RecommendedQuick Review by Narsist

12 Jun 2010, 11:32
For: Castle 3
Level rating: 5.6

Good, but some effects (especially spaz :P) more red in evening and night.
I waited more blue more yellow… :)
And you didn’t add some background :)
But good again :D

RecommendedQuick Review by Narsist

12 Jun 2010, 11:29
For: JJ2 conversion pack
Level rating: 8.9

Just… Yes!

RecommendedQuick Review by Narsist

12 Jun 2010, 10:58
For: Enjoy Coke
Level rating: 7.5

Small and pretty ^^

RecommendedQuick Review by Narsist

12 Jun 2010, 10:56
For: Episode Four: The Resistance
Level rating: 9.3

I like “Thrax” level because this is easier than others :P
You must play!

RecommendedReview by King487

12 Jun 2010, 08:57 (edited 12 Jun 10, 10:58)
For: Desert Fight
Level rating: 8.3

Eyecandy couldnt be more perfect, ammo placements are ok, there are only two pu’s, toaster and RF, other pu’s (expecialy bouncy) would probably be way too overpowered, i managed to find two RF climb spots (one at each base) which are really usefull so that u can run away right after u get the flag, its a lot faster than taking fucked up springs, gameplay is pretty good duels 2 vs 2 and 3 vs 3 are all possible, map is neither too small or too big, C placements are ok, its rly hard to make a good lvl with two c’s, few fastfires which is also nice. With a lot of things fixed, this map is actually pretty good.

RecommendedQuick Review by Unearth

12 Jun 2010, 08:41
For: Desert Fight
Level rating: 8.3

I like this level nice

Review by PT32

11 Jun 2010, 21:12
For: High-K Dielectric
Level rating: 7.3

What the-
I don’t think so.
This level is good, but not that much. It has some nice eyecandy, tolerable gameplay and good colors.
However, it’s a really tiny level. Not oppressively so, but still pretty small. Music was alright.
Some of the eyecandy was nice, but there was too much going on in the level. I suppose this is a natural property of Tubelectric, but still. Actually, the Layer 4+surrounding layers eyecandy was pretty interesting. Just too much information going on in a small area.
I think Tubelectric in particular has been done almost (if not completely) to death, which deals somewhat unfairly with this level. The level itself is okay, although I can only see 1-on-1 CTF fights in its future. Nice, but certainly not worth a 10!

RecommendedReview by PT32

11 Jun 2010, 20:52 (edited 11 Jun 10, 20:55)
For: Mission Spaz: Foreseeable Future
Level rating: 8.8

To be perfectly honest, when I saw this in the level list for the first time, I would have never predicted this pack to be the next Upload of the Month.
After a week of curious pondering, I finally downloaded it and was hooked from Level 1.
First off, it has AMAZING graphics. The first [and it certainly won’t be the last] in the category of true “custom” JJ1 levels, it uses the tilesets of Carrotus, Castle and BlurredD’s Desolation. Get that. JJ1 uses JJ2 tilesets. Kind of a switch, huh?
But that’s not all.
Newspaz takes this yet another step further, adding his own baddies and events, even two custom BONUS levels, now made possible by his equally innovative new J1E modification. I was pretty miffed by the cannon baddie in Castle, but even that was a marvelous leap in Jazz history. Custom music is used too, but that’s sadly limited to JJ1 songs specifically. Too bad.
There were just a few small things to be desired, however. For one thing, the levels all seemed quite a bit harder than to be expected. If Evilmike’s Jazz2 levels were the standard for difficultyin that game, then Newspaz’s JJ1 levels are the second game’s counterpart. One or two sections in Carrotus seemed looped, particularly the part with the many waterfalls. I was equally disappointed by the utter lack of a custom end boss, even an end boss period. That would’ve been icing on the cake, although it hardly affects the grandeur of this pack.
Buggage was also surprisingly clean, although maybe I shouldn’t be so surprised, since Jazz1 had far less glitches than its successor.
All in all, once I had finished playing through the whole pack, my doubts to the validity of Mission Spaz’s claim to DL of the Month were immediately wiped away. Nothing could be closer to the truth: That Newspaz’s rockin’ new release is quite possibly definitely the most revolutionary set of kilobytes posted yet on J2O. Download today, with my hearty recommendations.

