Quick Review by Steven(HsC)

11 Apr 2010, 13:30
For: The Curse
Level rating: 8.5

whats the music file :/ not music????

RecommendedReview by init

10 Apr 2010, 10:52 (edited 10 Apr 10, 20:17)
For: Level Packer v2.1.0
Level rating: 9.4

Installation (20%)

Level Packer 2 needs to have a certain program (WinBinder) installed on your computer, which is rather unusual, since most small tools need no installation. However, installing WinBinder is easy and it’s done in one or two minutes.
Level Packer 2 itself can be uncompressed in whatever directory you want.


Features (50%)

Level Packer 2 does what it promises. You choose the Jazz2 directory, select the levels you want to have in a zip file, click on the “+” button, then on “Pack!” and choose a path and file name. After that, Level Packer creates the archive file and opens the folder where you saved it.
You can also exclude levels, tilesets or music from being packed.
If a tileset or music file is not found, Level Packer asks you whether it should continue and gives you the name(s) of the missing file(s). This is very useful, because with this feature Level Packer prevents you from publishing an incomplete level pack.
A new feature, which was added for version 2.1, is reading the level list and making a zip file with the files in it. This is also very useful especially for level collections that are hosted on a server such as “Anniversary Bash 12 Files”.
When I tried Level Packer 2 the first time, I was really surprised by its speed. It reads level names, tileset names, etc. really fast and also creating a zip file is done in a short time.

I have an idea for the “File not found – Do you want to contine?” dialog, that shows up when a needed file is missing: You (DJazz) could add a button “Search J2O” that opens a web browser to search J2O for the corresponding file. (The URL is http://www.jazz2online.com/downloads/search.php?inputClass%5BsearchTerms%5D=FILENAME )
But this is just an idea. It is not necessary and since i would not really need it, it does not influent the rating.

All in all Level Packer has all necessary features that make level packing easy and fast.


Usability (30%)

This tool is really user-friendly, especially in comparison with similar tools such as PackPacker or Level Packer 1. It is the first graphical tool for level packing (for Jazz2 of course).
The buttons, input boxes etc. are arranged logically. You could add some labels (for example to the lists and the input box at the top) to make it perfect. But that’s a minor issue and the help text in the about dialog compensates this very well.



Level Packer 2 is useful for level makers and for server admins who want to upload the levels they use for their servers.
In my opinion it’s the best Jazz2 level packing program so far and only a few small issues keep me from giving a 10.

0.2*8+0.5*10+0.3*9.5 = 9.45

=> 9.5
Download recommended

RecommendedQuick Review by KiMO

9 Apr 2010, 18:09
For: Heaven v.1.1
Level rating: 9.6

Great tileset! =D

Review by Ktos.

9 Apr 2010, 13:13
For: Space Base Batte v1
Level rating: 4.2

Best screens ever. I can see your face on those screens.

RecommendedReview by RedMser

9 Apr 2010, 09:57 (edited 9 May 10, 18:57)
For: TilesetPal 1.1
Level rating: 9.7

Hmm, i like this program BUT if i reduce colors, i get if i use this BMP for my tileset, if i play, the color black (BG color for tilesets) at EACH in BMP black colored fields…

Why this is not INVISIBLE?
What i do wrong?

But else is this program VERY good! 9.2/10

EDIT: I found the problem! So i give now 10/10. Make EVERY TIME the first color of the Pallete BLACK!

Then it should work.

PS.: Sorry for my bad english, i’m germany and not very good in english…

RecommendedQuick Review by Zoro

9 Apr 2010, 06:23
For: Glowee
Level rating: 8.3

Buhahaha…Very nice! ;D

Not recommendedQuick Review by PurpleJazz

8 Apr 2010, 22:06 (edited 10 Dec 10, 19:47)
For: ctf by steven
Level rating: 5.2

These levels suffer from typical newbie JCSer issues – they have messy tile usage and random, incoherent layouts. Giving these a 9.5 rating is beyond absurd. E-

RecommendedQuick Review by Exentry

8 Apr 2010, 20:43
For: Level Packer v2.1.0
Level rating: 9.4

So…Im going to rate 9 instead 8.5, as I said,
because this is very good program and its very useful

Review by Jgke

8 Apr 2010, 18:12
For: stickman ctf 1
Level rating: N/A

As i said, the password box will go away if you just change the password to “Neobeo Grytolle and Overlord”

RecommendedReview by ThunderWalker

8 Apr 2010, 13:08 (edited 10 Apr 10, 11:35)
For: The Journey Full Of Surprises
Level rating: 7.2

The tileset for WtBoss4 is missing (Edit: Seems deactivated in the game, which is actually very, very weird considering the level is visible on J2O).

Anyway, when talking about the other levels:

It was quite interesting with new characters and such. Despite it was another Devan Shell story, it was otherwise quite orginal and such. Many levels with story playing such an important role, make the story weigh on the rating. However, some of the levels seem to have NOTHING to do with the story.

Awesome and orginal.

Each level was different in quality, also in terms of eyecandy. However, many levels looked well. However, foreground was only used for secrets and the background was often fairly bland.

—- Gameplay: —-
Level Layout:
Well, there were secrets, everything worked correctly, save the one with the coin warp leading to the ice ammo – getting back was impossible – and that was annoying. That and the levels were easy (on hard), save the third Boss level.

