RecommendedQuick Review by Eigus

1 Nov 2009, 08:22
For: Golem Landscapes
Level rating: 8.3

Cool concept, great execution. The layout was a bit confusing at first for me (maybe that was because i forgot about the copters?), but after learning it the level becomes very fun to play, I liked how the bases were placed. The tranquil, dreamy atmosphere is another thing which makes this level great. Overall, an awesome level. Download away!

RecommendedQuick Review by Ivo

1 Nov 2009, 07:43
For: Set of minilevels
Level rating: 7.1

I can see the levels look nice. And they’re quite good for a small game with a maximum of three or four players. However, when I saw them hosted on a server with about ten players in, playing there wasn’t exactly what I’d call fun. Still, it’s worth downloading the pack and giving it a try.

RecommendedReview by mortalspaz

1 Nov 2009, 07:20
For: Set of minilevels
Level rating: 7.1

A set of minilevels. Cool. The levels are quite small and they are probably used far a very quick battle.
They are quite fun.
These levels look good but they are not something amazing. The levels look kinda like the same(layout) and some feel bland. The wierd thing was with the toaster pu. (what’s with that? you get stuck…)
But. I liked the tileset use. These levels are very nice.
Music is good for the pack. and i hope i will play more than just 6 of them.
Thses levels suit the type of jazz2 level, which is battle and i think they worth a 7.5 with DR

RecommendedReview by andbr98

31 Oct 2009, 13:31
For: Africa
Level rating: 8.2

Good tileset, nice example levels, I loved the last level ;). The music is awful. I like just a little part of it, when it sings at flute. So I hate it. I like the first ex. lev.‘s trees, and I hate the 2nd ex. lvl.‘s trees because they’re concrete and they’re a little not good looking. I like that you put underground.
I’ll give:
Tileset mask – 7,5 [I hate that you didn’t make concrete cactuses so that Jazz can suffer a little more (How evil am I, Muhahahaha) and I hate the jungle trees’ mask]

Eyecandy – 9,7 [The best part of the tileset, you put day/night/cloudy sky and a sun, green/yellow/blue/grellow(green+yellow) hills and you even put underground, nice work. Well I just hate that clouds have such a squarely form]

Ex. levels – +0,5 (They’re all aproximatively identically, but they show you every thing, well I can’t give big ratings for ex. levels, but I can give – ratings>:) )

Music – 6,2 (Worst I ever heared,it’s even worse than Neonius)

So total (don’t forget that I’m a very-good-at-maths-nerd) – (9,7 + 7,5 + 6,2) / 3+ 0,5 = 23,4/3 + 0,5 = 7,8 + 0,5 = 8,3(rounded up to 8,5). Well I think it worths more so I will give a 9,5 :)!
Download recommendation.

RecommendedReview by Superjazz

31 Oct 2009, 13:13 (edited 5 Nov 09, 16:12)
For: Golem Landscapes
Level rating: 8.3

This is practically a very versatile CTF-level in a while from FireSworD and OLC. This goes well for duels, but also a 3vs3 which I played here once, went smoothly. What can you expect? No disappointment at least.

The atmosphere is ambient, calm, and tranquil. What you see here is a fairly bleached mass of soil covered with moss just like a stone golem could be. The edges of the level that aren’t parts of the golem look a bit bland though. This Carrotus/Easter-edit fits really well for a concept like this. If it only had those top/bottom edges of background caves fixed, it would be perfect. This level is one of those few ones that generally look better in 8-bit rather than 16-bit colour, at least for me. 8-bit mode makes things look more transparent in a neat way and gives you a more lighter background.

