RecommendedReview by mortalspaz

29 Jun 2009, 15:17 (edited 21 Jul 09, 06:31)
For: Flower Lands
Level rating: 3.5

It’s a good battle level but you could try to fix the background a bit!
And put a biggen nr. of seconds of respawning things!
The gameplay is not good but not bad , and as i said before the bg must be fixed. I mean the mountains.
Go to the layer where you put the mountains and try this: Y speed:0.0299988(not auto Y speed) and X speed:0.0149689 with limit visible region.Oh and you could try texture bg. Go to layer 8 and click the last 2 options if you only have the bg image!Try texture mode and palaxing stars.
Hope it works!
Look. I found a bug! Animations: The waterfalls and the blocks.
And… PLEASE don’t password your levels!
i think i’ll review.

Layer 8:
You listened to my advice and now the bg is better. Layer with muontains isn’t totally fixed but it’s better than first time
Layer 4.
In this layer there are some bugs and a place where you can get stuck, the waterfall is kinda poorly animated and you forgot to put the cave tile in the 1× 2× 3× 4x block.
In here are lots of ammo.
Bouncer freezer RF seeker Electro,toaster,peeperspray.
The bad part is that most of these ammo have they’re power up next to them.
You could try to hide them somehow to be a little complicated to get to them.
Try hiding something inside a wall.
Another thing is the carrots. You placed only a single carrot.
I don’t know if it’s respawning or no because the level is protected by a password!(please don’t do that)
If it’s not respawning you should put a generator for it but(do not plce regenerating fullNRG!! Never!)
There are few bugs but not
The music.
Well i really like the tune though JJ3 will never be on market so i could hear it there but this time it fits these levels. Even if one level is snowy and the tune’s name is SunSong.
I can’t rate more than 4.7 because:
2 & 3 ratings for a level are like walking through nothing at all or a very bad level with all sorts of bugs and access violations! and 5.5 like i was planning to rate is a bit exagerated
But i won’t give a no dl rec, i’ll give a N/A one. It’s better
You could re-make them.

minmay: If a tileset dosen’t have more than 1024 tiles it can be used by 1.23 version and TSF.
But if it has more than 1024 tiles it would be a waste of time trying to play it on 1.23.
This tileset has 870 tiles. What do you think?

Not recommendedQuick Review by Speaktrap

29 Jun 2009, 13:58
For: Candy land
Level rating: 1

I’ve made a speed run with turtle shell (to kill Bubba in one secound) – about 7 secounds!

Not recommendedReview by Speaktrap

29 Jun 2009, 13:50 (edited 29 Jun 09, 13:51)
For: laberinto
Level rating: 1.2

This levelpack is awesome. Have you ever seen flying mushrooms? No? Continue reading.
Level design remind me Contra and Super Mario Bros, but the diffirence is tha sometimes you change direction! But don’t worry – it’s still flat. You don’t even have to jump (mostly)!
Enemy placement… is confusing. Visible are easy to locate, but these invisible ones… you never know, when you gonna bump into some Bees (that do not exist)

You may think, I’ve reviewed one level. Sure, but all are the same. Nothing what can be worth downloading.

EDIT: Check it without downloading – I’ve uploaded most funny screens.

RecommendedQuick Review by Superjazz

29 Jun 2009, 13:42
For: Episode Five: The Fortress of Ruin
Level rating: 9.8

This is an episode where a stunningly interesting storyline and overall excellent playing experience meet. As a betatester I must admit this episode might just be a bit too hard for an average solo-player, which is the only bad thing about this episode. However, for me the difficulty was a fun challenge, and I finished it with Medium in 5 evenings.

RecommendedQuick Review by Speaktrap

29 Jun 2009, 13:19
For: Towers of Hanoi
Level rating: 8.5

Great idea, original patent, lack of any eyecandy, and even if it’s super, I think it’s still beta/demo, and shouldn’t been uploaded unless polished.
Still something extra, 8 to motivate (make it the best!)
Download reccomended ‘cause you must see it!

