Not recommendedQuick Review by Seren

25 Dec 2009, 21:53
For: Castle Of Noir
Level rating: 2.1


I have not looked at the screenshots.
And it was a mistake.
Take a look and do not download.

  • Sorry for my English, I used a translator.

RecommendedReview by Seren

25 Dec 2009, 18:20
For: The Froggy Quest
Level rating: 8.8

Story (8 / 10):

Good, although a bit strange. Or maybe just because of this.

Enemies (9 / 10):

Sometimes difficult to avoid. Always well placed. The difficulty level is very variable but generally adequate.

Pickups (8 / 10):

Well distributed, especially carrots. Worse is the case with the ammo, which is not much. Diamonds and food are just OK.

Eyecandy (7 / 10):

Some places look pretty badly, but it is much more positive than negative. I like it.

Fun (7 / 10):

Spaz was not quite intended. Of course, it also can pass the levels. But in several places he seems to have an advantage. But Froggy Quest is cool. I had a lot of fun playing it.

Total (39 / 50):

Great job. Waiting for the second part (I hope you do it).

  • Sorry for my English, I used a translator .

Review by bbc

25 Dec 2009, 17:10 (edited 25 Dec 09, 19:21 by cooba)
For: 16xPack Kubalevels
Level rating: N/A

Story (9 / 10):

Really interesting, it gets you hooked immediately. Overall it’s as breathtaking as Agatha Christie novels and during peak moments it’s more epic than final Lord of The Rings battle. Why not maximum score then? Although it’s brilliantly led, some computer games players who didn’t read more than 2 books in their lives (one of those being remote TV controller manual) might find it too complicated.

Enemies (10 / 10):

Forget about hordes of gun meat to destroy or zillons of absolutely AI-absent morons running around waiting for you to shoot them. Evil guys are where they should be and a player always finds eliminating them challenging.

Pickups (9 / 10):

Their distribution is really well-balanced. You can’t shoot all the time but you sure won’t get frustrated by having with 2 bullets in the whole game!

Eyecandy (10 / 10):

It looks better than da Vinci drawings or Côte d’Azur during summer. Just watching other dude playing this game is a pure pleasure!

Fun (10 / 10):

These levels could be an answer to the question about what games are made for. Enough said.

Total (48/50): an absolute MUST-download for any JJ fan! Weak reviews are based on sole jealousy.

[Fraudulent rating (9.0) clearance. ~cooba]
[Fraudulent rating (8.7) clearance. ~cooba]

Review by Kubabuba

25 Dec 2009, 17:01 (edited 25 Dec 09, 20:04)
For: 16xPack Kubalevels
Level rating: N/A

Hey guy, i see you are from Poland so i can write in polish language (in front of you)


[Osobiste wycieczki się załatwia przez Private Message, a nie recenzje, a poza tym nie obrażamy gości ze względu na ich opinie o naszych pracach. A na przyszłość: na Jazz2Online nie przeklinamy i piszemy wyłącznie po angielsku :) ~Kuba]

“Cooba” to kosmopolita, zdrajca i hochsztapler i wstyd mi jest ze nosi takie samo imie jak ja i jest z tego samego kraju co ja.

Review by KLSF

25 Dec 2009, 13:20
For: Pompidus
Level rating: N/A

Your idea is good,but just some details you need to improve it. Hope tou have some good levels in other days :)

Review by Zoro

25 Dec 2009, 01:30 (edited 25 Dec 09, 02:06 by Violet CLM)
For: Pompidus
Level rating: N/A

(Personal attack clearance. ~Violet)

Quick Review by TLATER

24 Dec 2009, 12:24
For: hunt for red october
Level rating: 8.5

That`s been so cool… But how did you get thet sub ? I´ve tried and tried but I couldn`t get it! please make the same level without p.w. XD

Not recommendedQuick Review by Zoro

24 Dec 2009, 03:21 (edited 24 Dec 09, 14:16 by cooba)
For: Castle Of Noir
Level rating: 2.1

BTW!? Oh no, no!
Gameplay are just sucks…
Textured Background JUST FULL SHIT!
I now know why some people dont wanna set rating for these stupid 3-6 secs levels!

[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]

Review by PT32

23 Dec 2009, 18:41
For: A hearty pack o'JJ2 songs
Level rating: 5.9

(groans exhaustedly)
Good thing I didn’t include the one I REALLY thought was crud!

Review by Toni_

23 Dec 2009, 16:55 (edited 30 Dec 09, 16:09)
For: A hearty pack o'JJ2 songs
Level rating: 5.9

Pools of Light & Shadow:
Nice, good…AND BOOM! On middle, that song is getting some Hard-Rock bad guitar, or something else, what makes this song very bad till the end. This remix is going to be rated 5.7.