Review by KiMO

11 Jun 2010, 20:49 (edited 12 Jun 10, 08:59 by Violet CLM)
For: Napoleon Hotel
Level rating: 6.1

I want to go describe every room one by one so here goes my review…


The restaurant has some different types of food chosen carefully inculding enough soda. Unlike the kitchen, bathroom’s style is so simple, that you’ll get bored of it and you’ll probably ?eat? something else. Even that, it’s still a normal and sometimes romantic place to eat something. :P
Note: 7.8


What a lame room. I’ve never found this one useful only if someone would have to take a carrot. But still, if they had a hospital, the most hotels would have put only them and some beds. The idea is old and I think there should be more ideas about its creation. Also, some medical cabinets or some kits belong to this tileset and they’re not used here. I however need to increase my rating because of the idea for a second room.
Note: 6


Oh, I had a lot of fun here renaming all the rooms for my friends and changing their styles. All these boards are so great and fun, every room has something different and there is so much place in them. The stairs and warp target placements are also put rightly, making you to descend them insead of boarding. The exits are arranged good, but still they could be closer to the warp target.
Note: 9.3


There are here not enough things to be bought. Some power-ups and free warps will actually change the player’s impression, making him thinking about using them and shooting. Besides, there’s only a way to go (from start to end) and there doesn’t even appear some stairs. It’s too simple.
Note: 3.5


Another room which didn’t suprised me at all. I played some hotels before, and I have seen that sometimes people include a warp for the players who want to ‘‘rob the bank’‘ and a warp target to the so-called ‘Jail’. I find it realistic. Also I prefer gold coins, insead of sliver ones. The good thing of this room is that when you want to get the money, it’s just challenges you to take all of them, making it more provocatie if you use Spaz.
Note: 5.7


A pretty fun room, when you can relax and also play with your friends. The soccer is interactive, the gates are large, so that the ball will enter easier, the pitch spawn is normal and the stairs are preventing the player to hit it. Wall climb is hard, the edges are very crowded so it’ll be more difficult for users to jump. You’ll receive a pretty big prize if you pass. =P I’ll never get what you have to do in the kung fu place. Never had fun there and it could be more interactive if Napoleon had put a no-fire zone there.
Note: 7.3

Wall Climb

Here I had some accidents sometimes, because if you stomp too much in left you and your partner will be moved out of it. That’s the only thing I can comment here, the rest of it looks pretty… normal.
Note: 8


Test, Disco, Quiz… sounds some great places to hang out… The quiz was actually interactive for me, I found some interesting and known things, I passed them all and won the prize. The only problem was that I got confused of warp placements (up, down, up down, down…) or whatever, you could be more exact on them. The test is pretty easy, and I somehow found that the lvl 1 answer with the lvl20 of Napoleon Test? Oo I won’t check which one was made first, but I’ll still decrease the note. Disco has the vital things which are present in one, but still the decor is too simple and you’ll get bored fast, as I did.
Note: 7.3


I’ve never got the real reason why the battles were put in hotels, because as far as I know, hotels are made for the cooperative mode. And also why did you add the ammo there if people can take it from Shops in power ups?
Note: -


Funny, but I would have preferred to replace the water with the scenery one, even if it means that you would have been forced to delete the left part… The trampolines are simple and also fun, but I’d recommend you not to use the highest one, because your head will probably get stuck into the wall. xD Still an event for them would have been better.
Note: 7.7

Final Rating: (7.8+6+9.3+3.5+5.7+7.3+8+7.3+7.7):9=6.96=>7

I think you should download this only if you want to play a hotel, a normal one, with normal and typical things in your server, with your friends. If you want something new and got bored of these tilesets, don’t expect something from this.

Btw, this was my really first long review, please don’t be raw with me or my mistakes. :)

(Fixed the markup a little. Don’t mind me. ~Violet)

Not recommendedReview by ThunderWalker

11 Jun 2010, 18:59 (edited 18 Jun 10, 18:33)
For: Electric Landscape
Level rating: 6.2

Another review.

Non is given.

Fine, fits the level, but I’ve heard it before. However, there is no better choice.

Allright, but nothing especially pretty like several other levels have.

Gameplay elements:
Level Layout:
The basic layout is fine. The maze was too easy but still somewhat refreshing.
The Boss was battered in seconds with the Flame powerup. Powerups can absolutely cause havoc on bosses – and especially the Flame powerup.
This level has nothing special aside from two coin warps.


Pickup Placement:
Way too easy, way too easy. I ended up with having 99 ammo and such, and too many carrots. Alltough I like many enemies, I don’t like many pickups.

Enemy Placement:
Not enough to kill me… on hard. They are well-placed and well-chosen though, but it is simply not enough to kill me.

Replay Value:
None altough this isn’t exactly true. But this level has nothing special, while the lack of consistency cuts down on it. The level shows creativity here and there though, but is outclassed on every possible way when looking to several other levels around.