Review by DennisKainz

29 Jun 2009, 08:42
For: Mystic Mines
Level rating: 7.2

I think it would be nice to see my Casualty Mines and your Mystic mines in the same levelpack.

P.S. Add tags “mine” and “underground” to make easier to find this tileset.

RecommendedReview by minmay

28 Jun 2009, 22:16 (edited 8 Nov 09, 19:33)
For: Casualty Mines, venue of Bloody Valentine
Level rating: 9.1

To make a 1.23 version would be trivial at worst. There are plenty of things that could be cut out without heavily impacting the tileset (such as the varying background colors, mine cart colors, etc.).

However, Gus shouldn’t feel pressured or obligated to make/not make a 1.23 version. It’s all up to him.

EDIT: Now updated with PROPER REVIEW! As follows:

The first thing any prospective downloader is going to see will be the screenshots, and they are bound to notice what really separates this tileset from pretty much every other tileset out there: its style.

It’s a great style. The whole tileset looks very “soft,” almost as if made of clay, and I love the way it looks. I love it.

And the tileset itself? Not at all typical, and very, very well done. The most notable part of this set is actually a single group of tiles: they are, for gameplay purposes, simple slopes, but graphically, they create an impression of depth and distance, allowing levels to look almost 3D.

There are plenty of things in the tileset that scream out “mine,” from the cliffs, to the tunnels in the cave background, to (of course) the mine carts. This tileset deserves extra recognition on the point that its theme holds together really well; there are many tilesets that have no real central theme and fall apart on that point.

The tileset has a great variety of decorative tiles. Moss, chain lifts, broken chain lifts, rocks (destructible ones even), fences – all manner of things, really, and I love it. Again, it deserves to be mentioned. Especially the cabin/storage shed; a great touch.

Tile layout is solid; not exceptionally user-friendly, but it’s not a nightmare to use like Fortress of Forgotten Souls. Nothing really special on that front, so I’m not going to go far into it. The same applies to masking; there might be a few bugs but I didn’t see any.

My only real complaint about this tileset is the gold: it doesn’t look like gold and it doesn’t look good. It looks like honey or something.

Again, at this point: very, very well done. Deserves a very high rating.

OTHER EDIT: I’ve found one considerable bug in the mask since posting this review. Specifically, the outdoor hole tiles (but not the indoor ones) are fully masked, making them pretty useless. I’ve lowered my rating for this, as it’s quite serious, and shows no signs of being fixed.

SUPER MEGA NEW EDIT: Oh, so the bug’s been fixed. So, hey, extra .3 points, yay!

RecommendedReview by Olsen

28 Jun 2009, 19:47
For: Casualty Mines, venue of Bloody Valentine
Level rating: 9.1


I don’t know what to say. Really. You’ve contributed alot to our community, tilesets and levels, and you’ve always kept your special cartoony style that I myself found a bit too “simple” and not that great. I haven’t seen you evolve that much in your tilesets since I first saw your Alton Towers tileset, and then comes this masterpiece.


The tileset has this high-quality, Epic Megagames style to it that I feel is unmatched by other tilesets (except maybe Agama’s, though I’m not so sure).


There are no real negatives to this tileset in my opinion, I really love and the little details such as the rails, carts, cave entrances/exits and doodads.


Easily the tileset that blew me away the most. There is nothing else for me to say.

RecommendedQuick Review by Falcury

28 Jun 2009, 18:24
For: Episode Five: The Fortress of Ruin
Level rating: 9.8

I just finished playing, and knew that any rating below 10 would not do. Fantastic work.

RecommendedReview by mortalspaz

28 Jun 2009, 07:06 (edited 27 Oct 09, 20:06)
For: Episode Five: The Fortress of Ruin
Level rating: 9.8

edit: I deciderd to re make the review.

The Fortress Of Ruin Ep 5 by EvilMike.

