Well….Why not?
The idea is good. I’ve never played so called “JJ2 Time Episodes….”
This is (sort of) a continue to the original JJ2 story: In JJ2 Devan builds the time machine but he’s plan is ruined by Jazz/Spaz/Lori(if tsf)and in here Devan actually sends Jazz in time and it looks like he needs…. a piece of gold that starts burning with a candle????? Oh well..
The prehistoric level is kinda short, having some bugs, no textured bg respawning Devils in Hard Mode and others!The 3-crate reward was original though.
Gold fever looked a bit like the real one but the gold carriage did not fit very well at first.But there’s still 2 problems:To linear and to Easy!Oh and too dark.
WW2 was easy…. but there was easy to get lost too!And looks like a level i played: Errr…. A yes! In Element Disaster: Tornado Alley. It took me some time to get past it…
The medieval lvl had too many witches like fearofdark said and no gameplay except of crates.
I don’t understand why did you put the future before 1998’s Jazz Jackrabbit 2 release but anyway…
The future level had tooooooooooooooo many float suckers and i had to use the last shield cheat to get past them!
It was too linear and there is a part where it forces you to kill yourself if you get stuck!(also a limit xscroll)I had to use jjfly and jjnowall to get back up.
And the last level is The Bad Pitt ripped having 3 differences: A text at start, a 1up was replaced with a crate
and I found that other crate before i fought Devan……(What was that for?)
Music Good….
Eyecandy: Good..
Fun? YEAH REALLY!! Well.. a bit.
Enemies: …Between good and bad
_Must have?_Don’t know!
Score : 6.5
DR? : N/A
I can’t give dl rec because i can’t really recommend it to someone to play!
It’s fun but it need’s improoving.
This review has been edited by MortalSpaz! added story, fonts and completed review
Another cool funk by FearOfDark on Hell freezes over!
This is a good remix it is similar to CastleFunk which i also liked.It’s way better than the original song and i don’t know why i would give less than 10 with dl rec!
[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]
this is very scary how make you it??
this is GREAT I give it an 1.0 !!
contra plata fac misiuni pentru ori cine
-nu parasesc misiuna veche pentru una noua(ce nou o voi face dupa ce termin cea veche)
erou:(5sunt maximul)
They’re right! Both of them.
But at least it was playable….(i think….).
But eyecandy is awful, almost no gameplay, you put some enemies somewhere but it isn’t enough! No pickups?! Come on!!!! At least put those, They are a bit appreciated!The level is too linear, When i stomped that crate enemies were in the air.
Diamondus? Thos certanelly dosen’t fit!
A bilsy boss that was easy to beat!
Big Deal!
Pardon me if i’m asking…But aren’t you tired to get a 1 of 1.2 or 1.3 at your levels?On the index i see your levels all marked with 1!
Please spend more time on your levels … I mean more than 10-15 min like Sonicathan1 and FearOfDark said.
I can’t rate it more than 1.2 because it dosen’t deserve more!
How did you find out how to modify those???
this is the one that i want to download
[Rating (6.5) clearance. You might want to click the \“sanguis.zip\” link at the top. – cooba]
1.1 Is way to generous.
non so I won’t rate.
This is non existent. The background has tilebugs and layer 4 has them as well. Level is empty and boring. Maybe one animation.
Spawn, kill a queen that’s so close to the edge she takes no time at all. Fum over the pit, end level.
Enemy Placement
Just a boss. That’s it.
non so no points.
Final Score: 3/40
Score: 1
Rank: Z
DR? No. I think you are the one who is the beginner. (I’m really wasting my life writing reviews for years old downloads)
Just…no…It’s not even worth the review dude. I think SonicNathan has cleared up what I wanted to say – almost no enemies, gameplay and awful eyecandy. The only thing keeping you from scoring a 1 is the fact that you have things in your level (a 1 to me would be like walking through nothing at all)
Can someone please tell this guy to stop spamming?
Skip because non is here.
Bland as always Background has tilebugs. Layer 3 is boring. Layer 4 has tilebugs up the ***. Everything is floating. Not enough tiles used. Next part.
Run right into a warp,, break one of two crate. one lets enemies fall and one opens the gate, Fight a boss. Some enemies and no Challenge. Takes about 1 minute.
Enemy placement
Barley any. Not enough to kill me at all. Also some don’t fit the theme.
Non so no points.
Final Score: 3/40
Score: 1
Rank: F
DR? These levels are turning into spam. I’m not even really trying anymore because these levels are so bad. No download and stop spamming.
This won’t take long.
Non is given so I won’t rate.
Very boring. All layers are used, but badly. The background is textured but the other stuff is pretty low, making it hard to even notice. The balloons don’t add anything. Layer 4 is very boring with nothing but maybe 5 or five tiles used. Way to lazy. Also the exit sign was facing the wrong way.
Another run left, drop down, end level. Finished in 1 minute or less. There’s some enemies but they don’t add anything. Also at the end, not all the spikes hurt.
Enemy Placement
Just a couple of enemies here and there. once again events that don’t work are used. Not nearly enough to kill me at all. Also, why do you insist on using Blisy bosses place randomly so you have no clue there there?
Non so no points.
Final Score: 3/40
Score: 1
Rank: F
DR? No. Stop spamming the download section with 10 minute made levels. Spend more time on your levels. Look at some tutorials and actually play your levels and ask yourself, am i missing anything? Is this fun? Would I play it again?
no tileset please upload it again. Benjamin Pulido
[This is correct, but please don’t rate uploads you can’t play. ~cooba]
you should stop uploading 15 minute made levels for each. i understand not everything is part of a pack.. but seriously.. now the whole download list fades away by one author posting tons of horizontal walking levels :P
I can’t use it!