What I find the most exotic about this level is the base placement. Your base is located on one of the golem’s hands, and you should attack the opposite hand. Golem’s solid body however, is there between the hands, as obvious. So, you should find a way to either go round the body, or cut through it. The warp on your hand is one of the possibilities. It takes you below the golem’s body, so that you are able to cut through it’s feet to the opponent’s side. Another option is to cut through the golem’s shoulders. You will need a copter or ice-ammo for this though to get through the ceiling springs. Generally the layout is limiting, and I like it that way. It is not a level with a dozen of small passages and mazes. Instead, you have lots of space to move around, the layout is simple enough to be learned fast, and yet you can still survive in bigger games if you know how.
The bases are kinda easy to defend, as well, you can hold flag ready for a score for a really long time against weak attackers, since you have a minor healing carrot right above your base, thus you can keep healing yourself all the time, as long as you keep getting only minimal damage. The flipper pads work great on the hands, so that you can quickly jump away if needed. If you suddenly get a critical hit, you can also go for the full energy carrot at the bottom-middle of the level, which can be very unsafe though. This was very well thought out.
There is also a half-secret shield, though getting it is really…hard. The idea is practically that you can be lucky and abuse a warp exit while an opponent player is camping the exit with seeker-ammo. If you are lucky, and your opponent is dumb, you may try to abuse the seekers so that they push you up to the shield-room. Reaching the warps themselves is already really hard though, since you require a copter for that, again. What is even harder,(barely possible) is trying to reach the shield-room straight with the copter. I managed with this once so far, but it really requires perfect timing and handling of the copter, as well a double-jump of Spaz. Now the problem with this is, that if you get in there with the flag, is that you can just never come down again and thus freeze the game. While it would make sense only if it was a time-based game where you are having the lead, it is still sort of lame, as really nothing can make you fall down, and no opponent is likely able to enter there. Good idea otherwise, though.

If this was all I had to say about the level, I would rate it really high. However, there are still some bad things as well that are mattering me. Unfortunately I’m not sure is it wise to try to fix them without a major change in gameplay.

One is that there is basically very few ammo. You must gain your ammunition mainly from PowerUps. If you try to charge into opponent base to kill the enemy flagholder without any ammo, you’ll be most likely dead very quick.
Another thing are the dead ends. Luckily they are small and contain PowerUps, so they aren’t just useless areas.
The level is also fairly Spaz-biased. Although who am I to care about that, since I am a Spaz-player?
The cut through the ceiling-springs isn’t after all as useful as it could be, because the warp-shortcuts are a bit too fast.
I’m not very sure if I find Powered up seekers fitting well for a level of this kind. They can cause much airhits in such and open level.

In overall this is a really decent, interesting and enjoyable level for everyone. It just could have been very awesome if it didn’t have those minor flaws in it. The layout is strategic, and you need it to master the level, but also you require much endurance to be faster to reach things before your enemy. I recommend this download for everyone, and hope to see it played in both Bash12 and JDC18 duels/2on2’s/events. Thank you FireSworD.

Edit: Thanks for the fixes. With them this level deserves a bit more.


RecommendedQuick Review by andbr98

31 Oct 2009, 11:59
For: FiShY!
Level rating: 7.3

take care that the plural of “fish” is “fish”. Nice tileset, good work, I like FISH too, ex. level is nice. It worths an 9.7
Dnld Recommendation: Yes!

RecommendedQuick Review by Klsf[CC]

30 Oct 2009, 14:39
For: Level Packer v1.4.3
Level rating: 9.5

Good work Dany.Hope it will have a newer version soon:D

Review by Klsf[CC]

30 Oct 2009, 13:25
For: JazzEd 0.74 Beta
Level rating: 9.2

this work on vista?i cant use it bcs it says (this application has failed to start because MSVBVM50.DLL was not found.Re-installing the application may fix the problem)

Review by Klsf[CC]

30 Oct 2009, 13:03
For: Test by Master Cheif
Level rating: N/A

Well,a simple test,but new ideas.i hope who found bugs, pls comment.Thanks

RecommendedQuick Review by Hitch

30 Oct 2009, 05:25
For: Steam Machine + Landscape
Level rating: 8.6

Fun level, nothing to new. Tubes made the level a lot more interesting, and the tileset gives the level a wintery feeling. Overall not bad, but the campy area (top left) can get a little annoying… sometimes ;)

RecommendedReview by FireSworD

29 Oct 2009, 08:46 (edited 16 May 15, 05:32)
For: Planetary
Level rating: 8.5

I’m not sure exactly how to rate packs as a whole compared to single levels, so I’ll rate this based on which levels would actually be played. In other words, I would rate highly if one level would be played often, and if I find it fun to play in.