After Jazz fighting for Deserto , defeating the turtle boss, saved Deserto by destroying the orbital base, fought for Carrotus but the battle for it was lost,and he was helped by the Resistance chasing Devan, the colonel gave him the mission to kill Devan.
EvilMike finished the last episode of this series, Jazz being on Nippius trying to reach Devan’s Lair but,he found out that the Lair has 3 seales.To unseal them, he has to defeat 3 bosses in three fortresses in a large castle.

These levels are very good. Thery have all sorts of things like spikes, spooky houses, acid lakes,icy fortresses, snow, rain, even thunders.Like arjandevries said some levels are colorfull, they are creative, but in only ones you can enjoy things like a thunder.

GAMEPLAY: Gameplay was good. The whole episode is challenging, you have to get to Devan’s Lair but the seals are locked, and you have to fight 3 bosses untill that.
In Tempest you have to fly over obstacles being a bird,In alvl you have to race against a water flowing level, to destroy some blocks.
Anyway the pack is hard, I died 3 times, and most of the levels are harder than the other series.
A level had so many spikes that i had to use a cheat to get past them!But Even if it’s a hard pack it ins’t frustrating.
btw The pack takes kinda 2 hours to complete.

This time i was actualy surprised about the pack.
This time you actually put gems!Purple gems (20) but i also found the other kinds as well.
There were lots of food especially in Nippius. I had 6 S-Rushes in all.
Carrots: I noticed that in Easy Mode are some carrots but in Normal mode there are enough so a quite skilled player can finish these levels. I did tried to play in hard mode but i died too many times.

The levels had a balanced no. of enemies:It was rather challenging for me and i think for everyone who played.
But it isn’t enough to stop me. I died 3 times in the whole game.(Once because of a CTF Trick)
There were many flying enemies(floating lizards, ravens, rapiers ,float suckers) but also many different land enemies(even a crawling sucker)and they make it harder to complete.
But leaving the placement, The spike balls were quite a challenge most of it in The Medieval Machine’s Lair. Where i had to use jjnowall once to have enough hearts to fight Bolly .

The music is fine chosen for the pack. It’s exactly what it’s suits best with, making you feel like you are actually there instead of playing. Even if I like it, it’s a bit bad for me because I don’t like shadowy music.

I waited for this pack for a long time and after i finished it i was satisfied.The pack is fun to play, and even if it takes long to play it, it worths the time spent on it. You must have the pack!

Levels: GOOD
Music: GOOD
Original: YES
Hard: YES
Long YES
Fun: YES
Rating: 9.7
Must Have? YES

Edit: Yes ,Mike of course… It just took me a while to get there…
No big deal. Thanks.

RecommendedQuick Review by Anakin DarthWalker

27 Jun 2009, 17:21
For: Episode Five: The Fortress of Ruin
Level rating: 9.8

I played it, its cool, the music is cool, the gameplay rocks and the eycandy looks good. I cant give less rating than 10.0! Good work EvilMike!

RecommendedReview by Tik

27 Jun 2009, 15:04
For: Episode Five: The Fortress of Ruin
Level rating: 9.8

Episode Five serves as a climax to EvilMike’s slowly and arduously produced saga, and it fits the role to a tee. If you’ve played the previous episodes before then you have a good idea of what to expect – a detailed, important storyline, coupled with extensive gameplay that usually manages to balance combat and platform challenges. You also will know to expect that it is no picnic.

If you haven’t played any previous episodes, well, I highly recommend that you do so before this, but you certainly don’t have to. If all you’re after is gameplay then you will not finish this unhappy.

Just to reiterate the warning: THIS IS HARD. I played it on Normal mode and it was frustratingly difficult on many, many occasions. I’m planning to play through all five episodes sometime soon, and I will be doing so on Easy.

Now, Episode Five is highly detailed. Each level usually features unique gameplay aspects that won’t be repeated in the next level. There is one exception but it doesn’t become monotonous as each instance is unique in its own right. The levels start out slowly, in my opinion. They start with basic challenges you’ve probably encountered a few times – although maybe in different ways. As the pack goes on it gets progressively more interesting, difficult, and unique.