Eu4ia 2.1belectria:
Yeah…you beat me. I can’t rate this song low, because I like original version of Tube Electric. Mix is nice, awful, and BOOM again…on the end that song was ruined. Because of good original song, and middle of this mix, rate for this song will be 6.7.

Carrotus (Carrotene Mix):
Good song, good samples, rhytm, too. Rate is 5.7.

Silent Valley (StonaRemix):
Not very expressed what you really want to show us with that song. Rate 6.0.

This pack isn’t that good as I expected when I heard 1st song, but the only one song what makes this pack better is Tubeelectric remix.

Rate 6.0

EDIT: Ron, I didn’t rate rate this because of Faw’s low rate. He told me on MSN:“Wait, busy, I am reviewing PT32’s song on J2O” I said:“I saw that, I’ll rate that now, and after that we can talk”. We posted it in 17:55 and 17:59, because we talked on MSN about some rushes and something like that. I don’t care on other rates. I am good in composing and he is, too (Faw), so we are sharing our emotions about songs ;).

RecommendedReview by FawFul

23 Dec 2009, 15:43 (edited 23 Dec 09, 16:59)
For: A hearty pack o'JJ2 songs
Level rating: 5.9

Sigh.. dunno how to explain this but let’s start. because i thought it would be epic after you stating it is, in your readme document. but it’s definitly far from ‘epic’. i’ll tell you why.

first of all the sample quality is pretty shite.. it’s good you have a couple of effects and such but using then on different octaves only clutters and wouldn’t make it sound any better. to be honest, even for Mod quality the quality is pretty fucked up. however i can live with that, i am pretty sure no-one bothers listening this way. though it’s not only the quality of sample that bothers me.

for example starting of with your chrysillis remix. it had a lot of potentional at the start except that the echo is way too loud and annoying. but well it DID sound good. then the melody start, quite fast.. nothing wrong. but the second part. row 32 to 64 simply had wrong chords and it was completely out of tonesort and it sounds horrible, really. me starting the think you were kinda tone-deaf making this piece. also when it starts to modulate, once again wrong chords. such a simple mistake screws it up totally. looks kinda rushed and unfinished. then, hoping it wasn’t just a copy and paste of the original crysillis with different samples. there was starting another kind of melody, probably your own. It was OKAY.. but actually not as good as the original one at all. then again horrible chords and some kind of guitar that doesn’t sound like a guitar but a low horrible transposed analog guitar out of 1990. i also noticed you didn’t use any effects.. looking around in the pattern it looked quite simple to place stuff on some certain rows. anyway, the guitar was a horrible distortion that didn’t match with the other channels at all. there wasn’t an epic ending either, well you get the hang of it. it means i kinda fell asleep, no offense. though i am not only going to state bad stuff, i actually did like the whistle/clock samples you used. probably being the only really good samples in this pack.

moving on to Mega Carrotus/carrotene. i liked what you did in the start. but again could have been better with better samples. then you hear some GOOD quality guitar distortion which you probably pasted into your sample map. it strongly reminds me of the scratch (Lark?) used in his christmas-x-core remix. problem is that your music is badly executed.. however i think the IDEA is good. then there were some parts where you had some Lead from a jj3 module called haunted terrero. it’s a good lead sample, but not when the awful guitar sample simply overvolumes that solo, such a shame.. because i quite liked that one. i was also quite sad i couldn’t remember anything of carrotus in it, may be just me.. it’s probably the same melody. but i miss the good dynamic rhytem. the rhytem you used was quite cluttering as some parts were placed row for row. may also be the bad samples which distorted it a bit. thing is, it wasn’t quite bad and such. but my full dissapointed came when it reached the ending. the most horrible mistake you can make is make it out of tone. the tone-sort didn’t match at all with what you used, and don’t call it modulating because it was just poor. overall once again a potentional start, but began to be horrible after a while once again. though this one had a better loop and ending.

moving to ‘silent valley’. to be honest i liked this one the most of all, and then i mean the beginning. it had a dynamic rhytem bass line which i liked a lot. the samples in this track were less painful then in the other tracks, to my feeling. it is a very good motif that keeps coming back. though it became annoying when there wasn’t any variety. thought that this would be it there became a melody which sounded quite.. boring. it kept echoing in my head. making it even worse, the melody was set in some kind of motif aswell.. only modulating up and down in a horrible repetive amount of times. actually everything that got added were some marimba stuff doing the same modulating in some kind of chorus/chord. furthermore i DID like the drum change a lot somewhere in the beginning but that among with the bass line in the beginning is practically the only part. in the ending you began composing out of tone again. same story. you start off well, then screw it up totally. and sometimes a boring ending at same time. anyway this keeps being the best. may be good as background music. but after a while i would turn it off because you easily get annoyed by it.

