Review by minmay

7 Nov 2009, 14:34 (edited 13 Nov 09, 22:42)
For: JJ1 Fanolint
Level rating: 7.3

PurpleJazz: I was going to add a textured background, then realized that I couldn’t think of anything that would fit. I could’ve just added a generic JJ2 textured background, but I doubt anyone would have actually used it.

sonicnathan: Which tiles are missing? PM me if you have to. Also, the animations in JJ1 have as many frames as they do in the tileset – you can’t complain about missing tiles AND complain about them taking too much space. Well, you can, but it doesn’t make much sense. I guess that’s what quick reviews are for, though.

RecommendedQuick Review by Bluespaz7

7 Nov 2009, 13:46
For: Aftermath
Level rating: 9.1

I agree with snz. =]

RecommendedQuick Review by Bluespaz7

7 Nov 2009, 13:42
For: Golem Landscapes
Level rating: 8.3

The best level by FS so far in my opinion. Awesome music choice. :D

RecommendedQuick Review by snzspeed

7 Nov 2009, 12:46
For: Aftermath
Level rating: 9.1

well deserved for versatility

RecommendedQuick Review by SlaYerRA

7 Nov 2009, 10:07
For: Planetary
Level rating: 8.5

Amazing pack, I think 9 is good rate, some levels have bugs and you added them before testing carefully

Review by PurpleJazz

7 Nov 2009, 09:09
For: JJ1 Fanolint
Level rating: 7.3

A textured background would be nice.

Review by musti

5 Nov 2009, 12:58 (edited 5 Nov 09, 12:59)
For: Chain Trace
Level rating: N/A

Jgke is telling the truth I think.Hasn’t this program been the 3rd one that does the same job(finding connected files:tilesets,musics…)?

(Edit by me ~ sorry,i didnt see the source.Yeah thats better than others with source code )

RecommendedQuick Review by Bluespaz7

4 Nov 2009, 21:21
For: Double Trouble
Level rating: 8


RecommendedQuick Review by St. Louis

4 Nov 2009, 20:41
For: Xyzzy
Level rating: 8.2

Another solid, but not spectacular level by SJ.
SJ’s levels are always fun to play, and they manage to be ‘good’ or better in every single aspect almost always.
This symmetric one ain’t any different.
Just as SJ said, this plays well with at least 6 players. It isn’t a huge level, but the layout definitely makes it feel bigger.
Thumbs up.

Review by Hammer

4 Nov 2009, 15:41
For: Aftermath
Level rating: 9.1


I have to agree, they look pretty bad.

RecommendedQuick Review by mortalspaz

4 Nov 2009, 14:47
For: Episode Three: The Battle for Carrotus
Level rating: 9.6

I am not really in the mood of writing a full review but i will point some aspects from the pack. The eyecandy is very good. There are no bugs or anything, gameplay was very good. The levels really make you feel that you are there and the enemy/picup placement is not frustrating. Music is very good and it fits the pack etc. My rating is 9.7 with DR

RecommendedQuick Review by St. Louis

4 Nov 2009, 09:52
For: Aftermath
Level rating: 9.1

This is the epitome of a well-done collaboration by skillful tileset builders.
The tileset is — as some people like to say — easy to use, but hard to master, which is a common attribute of really well constructed tilesets.
This is a tileset you definitely want to download if you’re looking for a tileset without limitations.
Great job guys.

RecommendedQuick Review by FireSworD

4 Nov 2009, 08:30 (edited 17 Aug 15, 08:03)
For: Xyzzy
Level rating: 8.2

The main appeal for me here is the crazy theme, with the bg layers and some layer 4 eyecandy making the level feel busy, but not so much that they’re distracting or annoying; in particular, the moving white dots and scrolling bg. The layout seems very solid and playable, if not much variation.

RecommendedQuick Review by FireSworD

4 Nov 2009, 08:16
For: Double Trouble
Level rating: 8

Deinspirated Mayhem’s layout reminds me of a mountain. I think that level could’ve worked better with a nature tileset, but that’s just my opinion. Underworld is a small level probably best suited for duels. So nothing much to say really, just two decent levels. Keep it up!

