A new boss!!! But i don’t know…I kan’t kill it… It starts again after the “boss bar” is empty…
I tried everything…
JJNXT in final…
This looked like an Uterus..
A MCE Uterus.Destroy the floating green thingies, then kill the actual “boss”
Anyway you can’t be hurt by it so it makes it very easy.
But because of the boss bar filling again..
This can take a while!
[Rating (9.5) clearance. What was so hard about “don’t rate”? – cooba]
What’s this? Some tiles with lots of sucker tubes some trigger scens and trigger zones, some warps and a blue gem! I can’t give a high rating because there’s no gameplay. People like to play levels not to stay and watch you know… That’s why there are TV’s…And why did you included the EEH credits tileset? It isn’t used.
Here is the level play.
You start on a platform and you butstomp some blocks, and you have to choose the way.
If you get the wrong way, either you get at the point where you started of you will be warped into a place either with lots of Bilsies you being morphed into a frog either in a place with Buba bosses where again you get morphed into a frog.If not, you will be in a lots of suck tubes collecting 1 blue gem and finish the level.
I’m sorry but unless you correct it i can’t give it a higher rating than 4.2
Apparently comments get deleted after a few days in JAZZ2ONLINE 2009, so I’ll write a full review.
Obviously, this is the last of five episodes of the Devres (or whatever you want to call it) series. And, obviously, prior episodes were very well received by most everyone, as well as this episode, for that matter.
Nonetheless I think it suffers from a lot of flaws, and those are what I’ll mention in my review, since it seems everyone else has covered everything else.
The first level reminded me of Dreamless (a much lower quality level pack). This was because I fell into a death pit after three seconds, and because it was full of float lizards. Fortunately, it turns out that unlike in Dreamless, all but a few death pits have a lot of warning of their existence (the beginning of the first level is one, and pretty much all of Tempest is another; expect to die once and exactly once to not knowing where they were). Nonetheless, I did not really appreciate this.
One thing to note is that the pack is filled with time-based challenges. Your first experience with this will be rushing up the tower to the first boss, but once you reach The Fortress of Floods you’ll see what I really mean.
Honestly I think these were overused and overdone; if you say that they wear thin after about three of them, then you will probably agree with the rest of my review.
I can’t help but be annoyed by the number of people praising the originality of the challenges. These are not the first implementations of these concepts. Mike made extensive use of frogs in his Platform Jumping levels (they’re not on J2O, to save you some time looking for them); BlurredD implemented the rock-riding in a very similar way with the Jazz Unleashed mini-pack; Violet used rising water in a race level or something (okay, not sure about this one). I really don’t need to mention where the inspiration for The Fortress of Decay’s bridges comes from.
There is also a lack of variety in enemies. Expect floating suckers, float lizards, Tuf Turtles, and more floating suckers. You are going to get sick and tired of shooting ravens. Sick and tired.
However the important question is always is the pack fun? And that it is, as the hordes of 9.7 ratings will tell you. Quite a few things are going to annoy you to no end while playing, but the fact is that this is a really, really well made pack despite its flaws.
Again, I’m not bothering to mention the stuff that’s really great because everyone else did. Download the pack and play it. That is the recommended course of action.
Okay, carrots were fixed.
If will be found any other rewiever,
tell me what I can make better in this lvl, ok? Thanks a lot.
It needs 1.23 but it’s well on TSF too
. THIS is non jj2+.
The edited pack has: Fixed tile bugs, fixed rain, fixed missing tiles, fixed caves, enhanced caves, bigger size fixed waterfalls, cave thingies. If you want to add me at credits, just add me for beta-testing.
Now the review…
First.. Layer Analisys:
Layer 8: BG with texture background with pallaxing stars.
Layer 7: That landscape with the big tree and where it should have been a waterfall as well.
Layer 6: Rain….
Layer 5: Cave Bg.
Layer 4: Most of the activity, eyecandy, ammo,carrots, platforms.
Layer 3: Water trees carrots.
Layer 2:oops? Nothing…
Layer 1: The same….
Layer 1 isn’t often used so the’re not so bad.
You could also add rain in the Layer 2 but horisontal one to be cool!
This time the eyecandy is good , bugs were fixed. having no tilebugs.
This levels have all sorts of ammo and p-ups. You did not put a small nr of seconds of regen. things.
Problem! I did not found any carrots in here. You can fix that.
(don’t put more than 1 regen. fullNRG! and hide it)
GAMEPLAY is better. You added some place to hide which is actually original!
I never met something like it and trust me… i played many…
And again you used jj3 music which is not bad at all.
Levels were made with 2 of the carrotus edits.Evening and… Zombified? Oh well..Most of the tiles were used, even the rain.
The level feels large. Being a more wider level having rain, water and caves.
Caves were fixed.
In all the level the tiles fit themselves, being no risk of getting stuck.