End level bug: -0.5 -< Fixed. -0.
Lack of consistency: -0.5


DR: Well, this level isn’t that good. It is a large level, but it is relatively easy and absolutely lacks consistency when looking to conveyor belts and the fans on the floor.

@Level maker:
This level shows creativity here and there. I’d suggest, like Jahari, that you’ll keep making levels and improve your skill at JCS.

I’ll often give a relatively low rating. Don’t let that stop you from making levels. Try to avoid things which can be a real hitter in the rating like being unplayable with certain characters or the end-level-bug which results into a game crash. At the end of episodes, fill in at the “next level” string, “ending”, which effectively stops the bug from appearing.

Edit: End Level Bug is fixed.

RecommendedQuick Review by hf_iMag

11 Jun 2010, 05:40
For: Electric Landscape
Level rating: 6.2

Nice lvl, but there are some bad stuff like: the maze war too much annoying, too much pickups and gems…..
But the eyecandy is nice, gameplay is challenging and i recommend to download it :D

Not recommendedReview by Jahari

11 Jun 2010, 02:35
For: Electric Landscape
Level rating: 6.2

I probably would not play this level again, but it has some good things about it.

The good:

- Nice and long
- Decent eyecandy, though very repetitive in some areas
- Enemy placement was OKAY, but not amazing. It takes more skill to use a few enemies to take down the player rather than big masses of them.

The bad:

- Lack of consistency – conveyor belts should always be conveyor belts. The first one I encountered didn’t even go in the direction the animation. Same thing applies to the hooks on the electrical wires. Either make them all hooks, or put them all in layer 5 so they don’t interfere with the player. The fans should have also been uniform. Some fans have float up events while others have hurt events. Jumping on a fan and having it damage you instead of float you is very unnerving…

- Sharp contrast with the eyecandy – part of this is due to the tileset you used, but it’s not very attractive to have eyecandy that just sticks out because you could put it there. Use color to make the eyecandy more subtle (example: use yellow and red electrical wires in areas that are predominantly red or yellow …kinda like moss on a tree).

- Too many pickups. It didn’t take much effort to find the pickups in the level and there was too much reward for the effort given. Make the player work for it a little and use pickups as eyecandy rather than just stuff to keep the player busy.

- Way too easy. I never died even though you advertised that I probably would die. The boss battle was also incredibly easy. As long as you stand on the sloped part of the platform with the robot boss he can’t shoot you but you can shoot him.

Nothing new here. No download recommendation, but I do recommend you keep making levels to improve your skill at JCS :)

Review by TreyLina

10 Jun 2010, 21:28 (edited 10 Aug 10, 18:35)
For: Desert Fight
Level rating: 8.3

Well, since this level has been updated since PurpleJazz reviewed it, I think I’ll give this a proper review of my own. Yeah, I do think I kind of overrated this level myself, mind you, I was half asleep when I had given it an 8.5.

The layout is okay, however, the flow can feel a bit strange. Let’s take the bottom area for example. I just find it a bit blocky, sometimes accidently bumping into them, or maybe I just think it looks a bit ugly, wheras it could be better off as slopes, but not too steep though. As for the top area, it’s decent, I just can’t quite put my finger on how to describe it. Personally I don’t mind open maps that much myself as long as they don’t feel like some kind of big cave.

They’re pretty decent, I don’t think I really have anything about to complain about here, except that red gets more of an advantage of being able to get the C’s more safely. There isn’t too much or too little ammo which is a pretty good thing. Though near blue base it kind of lacks a selection in ammo.

The eyecandy is pretty functional, it has foreground and background eyecandy that isn’t really distracting. However, there’s nothing really in particular which makes it stand out from other levels which uses this tileset. Also, there’s a tilebug I thought you would’ve fixed by now.

I think this is one of the more balanced vertical CTF maps out there. However, aside from what I said about the C placements, red base does have a little more defence too. Generally, this level is pretty fast paced, it can get chaotic though. I personally think this level is fine for duels and 2v2s. 3v3s can be a bit too much sometimes. The right C can be annoying when shot down to the bottom right corner, I either have to buttstomp or use toaster. Still, I find this map pretty fun.

Although it’s been used before, it still fits the level well. It can get a bit boring after hearing it a lot though.

While Spaz seems to work best in this level with being able to get up some parts faster, but Lori and Jazz aren’t that bad either. As for sidekick (Spaz’s or Lori’s) and uppercut, it kind of depends on the situation you’re in.

