Lol 9.5? No offense, but this lvl is rather over-rated. I know you “lost your motivation”, but there could’ve been much more done to make it better. You could’ve worked on it on the next few months maybe…(well, I have a battle lvl I’ve been really lazy about working on, but it’s taken sooo many months, possibly even more than 6 because I’ve been so lazy about it) The layout is fine, but ammo is seriously lacking in some places.
My advice is spread out the ammo a bit more- like put some of them in a path evening out or something so you can collect them on your way, or maybe add some more around the rather empty areas.
I understand that you dislike lvls where you just shoot as much as possible, but this is seriously lacking ammo in some places…it’s not even funny and makes it look rather unfinished.
And I’m going to be honest here, but I was never really a fan of this tileset. It’s kind of hard to see what’s going on in it, and a bit too dull for my tastes, you don’t really need to change the tileset to improve it, I’d just really like it more if you added more ammo in some kind of way. As for music, the music is fine.
I’ll leave this at N/A because maybe one day you’ll finish it off. And because this wasn’t really a proper review…
EDIT: ROFL this is featured! I have better reviews out there, this one sucks compared to the most of my other reviews. Btw took out the bit on asking how to get blaster and seek PU.
I’m giving this 10 because its an amazing effort. and PT’s rating is too low..
This was kind of amazing. the possibilities of editing jj1 seem to be sort of endless..
This level left me without words,i really enjoy it,it has amazing gameplay,very fun to play no annoying pits,very much intensity,It just left me without words.
It’s okay with eyecandy,nothing special.
It’s really enjoyable you should download it.
I like it. Open spaces and smaller corridors make for a nice change of pace. Eyecandy isn’t great, but that’s not what the game is about.
It’s probably not very useful now, anymore, but the background bugging out is simply caused by the level having too many destruct scenery tiles.
From JJ1MOD readme:A maximum of 48 of this event can be used, and no more than abut 20 should be tried, otherwise you’ll trigger the ‘tilespam’ error, where all tile #0 are replaced.
Otherwise I pretty much agree with Violet, even though I wouldn’t be as harsh really
Again, an excellent JJ1 level editor.
Unlike J1CS, this program is very convenient and user friendly, and not just a proof of concept, either. Once you spend about ten minutes fiddling with the interface and the hotkeys, you’ll be able to create levels in the blink of an eye.
There’s a ton of included features which make JJ1 editing a fun, curious exploration – amongst which are editing enemy attacks, modifying sounds, custom tilesets, etc…
When combined with Doubble Dutch’s swiss-army-knife JJ1MOD, the modification possibilities are basically endless. Those who know how to design will surely appreciate Newspaz’s excellent work.
Even if you’re not exactly crazy about JJ1, you should download this – even if only out of curiosity. But if you do feel like getting your feet wet, then download this right now and get started!
Very, very nice editor. The new J1E has updated features, handy simplicity, a simple yet unprecedented bonus level editor (I hereby predict a surge of custom JJ1 bonus levels) and much more. Event customization. Quick performance. You can create a save game in JJ1 via the editor, allowing you to speedily test your level without skipping through the rest of the episode. Handy.
There were some things I didn’t like though, mostly in the convenience category. Unlike in the older and loosely similar J1CS, this prog does not let you scroll with the arrow keys, and you actually can only scroll up and down. Also missing is the inestimably valuable “B” multiselect key. I was very disappointed by that. The events were also stripped of their names, making it a long, boring and tedious process in hunting down and labeling each item.
So verdict? Nice and practical, and with only a handful of aesthetic detractors, the J1E is a very helpful tool that will redefine how JJ1 levels are made. Download today.
xSnooze: …what the heck…
Why is my rating too low? My rating is exactly what I think it deserves. IMHO, it’s not a bad one either, although perhaps an 8.0-8.2 might work too.
A better tech would be great too, but there really isn’t a good version of Letni yet
@Violet CLM,
I went into far more detail in my private message to you, but I do appreciate what you have to say. It’s better that way.