The bosses were orginal, but the first boss is VERY EASY because the level is very and very bland. Especially Lori will brawl through it without effort, making that literally a one-minute level. The second and third boss levels were harder. The second boss level had an enormous death pit, but it was possible to get over it altough you had to be fast.

(Edit: Broke into Bosslvl 4: This level is a lot like Bosslevel 2, only without TNT and also a whole deal easier despite all the death-traps – the tileset was in the download but not activated for whatever reason)


Fine. The full NRG was always enough considering the low amount of enemies. The enemy-carrot ratio was fine.
Enough ammo, maybe even a little too much. No powerups, but you didn’t need them. It was fine, and very few flaws in pickup placement.

Enemy placement:
Enemies were too easy to kill, and placed on places were you could kill them without any effort, but fine otherwise. Luckily some enemies respawned in Boss Level 2 & 3, otherwise it was even easier. Yes, I ran through this on hard.

Replay Value:
The story and the amount of secrets make this replayable for multiple times if you want. As long as everything works properly, that is, considering that isn’t always the case.


- A few critical bugs can appear; and the game crashes. It is very rare and happens only in the third cutscene level, but I had to remove the level using JCS. -0,5
- Tileset of the last Boss Level doesn’t work, making the game crash: -0.5

Well, it is still enough for a 7.2. At least.

DR: Yes. Stay aware of the bugs mentioned nonetheless. And also, quite a few levels are easy.

Review by Xander[NB]

8 Apr 2010, 10:54
For: My first map!
Level rating: N/A

Bad map too my

RecommendedQuick Review by Xander[NB]

8 Apr 2010, 10:51
For: ctf by steven
Level rating: 5.2

Nice level

Review by KiMO

8 Apr 2010, 06:30
For: PlusLLEdit
Level rating: 9.6

I still don’t understand what is this program good for.

Review by ThunderWalker

7 Apr 2010, 19:07 (edited 8 Apr 10, 13:17)
For: Space Base Batte v1
Level rating: 4.2

Allright, allright.

The first thing I want to say is that the setup is orginal but I don’t like it for different reasons, despite camping should be impossible. But yeah, camping IS possible, and that doesn’t make the gameplay better…

Well, this is a battle map, isn’t it?

Orginal, fits the level. It was again a new music file for me, but it annoyed me sometimes.

The tileset wasn’t used as it could be, but everything looked fine. It is almost impossible to make tilebugs with the tileset, altough I found one near the entrance. However, everything was WAY too bland.

—- Gameplay —-

Level Layout:

Well, the gameplay is quite bad for several reasons. It has mostly to do with the layout of the level, thanks to momentum- and a little later also camping-issue’s.

Camping shouldn’t be allowed due to the nature of the map (but it still is, thanks to a design flaw), but that won’t really matter if you already won the very first battle, simply because this map has momentum-issue’s. Once you won the very first battles and have some 400 coins invested in powerups (which took me only 2 minutes to get, which is possible against not-that-good-players) and such, you already won, even if you didn’t have any kills.
You will likely have the momentum when it has came that far.
And because everybody is equally fast, it is pretty much impossible to lose that momentum.
And the one who flees is always at an advantage because he can grab the coins and the one who chases him cannot. And because the guy with the momentum can camp at the gate as long has he has enough health, he can prevent others from gaining momentum as well…
The fleeing player can get to the Full NRG very easy then, if needed at all, or just flee in a different way. Also, Lori cannot escape from several holes in the map, and Jazz might have problems at one point as well thanks to a bug with the red spring near the ammunition, altough it probably won’t happen a second time after you ran through this map for a first time.

To explain the camping issue’s on this map; There is only one main “gate” you always have to pass.
However, you can’t camp for too long because you will run out of health and/or ammo. But after you established momentum and thus grabbed several Seekers and powerups, and the others likely didn’t, you can secure the victory with camping, as long as you saved some coins to grab carrots.


Pickup Placement:
Coins everywhere on the right side, probably too many, in order to get the pickups on the left side. A good idea, but many coins are very easy to grab… Orginal setup, but it brings some problems with the map.

Enemy Placement:

Replay Value:
Why do you want? No secrets, nothing to find besides the shitload of coins this map has.


- Lori can get trapped if you aren’t careful: -0.3 (it is avoidable).
- Red-Spring Tilebug -0.3

End with a 4.2/10
Sorry. It is orginal, but has too many flaws. Getting rid of campers can be done on a different way than this.

DR: Considering this is an orginal idea, and you can like the setup or not, you’ll have to decide for yourself to download this or not.

That was my review…

RecommendedQuick Review by Impure Ace

7 Apr 2010, 15:51
For: Dreamscape
Level rating: 9.2

Great Pack!!!

RecommendedQuick Review by Impure Ace

7 Apr 2010, 15:38 (edited 7 Apr 10, 15:39)
For: New Ages IV - THE RAIN
Level rating: 9.1

Best pack ever!!!

RecommendedQuick Review by Impure Ace

7 Apr 2010, 15:34
For: Damn Lava Planet!
Level rating: 8.5


RecommendedQuick Review by Impure Ace

7 Apr 2010, 15:31
For: Old Jungle
Level rating: 7.8


RecommendedQuick Review by Impure Ace

7 Apr 2010, 15:30
For: Howling House
Level rating: 8.8

Great level

Review by KiMO

7 Apr 2010, 08:02
Level rating: 7


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