Quick Review by ShakerNL

9 Feb 2010, 08:25
For: Shelly's Jailbreak Level V2
Level rating: 7

Nice level! I played it on your servar =p

Review by shellyJay

9 Feb 2010, 03:21 (edited 9 Feb 10, 12:40)
For: Shelly's Jailbreak Level V2
Level rating: 7

Made some fixes, Eyecandy background, plus fixed spaz RF PU, and bubble shield, fixed camping issues.

RecommendedQuick Review by Unearth

9 Feb 2010, 03:15
For: Shelly's Jailbreak Level V2
Level rating: 7

Nice Level! I like a lot your level! =)

Review by andbr98

8 Feb 2010, 18:40
For: Mega Memory Boost for JJ2 1.23
Level rating: N/A

Hmmm, @NovaStar: see, the age of a computer does not depend on its system of operation. For example, I have Windows XP Professional, but my computer is quite old, I bought it about 4 or 5 years and until now it crashed 3 times and it needed to reinstall the Windows, and it’s working hard, I’m spending just much time to write a review and to post it. I really smile if I atualy post one with up to 400 characters. So I think I’ll not install this add-on, only because I’m afraid that It will crash again. I’m a realy big fan of Jazz2. I keep up to 2200 files that has reference to it. I think I have some GBs in my Jazz folder. ~Me, the silly one

RecommendedReview by Skele

6 Feb 2010, 07:42 (edited 11 Feb 10, 20:30 by /SKeLe!)
For: Old Jungle
Level rating: 7.8

Okay,so I was bored and decided to rate it =P.

The eyecandy is new and good,(reminds me of a serbian game Xox myb its in english too dunno)the background is textatured its good but I dont like textatured anymore(it wont change rate dont worrie)I like the grass and others stuff near it,the flash things are good and “flashy” =D,Okay so you made good eyecandy with this tileset.(8.9)

Gameplay I agree with Anubis the blue has quite some advantages and power ups…Its like all goes to blue =P,the gameplay is okay though even if I played this 20 times I still get lost when I get one some spring when I want to go for red base…Yeah I agree too there are more ways to aproach blue.(8.0 Its okay but The blue has still a bit more advantages :S.)

Originality there is one originality that I never seen in a level,its those FLASHY things =D.

RF Climb?Yes

Flow is good there are a bit of walls that I hit if I try to go left or right….its okay still =).(8.9)

Download Reccomend? Do it.Or I will cry :D.

RecommendedReview by Sacrush

6 Feb 2010, 03:40 (edited 9 Feb 10, 20:06)
For: Assault of flying turtles in Diamondus
Level rating: 7

So this is a little game about shooting turtles. But is it fun?

The point of the game is to shoot a couple of turtles withing a certain time limit or else they kill you. It is a very simple game but it is still pretty unplayble. The flying turtles fly out of the screen most of the time which is really irritating since they can still shoot you but you can’t shoot them. So I ended up loosing a lot of times because of this crappy programming.

The second major problem with this game is that it doesn’t remind me of Jazz Jackrabbit at all. You shoot flying turtles in diamondus but the background doesn’t remind me at all of diamondus. The sound effects and all the other stuff doens’t remind me of Jazz Jackrabbit also.

The graphics are pretty decent though with a nice amount of detail.

Overall this game looks quite decent but it’s simply not fun and does not resemble Jazz Jackrabbit at all.

You can scroll through the level using arrow keys, this improves the gameplay greatly. Sorry for the really bad rating earlier. I still think that the graphics don’t resemble Jazz jackrabbit and diamondus. Some prober documentation is also needed. Music gets pretty annoying quick.

RecommendedQuick Review by DarkSonic

5 Feb 2010, 17:52
For: Old Jungle
Level rating: 7.8

tropiCCo asked me to review this. I rarely review levels nowadays, and I’ll keep this short.

This is a nice little level with a good background and good eye candy. The layout is not too special but good enough. This level shows the potential that the creator has, and these kind of people are the ones that we need in XLM. Good job.

Review by alex_hr2000

5 Feb 2010, 13:17 (edited 5 Feb 10, 13:19 by Stijn)
For: Assault of flying turtles in Diamondus
Level rating: 7

Dange on virros

[Review contains no comment on upload, thus the rating was removed. Original rating: 2.0. ~Stijn]

Review by Anubis

5 Feb 2010, 00:12
For: Old Jungle
Level rating: 7.8

First of all, welcome to XLM. I haven’t tried the gameplay, but from what I see, it seems to be a bit biased towards blue. At blue it’s easier to camp both directions from where the enemy could approach you. Another advantage of blue is the faster access to a full energy C and the seek PU, and there’s also more seeker ammo near the blue base.
The power-ups in the level aren’t the most useful ones, the blaster pu or the gun9 pu aren’t of much use in an open level like this, which leaves seek the main weapon to use in this level. It would be nice to see a bouncer power-up here as well (maybe under the bridge).
The eyecandy is good. I think it would look better if the blue tube at the gun9 pu was in front of the ground there.
Good job and good luck with your future levels.