Fawful made some awfully big levels in this pack with awfully complex concepts. There’s definitely a lot of vigor put into some of these levels. If there ever was a need for the exclamation mark “!” this pack certainly deserves it. However, how was that vigor harnessed?

There’s certainly a difference between throwing darts at a dart board and throwing spears at it: Spears will likely destroy the dart board. Overkill is overkill, and I never enjoy playing in epically big or complex levels, simply because it’s harder to roast other players, and it’s often how easy it is to roast that makes jj2 fun. Of course there are exceptions, and many ways to design layouts that allow for them to be slow or fast paced despite size.

I like to compare levels, and I don’t care what anyone thinks of it: Myopia and Starlit Summit are somewhat similar, but there are also differences. Starlit Summit has a well thought out design imo. After playing Starlit Summit a few times in jdc events, it was quite enjoyable, but most players would agree it’s not suitable for smaller games. Some players thought it was still too big. In some games I recall it was extremely hard to score points, and they would end at 3. While being slightly horizontally smaller, Myopia is vertically bigger, has 3 full nrgs (Summit has 4 separate +1s and 1 full nrg), fly carrots and the layout is more open and spread out than Summit. If Summit is barely playable in jdc events, why the heck would I want to play Myopia in one? – Myopia might be OK in jdc events, but I don’t see it becoming an ideal level for them. In fact, some games in Divide and Conquer have been pretty slow paced as well. That aside, the music is nice, and in my opinion faw’s best track so far. By the way, Myopia is blurred vision; the effect presented in the bg is not totally consistent with the concept, but whatever.

Moving on to Downtown Maze: This probably has the weirdest CTF layout I have ever seen. I am pretty sure this level isn’t very balanced. I am definitely not fond of the layout organization. I’m not really sure what else to say about this, but I definitely don’t want to play here.

Neglected future is a level I did get a chance to play, and it was decent, but the layout could be better if it was simpler. For example, there were times I wanted to go straight up to blue base from the blue spring under it, but I was delayed by a green spring. Also, if you use the same blue spring to go towards the upper platform at the right, you’re required to use another green spring on the platform below it, but it doesn’t bring you high enough as jazz (but spaz can double jump). Jazz and Spaz can, however, make it to that platform fast with the aid of the suckertubes, this is a very weird concept though o.O. Another questionable spring placement is at the far right side, where there’s a ‘hole’ by a red spring, and you can camp there or something, but I only want to go straight up. There’s a green spring that can only let you reach the red base area, but reaching the other area not far above requires a bit more effort. I’m not sure if this level is that balanced, but I didn’t notice any balance issues while playing here.

Technoligized Sonicwaves is probably the most well rounded and playable level in the pack. My favorite ec aspect is how the solid tubes and suckertubes are used, just that little detail impressed me. I recall playing at least one game here, and it played solidly.

Klassieker for the Sn00zE has another non-symmetrical layout that is also very weird. I’m not sure how balanced the level is, but the layout is just so wacked out I can’t imagine it is.

Electric Factory has a somewhat symmetrical layout with bases at opposite diagonal corners of the level. No…just no. Of course, faw does not want me to rate this level in the pack? – Beats me.

Hard cheese is quite a solid/standard ctf level with at least one nice tactic I’ve noticed, and this is probably one of the best levels in the pack. However, playing this level really does feel cheesy thanks to the tileset.

Now onto the battle levels.