Reguarding how this was judged in the duel map contest, I think Sterile CTF (another vertical CTF map which I personally find a bit overrated) was way more red biased than this, yet that was never complained about. Also, I found it odd how it was complained about possibly being “too big” for duels…yet the 1st 2 maps that won are a bit bigger than this. I somewhat understand why it didn’t win, I didn’t completely expect for this to win anyway. I think my taste in maps have kind of changed over the many months. I can understand why people can find this map a bit annoying, but you should at least still give it a try.

Overall rating: 7.7/10

RecommendedQuick Review by FOX292

10 Jun 2010, 17:52 (edited 11 Jul 11, 09:35)
For: Episode Five: The Fortress of Ruin
Level rating: 9.8

OMG, this is such a great finalle for this great episode :D

EDIT: I thought, as a skilled SP player, that this episode is the most difficult SP episode. Then I saw Blackraptor’s “Dreamscape”…
(Not so related, but I’m here to chill the people here who died a lot here)

RecommendedQuick Review by GLaDOS

8 Jun 2010, 18:51 (edited 2 Aug 10, 22:07)
For: Desert Fight
Level rating: 8.3

Nice eye candy, okay team balance (vertical/diagonal CTF levels are usually hard to balance), there’s no carrot camping, very interesting game play for both duels and 2v2s.
Download recommended.

[EDIT: Sorry for overrating…]

Review by Dodges.

8 Jun 2010, 18:24 (edited 16 Jun 10, 19:40)
For: Desert Fight
Level rating: 8.3


RecommendedReview by Seren

8 Jun 2010, 18:06 (edited 2 Apr 11, 21:16 by Sir Ementaler)
For: Abandoned Park
Level rating: 8.1

I promised to review so here I am.

The layout is almost fully symmetrical and easy to learn. It can be splitted into 3 parts, which are the top, the path and the underground.

The top was made mainly for two reasons: obtaining an RF PU and attacking the bases, placed between the top and the path. After obtaining the PU once after every death, it starts to be quite useless, though. There’s not much of ammo there and capturing a flag is much faster with use of a single RF jump from the path. Otherwise (from the top) I’d need to jump on a green spring above an obstacle, and wait until my rabbit will be down there to take the flag, what consume too much of my precious time. The spring should at least be red, so the waiting time could be slower.

To each of the bases there’s one entrance and one exit, but as I said, it’s possible to enter through the exit and also, thanks to the springs added with one of the edits, it’s possible to get out through the entrance. Before the edit it was also possible though, again with use of RFs. Personally, I hate these springs. They take out the whole fun.

The path is an almost flat surface on which players can find RFs, Bouncers, Seekers and Electroblaster ammo – all the types off ammo which the level include, making it even more useless to visit the top or the underground. There is also a Full NRG Carrot in the middle of it and a single slowly-respawning Soft Drink, probably placed just as a decoration.

In the underground there are two small rooms not connected to each other, with thin vertical entrances (the file preview will tell you more). Entering any of them in game is rather rare and there’s no real reason to. The things that can be find here are Bouncer PUs and Seekers, and after collecting them there are two sucker tubes to get out. Because of only one entrance, these places can easily become campy, and this time there’s obviously no way to enter using an exit.

The flow of the whole level is okay. I didn’t find anything decreasing it radically, not counting that green spring in exchange of red. To obtain any of the seekers it’s necessary to slow down though, and I found it a great idea. The rest of weapons uses the same thing but in a less noticable way, making the whole level a choice between a fast or powerful attack. The only weapon which is not really needed is the Electroblaster. I tried using it in game in a few ways, and the only thing in which it helped a little was obtaining the RF PU. It requires some aiming though, and doesn’t really matter, because getting some of Gun 9 ammo (starting near one of the bases) takes a similar amount of time as getting the PU.

Layer 4 and 3 eyecandy looks fine. Unfortunately, while there’s much of great things above the floor, the ground itself looks rather boring. In the deeper part only rocky tiles are used, and Blade’s tileset offers some tiles without rocks as well. Also, some useless pipes could work well.

The background of the level is quite typical as for this tileset and looks really well as it is. I like using the same thing in layers 5 and 6 as it’s almost unnoticable while playing. The town in layer 7 does the job too. I only had a feeling that the textured background doesn’t fit the rest of that, but even if I’m right I guess it’s not your fault, but the tileset’s. Together with the playable part of level, well-used ambient lighting and good choice of music it creates a really great atmosphere, which lacks in so much of other JJ2 levels. This level is worth downloading even for the atmosphere itself, really.

Well, I don’t think you can win a contest with the atmosphere and placement only, though. Go and make it better in any way you want. And don’t listen to my hints, they suck.


