Review by abgrenv

23 Oct 2021, 06:59
For: Sinister Winter
Level rating: 6.8

I can’t seem to be able to play the level properly, half the tileset for me is missing. Isn’t there a tileset file for the mashup tileset used in the level? Because the level loads the Easterius tileset, but everything that is borrowed from a different tileset doesn’t load. Can someone help with the solution, I’ll post a review when I can properly play the level

RecommendedQuick Review by Slaz

22 Oct 2021, 17:03
For: Sinister Winter
Level rating: 6.8

A traditional JJ2 level that uses MLLE just for aesthetic purposes. Enemies are Carrotus’ default turtles and lizards, as well as skeletons and ghosts to add to the ‘sinister’ atmosphere. The invisible walls don’t always make sense, and it’s not always clear which bushes can hurt you. Overall it’s basic gameplay but a very solid clean level design.

RecommendedQuick Review by ForthRightMC

22 Oct 2021, 15:46
For: Murder of Chickens
Level rating: 6.5

I’ll give you 7.5/10 because, one – this level is really great, and two – nice music.

Great work Dragusela!

Review by cooba

11 Oct 2021, 23:17
For: IC - Turtemple
Level rating: N/A

It’s called Turtemple

Review by Stijn

5 Oct 2021, 18:12
For: Sinister Winter
Level rating: 6.8

‘Sinister Winter’ is a stroll through a pretty frozen Easter landscape, full of (useless) gems and with a few puzzles to solve on your way to the boss at the end. I found it a decent experience, though it was marred a bit by a number of issues that at times prevented me from progressing.

Some of these were promptly fixed by Dragusela after I reported them, others remain. One lingering problem is that the level basically requires you to play as Spaz, but doesn’t tell you this. If you happened to select Jazz or Lori, a lot of platforming will be much more difficult and there are a couple of places where you can get stuck outright (e.g. 325×104). The level does have separate starting positions for Jazz and Spaz, so it seems like the intention was to support at least those two characters, but the rest of the level design doesn’t reflect that.

If you are playing with Spaz, the level is a decent trip, though there are a few places where it’s easy to get lost as you have to backtrack because a crate just appeared a couple of screens back because you just walked through a trigger zone. This is not signposted very well – and sometimes the trigger zone is easy to miss too because the level expects you to take a certain path, but another one is equally viable! The more straightforward parts of the level are okay, and the level overall looks quite nice, although there are also more than a few tile bugsand the music didn’t seem to fit very well (but nothing as subjective as music selection). I do wish enemy placement had been a bit more challenging – they’re not exactly difficult to avoid at the moment. It all ends with Uterus, who I found no fun to fight underwater, but I suppose that is a way to make it more challenging to beat.

Overall this is a promising new level but there are just a few too many bugs and issues to really recommend it. Another round of testing for the next effort might improve things.

Quick Review by WaterRabbit

3 Oct 2021, 20:32
For: Resurrection of Evil Episode 2: Spear of Darkness
Level rating: 8.2

Great episode, but sadly the third episode will likely never release, considering it’s been about 9 1/2 years.

RecommendedReview by Dragusela

1 Oct 2021, 16:24 (edited 1 Oct 21, 16:30)
For: Taco Trucks on Every Corner
Level rating: 8.7

One of the most original levels I’ve ever played! It has quite fluent gameplay, the ammo placement is fine (maybe the powerups a little less). I like the idea that you have been trying to bring some MLLE functions back into JCS. The eyecandy is fine, not too much but it’s fine, you used the Colon tileset (one of the most difficult tilesets to use in my opinion) and you used it perfectly, it looks like a level form the 2000s, it has the feeling that you’re playing something old. You followed all the rules so I give you a nice evaluation:

8.7/10 download recommended.

RecommendedQuick Review by ForthRightMC

29 Sep 2021, 18:21 (edited 30 Sep 21, 11:08)
For: Sinister Winter
Level rating: 6.8

Wow Dragusela you are the best level maker I have even heard, and your SP level is a great masterpiece.

I’ll give you 7.2/10.

Also, the music comes from Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose game.

RecommendedQuick Review by Icy_Guidance

24 Sep 2021, 02:55 (edited 24 Sep 21, 18:40 by Stijn)
For: Newspaz3a
Level rating: 6.3

The one that started it all.

[Rating (10.0) changed to N/A]

RecommendedReview by Stijn

23 Sep 2021, 20:54
For: Peoples Chimp pt 2
Level rating: 8

These two levels are decent fun. No fancy scripts or custom tilesets, but who needs that when you can rely on some oldschool running and gunning? The level design here is mostly ‘classic’ in style, with the twist of the levels being sort of open and non-linear, involving a good amount of back-tracking. That’s always tricky to do, and it’s easy to make a player feel lost when a level isn’t strictly a dash from the far left to the far right side of the map. Admirably, these levels mostly avoid that, somehow always nudging me in the right direction, though I will admit having to double-check every corner a few times. There are also a couple of bugs that can prevent progress, notably a rock falling in the wrong direction in the first level and a falling spring crate missing the ledge it supposedly was meant to land on in the second.