Pleased with Presents features a concept where players can only fall into pits if they are frozen, this is a very nice idea on how to deal with pits. Playing here a bit I can say it plays decently, even if the layout organization could yet again be better.

Knight FurnFace is the most annoying level I have ever seen. I have always liked wacky, silly or abstract levels as they fit pretty well with jj2, when I made that statement I wasn’t thinking of refined versions of zappo levels. The overall look is amazing, but technically it might as well be crap. Just like those abstract paintings that look like something a child made. The layout organization is nice, and I can see the big idea here. The problem with this level is the execution. Perhaps a different tileset or a different use, and this level could be one of, if not the best looking level I’ve seen so far. So I suggest redoing this level, it potentially has the ‘wow’ factor.

Favorite Park is not my favorite park unfortunately. It’s nice that I can use toaster underwater, and it’s also nice that I can walk and run underwater. So is that even water, and if it is water, why is it there in the first place? – Anyway, this seems like a solid battle level, and it can make for a few fun games every now and then.

8th heaven is a tower level. I mean, it’s a tower level in the sense that there are simply 3 towers, really, just 3 basic towers. The level is quite big, so I don’t see myself wanting to play here often.

Radioactive seems like it could be a decent battle level, but it’s quite…empty. Really, this level is kind of boring.

Moving on there’s a dom and an fr level.

I have already complained about the eyecandy in Hideout Center. Also, this level is a lot more complex than a normal fr level. So I’m really unsure about this.

I had got a chance to play Alien Heart in a jdc event once. While it played decent, there were some annoying things like camping at the seeker pu and +1. I’m serious a +1 and a seeker pu are TOGETHER.

So..some decent levels, and some questionable ones. In my opinion, Technoligized Sonicwaves is the best level in this pack, and the main reason to download Planetary.

RecommendedQuick Review by snzspeed

29 Oct 2009, 01:20 (edited 2 Nov 09, 08:03 by snz)
For: Planetary
Level rating: 8.5

first i was considering higher rating but thanks to some things what author has said about me in past and recently i settled with a 8.

EDIT: raising the rating. dont ask

Review by drmooCSW

28 Oct 2009, 22:27
For: Chain Trace
Level rating: N/A

Cooldude, are you not able to read?

RecommendedReview by cooba

28 Oct 2009, 18:14
For: Planetary
Level rating: 8.5

Well, well… this pack right here is definitely something of a small gem.

It goes without saying that you’re probably downloading this pack just for a few levels out of all fourteen. It also goes without saying that most of these have gone wrong in a way or another, either by being full of superficial gimmicks, by an erroneous layout, or excessive eyecandy (or a combination of some of these).

But what’s not obvious is that every single level here had potential to be very good. Some of the levels definitely have their visual moments – Myopia’s stone-and-nature parts, for example, I really dunno why weren’t they used as a common motif. Downtown Maze has this real tranquil, dreamy feel that’s uncommon. Those levels that aren’t outstanding are still good and fresh looking. And unfortunately, some levels cross the fine line between “a lot of eyecandy” and “complete inconsistent mess”. For example, Pleased with Presents had a really cool 70’s disco theme, until it became a chaos of christmas toys with a gay rayman rap track. And I’m not even going to beat the dead horse that FurnFace is…

One thing you’ll definitely notice is that Faw has a soft spot for gimmicks. Almost every level will have some, and almost every one will misuse them. This pack will attack you with fly carrots, freeze enemies, cheshire cats, pinball pads, walls which seekers go through, etc. It’s almost as if Faw tried really hard to make each level unique and original. In case of which, it’s probably slightly ironic that the best (in my opinion) levels from the pack are those which didn’t try too hard to be original. This includes nearly all the CTF’s and hardly any of the battles…

In two levels you can even hear FawFul’s musical skills backing up the themes, this aspect should be probably expanded in the future. It’s really too bad that this pack wasn’t as polished and refined as it could have been – there’s a ocean full of potential here.