Many of the levels are not linear which is very refreshing. You will have to explore, often aimlessly, sometimes back and forth where you thought you’d already been countless times. While frustrating, it’s nice to have that freedom. It also means that save points are on the dry side which is rough if you’re like me, but such is a necessity with open levels. It also means that if you die and you’ve already completed most of an area, you’ll have to do it all over again. Play through carefully the first time and you’ll know what to expect if (and often when) you die.

Changing subjects, there is no generic theme as far as tilesets and music go. Don’t worry if the level you’re stuck on doesn’t have too much to look at, the next one may be similar on some levels but it’s never the same (with a single obvious exception). No JJ2 tilesets are used either, an obvious requirement these days but not always adhered to. The music is usually appropriate and interesting to listen to as well, but it gets old quickly after it repeats enough. No fault of the author’s that.

By the way, there are lots and lots of secret areas. Many aren’t even hidden besides their entrances. Many levels have bonus areas if you can find all the coins, but that’s a choice if you’d like that element. The gems are actually used with a reason (even if they don’t really matter).

Mike also makes use of the Cucumber event (someone had to).

So, in conclusion: This is excellent and unique. Please play it, and maybe even from Episode 1 – 4 first. Take your time, savour it. Things like this don’t come along very often – they never have, not even during the days when JJ2 was new (especially not then, come to think of it). I actually wonder if this is something of JJ2’s swan song as I doubt Mike or anyone else with his skill will ever again take the energy and time to make something so diverse, detailed, unique, difficult, and long. Now, it isn’t perfect either. It’s often irritating and there are glitches to be found. But it’s mostly an experience to be had.

Have it.

Review by White Rabbit

27 Jun 2009, 13:17
For: Episode Five: The Fortress of Ruin
Level rating: 9.8

I was hoping to provide some feedback as a betatester before the release, but it seems I spent too long trying to say something other than ‘it’s too hard’.

There’s a sense of adventure about this episode, brought out by the portals in the three towers. Most of the episode doesn’t actually take place on Nippius, so you never know what lies ahead. In many ways, Devan’s Fortress is Mike’s take on the Central Cave. However, there are two things which detracted from my enjoyment of The Fortress of Ruin:
One is Mike’s chosen style of level design. The other is JJ2’s technical limitations.

While individual levels each have their own theme in terms of obstacles and puzzles (and of course eyecandy), I’d go so far to say that gameplay is unvaried throughout the episode. The balance shifts between fighting enemies and avoiding traps from level to level, but there is usually plenty of both. As a result, there is always something in the way, always something to avoid or watch out for.

How do I deal with ravens? I shoot them from afar, or I get their attention and uppercut them. How do I deal with skeletons, turtles, and other ground enemies? I shoot them from afar or buttstomp them. Fish and crabs? I use seekers if I don’t want to take the time getting the angle right. Of course, it would be too straightforward to shoot at things on level ground, so half the time I’m jumping up and down from the same spot to clear my path, only to repeat the process again and again.

The traps and obstacles are more cerebral. Sometimes things will look very intimidating, but you can get past most without getting hurt, provided that you pay attention. Whether it can be achieved for all of them, I personally don’t know, as I passed some of the more difficult ones by deliberately ‘bouncing’ off spikes. There’s also far too much instant death in the levels, further aggravated by the inability to save in bigger levels. A good knowledge of both rabbits’ abilities is essential.

With so many creative ideas being successfully implemented, why must there be a constant? Why is essentially the same deathtrap over and over again?

It would not be 100% hyperbole to say that every level is Mike’s take on Central Cave. Progress was laborious and repetitive, with too many sections thay could easily have been taken from test levelss. I think arjan’s review is quite perceptive, in that the episode is indeed heavy on arcade gameplay. You meet some static characters in your journeys, who provide useful hints or just small talk, but the actual story is played out in cutscenes. However, ‘fast paced’, is the last phrase I’d use.

