Review by Zoro

8 May 2010, 03:24 (edited 29 Jul 10, 03:43 by Crazy Rabbit)
For: Ever Story Episode 1
Level rating: 6.9

Improtant Message:
in ever18.j2l i forgot delete some spike balls(plz sorry, dont rate this level) and if you touch white warp, you can get Error which says NO WARP TARGET

I recommend in ever18 go to start pos in ever14 for immediately finishing this level…

And other note: Download: Credits.j2t somewhere, i forgot put it!

(I understood, i need make fix for this pack, i was so quickly and made much errors…)

Review by Rodrigo_arg

8 May 2010, 01:24 (edited 10 May 10, 01:04)
For: mario
Level rating: 6.4

This file appears to me more one tileset, because it is the most important thing, but here is the note of the texturat and map:
Graphics: There’s no more to say, since this is the mario game, it is necessary to note:
Note: N / A
Pickups: This is where the map is based, I like, but do not have to break up, instead of carrots invinsibilidad where you put the star “power up”, I miss life in 77, 24, and add things that were not Mario, I would have worked a little more in events. The enemies are well chosen and placed.
Note: 3.0
Music: Here there is nothing to say, except that when they start again silence
Note: 7.00

Now if that matters:
Graphics: Very well done to the conversion, as it has no faults.
Note: 7.5
Mask: No flaws.
Note: 10.0
Where the block “?” broken?
Note: Total -2
Overall rating: 6.1 (6.2)

Review by snzspeed

7 May 2010, 23:01
For: Fight In The Mars
Level rating: N/A

The description was the best ive read in a while :D

Quick Review by Kajal

6 May 2010, 19:47
For: Find It Out (Multiplayer)
Level rating: 8.9


[(Rating clearance (8) because 6 != 8 and it is not clear which you meant. ~Violet)]

Quick Review by Laroz24

4 May 2010, 21:26
For: NightTown
Level rating: 7.5

Some lazy review from your clan leader. :)

The eyecandy is rather well.
I think the blue base is too overpowered in defending and the map a bit too small but it’s playable. I also like the music choice.

Keep making levels and you will get better for sure, trust me in this one. =P

Rating is 7.5

RecommendedQuick Review by b-a-e-r

3 May 2010, 21:53
For: J2B to IT converter v0.3
Level rating: 9.1

I used this one to get the bonus2 tune, and that worked perfectly. it got my attention on a file I never saw before though: maz_phobia_edit.j2b. it had very strange speed changes, but that may just be because of the conversion. the music seems out of place, but it’s j2b so I assume it used to be ingame. anyone know more about that?

RecommendedQuick Review by FawFul

3 May 2010, 21:33
For: TownBTL
Level rating: 6.7

agree with snooze, i enjoyed this. and that thunderwalker mostly copy and pastes his review-layouts in general. furthermore i don’t get all his points of downrating like his taste of music.

RecommendedQuick Review by snzspeed

3 May 2010, 19:57 (edited 4 May 10, 11:55 by snz)
For: TownBTL
Level rating: 6.7

its a nice level for your first one. imo 7 is far more accurate then 5.6 but whatever

also, since thunderwalker based his rating on music, the rating should be removed

Review by ThunderWalker

3 May 2010, 18:33 (edited 5 May 10, 09:14)
For: TownBTL
Level rating: 6.7

Well, there IS a Seaker PU and a second carrot.

It is a nice first battle level.


I liked the music not that much, but it was at least quite orginal.
9/10 —-> 10/10

It is there, but it is very basic.

Level Layout.
There are no warps, but everything is fluid and works properly. There are no real secrets, altough some Electroblaster ammo and the Seeker PU are more or less hidden. But they are too easy to get, with the result the top of the map ends in Seaker mayhem, which concentrates the fight in the bottomleft corner.
There is only one sucker tube which doesn’t do anything unless you are chased, but Seekers will blow you up regardless – it won’t save your ass.

Pickup Placement:
The toaster PU and a carrot and Seekers are in the left corner, the Seeker PU in the right corner with another carrot. There is no reason to go to the top of the buildings or whatever. There is some ammunition there, but it isn’t needed with the PU’s near the bottom which concentrates the fight even more to the bottom.

Enemy Placement:

Replay Value:
It is too standard, and not orginal. It is either Seaker spam or Toaster spam, a little bit dependant on where you are running. And we’ll have enough of that kind of maps. Sorry.


28/50 —-> 29/50


However, it is your first level, and it is not that bad, so I’ll round up instead of down because I cannot rate a 5,6 or a 5,8.