Think positive!

RecommendedQuick Review by cooba

28 Oct 2009, 16:57
For: Set of minilevels
Level rating: 7.1

Nothing terribly exciting but pretty much OK nonetheless.

Review by MilloCz

28 Oct 2009, 15:20
For: intrnet cafe
Level rating: N/A

OH MY GOD ! There really should be better backround and better tileset and better author…

RecommendedReview by PurpleJazz

28 Oct 2009, 12:11 (edited 10 Dec 10, 19:39)
For: Golem Landscapes
Level rating: 8.3

This review has gone through many revisions, but finally I feel it’s ready to be submitted. Also, trying a slightly different approach to my usual reviewing style.

Anyone who knows FireSworD knows that does not just build levels by conventional standards. Looking at his past work, we can see that he thought outside the box and always brought something new and exciting to his levels. Jungle’s Edge and Termite Haven both had very creative visual designs, while Jungle’s Edge has gone on to be one of the most popular CTF levels ever (even if not the best quality). Moving on a short while later, his creations include levels such as Medieval Skyscrapers with its innovative y-axis gameplay with fly carrots, and One Spot with its totally new base system, which wasn’t exactly a huge success but is still remembered for how creative the level was. A few years later FS entered R3ptiles’ Original CTF Contest, getting a very well deserved 1st place with Unconventional Coffee, which had a unique structure in its layout and was also one of the first CTF levels to feature pits. Just under a year ago, FS created the battle level called Enter the Chaos. This level was totally different to anything that had been made beforehand that year. It featured what was basically a “screw the rules I have money” concept, which was despised by some, but for others, it made the level incredibly addictive. I personally saw it as great that he tried something like that as very few people would have the guts to have such an evil concept in a level.

Without further ado, I’ll now talk about the level I’m supposed to be reviewing!

Golem Landscapes uses the rather pretty looking IC – Easterius2 tileset; that is an edit of an edit of Carrotus (the most overused and boring tileset in existence). However, FS still manages to break the “all Carrotus levels look the same” rule and creates something that has a unique appearance – a rock golem, in which the level is built around. While a similar concept was thought of in a level by Sacrush known as Extraterrestrials, where the level featured a giant alien to walk on, Golem Landscapes executes the idea even better as the tileset fits the idea perfectly – the colour of the soil makes it look like stone, while the foliage is used well and clearly shows that this golem belongs to nature. Despite being “man made”, the golem itself feels very organic and fits like a glove with the rest of the level. The atmosphere feels lush, aided by the very well fitting music by Starsky Partridge, which gives the level a very calm and isolated feeling, giving the impression that no man has set foot in this area for some time. The golem structure itself is well designed and although looks “flat” when zoomed out in JCS, that can’t be helped due to being a 2D game and is probably the very best that could be made with JJ2’s limitations.

While the theme of the level is amazing, the real important question about this level is – does it play as great? The answer to that question can be said briefly in one word: yes.

Despite being perfectly symmetrical, given the fact this that this level is designed on a golem combined with some interesting design choices, this level has a unique layout. The base areas are fairly close together, yet movement between them is still not too fast. There are two main routes between the bases: using the warps situated just above the bases, warping you to the central room with an RF PU and tubes which take you to either team’s side. While the distance you travel is very short, the tubes pull you through fairly slowly so this is balanced out. This route is the most frequently used during games, however it’s the most risky as the place you emerge from the tubes is easily camp-able, giving the enemy a guaranteed hit on you if they do so. Thankfully, you can alternatively go around your base and on top of the golem with a copter, falling through the “spring hole” to reach the other team’s base area. Taking this area comes with benefits, as you pass a Bouncer PU and a Seeker PU, as well as an EB PU on top of the golem’s shoulders. However, this route is a few seconds longer than the warp/tube route and you have to wait for the copter to spawn in order to take it, which could waste precious seconds. This level offers choice despite the somewhat “limiting” layout; there is always a backup plan if one plan fails. One of the great things about the design is the shortcut that can be taken only if you have ice ammo on you. It involves freezing the springs in the “spring hole”, which gives you immediate access to the top of the level. This is by far the fastest route in the level; although what’s great is that you can’t always take it – rather, stock up on ice ammo and use it to your advantage while you’re doing well. Basically, you can’t just take it straight away after spawning.