RecommendedQuick Review by Ron97

4 Nov 2009, 07:56 (edited 14 Jan 10, 12:54)
For: Aftermath
Level rating: 9.1

Finally,it’s out! I think this is a tileset with very nice tiles. I very liked the office part and some tiles are also great. For me,it looks cool and it’s very useful. Winter looks the best for me. There are some tiles that I don’t like,but overall.. Good job,here you go with a download recommendation and a good rating.

Review by Eigus

3 Nov 2009, 15:41
For: The Lemon Field
Level rating: 6

DJazz’s “Lemon Field”. Set self-explanatorily in a small, paradisaic lemon field, complete with a cheery remix of the Diamondus theme. A small battle level reccommended by the author for Instagib and HLRS sub-gamemodes…

Lemon Field has good, yet rather unoriginal eyecandy. There’s a typical Diamondus bay in the background and two rows of trees in the closer layers. There are also waterfalls and leaves in the foreground, which is nice… but can be a bit annoying in a level of that size. If you have the f9 list open, or 2xf9 (list+stats) and a few players, your field of view becomes a bit obstructed. A -0.2 BOOnus for that. Other thing I don’t quite like (but I won’t rate that) is the night version’s palette. It doesn’t feel like a night on a lemon field, but thanks to the red ‘water’ it feels like a gory murder scene on a lemon field. IMO the author should’ve used New Diamondus 2 for that.

Gameplay-wise it isn’t anything brilliant. It’s only 30×15, which makes it almost single-screen, has some bouncers, toasters and seekers, and, obviously lemons. Lemons are what I actually like about this level. If you have enough, you can turn into a sugar-rushing titan and go on a roasting spree, especially in instagib. While I don’t know if that concept was what made DJazz place the lemons in this level, it’s pretty cool. A +0.1 bonus for that.

Concluding, “Lemon Fields” is an average level. It could’ve been a 6.1 from me if not the view-obstructing foreground. You get a 5.9. Keep on making levels and with practice you’ll be much better soon.

RecommendedReview by CrimiClown

3 Nov 2009, 07:46
For: Aftermath
Level rating: 9.1

It’s been a while since I’ve reviewed a tileset, but with the new LMAT out, I can’t resist. Here it goes, the third installment of LMAT in.. like forever.

Theme: Original
The overall theme that this tileset achieves is a combination of a post-apocalyptic world and a trashed office space. There’s a lot to work with in this tileset, ranging from rocky mountainside trails to indoor chaos. There are plenty of transition tiles to do both in the same level, so no worries there. The three different palettes (Snow, Lava, Poison/Acid) all have their uses when it comes to making a single player pack, or a variety of multiplayer levels. If you’re really good, this theme and tileset can be used over and over with no levels looking the same.

Usability: Perfect
As I said, there’s plenty of transition tiles between the two main floor stuctures. There is a lot (and I mean a lot) of eyecandy to work with, ranging from lockers to vending machines (which coincidentally have my name on it…) and from destructable alarm bells to light beams. The set also offers a lot of variety when it comes to “layer-5 caves”. You can go with a natural, rocky background, or a pitch-black hole in the building, or computers and fencing. You name it, this set has got it! Well… not litterally, but you get the idea.

For all your singleplayer needs, there’s also a wide variety of desctructo blocks, lasers than can open and close (or blink, if you make an animation), and a nifty elevator animation (with which, I believe, this entire tileset started).

Atmosphere: Good
The eyecandy that you can make with this tileset knows little boundaries. As long as you’re a creative person, this tileset can make all your levels look different with the same tileset. You can go for space levels, post-nuclear battlefields, a computer graveyard, you name it. This tileset is very good for making SP levels, as you can easily adapt the tiles to fit your story and theme.

Overall: Plain to see awesome
This tileset has it. Like pretty much all other LMAT’s, this tileset is made BY the people, FOR the people. It has stuff we need to make levels. Too bad I wasn’t actively involved in this one (unlike the other two). Either way, this tileset is THA BOMB.

