it did force a little more thought and caution on the player’s part. The pits didn’t always work correctly though, and several times I “died,” I found that I hadn’t actually lost a life, just been sent back to my last checkpoint. I had my settings wrong, so I couldn’t see through the transparent tiles, which made a few placed annoying, so if you’re going to play be sure that you can. I liked the choice between the bosses, although they are a bit unbalanced. The left is a bubba boss on a bunch of platforms over a pit, the right is several bilsy bosses. I found the left side to be much easier.

The eyecandy, like the gameplay, was fairly standard, but more crowded. There were a couple little tilebugs, such as(106,9), which had an extra fog tile over top of the wall, but most of it looks good. Things are generally consistent and easy to tell what’s going on, although again, in some places it simply is too crowded and a bit confusing. I liked how events were consistently placed on the ceiling. This was a nice little touch that made the level look and feel more unique and cohesive.

Overall 6.5/10

The level is good, although other than the boss selection, not very creative.

Edit: Forgot to actually rate it

Not recommendedReview by ThunderWalker

21 Jul 2010, 17:38 (edited 22 Jul 10, 07:58)
For: Infernal Dungeon
Level rating: 7.3

First, don’t post every single level once finished. The fun of the episode goes down VERY quickly if you do so.


Is allright. I didn’t noticed it even from the very beginning…

EDIT: My fault: Music volume was lowered for whatever reason.
9/10 -> 10/10

Eyecandy: more or less allright. Most of the level looks fine, but there were a few tilebugs here and there. It could be a lot better anyway.
Also, the Bilsy Bosses sometimes appeared on top of a DEATH PIT. WTF!


Level layout
Well, the level played rather bland and is quite like the basic SP-episodes from EpicGames, with the difference that some parts were annoying with Lori because she can’t jump as high as Jazz or Spazz can when jumping on small platforms. It is possible for her without cheating though, but JJFly is a much, much easier solution, especially for the unexperienced players.
Very few secrets.

Enemy placement: Fine, but it wasn’t enough to make me die (on hard), except the damn Bilsies.

Pickup placement:
This was quite well done, alltough the extra lives and some carrots weren’t really necessary.

Replay value:
Quite low. Too few secrets to search for, and you’ll don’t have to retry because you’ll die often (probably only when facing the Bilsies in the very end). Some text here and there couldn’t do any bad, as well.

39/60 -> 40/60


6,5/10 ->6.7

StarLORD overrated this level. A LOT.

DR: No. This level plays too much like the basic levels from EpicGames… and if the only though part of a level is beating the boss, something went wrong…

Not recommendedQuick Review by MilloCz

21 Jul 2010, 14:41
For: Domi02.j2t
Level rating: 1

I would like to rate -2,5 but it is not possible.
I give you 1 and no download recommendation !

RecommendedReview by StarLORD

21 Jul 2010, 12:51 (edited 3 Aug 10, 19:34)
For: Infernal Dungeon
Level rating: 7.3

Infernal Dungeon

Hm another hard single-player level by fox. This was really too difficulty by playing in jazz.It was hard to defeat buba boss… Eyecandy-This was inspired a bit from epic’s inferno but is your own original eyecandy.Layer 6 used and not 7. GameplayAlright good gameplay with most difficulty. This is better than Syetyan Park at this category because he are not a lots of carrots and there are enemies and carrots in every point.I could not understand but you got a inspiration to make this own gameplay.Yeah is true. Weapon/Ammo placement-Weapon placement was good for this number of enemies.I won’t do large comment at this. Enemy Placement-Enemy placement was right. Enemy placement did made the level with hard difficulty. I did played with Jazz this and that was very hard to beat skeletons and other enemies ravers… Bugs-No bugs i founded.Any stucking.No pennalty for this.

Final Rating is 8.2 with DR!
Keep making levels!
The music is created by blackraptor
I think…
He uploaded it to his pack Dreamscape.

RecommendedQuick Review by FOX292

21 Jul 2010, 10:16
For: Blizzard
Level rating: 8.9

It’s definitely looks like a very good remake of Nippius/Holidaius :D

RecommendedQuick Review by StarLORD

21 Jul 2010, 10:02
For: JazzTool V1.2
Level rating: 8.9

Allright this is very helpful for fur colors and serverlist.
10 with DR

Review by FOX292

21 Jul 2010, 08:55 (edited 21 Jul 10, 19:55)
For: Infernal Dungeon
Level rating: 7.3

Wow, the preview here looks MUCH MORE BETTER than it looks in JCS.(I mean, when you look at layer 4 in 12.5%)

ThunderWalker – That’s strange what you told me.. Bilsy boss suddenly felt down or something else? I’ll fix it.
And yes, you should try play it again, this time with fighting Bubba instead of Bilsy.
As you can see I designed this level for 1.23, means WITHOUT LORI – That should not low down the rating.
Also, due to your disappointment from the secrets – I’ll edit the level, by Increasing the bonus and adding more secrets and places to find the coins. Maybe you’ll give me some suggestions about improving the gameplay a bit.

StarLord –
“Ahh and something:the music of here is from Dreamscape”
I KNOW it… Where you thought i found the music? :D I just asked about WHO created the module itself.(Like what I done with the tileset in the Credits)

RecommendedQuick Review by KiMO

21 Jul 2010, 06:27
For: Light Switch
Level rating: 8.7

Actually this level works only in duels, due to this exciting new feature, the light switch. A perfect sized symmetrical level, a standard eye candy, but after all it’s very fun.

Not recommendedQuick Review by MilloCz

20 Jul 2010, 19:38
For: Hotel grgant by gregor LG tiles
Level rating: 2.5

Graphics failed again.Sorry Gregor.

Review by MilloCz

20 Jul 2010, 19:37 (edited 3 Aug 11, 11:42 by cooba)
For: multihero tileset full version
Level rating: N/A

Yeah Gregor, this is your best tileset !
Yeah Gregore, tohle je tvůj nejlepší tileset !

This is pretty RIP from many games, maybe few of them are his own tiles.
It is still crappy a bit, but it is Gregor how we know him :))
Example level, or something what is in file with tileset, is very funny challenging level!
Very hard,probably funny every point is “Gameplay>Modifier>Hurt” but it makes game original and goooooooood !
I recommend to download ! Really funny ! ;-D

@Cooba: Please include reason why you edit my comments.

[Here’s your reason: without any offense to gregor, this review cannot be possibly serious, and we don’t allow joke reviews. That should be clear enough. ~cooba]

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