Another possible route is to go under the bases along the long tunnel where the Full NRG is situated, which is the longest route but has some advantages, as it is less predictable unless you have the flag. Be careful though, RF shots are very hard to avoid here.
The base areas themselves present interesting gameplay. While they’re fairly easy to attack, they’re also just as easy to defend. It all depends on how you play around them. Generally, the best way to attack the bases is from above with bouncer rains. Just above the bases is a good area for being RTS in this aspect as unless attackers go to the base from above through the “spring hole”, it’s generally very hard to attack someone who is camping there. If someone is camping directly on the base itself, you can “snipe” them by hitting them through the thin wall with either Bouncer of EB. There are 2 +1s, one just above each base, which although can’t be totally provided on, give you a little life support while trying to stay at the base. This level doesn’t have many areas you can hide in at 1h, so you have to keep on the move. There is however a very evil secret that is very hard to reach, but if you find it you’ll be greatly rewarded (I won’t reveal what it is, but someone probably would have found it by now :P). This level is perfect for 2vs2/3vs3, although duels can work out too.

In general, this is one of the best CTF levels that FS has released so far. I can imagine it getting a lot of attention over the following months and possibly even years. You’d be a fool to ignore this, so if you haven’t downloaded it already go ahead and do so! This gets a well earned 8.6, my seal of approval and a download reccomendation.

Grade: A

RecommendedReview by FireSworD

28 Oct 2009, 00:18 (edited 6 Jun 14, 00:37)
For: Set of minilevels
Level rating: 7.1

Ah, mini levels. Sometimes these are my favorite type of levels since it’s easy to roast other players without much effort, and they work for quick duels. Levels of this size are often used for instagib, to be hosted one after another. A lot of luck is involved, but the sheer randomness makes them fun. That said, these levels look decent, but nothing particularly amazing. Some interesting but weird things like getting stuck to obtain toaster pu (o.O). Mini levels 1 and 5 felt pretty bland, and it isn’t necessary for most of the levels to have symmetrical layouts.

Still, these levels accomplish what they are made for, and that earns this a 7.2 and a dl recommendation.

RecommendedQuick Review by DarkSonic

27 Oct 2009, 21:31 (edited 27 Oct 09, 21:37)
For: Planetary
Level rating: 8.5


EDIT: j/k, decent pack with some good levels like Hard Cheese and Neglected Future is decent too. The battles are not bad either, but overall the levels are way too big (a few exceptions) and have some strange concepts. It’s good to try it, but not always very well executed.

RecommendedReview by Jgke

27 Oct 2009, 16:47
For: Golem Landscapes
Level rating: 8.3

This level should get to be an classic. DZ, this to ZA and ZD…
Also to CL’s mappool.

Golem landscapes has some really unique points, like the RF-powerup placement. It is really easy to get, because there are warps right over bases to RF. Camping RF will get extremely hard when multiple players are present, if someone possesses a seeker PU and uses them with the sucker tubes next to RF PU.

This level has three carrots, one full C below RF PU and two +1 C’s over bases. Carrot placement is really balanced, and even with three carrots, this level should go well with duels.

Gameplay on this level is great. This map is actually friendly to random players(excluding copters/shield). Elite players can also shine on this level, if they copter to the platform over shield, or use good thinking with the ice PU and springs. Seekering through the RF-tubes is a great offensive/defensive move.

Overall, this level has got a really great theming. It receives an over 1000 character-review from me with an 9.5 and a Download Recommendation.

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