Review by minmay

22 Apr 2010, 22:51 (edited 24 Apr 10, 21:01)
For: Hide and Seek
Level rating: 8.4

This is an interesting concept (albeit NOT A NEW ONE!), but the levels and ruleset are so severely, blatantly, and hilariously biased towards the seeking team that they could never be used for anything other than a few minutes of non-competitive fun, similar to what you get with the cheat codes.

It irks me that people are giving out high ratings just because it’s a new gamemode*, even when there was obviously hardly any effort at all put into level design, balancing, coming up with coherent rules, or even a decent trigger system.

*Perhaps the worst part, it isn’t! This particular gamemode seems to get reinvented all the time, always with very minor variations from the original Tag-style conception – the levels are long lost, but you can guess what it was like

Ktos: I can only find one on J2O, which Gus made. I remember playing quite a number of them, but unfortunately I seem to have lost most or all of the level files (Captain Cook searches were unproductive). The ones I remember are pretty old, so they would be hard to track down. I guess I don’t really have any “proof.”

Not recommendedQuick Review by Myles

22 Apr 2010, 17:08
For: Box of rabbits
Level rating: 3
3 should really learn not to have tilebugs in your level.

Quick Review by Myles

22 Apr 2010, 17:07 (edited 23 Apr 10, 10:21 by cooba)
For: Hide and Seek
Level rating: 8.4

cool concept! =D

[Rating (8.9) clearance. Please rate the levels, not the gamemode, which wasn’t created by DJazz. ~cooba]

RecommendedQuick Review by Myles

22 Apr 2010, 17:05 (edited 22 Apr 10, 17:06)
For: The Curse
Level rating: 8.5

it’s ok

RecommendedReview by Ktos.

22 Apr 2010, 13:00 (edited 25 Apr 10, 14:34)
For: Hide and Seek
Level rating: 8.4

Well, I was playing it a bit on Djazz servers too, Ron, and i think that idea for this level is… quite awesome. If there will be a new pool for new gamemode which are going to be put into jj2+, I will vote for Hide and Seek.
What about the level? Red team have to hide, blue is seeking. Different teams have got opened or closed triggers, so blue team cant get into hide positions of red team, but also red team cant get shield and ammo of blue team. Red team can see is there anyone hiding in some position.
That could be better to make it possibile is blue team seeking or hiding. Like in assault maps. Also it needs people at server who knows whats going on, not just running and trying to kill other guys(esspecialy when someone from red team is trying to kill someone from blue team). It’s fun, but i think that it can be played mostly only in a big(or small if someone prefer that) events. Duels are not good idea for this map, but 5v1(5 in red, 1 in blue) can be fun.
Ok, that was about gamemode. What about levels? Not bad, it could be better sometimes(eyecandy is not good enough in my opinion), hiding positions are hard to find as a blue, but when you know level its not a big problem. Ammo placement, well, blue can run somewhere and there is probably always a chance that they will find box with shield and ammo… They have got a bit too much access to it. Red can also kill blue team guy, but with this placement blue team is mostly immortal. Gameplay is good anyway, I very liked it when there was enough people who understood whats going on.
I think that 8 is good for this levels. +0.5 for new gamemode. So i rate it 8.5, download recommendation.

Edit:Er, minmay, tell me the example of older hide and seek level, because i don’t know any.
Edit2:Ok, I just wanted to know…
Well, so if that’s not really a new gamemode I will change my rating to 8.2(+0.2 because I really like this levels).

Quick Review by Ron97

21 Apr 2010, 20:37 (edited 23 Apr 10, 10:21 by cooba)
For: Hide and Seek
Level rating: 8.4

I think this idea is awesome. I have played this in DJazzy’s server,and it RULEZ. The levels are nice,the idea is good and I think this should be used for a JDC event or as a new gamemode or whatever. I suggest you to download this.

[Rating (10) clearance. Please rate the levels, not the gamemode, which wasn’t created by DJazz. ~cooba]

Review by Ron97

21 Apr 2010, 20:35 (edited 22 Apr 10, 09:00 by cooba)
For: Box of rabbits
Level rating: 3

Agreed with Snooze,it’s a great level.

[Rating (10) clearance. ~cooba]

Review by snzspeed

21 Apr 2010, 20:13 (edited 22 Apr 10, 05:22 by Violet CLM)
For: Box of rabbits
Level rating: 3

Best level ever. didnt dl it though
[Rating (10) clearance. Do not rate levels you have not played.]

RecommendedQuick Review by PurpleJazz

21 Apr 2010, 08:49 (edited 10 Dec 10, 19:46)
For: PipE DowN
Level rating: 8.5

This is a cool level. While it may have a somewhat dated design and appearance, it has a certain charm which is not present in levels today. The layout offers quite a fair amount of freedom, and is easy to navigate. There are some campy areas, but not in a way that it’s really a massive problem and in fact safe areas are a nice feature in CTF. B+

RecommendedQuick Review by PurpleJazz

20 Apr 2010, 11:00 (edited 10 Dec 10, 19:47)
For: Zappo Egypt
Level rating: 1

believe it or not, this actually inspired me. E-

Review by Ktos.

18 Apr 2010, 01:01
For: Box of rabbits
Level rating: 3

Small advice about making screens, use 16bit mode to make it, not 8bit.

RecommendedQuick Review by Narsist

17 Apr 2010, 10:19 (edited 26 Jun 10, 09:47)
For: Scription
Level rating: 6.7

This tileset is good. Creative, pretty, alphabetic :), etc.

But black tileset is better than white tileset. :)

Anyway, i liked it and i used it.

RecommendedQuick Review by Narsist

17 Apr 2010, 09:58 (edited 25 Sep 13, 17:00)
For: Imroved Waz01 "Hustar"
Level rating: 8.4

I used this tileset in my levels… :)
Very cool!

[And I dropped milk on my laptop, haha!]

Review by RedMser

17 Apr 2010, 09:42
For: Multi-port JJ2
Level rating: N/A

The TSF link don’t work…
THAT happens:

Not Found

The requested URL /divisions/platform/jj2/trix/jj2multiportv1-TSF.exe was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache/2.2.14 (Win32) PHP/5.2.12 Server at Port 80

RecommendedQuick Review by Narsist

17 Apr 2010, 09:32 (edited 9 Aug 10, 09:04)
For: Glowee
Level rating: 8.3

It is looking very creative.
I will use it.

[Review changed to Quick Review ~cooba]

Review by RedMser

16 Apr 2010, 17:44
For: War of the rabbits
Level rating: 8.5

Cann’t find tileset (for level FODWOTR0): JJ1 DiamondusDay-NOKA.j2t

pls reupload with this tileset…

Review by Seren

13 Apr 2010, 04:41
For: Battle by Kat 1
Level rating: 1

@Steven: You didn’t even download it – Reviews: 1 Downloads: 0, so why do you rate?

Quick Review by Steven(HsC)

12 Apr 2010, 21:25
For: Battle by Kat 1
Level rating: 1

sry not good :C

RecommendedQuick Review by ShadowGPW

12 Apr 2010, 15:46
For: Labrat Funk
Level rating: 9.1

My favorite JJ2 tune is Labrat. As since mine is build via the labrat tileset, I actually used Used it for my level Pipe Down. So I would say keep it up with these remixes and make more of those. I love them really! :)

Quick Review by Steven(HsC)

11 Apr 2010, 13:32
For: Level Packer v2.1.0
Level rating: 9.4

very good :D

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