Apart from these issues, the levels are fun though not especially challenging; while the first level occasionally keeps you on your toes with its enemy placement, by the second level you’ll have stocked up on fast-fires and you can mostly just breeze through the enemies. At the end of the levels waits Bubba, who is never a particularly challenging boss. But despite not being a great challenge, the two levels on offer here are quite fun to play, and they’re worth checking out if only as rare succesful examples of levels that aren’t completely linear.

Quick Review by Icy_Guidance

23 Sep 2021, 01:40 (edited 23 Sep 21, 21:12 by PurpleJazz)
For: Ramadan maps
Level rating: N/A


[Rating (10.0) clearance. No meme reviews please. ~PurpleJazz]

Review by WaterRabbit

22 Sep 2021, 21:28
For: Mystery of the Four Artifacts (Plus edition)
Level rating: 6.6

Playing through the new version, I seem to be experiencing a bug. In mo4a_0.j2l when I turn on the switch to make the platform move, the camera doesn’t return to the character’s position. I tried using jjk but then I couldn’t move at all.

Quick Review by Primpy

19 Sep 2021, 12:16
For: Lonely House
Level rating: 6.4

Cooba’s review is exaggeratedly low. It’s a simple and visually appealing battle level, perhaps not ideal for competitive battles but I can see how it could be enjoyable for casual players looking for something fun and simple.

Not recommendedQuick Review by cooba

19 Sep 2021, 10:34
For: Lonely House
Level rating: 6.4

Looks nice but gameplay is nonexistent. Don’t do things like carrots next to two seeker ammo crates, the player with the powerup will stay there forever and win. This is especially bad in this map because it’s literally the only room in this map.

RecommendedReview by Rysice

19 Sep 2021, 09:38
For: Lonely House
Level rating: 6.4

Eyecandy in both levels is interesting (dirt tiles are repeating too much on some places). I like how you combinated carrotus with colon. Its interesting how you chosed to use lighter color in backround wich is more far, looks like there is sunrise in far but you are still in dark. I kinda dislike that roof on 70,35 has same color as another roof wich is up, i think it should be darker, cuz that roof is in backround and you cant step on it (its kinda confusing). Well is well.
Layout itself is kinda boring, looks too empty for me. Also there is not enought ammo.
Music is ok.

RecommendedReview by Slaz

18 Sep 2021, 21:41
For: Jazz of the Jungle
Level rating: 8.9

A mildly scripted, non-linear SP level where you have to collect keys & gems to unlock doors. You also need to morph into different kinds of animals with unique abilities in order to pass certain areas. This involves some backtracking and memorization of points of interest to revisit, so I’d say it’s indeed a metroidvania albeit in a fairly basic form.

As a rabbit you’ll have the ‘boomerang’ weapon from Jill which is pretty fun to use (in hard mode you have to find a weapon first!). There’s also a spikeball weapon to be found that shoots diagonally and can break rocks. There’s plenty of enemies, some from JJ1 an others are (mostly) reskinned JJ2 enemies that follow their standard JJ2 behavior. And if you hate the (small) bees, then prepare yourself because they’ll be your true nemesis in this level!

Instead of carrots and hearts you have a health bar. Eating 8 apples equals 1 heart, and apples are aplenty so there’s always an opportunity to recover from mistakes. It’s nice to have infinite lives and the animal morph ‘icons’ you touch act as checkpoints too. Hard mode can be challenging but with these additions it still makes a relaxing experience.

All the eyecandy, especially the foreground birds, can be a bit distracting at first. It’s not immediately clear if animals are enemies or part of eyecandy tiles. I suggest looking at Jaws’ old Amazon tileset first before playing this level. :P

I managed to glitch once by escaping the waterfall right from the key gem as a piranha (swim against the upper left tile), but other than that it was a smooth experience. Level recommended!

RecommendedQuick Review by ForthRightMC

17 Sep 2021, 11:22 (edited 17 Sep 21, 11:22)
For: Lonely House
Level rating: 6.4

I really like the house design! And the atmosphere and wishing well placement are awesome!

10/10 HYPE!

Download recommended

Also, the music is made by snz (Warfare In My Mind) & radikson (I Realize).

Review by ForthRightMC

16 Sep 2021, 09:43
For: Battle Remake Levels
Level rating: N/A

WHOOPS!!! I forgot to insert “MLLE-Include-1.5.asc” file into the pack, I’ll do it soon…

RecommendedQuick Review by ForthRightMC

16 Sep 2021, 09:18
For: Swamps of The Sleeping Jaguar - Level for Agama's tileset
Level rating: 7.9

Jester I really like your challenging levels, especially with the Robot boss easy to defeat.

I’ll give you 7.7/10

I recommend everyone to download this

RecommendedQuick Review by ForthRightMC

15 Sep 2021, 08:25
For: War Of The Rabbits 2: Taken For Good?
Level rating: 8.6

The pack looks good, and I really love this!


Download recommended

Also, level “The End of Everything?” in my opinion will be better when using “Martian Lovesong” music by necros (

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