dragusela768943 ..I edited and paletted that tileset in mlle.
Cmon guys who removed rating xD
Wow! Good job, I like this particular tileset. How do you make one?
[Rating removed: this is a battle level, not a tileset.]
Funny, but not useful in any way. I don’t want the rating system to undermine great uploads, that’s why I’m giving this a 7. I think these type of uploads work better with N/A only.
Does exactly what the description says. It’s great if you want a good chuckle.
Fairly lengthy, nice level design, nice eyecandy. I can’t complain, it’s a good vanilla level pack. Give it a try.
That you wanted make easy test is alright but you should at least use some more original tileset.
@proud2beamerican: I used the Waifu2x upscaler.
Purplejazz nails it again on level theme and aesthatic, this level looks great and has a great vibe to it.I feel like the gameplay elements could have been explored more with this tileset. The gameplay felt a bit uncohesive as I was jumping and shooting into blank areas. This is enjoyable as a casual level, but comes short for being great for me.
WOW! I never seen a giant jungle!
It’s very nice and very fun <D
I had lots of fun playing it! Really nice vibe, the whole scenario combined with the music. Also really good tileset use, I do appreciate all the details, like slightly different speed of the layer 3 platforms.
What software have you used for resizing?
Nice Nice Nice working on making these levels, Killer, Ninja
Wtf rly it’s so dark
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.