I have been thinking that The Fortress of Ruin would be less extreme if the entire lives and saves system was rid of, and replaced by checkpoints and infinite lives. The game would be saved when you reach a checkpoint, and reloaded when you die. The two problems of excessive saving and losing your progress would both be eliminated. This doesn’t change the levels in any way, but I do know many people enjoy the kind of gameplay present in episode 5.

RecommendedReview by arjandevries

27 Jun 2009, 07:03 (edited 27 Jun 09, 18:44)
For: Episode Five: The Fortress of Ruin
Level rating: 9.8

EPISODE 5: The Fortress of Ruin—

I’m one of the people who tested this episode before it got released. Evilmike said it would take at least two hours to beat that. For the people who read this, scratch the two hours and make it six. That’s right, this pack will take at least six hours to beat depending on how skilled you are.

I wrote a review of episode 4 and I said that I was a little disappointed with it because of the lack of originality the first three episodes had. Now we come to those unavoidable questions:

Does this pack contain original things? YES!
Is this pack the longest of all? YES!
Is this pack indeed the hardest of all? YES!
Is it better then episode 4? YES!
Is it the best of the series? NO! I mean, YES YES YES!


After the war your nameless character fought on Carrotus, he’s going on a hunt to find Devan Shell and kill him. He’s hiding on the planet Nippius. the problem is, his lair is sealed. To unseal them, you have to defeat three bosses in three fortresses in one large central castle.

Yes, the story sounds very simple but it’s been expanded greatly in the story cut scenes. After each fortress Devan speaks to you and tells you something interesting. All the loose threads of the previous episodes find themselves weaved together here. Still, this episode is less story heavy then the other episodes and feels a little more arcade.


Both of these are some of the greatest choices I’ve ever seen. All the music fits perfectly with the levels. It really feels like you’re playing the last episode and the end is near. Yet it isn’t because there are so many levels in this pack.

The eyecandy is just as great. There are dark spooky houses, an ice fortress, an acid lake and many more. Some of these levels are very colorful, others aren’t but they have some very nice special effects like thunder, or dark trees on the foreground. You will really enjoy the looks of most of the levels. There are a few levels which are less creative but it’s barely noticeable.


The most important part of each Single player game. Is it fun to play? The answer is yes. the pack started with a bit standard levels but the more progress you make in the game, the better this packs becomes. Each level has its own creative things. In one level you’ll find yourself flying through crazy obstacles as a bird, in another you’ll race against a raising water level only to break some blocks with your flamethrower at the top. Of course the flamethrower is unusable under water.

I won’t spoil everything but there’s one more part I’d like to describe. At one part you are standing on a breakable floor. Run too fast, and it breaks and you will die. So you have to walk slow. This seems very easy but it’s not. Above you, there are breakable walls and floors as well. and all the way at the top is a crate you have to stomp. So you have to run, only to break the bricks above you, but you have to be aware that you don’t fall into the chasm underneath you. To make things harder some trampoline are added which you have to use to get to the top. This are only a few parts of the many creative parts in this pack.

This pack is hard. Very hard. I think that all the latter half of the pack contains levels that are all harder then the hardest levels of the previous episodes. I found myself trying to get past some obstacles two hours long. That’s right, some levels will take two hours to complete. While it’s hard, it’s never frustrating. It’s rather addictive actually. There are these crazy parts in which you find yourself making progress after very much practice. After you finally complete these levels, you’ll be very satisfied. It isn’t advice able to play this all in one sitting because then it may get frustrating after a while. I’d also like to add that this pack doesn’t contain slow crate pushing puzzles. The pack is very fast paced and I like that.

So is the gameplay perfect? No, it isn’t. Some obstacles are extremely hard to avoid. They are certainly possible but it requires some great skill and some crazy jumping moves. Other areas just screamed for carrots on easy mode at least, but there weren’t any. you’ll also find a few enemies which I find a little unfair, but that’s only on normal or hard. I won’t say that easy isn’t hard though. I played this on easy and most parts will take some great practice. It is recommended that you play the previous episodes first, but if you don’t care for the story and just want to have some single player fun, go ahead and download it anyway!

