Not recommendedQuick Review by DarkLight

10 Jul 2010, 20:50
For: Dark Cave
Level rating: 7.3

Nothing original. I don’t like the drawing style. Everything here looks the same. And the water… I hate the color of water.

RecommendedQuick Review by RedMser

10 Jul 2010, 19:04 (edited 22 Jul 10, 14:15)
For: Wicked Wood
Level rating: 8.9

Gameplay: I like it
Eyecandy: Very Good
Atmosphere: Dark, a little bit Spooky
I like it, GJ.

RecommendedReview by Loon

10 Jul 2010, 17:59
For: The Swimming Island
Level rating: 7.7

First of all, welcome in xlm!

Original name, good tileset, good using of the tileset.

Some things that aren’t natural. The eyecandy with islands you see 2 sealayers. That it what I didn’t like.

Good enough, only that thing what I just said is wrong in my opinion.

Good, well, I see sometimes deadends, but whatever, I really don’t care. Anyway, some roads are long, make more platforms, so you have more ways to get out.., or else RF is going way to overpowered.

It looks good, you placed tiles like cannons and treasures. Well, but some more layer 4 eyecandy and more layer 3 tiles would be nice, just too make it full, not too full, because then it will be a piggery. Well, but that isn’t in this level.

Ammo placement:
Sometimes too many of them, but well placed.

This level works good at:
Well, it is for duels and 2v2 too big, but higher then a 2v2 it is sure recommended! Good for Zeal Alpha.

I’ll hope to see more of your levels in the future, all made by the xlm mark ;).


RecommendedQuick Review by snzspeed

10 Jul 2010, 17:33 (edited 13 Jul 10, 09:33 by snz)
For: Dark Cave
Level rating: 7.3

I like the set. it does what its suposed to do, and the water effect is nice, altough perhaps the color is bit dirty. :)

Quick Review by Gienka

10 Jul 2010, 16:36
For: Frog Force
Level rating: 8.5

I had the opportunity to play in these levels, they are very funny:)

RecommendedReview by Laro B.

10 Jul 2010, 15:14 (edited 10 Jul 10, 16:03)
For: The Swimming Island
Level rating: 7.7

The Swimming Island is, as I see, Jgke’s XLM’s tryout.

The name ‘‘The Swimming Island’‘ is descriptive enough for this level, the tileset was a good choice for this level too.

The Layers 5, 6, 7, and 8 are good but I find it unnatural that layer 6 and 7 are moving, the rest of the eyecandy is good but there could be more layer 4 eyecandy, atleast, at some parts.

I don’t like the large group of ammo ammounts, but for games like 4vs4 they are usefull, the 2 carrots fits big matches too, but not for duels and 2vs2.
I think RF rockets are too overpowered but it could be just me.

I cannot rate it down, you took animations and layers from Blade’s example level, but we all do that.

Should I recommended this? Well if you like 4vs4 matches or bigger then it worth a try! The level size is perfect and large ammo amounts makes it a very good level for big matches.

Goodluck in XLM.

RecommendedQuick Review by Narsist

10 Jul 2010, 10:47
For: Dark Cave
Level rating: 7.3

Useful? Maybe.

Review by Jgke

10 Jul 2010, 07:16
For: Wicked Wood
Level rating: 8.9

Small tilebugs at the red base’s sprite, regarding Eva’s feet.

Review by Loon

9 Jul 2010, 21:37
For: Scary Jungle
Level rating: 7.8

@ Trey, well, it was just a tryout level what I made in a few days, I just wanted that this was done in a couple of days, I didn’t even watched the bugs. Anyway, this level isn’t really good in my oppinion. My next levels will be a lot better then this. (Way too campy and small..) And there were 2 warps, not 1.

I don’t reupload it, it was just good enough ;).


Review by TreyLina

9 Jul 2010, 17:44 (edited 9 Jul 10, 17:45)
For: Scary Jungle
Level rating: 7.8

So anyway, I can’t seem to find any proper reviews on this, just at least some rather poor reviews and one with some suggestions. And I don’t wanna sound like a mod, but Kimo, was there really any point just posting a “review” of just complementing someones review? (Or by at least being sarcastic or whatever, doesn’t really matter).

Anyway, lets (I will) get to reviewing.

It’s okay… There’s some rather annoying parts in this level though, such as this. I bumped into it several times by mistake. This has not just happened to me, but others too Let me ask, why is it even there?

Also, I really think you should get rid of these “tree tunnels” and just make this part open with a spring perhaps. It just feels a bit too cramped here, you know.

Sorry about JPG, I saved in that file by mistake.
On the good side of this level, there are no deadends.