I think it’s way better than the other and this time it worths a 7.2 with dl rec.
Good job!
You can try to make Single Player levels.
If you make such Battle levels i’m sure you can do good SP levels as well.
I think your zip is corrupt.Could you reupload it by recompressing your files?
good set!! Like it!
Loving the graphical style.
EDIT: Lowered the rating on a retrospective re-evaluation as the tileset has almost no flexibility at all despite having a large number of tiles on offer.
Just…I cant say anything,,, This is the worst level what I have seen – no eycandy, no good level, not long map…sorry but I cant rate more than 1.0 and I will hope you will upload better levels.
[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]
AAAAAAAAAAA AAAA!!!! -!!!!!!-(can’t spam exclamation marks) Cool one.
ANOTHER Funk by FOD!!!
Another cool one!
I must have reviewed all your funks!
That dosen’t matter!
I like it and it deserves a 10!!!!!!
And btw… all of them recived good rating because the funk is very good and most use heatwave samples and i love h e a t w a v e!
If you will make any new funks i will probably love them :D
————— and i don’t give 10~~~ Unless it is something that really deserves this rating.
This review was changed from quick to full and finished by MortalSpaz.
Well…eyecandy looks good, but thats all.
This level dont have many weapons and pickups
and the gameplay is little boring…3.7
[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]
I played it and its a good CTF level, but you could put more weapons in it. The background mountains looks pretty good, and I think Its right to give rating 7.7.
[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]
Its a good tileset with a good example level.
Its a very lot of tiles, its one of the best tilesets what I have seen. Im rating it 9.7
Download recommended? YES! Its the good tileset and I wanna to you will download it!
[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]
This review is just to practice for reviewing. If there’s any impurities it’s not my fault because my online server pings. I did play an MP game on this by myself, though. I plan to get this fixed.
Review for Mezmerize Space Lab by Mark NW!333:
First Impression: Great!
Well, this level started out really great. I may be rather biased towards this part simply because I like the colors of the tileset and the music goes well with it.
Gameplay + Balance: Good
The gameplay of the level was good, but not great. The level actually feels more like a battle level than a CTF level, because of its layout.
Eyecandy: Good
The eyecandy, I believe, was the best part of the level. The colors of the background (in layer 8) look glitchy but that’s the tilesets fault.
Event Placement: Good
There’s plenty of ammo, not too much, but not too little. Enough said.
Flow: Bad
This is where the level ‘flunks’. Bumps here, hard-to-reach parts there. Try making it so that the player doesn’t have to jump so often. Also, certain parts at the top of the level were quite hard to reach.
- I like the tileset, and the music fits well IMO (+0.2)
Calculations: (4.5 + 6 + 6.7 + 6 + 5) / 5 + 0.2
(out of 45 points, you get 28.2)
= (28.2)/5 + 0.2
= 5.64 + 0.2; rounded to 5.6 + 0.2
= 5.8
Download Recommendation: N/A
(Yes needs 7.5 or higher)
I’m going to rate this level, as nobody else has, and it kinda sucks to make a level and have nobody rate it.
An underused, and quite good tileset
Good design/flow
Good eyecandy
Brownie points for using a tileset that’s hard to use
A fair map, despite not being symmetrical between bases
Kinda average in most respects
I’ll have to admit, I didn’t play this online so that’s what explains the lack of a rating from me. But judging from the screenshots, it doesn’t look too great. I’m feeling generous today so I’m going to give you a few tips of advice. I’m sorry if this sounds harsh, as I do not intend it to:
It looks like you used a very ‘natural’, out-doorsy tileset, but you didn’t make the level look very ‘natural’ as your level is very squared-off. (“Squared-off” means that there aren’t very many bumps or things that keep it interesting, the platforms are just squares and rectangles. You can read more on JCSRef.)
It looks like there are also a few tilebugs. Now I’m trying not to be a critic here, in fact I’m trying to go easy since it looks like you’re new. Tilebugs are formed when two tiles next to each other look glitchy and do not ‘tile well’. Tilebugs are just like typos, oto amny itlebgus detract from the experience.
But do not worry, if you keep making levels, you will get better, I’m sure of it! ;-)
One of the best tilesets ever.
And i like HELLO KITTY too =D
You can pretty much tell by the screenshots that almost no effort was put into this level. Not really any redeeming features here.
Also, the level is TSF, despite being marked as 1.23.
[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]
Ok, now I did what you said. The mountains now have that X-Speed and Y-Speed and its good, yea. And the gun generator fixed. If you will find any new bugs, report it to me ye?
Thats weird because I used TSF to 1.23 converter and It dont work…its bad. Well, if you think my levels is bad, you can say it but I will never fix it because I dont know, what I should fix. I will upload new screenshots and little update the level. I hope you will like the new version and I will try to again convert it to 1.23
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.