Another low point were the final two bosses. These bosses were exactly the same as some of the previous episodes, only in a different setting. I can’t really say which ones because that would be some kind of a spoiler but I was a little disappointed with them, especially after all the creative things I had seen before. And then it’s inevitable: you become a spoiled brat and only want to see more of it.


Story: 9.5/10
Eyecandy/Music: 9.7/10
Gameplay: 9.9/10
J2O rating: 10/10

It’s kind of sad Mike takes a long break from level making now, so let’s hope that JJ2+ will eventually add some nice single player features. But I don’t know if that’s possible.

Review by mortalspaz

27 Jun 2009, 06:24
For: Alien Chemestry
Level rating: 8.5

You know what? I found 1013 coins at all… and I was playing with Lori.

Review by EvilMike

27 Jun 2009, 05:19 (edited 27 Jun 09, 06:57)
For: Episode Five: The Fortress of Ruin
Level rating: 9.8

Well that’s a matter of time zones, really. It was ready to be uploaded, so I decided to upload it on the 27th based on CET, since that’s a good a time zone as any. Never mind that I’m 8 time zones behind it.

Mortalspaz: It crashed because the levels are big. That’s why I put a warning in the download info. Sorry. You don’t have to start all over though. You can cheat (jjnxt) to get to where it crashed. It doesn’t really count as cheating if you’re just skipping to where you left off.

RecommendedReview by sonicnathan 1

27 Jun 2009, 04:11 (edited 29 Jun 09, 04:32)
For: Episode Five: The Fortress of Ruin
Level rating: 9.8

Well after much turmoil and pain, I’ve completed to final episode and all I have to say is, wow.

The story takes place right after the events of Resistance. You are on your way to Nippus to stop Devan once and for all and to get your revenge. You are told to keep Eva’s ring on at all time. When you arrive, you are greeted by Devan’s armies and you right to get in his fortress. There, you have to disable 3 seals that seal Devan form you. You find strange portals that suck you in and the rest is great. Trust me, there were times when I was tempted to jjnext the levels so I could see what was going to happen next. The story sucks you in and never lets you out. The plot twists along the way are great and I never saw them coming. The ending is a little bit a cliffhanger, but nun the less great. Overall, great story and a great way to wrap up the Invasion of Deserto.

The eyecandey is definitely up to Mikes standards. The backgrounds are awesome in every level but the jungle level and storm level really sticks out in my mind. The levels look great. Lots of layers are used and it looks like. Now for layer 4. The first levels look great. The Fortress that Devan is hiding in looks well and it designed greatly. Lots of animations make it look great. When you go through the first portal, we go to the jungle level which looks great! The lighting really adds to the mood and the castle looks nice. The fortress look great with a nice background and a really advanced look. The island levels looks great as everything looks natural and looks like what a real island would look like. The next level fortress is a little plain, but still looks nice. Acid lake looks nice but it doesn’t look natural. It think it was meant to look that way but the eyecandey is still nice. The third fortress looks incredible. I mean really the WTF tileset was used greatly here and it looks so cool. Oasis looks great but the layout looks weird. Still nice with lots of eyecandey. The forth fortress looks great, with a nice use of the Temple tileset. looks nice and really looks nice a fortress at times. The platforms that move are also cool. There’s more levels, but they basically re-use other levels which is ok since they are meant to connect to each other with some areas connecting to other areas. All these levels have 0 tilebugs and the amount of Eyecandey sets the standards. Nice work Mike!