App Error..Anims.j2a is incomplete, corrupt or of an unknown version. And it’s 1.23!!
And now when i finally done it : Access Violation! This thing is crap!
No DL rec!
Who would want that anyway?!
You are right nonicnathan1!
This level has 7 threats(or sort of…)
A skeleton
A catterpillar
A rapier ghost
A Tube turtle
A Xmas float lizard
and a Xmas turtle
Bubba boss isn’t quite a threat because is easy to defeat…
You can jump the activate boss events
The background had some Epic Chocolate…
Layer4 had a gingerbread man and those biscuits..
Other than that … Nothing!
It took me 1 min to play it.
Rank: F
Rate 1
Dl REC? No.
I think you can tell by the screenshot this is going to be bad.
Non is given so I won’t rate.
Well first of all you used a inferior tileset. The background Is just some candy blocks which looks bad. There are some floating chocolate bars in the background and there is some weird gingerbread man floating as well. That’s it for that. Layer 4 is boring it’s basically just a flat ground with one or two things in the way. (Cookies and gingerbread man) That’s basically it. The level looks empty. It’s boring to look at and offers nothing.
All you go is run left, kill 4 or 5 enemies and fight a boss. Takes about 1 minute.
I think i saw 5. That’s it. There’s also a bubba boss but he’s not a treat. (You can jump the activate boss events)
Non so no points.
Final Score: 3/40
Score: 1
Rank: F
DR? No. Spend more time on your levels. Don’t upload something that took 3 minutes to make as all your doing is spamming bad downloads.
I’m just starting to create my first level so I am not critical
[Rating (1.2) clearance. Please don\‘t rate your own levels – cooba]
There is absolutely no point in downloading this level at all. It only took me ONE minute to complete. The warps were too hidden and did not have any obvious signs of where they are.
Eyecandy needs major improvement!
You need to put more effort into your levels.
This program needs a full review.
What this is
This is one of the most useful programs I have ever downloaded. This is basically a fool proof way to take a tileset, and extract the tiles and the masking as well as keep all the pallet entries. i have used it countless of times.
Won’t rate because it’s a dos exe.
Ease of use
You drag the tileset onto the exe, let it run, you have your image. couldn’t be simpler!
This has many uses:
1: Extract a tileset so you don’t need to load it into Jazz to look at it.
2: Copy a pallet from another tileset. (with the help of pallet suite)
3: Extract a mask
4: Grab some tiles from a tileset
5: Look at the masking more easily
6: Edit a tileset and then re-build it. (With the help of JCS)
There’s more uses but that’s all I can think of. As you can see it has a lot of potential.
They’re almost non existent. The only thing I can think of is that pallet entry 1-2 are swapped, but that hardly makes a difference.
Final Score: 30/30
Score: 10
Rank: S
DR? YES! This has so many uses. It deserves a big fat 10 and I look forward to more of the authors programs.
Tileset conversions, or whatever we’re calling these things, are a tricky field to jump into, and you’re being gutsy, but this needs more work. The best recommendation I can give you is to download some successful examples of the practice — Castle 2, Psych 3, Carrotus Fix, for instance — The main thing this tileset has to offer is a different tile order, but as sonicnathan1 says, Castle’s probably not the biggest candidate for that. It makes sense to overhaul the tile order in the less used sets — Inferno, Colon, Psych, etc. — part of the reason that they’re not used so much is that people find them confusing. Castle, though, is mostly simple, and the few improvements you may end up making are offset by the learning curve someone would have to take on to figure out the rest of the set.
Beyond that, just at a first glance, your reordering isn’t actually all that good. The community is more or less agreed on the order Disguise proposes at DTR. I don’t think there’s a fixed place for animations yet, but other than that the above link is pretty solid. You’re pretty close to that, but you’ve got event tiles all over the place, which is a no-no, and there are definitely times where you fail to break tiles into sections and have the basics come before the eyecandy. Bringing the big sections of blocks that Nick added late in the game up to join the rest of the walls makes sense, but you’re not done by any means, and the tile order just doesn’t look pretty right now.
The other main point of tileset conversions is what you add to the set, why someone should download and use it over the original in the first place, and you’re really lacking here. I’m slightly hesitant about your decision to kill the slides but I imagine most people wouldn’t really care. More importantly, you add next to nothing. You expand the background stuff so it can have borders, but your colors are off, and the textured background is so traditionally colored it’s obvious you didn’t think about it for ten seconds, although you did make it work, so kudos. If you’re going to convert a tileset that JJ2 already has, you need a vision, you need to have an image of what that tileset means to you which you’re then trying to give to us to use in our levels. Right now your vision is that Castle probably has a sky outside, and that’s not good enough.
Again, look at other conversions, see that they add stuff, and maybe even go past that. Right now, this set is all well-intentioned, and you begin at all the right things, but you stop too soon for this to be useful. Study Disguise’s order, study how it’s implemented in other sets, study how tilesets can look “pretty” in JCS, and think long and hard about what tiles you want available for us before you upload. Castle is a small set, and there’s a lot of room to add stuff. I’ve never seen anyone acknowledge, for example, that the tileset as it stands is actually supposed to represent the Carrotus Castle Dungeons, not the stuff up on top. What if you looked at some JJ3 screenshots and incorporated more of that? There’s a world of possibilities out there when you’re messing with other people’s stuff.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.