RecommendedQuick Review by Superjazz

2 Nov 2009, 19:37 (edited 7 Nov 09, 17:17)
For: Planetary
Level rating: 8.5

After playing these levels for a longer while, I’ve realized that they need a little time to get used into. I noticed that I underrated this pack a bit, since lots of effort was put into this pack and the eyecandy is far above the average, except for a few levels. Still there are some levels that could have used some better design etc. But GJ Faw!

RecommendedQuick Review by PurpleJazz

2 Nov 2009, 18:15
For: Double Trouble
Level rating: 8

A nice duo of levels that look reasonably enjoyable. A couple of minor flaws keep it from getting an 8, but overall these levels will be worth your time. Downloaded reccommended.

RecommendedReview by Superjazz

2 Nov 2009, 17:49 (edited 2 Nov 09, 17:54)
For: Double Trouble
Level rating: 8

Eigus is back it seems, at least in the JCS-side of the game. Seeing how much he has changed in level design, made me glad, even surprised me a little bit. These two battle levels are truly a big improvement considering his past uploads. Let me introduce each level to you a bit.

Deinspirated Mayhem is a small-medium sized electro station level using IC’s Tubelec Night-set. The level design is so different from all the new battle levels people have posted. It is sort of oldschool design in the way that the level isn’t extremely spacious, but solid and does not contain “random platforms.” I remember somebody else fairly new but inactive player/creator to have a similar level design, and Eigus has found the same way sorta. At least the gameplay in Wrath’s Virtues was very similar to this one which was just neat.

However, there are some bad sides in the level as well. Firstly, the flow isn’t very wise everywhere. The author didn’t use layer 3 when he should have, since some spots where the floor height changes by only one-few tiles, there is no slope, but useless springs or nothing. As well, more one way should have been used(especially the ledge above the blue springs.)

The eyecandy, although somewhat decent, leaves more to be desired. The floor doesn’t use the edge-tiles at all, but has just the middle-tiles at the edges always, which looks a bit irritating. Although the sprite layer has a bit of activity as in the form of the animated tubelec-lights, the atmosphere is just too calm and “dead” compared to the music especially. Basically the tileset just offers much more than this. Also the more oldschool design comes with some annoying camp spots. I suggest not to duel here. Rather you should try this in a 3vs3 TB for instance, also due to the amount of carrots (3 minor ones.)

Underworld, although way smaller than the other level, is my preferred one here. I haven’t yet seen Xargon used for this kind of a theme. The level has a vertical gameplay, far better flow, and that way plays much faster and better for duels than the other one. Also the level visuality and audio match better here. The atmosphere is dismal, mystic, and well…Underworld’ish. I have no real complaints about the eyecandy here, it is decent enough. Although the level has much more heighth than width, there are only two springs. You have to rely on your jumping-skills more, or use the warp in the bottom that takes you back to your spawn position (no, there are no pits, as you may have thought. The other level has them.) That shouldn’t be a problem here, since there are no annoying heighth changes and the level is easy to move in generally.

Duels here should be interesting indeed, since there is only one major Power Up. That is TOASTer right in the so-called center of the level. What you basically have to do is to keep it yourself. But don’t worry. In case you lose your health and ammo, you can run away and heal yourself easily if you have a better endurance than your opponent. There are 3 minor carrots, as were in the another level as well. That weakens the effect of the Power Up practically. There is also an Electro Blaster Power Up, but as you know, that weapon does always the same damage, so don’t bother trying to roast your opponent with it in the first place. I’m not very sure, since I haven’t yet tried out myself, but I think a game with 3 other people might work out here just as well as duels would. I definitely don’t suggest to play this level with a big party. It can get quite crowded and chaotic.

These levels were a nice surprise from the author. The levels are now closer to high-quality levels than before, and they should work out in serious games even. If the author only had put more focus into details and made the levels slightly bigger, these could be a couple of really great levels. I would probably rate Deinspirated Mayhem a bit below 8, and Underworld an exact 8 separately, but since they are together, I think they deserve a bit more. Download and try! Well done Eigus!


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