you don’t have to get angry.
“N00b” has more than just 1 sense:
Definition 1
1: Someone who is new to a game, or website, online game, or something.
2: A “noob” is a person who is new or inexperienced in a subject.
3: “Noob” is derived from the word ‘new’ .
4: Noobs are often referred to as n00bs as a sign of disrespect toward them.
Definition 2:
Originally an (shortened) insult to newcomers in forums or internet games. It is used in certain places to describe someone who is slightly – err…slow and ditsy. Basically it is used to insult a pesron who makes a stupid comment or somebody who makes many stupid comments.
Just because she said it(she did?!)that dosen’t mean that you are.
Think like this: If she did, she maybe didn’t actually knew what she was talking about,and she said it just because it’s a…..- common used word? -..
And what bug can be in MSPaint?
This is a ‘‘tileset’‘ with some bugs —-
Bad things :
MASKS – no
TILES – very bad used … (enought colours !!)
PK2 sprites – same as tiles .
LEVEL MAKING – with this tileset can’t be made level
Good things :
DELETING – sure can be deleted from jj2
PALETE – jazz has got normal colours
JOKING – nice joke .
If you want tileset – PK2 , download tileset by Overlord
In gamemaker used default game – but changed sprite pictures !!
Nicely made, but you could’ve added a few checkpoints to help against the frustrations. I liked it because it was very original.
These levels are good! and valdr… A 3? let’s see if you could do them better!
MY rating i 9 with DR!
Ummm. Right the review.
I think these 2 levels are more like Lori friendly, not proof.
First the eyecandy is good, there were no tilebugs, I thought that the so called “ghost blocks “ were tilebugs.
Story: The level had no story. Bad thing. Always put a story to your levels,because that makes them interesting.
Tileset use is good, many tiles used this level was more like a maze but it’s good.
Gameplay is nice, you have to find 100 coins (actually 20× 5 coin) and on the way you encounter triggers warps sucker tubes and mostly enemies.
Enemy placement was balanced, but it had a poor type of placement (Lizards Fat Chicks and Tough Turts)
This level is wide and it feels large.
Music is carracteristically for the Town level:
The big problem: No ammo!, some clifs are very dificult to get at even if you are playing with Spaz, no save points(not required) and few carrots.
Level is long,original and it worths playing. It’s fun!
So my rating is 8 with DR!
I can’t believe this is still here! I was working on a sequel, that featured an all new tileset (daytime and nighttime) and better environments (no more getting stuck in things) along with more realistic skateboard “physics” (the board flowed with the player better). I was going to call it Jazz’s Pro Skater :) The tilesets were all finished and I was working on four levels. It took place in California, and there was this cool section in the last level where there was an illusion of jumping between the foreground and the background.
Sadly, I was using Windows ME in those days and not backing stuff up, so when the computer went kaput, my work was lost, and I never got the urge to mod for JJ2 again.
C’est la vie
Weird…but funny. I ROFL’d. Definitely worth an 8.
P.S. the downloads of the file has got 2010 in it.
DR: Yes, if you want a laugh.
[quick review and no swearing ~cooba]
EDIT: Ok Cooba. I won’t swear.
Confession: I just blindly registered at 2008. lol
This is extremely useless. Not worth a rating.
Nothing works. >=O
6.5 and you love it? Are you sure about it?
I like it because it’s a good tileset, and the example level was very good had nice eyecandy good gameplay etc.
My rating is 9.2!
Not able to download? =(
No review until you’ve got the file.
:) :D :P LoL!!!!!!!!
Well.. It happends!
minmay: the flow here isn’t very good
™DanZeal: just like the UT map ;p
That’s just about all you really need to know about this level. It is, perhaps, a bit too faithful for its own good.
The main problem with this level is probably the fact that it’s godawfully difficult to move around without constantly bumping into things. Other than that, it seems perfectly good as a level, though it’s definitely one for smaller games (anything bigger than a 3vs3 is asking for trouble).
Overall there’s not actually anything really notable here; ammo and carrot placement is fine, no major problem spots. (I barely exceeded the character limit for a quick review, so I’m trying to justify it now.)
I think I liked DZ’s other recreations of UT maps considerably better than this one. Still, it’s worth a download if you need another CTF level for whatever reason.
Very impressive level. I enjoyed it rather well. =) Always good to see that UT remake maps are come to Jazz2.
8 Well deserved! I wanted to give 6 but I won in this level and turned into 8! =O And because of RF Underwater, it is 8.5! xD
[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]
Gameplay is good here [except water]. Eyecandy could be better. Anyway – You have my download recommendation.
=)) It’s a good one!
But Quality not Quantity makes a good level.
And tons of enemies and ripped levels won’t do it!
I accidentally got killed once but the rest wasn’t something i couldn’t face.
Too bad it isn’t original, it’s ripped,has tons of enemies,only a few respawning RF and Freezers as far as i searched, some gems, bad gameplay, no story etc.
The tileset use is not good. This level is ripped though the TH1 has good tileset use and eyecandy.
I can’t recommend so DR is N/A and rating is 4.
I think this one is better than the original one! This one is very handy and it’s easyer to use.
LoL, M y l e s…
(7+7+5) : 3 isn’t 8.5
it’s 6,(3)
umm…. Why did you upload the same tileset three times with different names?
This level pack is quite fun to play.
There is none in Battle00, some in Battle01 and on the bottom in Battle02.
Not bad for Battle, but you might need to place some Riochets on both walls of where the Seeker PU is to stop players shooting the PU through the wall with the Electro Blaster in Battle01. The other levels don’t need any changes.
Seriously, You really shouldn’t put music and tilesets that are included with the game into the zip. It can make more space to put levels and other tilesets in.
Eyecandy Score: 5/10
Layout Score: 7/10
Zip Score: 7/10
Overall Score: 6
There is still room for improvement. You might need to try harder, Caglar, but you did quite well.
DR: Yes.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.