I have to say one thing right now, this is one of the most original packs I have ever seen in my life. Ever other level something is introduced that i have never seen done before in any pack before. The difficulty is also very high, even harder then the Rebirth of Evil which was hell to get through. There will be times when you want to throw something at the screen. That being said, it’s still very fun to play. Next thing is the size. Every level takes a while to complete. Average level length is 10 minutes or longer, meaning that this won’t be done in one sitting. (It took me 4 days!) Lets start with level one which is pretty basic. Nothing special but still fun. It’s a little hard, but not to bad. Nice puzzles involving find crates and breaking them. When we get to the Fortress of Ruin, the difficulty spikes. It’s hard with lots of spikes and traps. It’s very wide open though and still fun. Once you find the portal, you go to the jungle which has some nice twists with playing as the frogs and the birds. It’s hard, but fun. Fortress of storms is still hard, but has a great concept of being strong winds on the roofs, making navigation harder. The puzzles are still nice with lots of exploration needed. For the first boss, I was hard! It was a tuff boss but you first have to him. Once there, the wind is going which means on hit my the boss or the turtles, and your going over. I was happy that it was hard and I even got a continue screen! Beat, you go back to the castle where you find some freezers which have something so cool. You use them as a light in the dark tunnels which is such a cool idea. Second portal takes you too the island. This has a cool concept of finding gems to open a path. Then you find shoes and using a glitch, you have now walk underwater! This is a great idea and i loved it. The bottom part is very hard, using lots of crate puzzles a clever shield puzzle to get to the end. Dreampipes is next which is by far the hardest level in the pack. You have to race the water to get to the top and destroy the blocks using the toaster. This is hard and it takes MANY MANY MANY MANY attempts to get it right. This one isn’t as fun but the originality is so great, it out ways that. Next boss is Ultres and it hard. This time you are doing the opposite buy race the water down while avoiding spikes. I got down there with one health. You then fight the boss on a small platform. It’s hard and it’s wise to get down there before the waters gone as I just spammed seekers until it died. It’s hard, but not impossible. Next portal takes us to acid lake. This is a great concept where you have to ride a rock down the lake while dodging obsticals. It’s fun but hard. If you fall in, you loos a heart and you can try again. You can avoid loosing a heart by buttstomping as soon as the warp is done. Then we go to the WTF level which is very hard. It uses mainly Spaz as you have to time your jumps to go up the springs while dodging spikes. It’s really hard, but once you figure it out it isn’t that bad. You also have to dodge pools of toxic chemicals buts that can be impossible sometimes. Then we have a concept where if you fun to fast on the bridges, there break and you fall. It’s a great concept and it’s fun to do. The puzzles are nice as you have to find crates to open paths and to go to different parts in the levels. The boss isn’t hard that hard as long as you have lots of freezers. Then you go through the srpings without setting them off. The concept before the boss is that if you butstomp, you die. which is hard but like I said freezers and your fine. The platforms break away in the boss room if you fall and there’s spikes on the roof to stop the buttstomp trick. After a trip through the castle we end up at Oasis where we have to find 50 coins to complete the level. It’s a fun concept and there’s more then 50 coins to be fair. Takes some searching, but it’s fun and challenging. The 4 fortress seems unfair at times with spikes coming out of no ware. Still that doesn’t way down the fun factor with find more crates and jumping across disappearing platforms. It’s a hard one, but not as hard as some of the other levels. The battle with Devan is hard. Lots of carrots are there on easy. There’s two Blisy bosses throwing fireballs at you which adds to the challenge. Defeating him then takes you to rocket turtle which you fallow to the castle. there all you tricks will be put into affect where you chase the boss threw the fortress. If you beat him, you’ve beaten the episode. The rocket turtle is hard and it took me a couple of attempts. When you do defeat the boss, it’s rewarding. Some other things to say. First, I love of how I used me other ammo. You will be put in situations where you will want to use you special ammo which is something i don’t so much. Even in the first 4 I played through most of the game using only my blaster. Second, we have problems with saving but no marks off as that’s Jazz 2 problems. The music is also well choicen. It stays with the mood and it’s kick ***! Overall, this gameplay is great with good puzzles and some great level design and the secrets in the game will bring to back for more.

Enemy Placement
This pack proves that the enemies in jazz can be hard to deal with. The enemies are put in hard locations and you have to somethings think about how you want to kill them and what to do to get by. This adds a lot as it helps the difficulty and doesn’t make the pack boring. The enemies fit pretty nice and there’s quite a few of them. The enemies are also used in some boss battles which add to the difficulty. These enemies are put in great locations and they managed to give me a continue screen.