RecommendedReview by Ron97

4 Feb 2010, 21:03 (edited 7 Feb 10, 10:02)
For: Old Jungle
Level rating: 7.8

Time for a review.

The eyecandy is fine. The X and O signs,the wooden thing and the further background looks really nice. The usage of those…vines was awesome. I think they were set on the right place. But,I have a feeling that something more could be added to foreground layers. By the way…that tube could be added to foreground.

The gameplay is good. The level is not as big as I expected,but the gameplay is still good.

The ammo placement and the carrot placement is fine,though you could have added more powerups :P

Overall,it’s a pretty fine level. Good job,keep making levels.

Skele: I calculated your review ratings. It should be 8.6.

RecommendedQuick Review by FawFul

4 Feb 2010, 16:39
For: Sernik Test.
Level rating: 8.5

what pj said

Review by Slaz

4 Feb 2010, 16:04
For: Assault of flying turtles in Diamondus
Level rating: 7

The minigame itself works for me and it’s actually pretty good as a little time-killer if you have some spare minutes.. however, the turtles seem to be flying off-screen a lot and that spoils the fun. If you’d fix that bug, then I’d say incredible work if this is one of your first tries with GameMaker.

RecommendedReview by Seren

4 Feb 2010, 14:25 (edited 7 Feb 10, 17:35 by Sir Ementaler)
For: Assault of flying turtles in Diamondus
Level rating: 7

“Failed to load the game data. File seems corrupted.”
Every time when I try to run this minigame.

Apparently the game does not like Windows 98. So I played it on Windows XP. What I think about that?

The graphics are very good, though lacking the animation. The background is beautiful. Text that appears after the defeat could be original, instead of built-in, but I do not mind it very much.

Music is … strange. A bit like yourself done. I preferred to play at the excluded speakers.

Gameplay? Shoot turtles with jet packs. Until they fall. Except that the turtles can fly beyond the board. You still lose your health, but do not know where to shoot.

Never once won. Fix it, because the game is almost impossible.

Sorry for the poor rating. I promise to change it as you improve your gameplay.

Okay, sorry, I’m an idiot. You move the screen using the arrow keys. So the game is much better. But you could add some instructions, readme, or something.

I change my rating: 4.5 -> 8.2

I knew I forgot something. Why 8.2?

Things that are better, since I found control:
  • the game is playable
  • background looks even better
  • first-aid kits with parachute
  • more levels
Things that are still wrong:
  • music
  • interface
  • my English
  • only 2 levels

It’s a great start. I would like to see the lizards in this game. Please do more levels. And add instruction!

RecommendedQuick Review by TheKax

2 Feb 2010, 13:06 (edited 2 Feb 10, 17:11 by cooba)
For: Another Untitled Level
Level rating: 7.9

As a Finnish user, I must say I lost your chllenge. Here is a comment about the challenge, in Finnish:
“Nauratti niin, että olis tullut kusi housuun jos en äsken olis vessassa käyny. Kyllä Jope osaa. (Eikös olekin Jopen biisi?)”
Not bad for 24h level. Altough there is tons of pickups, it isn’t any bad. As SlaYerRA said, GL to you too.

[Quick review ~cooba]

RecommendedQuick Review by Ron97

2 Feb 2010, 10:21 (edited 18 Feb 10, 18:46)
For: Ancient Rabbit Forest
Level rating: 7.6

Nice level,though small. Gameplay is fine and I don’t see any tilebugs or eyecandy errors.

By the way. It’s Ancient. Not Acient.

Review by Zoro

2 Feb 2010, 03:18 (edited 13 Feb 10, 04:31 by Crazy Rabbit)
For: Ancient Rabbit Forest
Level rating: 7.6

Garden? Huh… Why you using word “Garden” two times? Next level will be Garden too?

Oh, acient forest, xD lol… i see what you changed it…

RecommendedQuick Review by Riper!

1 Feb 2010, 22:43 (edited 7 Feb 10, 06:19)
For: Garden Of The Dream Castle
Level rating: 7.6

I like it.

Review by Julcoool

1 Feb 2010, 01:17
For: Strange
Level rating: 7.7

Ok, this is my FIRST review…


Very Good!

The level got nice effects, used layer 5, 6 and 7, with animated tiles. For a Tubelectric tileset, the eyecandy stuff is good



Level is a bit hard and a little frustrating (I got stucked in the deja vu zone) and there are many kinds of enemies



Gems, Ammo, Food, Triggers, etc. This level got nice stuff , I don’t know if the stuff is not enough, but, nice work.


I’ll give to you a 7.7. Nice Work Kubabuba!

RecommendedQuick Review by PurpleJazz

31 Jan 2010, 19:22 (edited 31 Jan 10, 19:22)
For: Sernik Test.
Level rating: 8.5

Not bad at all. A decent level of challenge that never gets frustratingly hard or too easy – the gameplay remains stable all the way through, except in the very later levels maybe. The eyecandy effects are also very nice, the background in particular is dreamy and wonderful. I felt the music choice could’ve been more fitting though.

RecommendedQuick Review by Narsist

31 Jan 2010, 18:54
For: Prismatic Palace
Level rating: 8.6

Cool cool cool!

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