ALSO YOU NEED the name of creator of battleshipBL
before editing and uploading it XD
a bit is nice this tileset
but you don’t have added 32 tiles xD
SORRY too bad .
you just edited levels from devres (Jgke’s review)
i can’t believe this…so you uploaded and JazzTool.
xD you broke a big rule and important!
you must upload your own program.
This is not a insulting at your levels
There’s no reason why this should get anything over 1. The “Level” is an edited version of some level from devres, and the “ending level” seems to be an official level without layer 3, 4 or 5. The author used “clear” on this level, so the events were left there. ZERO, what did you think when sending this!?
[Review changed to quick review. ~cooba]
nvm i misread tw’s review. lol
I played through those levels on hard mode, using Lori. Well, I needed JJFly only once – but it is fairly playable with Lori otherwise.
Fine, but you forgot to add the music of one of the levels… alltough it is downloadable elsewhere but I didn’t.
Not that bad. Except for a tilebug in the third level, everything looked fine. Nothing outstanding though, but it wasn’t bland and didn’t suffer from any serious flaws.
I should remove the 100-coin warp if there aren’t 100 coins available though. If they are… well… they are at least well hidden… probably TOO well.
The collapsing bridges should be made of different tiles (looking to the third level)
Level design
You had to search for coins to get to the exit, but otherwise the levels were lacking orginality. It was impossible to rush through the level and the levels don’t suffer from any serious flaws… alltough getting sucked into a bat is no fun.
Pickup Placement:
No flaws, but probably a little more ammo(-secrets) should be fine.
Enemy Placement:
Most enemies were well placed, but I shouldn’t place piranha’s if they cannot move.
Replay Value:
The levels were well designed. This is were the lack of a story cuts down in the rating – because a story adds to the raplay value – and despite the levels were good, they hadn’t anything really special and weren’t really hard either – alltough I had to keep on my toes on hard mode.
Also, the levels lack many secrets which also cuts down into the replay value..
You forgot to add a music file… but it is downloadable somewhere else and the link is posted. -0
DR: Yes.
@tropiCCo: I’d only like to notice that those tilesets are from 2004 and 2000. And personally, I like the one from 2004 more than WP. Also, if you’re thinking this way, why are you giving it more than Heaven or Egypt got? Do you believe it’s the best tileset on J2O?
I’m not going to review since I know I shouldn’t.
Weird Pipes, as the name says, is comprised of multicolored pipes that form solid platforms and non-solid eyecandy. Unfortunately, that’s all that there is, which makes the set boring. You can’t make a good background, you can’t use the pipes in any creative way other than making patterns in the platforms, the palette events suck. Disrecommended.
Agreed with coob. hardly any possibilities can be done with this set. it has nothing else but colored pipes, so you can only have variety in color, that is way too boring and minimum for a levelmaker. But i guess a player would recognize a level only for it’s backgrounds fade aswell. No/DR since it looks like you didn’t try too hard. Fastly done.
I don’t think that this tileset is so bad, but it’s not really so good. Surely it’s not that bad to rate it lower than 6. It’s just a simple tileset made very fast. There is only one animation here, but there is also a lot of ground types, corretly – colours of it. This tileset is looking empty anyway… Wouldn’t that be better to make for example 3 different coloured tilesets, but with more things inside it? Then it could be possibile to make different textured background types too, which could be more fitting to every different ground colour.
It’s possibile to make nice eyecandy with it(first WP example is looking very good in my opinion). Simple, but nice. I like the idea about coloured rain, it’s looking funny. Nice clouds, also tileset is easy to use.
I saw worse tilesets which where getting rating between 8 and 9, but I will rate this 7. Not really good tileset, it’s too simple, looking like the creator of it run out of ideas and just wanted to change colours of ground and release it fast. Anyway, good job. I won’t say is it recommended to download it, if someone likes it, then he should download it, if he doesn’t the he shoudln’t. Thats all.