almost forgot.. i think the tubelectric remix is still the best off all. it got improved since the last time.. but it kinda looks like some sample switches.. still wouldn’t prefer. i am pretty sure tube electric could be remixed a lot better. drum styles with these stuff wouldn’t really match with the music style itself, to be honest. i did like you put that horrible piano riff out which also had an annoying transposing rhytem. it is replaced with some less annoying sample that actually sounds better while being transposed then a piano. but yet, it’s the same melody and rhytem. seems like a rushy improvising.. (riff going up and down). overall not bad.. good construction except the drum change in the beginning which was pure gimmick. what i also DIDN’T like here that i heard crash effects continously. it felt like it was overdone, sorry. yet an good start with a sucking middle/ending. try not to rush your remixes/tunes.


Good points:

- most of them having good starts also having much potentional.

- good construction at the start (gets fucked up later in the track though)

- 1 honorable good chrysillis sample

- your effort

Bad points:

- quite rushed

- Bad samples

- not that great bridges

- sometimes horrible rhytem riffs, over octaves

- Tonedeaf, out of tonesort, chrysillis could have a better ending, and the tubelectric remix has a quite horrible out of tonesort ending.

-Cluttering music -> being too much useless effects and stuff making it confusing.

What to do:

-if you consider it’s not what you like, just start all over. or just that part.

- Try managing to get better samples

- try to use some effects and more
variety in songs. get more hang of Modplug tracker.

- have some better self-reflection.. like the first point. it isn’t THAT epic.

- try to execute your idea’s better.

- listen well if things don’t get ouf of tonesort.. it’s very important everything fits like a compact puzzle.

anyway these tracks had a lot of potentional in the start. would have been good if it had better samples and no ‘screw up’ parts. keep tracking and you maybe start to understand what i wrote here. think positive :). (yeah i did stole cooba’s text)

Your Friendly Composer Mod artist.


RecommendedQuick Review by Petar30

23 Dec 2009, 12:05 (edited 23 Dec 09, 12:11 by cooba)
For: FiveGoldenStar Hotel
Level rating: 8.8

i have one word that can describe this hotel:perfect.
i gave it 10 rating,everything is good,no errors,i cant think
of anything bad,so thats why this review is too short
btw,can you make me a room if there is free space?
oh btw i recommend this download :D

[Review changed to quick review. For more information, see Review Rules. ~cooba]

RecommendedQuick Review by Petar30

23 Dec 2009, 12:02
For: WR's Mountain Hotel
Level rating: 8.6

This hotel is just perfect!eye candy rocks,i really like
looking at it,the games are fun,there are lots of rooms,and
i like your idea for elevator,but you could have made pool better,and because of that little error you get only 9.7 :P (if you made pool better than that would be perfect 10)
can you make one room for me please :3

RecommendedQuick Review by PT32

23 Dec 2009, 04:00
For: Jazz 2 Sage Part 1: A Rampage on Diamondus
Level rating: 8.9

nice eyecandy, tolerable level layout, good music, okay pack.

Not recommendedQuick Review by FawFul

22 Dec 2009, 19:24
For: Terrorist Night
Level rating: 6.4

Can’t even see where i am walking. bad level, no download recommendation, what superjazz said. try better next time, make sure it isn’t so confusing. also, I hate people who can’t review normally. Raul, read some reviewing rules.

Quick Review by Superjazz

22 Dec 2009, 18:12
For: Terrorist Night
Level rating: 6.4

You might wanna try this, but you might as well not. This is a small CTF-level that is ok for a first level, but it pretty much isn’t more than that. It might be fun for a try, but this level should offer something special to be this small, and also more visuality, although there are no horrible tilebugs or such. Also the warps are confusing.

Review by Skele

22 Dec 2009, 18:05
For: Terrorist Night
Level rating: 6.4

Huh?Just Good Job?eh…Not Even Real COMMENT :D

RecommendedQuick Review by Raul][

22 Dec 2009, 18:02
For: Terrorist Night
Level rating: 6.4

Gj! :P

Review by KLSF

22 Dec 2009, 03:09
For: The Journey Full Of Surprises
Level rating: 7.2

Nice Pack I just want to know why you didn’t want the musics in the pack? It will be better than self dw :)

RecommendedQuick Review by Superjazz

21 Dec 2009, 16:20 (edited 21 Dec 09, 17:43)
For: Voltage Cable Malfunction
Level rating: 8.7

I pretty much agree with CelL here. I have to admit that this ctf-level is not only polished well visually, but also the level’s gameplay is much more practically working from FawFuL this time. So well done.

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