Carrots: The carrots are put in nice locations. You will be running around with one heart a lot, but the carrots are nice and put in locations where if there’s going to be a challenge, enough carrots are given. They can be few at times, but the placement is great meaning that you will survive.

Ammo: Ammo is again nice. There’s a lot more then in other episodes, but that’s good because a lot of the time you will be using it. Enough is given to survive and there are put in great locations.

1 ups: they are all hidden but a lot of the time they are put in easy locations which is nice because you will need them so you don’t get a continue. Nice locations and there’s enough to help out.

Food: There’s lots of it and I have to thank Mike for that because I got through a lot of locations using Sugar rushes. Lots is given but you will only get one every 3 or 4 levels.

Coins: A lot of levels have warps with coins which add to the replay. they are well hidden and they really add to help with the replay. Nice work there.

Powerups: I only found one but I know there’s more. This is great as it adds more replay to try and find these powerups which I may do.

Other Stuff: Gems are here which is nice. There’s lots of them but not a gem overflow. Nice verity of reds greens and blue even though you will find lots of reds. Save points are a problem but that’s not a problem in some cases as it’s level design and most levels not have save points you can save in without crashes. Overall, the pickups are in great locations and trying to find them add to the replay value which is very important. Great work!

Final Score: 50/50
Rank: S
Score: 10
DR? I know some parts of this review can seem biased, but it’s hard not too. This pack is so fun and has so much originality that it deserves a ten. The pack is hard but fun and the replay is great, meaning you will want to go back and find all the secrets. This gets a DR and is a great way for Evilmike to end his series. Bravo and I thank you for your hard work to bring us this pack. Nice work and I hope you don’t stop making levels!

RecommendedReview by plunK

26 Jun 2009, 23:14
For: Episode Five: The Fortress of Ruin
Level rating: 9.8

So i have played through the final release in the Ressurection of Devan Shell series, The Fortress of Ruin.

This was a very well put together single player pack, and it far tops its four preceding episodes.

Eyecandy 10/10
The eyecandy throught all the levels is excellently done, even the saving area zones look attractive, and for that i give a perfect score.

Story 10/10
The story is this final episode was very well done, in fact i would say it was the best done of all single player packs i have played up till now, and leaves you asking no questions in the end.

Level Layout and Aspects 10/10
The levels through Fortressof Ruin were very well thought out and organized, and had very cool design features. I especially liked the fortress featured throughout the levels, especially the speech interludes.

Playability 8.5/10

Overall this pack has very good playability but some parts can be very difficult, especially traversing the fortress and the 5 boss fights.

This is a very very good pack and i would 100% recommend downloading it, even if you havent played any prior episodes.

Review by sonicnathan 1

26 Jun 2009, 18:39
For: Psych3
Level rating: N/A

Since this is mostly the work of epic, I’m not going to rate but I will give an overview of what is included.

Barley anything was added at all. Eyecandey was plain already but almost nothing was added to it. No layer 3, 2 or 1. Not even much to layer 4 is here.

Again not much was added to the gameplay. No puzzles ot even a boss is there. Since Tweedle doesn’t work, it would have been nice to put SOMETHING there. The only thing that adds to the gameplay is the enemies which I will talk about. The level is also too short.

Some were added but there isn’t enough to kill me. No challenge at all. Only haters and dragonflies. and hard mode doesn’t add that much.

Again barley any of them were added. Just a little here and there. Not enough food or ammo.

Other things
There’s no start Position for spaz. Just needed to say that.

Final Comments
Again I’m not going to rate because of how little was changed. If I did rate, this would get a 1 for boring gameplay, lack of eyecandey and a short experience. If you want to see a decent re-make of this level check out my finished secret levels. (A review would be nice :)

Review by DennisKainz

26 Jun 2009, 14:05
For: Episode Four: The Resistance
Level rating: 9.3


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