@Tropicco, that was what I meant by worse tilesets with rate between 8 and 9 :)
A pretty uninspired edit of Birdie’s BattleshipsBL. Some tiles are a nice addition but some are also pretty useless. It’s a decent effort but it would be cool if it was spent on making something original. And it’s not like BattleshipsBL was all that good, as a palette edit.
“I added more than 100 new tiles for YOUR levels.”
Are you mad? You added 15 tiles… and it is too much.. less than 15. Better make some conversation of JJ1 tile sets.
Wow! Finally a new tileset.
I downloaded it and I can say, this tileset very useful.
Some colors so harmonic with each other.
And so sweet ^^
I want use it!
And: Music needs JJ2+.
DR ** Yes
[I already rated the tileset only. ~Narsist]
Rain forest is obviously not my favorite JJ1 Tileset, but you did here a very nice job.
I liked the way you combined Technoir and Raneforus in your Future tileset.
I think that >CeIL< made the conversion, that BL and your BL+ based on….
Anyway, try to search the downloads for the BL conversion.
I don’t think so the author of the ‘‘real BattleShipsBL’‘ likes you’re doing this.
If you don’t know who he/she is, then it’s obiously stealing, you need to ask for permission.
I have BattleShipsBL, and I think, IT’S AWESOME!
Cool! ;)
Desolation is the perfect competitor for the old tileset “7th lava fall” :D
I’m going to be honest here, Narsists review isn’t very useful…so anyway I’ll try and give some useful suggestions. I know, lots of text but this may help others on making battle levels too.
Layout: It feels very boxed-in. Seems like you wasted a lot of space…more than you actually needed when you look in lvl preview. Not sure if you know this, but you can right-click, then properties to change the layer size. In this case to change layer 4 size. Try and not start a a box and instead, start making from the left/right corner or middle of the lvl. Draw the map on paper first if it helps. On the other hand, the layout feels quite empty in some places, at least there aren’t really any major deadends, but I could see a lot of improvement. This pretty much applies to the first and third lvl about the rather empty parts.
Placements: Honestly…I really see no point of those V-poles. You can easily skip over them, and are quite annoying events and should only be used for worthy items or major shortcuts. (I mean like strong PUs, gold coins, Full C’s and such, but even though there isn’t any full C’s in your lvl, just don’t use them in battle). Some of the ammo placements are okay, I see you improved the lvls a little bit by adding some more different types of ammo in previously empty areas, but the ice feels unecessary which is only worth being in levels if there’s pits or access to goodies using them. Pepper might be a better choice to replace them. But some ammo placements do feel a bit random. When placing ammo (I don’t mean the PUs yet) try and think, “If I place those, will it help according to the situation but not be too campy either?”. Lastly, as for PUs errr…I don’t know exactly what to say, though maybe having two powerful PUs would be interesting, or at least just some other kind of other useful powerup, but make sure they don’t overpower the level. The levels seem to really lack in carrots and it seems you were aiming at least one of the levels to be able to recover in, llke only one of them has like one normal C…. you’ve got to be kidding me. And it’s placed a bit too close to the seeker powerup which is one of the most powerful weapons in the game, try and make the C a little bit more difficult to get, and perhaps add another one somewhere else in the level. As for the other two levels about having no C’s, I’ll leave that to decide for yourself if you do want to add any.
Eyecandy: There really isn’t so much you can do with this tileset to make it look really pretty, but at the moment this level really feels like a cave. Take off a lot of those bakground (layer 5) tiles off. Maybe you could make the layer 5 tiles to look a bit more “patterned”….not so sure how to explain exactly. They could do with some foreground eyecandy too.. Layer 4 eyecandy is fine. I also spotted a tilebug at the very right corner of the third battle level.
Gameplay: I have to admit I haven’t really played this map yet after a bit of adding more ammo and stuff.
Music: It’s default castle music, nothing much else to say. Used a lot, but I’ll just leave this bit at N/A.
If you haven’t yet, try and look at some other “serious” battle maps out there other than b1, b2 and b3. Promise me, you’ll find much better examples of battle levels out there.
Should you download this? Meh, not really.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.