DR: I dunno. Decide for yourself. It isn’t that bad, but it isn’t that good either.

The hardest hitter on the rating was actually placing the Seeker PU, because I’d think those ruïn the gameplay in multiplayer levels. The electroblaster PU could be placed better or at least with some Layer 3 in front of it (and the entire building if you do so).
The music, despite I do not like it that much, is no reason to downrate it that much; it has in the end nothing to do with the gameplay. He does get nearly full points there. After talking with FawFul I added the last point there… but it doesn’t change much besides the roundup makes the 5,7 a 6,0.

Quick Review by DarkLight

3 May 2010, 18:00
For: mario
Level rating: 6.4

very funny level around Mario, I like him, but too little frenzy! ;x ;DD

RecommendedReview by Anubis

2 May 2010, 21:36 (edited 3 May 10, 21:41)
For: TownBTL
Level rating: 6.7

Edit: My review is not accurate because I hadn’t found the seek pu and the second carrot the first time, but most of the stuff + the rating still count.

I promised Agni to review this, so here we go. I like the fact that there are no standard PUs in the level. No bouncers at all is actually good because they would be overpowered with this layout. What I don’t like is that the only PU in the level and the only carrot are in the same area, and the only seeker ammo as well, which would cause the game to be mostly focused there. A warp to the bottom right corner on the top left roof would be nice. I also don’t find the gun9 pu very useful, there are barely any places in the level where you could make use of it, maybe for shooting people who go into the tube, but the gun9 ammo is just enough for that. The eyecandy is good, you’ve used a bit of everything and I see no bugs. It’s nice for a first battle level, I hope to see more in the future.

Review by ThunderWalker

2 May 2010, 08:21 (edited 9 May 10, 14:03)
For: Crysilis Caves
Level rating: N/A

I don’t know who made the music anyway, I couldn’t find it anywhere, but I thought it was Blur, because he was mentioned in VioletCLM’s CrysilisV download and the other two tracks in that download are tracked from JJ1 and not from Sonic.

Snooze, you are probably right.

But what do you exactly mean with “small adjustments”?

RecommendedQuick Review by varkarrus

2 May 2010, 03:41
For: mario
Level rating: 6.4

Pretty smart!

Review by FawFul

1 May 2010, 22:01 (edited 2 May 10, 12:13)
For: Crysilis Caves
Level rating: N/A

Blur for the music? What did you smoke to think that?

I guess that was the advice anyway. and you mentioned it’s a sonic track, which i approve. So it would be an remix/conversion.

Anyway, the music is re-tracked by kipling, as the file preview says.

Review by KiMO

1 May 2010, 20:07
For: Lost Vikings The Big Return Of tomator
Level rating: 1.1

Yeah, ‘‘they must found’‘ it!

Not recommendedQuick Review by KiMO

1 May 2010, 20:04 (edited 1 May 10, 20:05 by KY KiMO)
For: mario
Level rating: 6.4

This is not your tileset (not at all). This is old. This is not funny anymore. Try Hannah Montana.

Quick Review by RedMser

1 May 2010, 13:47
For: mario
Level rating: 6.4

yay, first review…

I like this level :)

Not recommendedQuick Review by RedMser

1 May 2010, 13:27
For: Lost Vikings The Big Return Of tomator
Level rating: 1.1

At last level you can fall down…

Review by TreyLina

30 Apr 2010, 17:54
For: Box of rabbits
Level rating: 3

This lvl is freaking bugged. And broken.
I’ve used both 1.23 and 1.24 plus, still crashes on me. I can only just play the lvl with Jazz, until i get to the upper part and jump it just crashes. Also, you forgot the music file. Random ammo placements, seriously unecessary ice PU, don’t leave the left edge of lvl open, or people can stick to the side there and cannot get shot. Really bland lvl design. Also, how the heck am I supposed to get up. I mean the upper part. Theres no spring, and if you added a warp to get up there…thats just lame. Don’t download this until it gets fixed and improved. You even made the lvl passworded which is really unecessary for battle lvls. I could’ve improved and fixed on it for you. For test and sp/coop lvls I could understand though. Who would want to steal this crap? It’s unplayable. I think you have a newer fixed version though…if you do, please upload it so I can review over this.

RecommendedQuick Review by KiMO

30 Apr 2010, 16:59
For: Super Jazz Bros. World 1 (FIXED UP!)
Level rating: 8.2

This is really fun, enjoyable and a great replacement for the original game, Mario. The enemies are a little bugged on the first level, but hey, destroy them with karate. I’m now thinking of a JJ2-Mario level where the ammo is disabled, that’d be something. Download recommended!

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