Edit (due to the level edits #6 and #9001 – previous rating: 7.3):

After these edits, this is just another level, which is much better than the previous one. Lots of things changed. While the eyecandy could be yet more improven, it’s already much better now. I didn’t really expected that these pipes will look like this. They improve both, the outlook and the atmosphere, which now really rocks. This level is truly special in this aspect, and I still believe that even without any gameplay, this would be worth a download.

But the gameplay is better than before too. The Seeker ammo added at the top, as well as changing the spring color really made it pointful to go up there. Changing the underground also made it more visible and more often visited. Now players are finally running in the whole level, not only a little part of it.

So now, what I said should make this level perfect. Unluckily, it still isn’t. The fixes caused some new problems.

As I said, the Seekers were added at the top, making it a more useful place. They were added in a really wrong way, though. Their placement absolutely doesn’t fit the rest of the level. They’re not only on the way, so you can collect them “running like an idiot”, but they’re in really excessive amounts. Just going from left to right through the whole top a player is going to get 50 of them in no time.

The second thing is the fact that editing the underground didn’t really make it camp-proof. While it’s visible if someone’s camping there or not now, still there’s no chance a player will shoot a camper, and even if he wonderfully will, the camper can easily escape with a pipe, which will lead him almost exactly to the only carrot. The underground must be made better once more. And the Electroblaster is still lacking in use, what doesn’t take out any points, though. It’s rather a little hint from me for the previous point.

And, as I said before, the eyecandy can be yet better. It’s the hard part now, and making it “yet better” isn’t really funny anymore, but it can change the ratings a lot.

Oh, and a dog house disappeared with the 6th edit. It may look better, but the dog will be sad. I’m not telling you should make it back there. Just please don’t delete dog houses anymore, because they’re people too, anyway.


Edit (due to the level edits #9002 and #0 – previous rating: 8.6):

Everything changed once more. And again the changes are really seriously improving the level.

The first thing which is visible is of course the eyecandy. The first time when I saw the level before its 2nd edit it was repeatitive and boring, now it’s one of the best which can be done with this tileset. There’s a lot of varying stuff in and above the ground, the pipes are irregular and everything looks just damn great. It began to be a little confusing though, since impossible to get pickups, like gold coins, carrot or fire shield appeared there. Good that I was unable to shoot the fire shield or any of RF PUs which were stuck in the ground with Electroblaster or Bouncer. If it’d be possible it would suck. Also, the moving gold coins are a really cool idea.

Camping is absolutely impossible now and no tube leads to the carrot anymore.

Some more food was added. I don’t think it’s really possible to rush when playing a duel, but it looks quite well.

The RF spot still is there, making this level tricky in a good way.

It’s hard to say something more I didn’t say before. This level has just a great gameplay when playing, and a great climate when looking around and listening to the music, and so I feel forced to give it a 9+ rating. Good luck in the contest!

Review by Laro B.

8 Jun 2010, 18:00 (edited 9 Jun 10, 17:44)
For: Desert Fight
Level rating: 8.3

Thanks for the report on the stuck, and, how can this be a copy of Devres74.j2l? I titled as Oasis because of the tileset.

And you’re wrong about the red base has advantage, you just need to know the way.

Reply to Jgake:
Well I admit it, I make the eyecandy fimiliar to Devres74.j2l but still there are alot levels use the same eyecandy from the famous levels.

Please, stop saying shit like I copy from other levels, please? What’s next? Epitome?

Review by Jgke

8 Jun 2010, 17:38 (edited 18 Jun 10, 17:46)
For: Desert Fight
Level rating: 8.3

I’ve decided to review every submit that is on the contest.

Eyecandy: 9
The eyecandy here goes quite well, there’s enough of it but still there’s not too much of it. The thing that made me take one point from my score is that the bases are flying in the air.

Pickups: 7
The thing that reduced most points is that one of the two full carrots is hidden behind some layer 3. This has massively deducted points.

Gameplay: 7
It is clearly easier to the red team to get to blue’s base. The level’s layout makes moving around quite hard (atleast I think so). Maybe this level works better as a 2v2, but I didn’t test that.

Summary: (9+7+7):3=7,6666666~7.7
Well, as this is slightly modified, I will remove “No download recommendation, and change the score to 7.7.
Edit: whoops, counted wrong
Edit2: Well, I quess I should now edit this.

Well, it is titled as Oasis too, and the layers 7 and 6 are identical :P
Edit: Laro just renamed the level .

RecommendedQuick Review by KiMO

8 Jun 2010, 17:07
For: Desert Fight
Level rating: 8.3

Nice. I would recommend it. GJ!

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