The flow itself can be a bit “stiff”, if you don’t know what I mean, it can be a little hard to move around, and is easy to get stuck on the corner when you try to get in the warp. Add two float-ups on each side of it. Hopefully you’ll know what I mean, since there’s only one warp in this lvl. There’s several other annoying little corners to get stuck on while running across that you have to jump at, which where easily float-ups could’ve just been put there. And why isn’t there a one-way here? I have to move to the right all the time…

Ammo placements are fine, though I personally find powered seekers a bit overpowering here. You could pretty much win entirely with them. Replace it with a toaster PU or something.
The float-ups near below the vines can be annoying. When I get up to the vine from the float-up, I can’t get down from it and have to move left…I don’t really understand why you only added float ups to the very right.
I’ll agree with Anubis that it would be nice to have a green spring near the blaster PU instead. Others think this would be a good idea too. I played this level in team battle twice.

The eyecandy is pretty decent. Some layer 2 eyecandy would be nice (but remember make sure layer 2 eyecandy doesn’t cover too much of the player nor too distracting). One thing, while may not necessarily be eyecandy related, is moreof something that annoys me about the tileset pallete is that it makes hearts hard to see on the screen. Which is very important to know in gamemodes with health (which is pretty much the majority of them).

Uh…sorry man, but the music doesn’t really fit the feeling of the level so much. The tune may be alright, but it can be a bit distracting at times. I was thinking maybe a kind of dramatic jungle-themed tune would fit nicely. If you could ever find one, that is.

Some reviewing idea I have. Functionality doesn’t get a rating, it just tells how well I think what character works with the level. So anyway, I know by the looks of this level would probably work best with Spaz, but I was too lazy to switch and pretty much played with Lori. Her kick seems to do the job, though copter ears don’t have much use in this level. Even though I haven’t played with Jazz, I don’t really see much use with uppercut here. Ah well I barely use him as much as I used to anyway. As for Spaz, double jump probably can help to get to some places faster along with some RF trick probably (haven’t used it yet though so I can’t confirm it). For his kick…eh well nothing too special here. RF kicks are, and have always been risky anyway.

If at least some suggestions were applied to this level, I would perhaps rate this a little higher and possibly a download reccomendation. For now…I wouldn’t say it’s not not to download it but I wouldn’t recommdend to download it either. Just see for yourself I guess.

Overall rating: 7.0/10

Not recommendedQuick Review by Seren

9 Jul 2010, 15:34 (edited 9 Jul 10, 15:36 by Sir Ementaler)
For: Sirpentus Rhinno
Level rating: 5.6

Oh well, I must agree it’s more than I ever expected from a 256×64 level which takes only about 1/3 of this space. But that’s surely not enough for me to call it a good one. The eyecandy is nothing special, as well as the gameplay and the pickup placement. Everything is just average. Much too short and easy to get a DR.

RecommendedQuick Review by Narsist

9 Jul 2010, 10:25
For: Sirpentus Rhinno
Level rating: 5.6

A lot of warps, some tile bugs.
But i liked this level because a lot of eyecandy and good gameplay.

RecommendedQuick Review by Zoro

9 Jul 2010, 05:48
For: GM Unfinished
Level rating: 9.2

GJ!!! :)

RecommendedQuick Review by Zoro

9 Jul 2010, 03:40
For: Frog Force
Level rating: 8.5

Nice idea! :)))
Froggy Survivor!

RecommendedQuick Review by Zoro

8 Jul 2010, 11:26 (edited 4 Aug 10, 05:09 by Crazy Rabbit)
For: Weird Pipes
Level rating: 6.5

Strange style, but i like it
Starlord? 3,7 with DR!? WTF!?

Review by StarLORD

8 Jul 2010, 08:23
For: Bjossi´s levelpack v2.2
Level rating: 8.7

wow is something wrong with this:
Admin Note:
This .zip file is currently broken. Bjossi needs to reupload it.
so can somebody fix this?

Review by andbr98

7 Jul 2010, 18:47
For: Technoir (NOT jj1)
Level rating: 8.3

Hmmmmmmmmmm…. reminds me of that Lavapolis tileset you made. What’s that?? Lack of originality? But hey, the other palletes look good. Good job but I won’t rate it if it looks the same to Lavapolis. I don’t rate twice for the same thing. I’d like to recommend this download but I have N/A rating so I can’t, sorry.

Review by RedMser

7 Jul 2010, 13:08
For: TP2001 Levels Pack 2.0.1
Level rating: 8.6

You need to upload the tileset Easter for 1.23 players…

RecommendedQuick Review by FOX292

6 Jul 2010, 17:15
For: Jazz2 macro maker
Level rating: 6.6

Making your own macro files is an idea for bored people, like me, but I consider this as a useful program.

p.s. Where is the readme file? :S

Not recommendedQuick Review by Xander[NB]

6 Jul 2010, 08:42
For: Tbattle
Level rating: 3.5

Noob u don’t upload musics and when u host ur server with these levels i said:hah he will upload these shits?
Dont use castle 1N for all levels use beach castle1n and carrotus 1n and not nice add power ups or add different weapons only seeker?mhm…

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