I also forgot to mention this in my message, but my goal in making these levels was not to make it fun to play in JJ2 (although I am certainly willing to go fairly far out on that limb to do so), but to make levels as close as possible to the real thing in JJ1. If I have to sacrifice a bit of playability to do so, so be it. Some people aren’t as lucky as you or I to have JJ1, and some people are too lazy to go find the DOSbox progs for it. They are the ones I did this for, so they can see what JJ1 was like. If I radically changed the pack to suit the 2ers, that wouldn’t accomplish my objective. As long as they get my very best effort (and I’ll grant you that this one wasn’t entirely perfect), and as long as they get a quality product, I will never consider this a waste of time. Never.
Yes, there IS a version of Letni out. But it’s so unusable that I’m not sure it counts. I tried building with it once and never did so again.
As I have said before, the point of this pack is close-to-perfect JJ1 replication. There was a much larger ammo capacity in JJ1 than JJ2. Oh, and the non-TSF JJ2 can’t exceed 99 ammo, either.
Let this be the last time I have to explain it to anybody. It WILL stink gameplay-wise! I was more concerned with accuracy, a mistake I do not plan to repeat next time around.
Oh, and someone already made a JJ2 version of episode 1 with JJ2 tilesets. [admin please add link to it here] However, I won’t stop you if you’re planning to do it as well.
very nice. Glad to see we finally got this out. Hopefully we will get some good conversion of Tecnoir and Letni. (May do one of them myself if I get bored. Made the pallet already for tecnoir.)
Edit: I’ve decided once Lark get’s back to me on Fanolint, I’ll try to make a more usable Letni tileset. Won’t put as much effort into it as Fanolint, but still it will be a lot more usable then the current one
Excellent race levels, esp. use of upcurrents and falling.
-Remove excessive poles – they are really annoying and do little to speed up the player when so closely spaced
-Kingdom of Glass is too easy for Jazz cf. Spaz (intentional?)
-Remove annoying long ‘connecting tubes’. It interrupts the flow of the fast-paced race
No offense to you, but i’d suggest you’d lower your seemingly high standards a bit, if this kind of levels are the best you can do.
EDIT: I am not the only one who has noticed/has gotten annoyed by that, btw. also, for the level it seems you could have fixed alot with some small adjustments..
ThunderWalker: I mean small details, like adding some more ec, and adding oneways to some tiles. doing that would greatly help the flow :P
Don’t work for me.
If i open JJ2 (i use 1.24) and i select Singleplayer: ACCESS VIOLATION.
Please fix this.
EDIT: Ok works. You need to erase one of the Episodes (too many Episodes). NOW it works fine. GJ
Spike balls? OMG It’s really bug!
It’s causing some “Access Violation“s.
Letni is really good.
Orbitus? Hard. But sweet music.
Recommend? Yes, of couse.
Rate? 8, because I don’t like spike balls. :)
(Sorry my bad English.)
PS: I’m waitng Ep. 3. Be quick! xD
[Review changed to quick review. ~cooba]
Good, good, and good!
I really really (and of course) really like it!!
But I didn’t like sparks. (-0.3)
Recommend? Yes OF COURSE!
[Review changed to quick review. ~cooba]
It’s really cool! xD
Everything is good very creative!
I want Part 2 :)
[Review changed to quick review. ~cooba]
Yes I played this level and I say something :)
Firstly: Where is the Episode 9(IX) ?
You didn’t write it.
Not bad. “Classic Intro Music” (funny)and the story.
Somethings are good, a lot of things bad.
Hidden Flying Dragons? It’s joke?
Enemy Placement
A lot of enemys good but I didn’t like hidden fly dragons.
Pickup Placement
I like placement. Carrots placements are good.
Trap Placement
There are some bad placed trap. Especially I don’t like spike balls at ship level.
Musics are bad-matched. Hot harmony.
The Lagoon Traps are really really easy. :)
Finally: 6.0
Recommend? I’m not sure, so I will rate this N/A.
I forgot…
Who is Zoro =D
Bah, ‘‘Could not find the tileset’‘ error appears on some of these levels (ever1, ever5, ever6, ever7, ever10, ever19).
Please fix it.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.