Not recommendedReview by sonicnathan 1

13 May 2009, 20:55 (edited 14 May 09, 22:18)
For: laberinto
Level rating: 1.2

why do people insist of upload pictures that have nothing to do with the download?

Also what’s with all the download that are beginning with lab?


No story is given so I won’t rate that.

Oh come on. what’s with the slew of bad uploads? Eyecandey in all the levels are horrible. Pretty much ALL the levels have background tilebugs. Sure the background is textured but that’s not going to save you. Not much in layer 3 except in toe rain levels. Even the rain looks bad as it is poorly animated. Layer 4 is full of tilebugs in all the levels with platforms floating in thin air, bad animations, repetitive eyecandey, tons of tilebugs and overall laziness.
This can be put down as simply running left or right, jumping and shooting. No puzzles are present. the spikes in one of the levels don’t hurt you because the they don’t have any hurt events on them. The boss arena is boring and you can jump the activate boss events and shoot him to death without activating him. the text isn’t in English so I couldn’t read them but like Spaz said, one of the warps requires you to use the jjcoins cheat. (Now THAT’s lazy) I really don’t know what else to say.
Enemie placement
There isn’t a lot of them around and a lot of them don’t fit. there are a lot of caterpillars and a huge mixture of enemies, including ones that don’t work. One level even had a Blisy boss put in the path so you hit with without knowing it. there isn’t enough to kill me and a lot of them don’t fit. (Or don’t work)
Pickup Placement
The only ting that had anything items was the bonus warp that you need to cheat to get to. Nothing else is present.

Final Score: 4/40
Score: 1
Rank: F
DR? No. spend more time on your levels. It takes a lot of time to make good ones. Keep trying!

Quick Review by albinutza

13 May 2009, 14:26 (edited 13 May 09, 19:51 by cooba)
For: Mt. Helens
Level rating: 8.4

the best

[Rating (4.0) clearance. Are you sure you picked the correct rating here? – cooba]

RecommendedQuick Review by CrimiClown

11 May 2009, 13:32
For: Rainforest Revelry
Level rating: 8.5

An okay battle level, a bit too holed for my taste. Eyecandy is fine. Could be bigger.

RecommendedQuick Review by niyog123

11 May 2009, 02:03 (edited 11 May 09, 13:47 by cooba)
For: Episode Four: The Resistance
Level rating: 9.3

IT is one of evilmike’s best levels.
super gameplay I rate it 10

[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]

Review by mortalspaz

10 May 2009, 18:31 (edited 10 May 09, 18:33)
For: two unfinished levels
Level rating: N/A

i’m not going to rate because i could not play a level. missing tileset ic-jparadiseD.
Please reupload the pack with the specific tileset.

Not recommendedReview by sonicnathan 1

10 May 2009, 04:17 (edited 10 May 09, 04:18)
For: If you don't know how to do tileset DOWNLOAD this
Level rating: 1

Again bored out of my mind so it’s time for another round of Rate that crappy download!

The review
Normally I split up my review to make it easier to read, but I can sum everything up here. It’s just a bunch of random pictures put in a tileset with the email of the author. The message says to email him on how to make a tileset but how are you supposed to learn from this. He doesn’t know that much as you can tell because there’s no mask and the black isn’t replaced. If I wanted to learn, I’d talk to a professional tileset maker like Blade.

Rating: 1
Dr? No

Not recommendedReview by sonicnathan 1

10 May 2009, 04:09
For: Gerudo Valley
Level rating: 2.3

I’m completely bored right now so I think I’ll write a random review.

What this is
This is supposed to be Gerudo Valley tileset and when i first saw the name, I thought this was going to be sort of rip from the game. I was dead wrong. This is a cheep MS paint job that you can barley call a tileset. Still, could be much worst.
What this contains
Ok where to begin. To start off there is an animated periscope at the top of the tileset. It looks bad as there’s no shading on them. Next there’s an animated text sign that has THE LONGEST animation sequence I’ve ever seen in a tileset. It takes up almost 6 rows! There’s no need. then there’s some ground or sand but there’s no shading making it look bad. Then there’s a sun and clouds for some eyecandey. There’s some diamond things and poles I think. Mountains that look the same as the ground. then there’s some bricks and a bunch of letters. A background that completely sucks and if it worked as a textured background I would piss myself. then there’s some stuff about the author and that’s it. There’s also some grass. The tiles don’t look that good but at least there are some basics in there.
Pallet Events
Um….the jazz pallet is fine.
Atuo-mask nuff said.
It’s more of a factor of would you even us it. If you do, your choices are very limited and nothing that good can come out of it. Even the example level can’t make this tileset look good.

Final Score:5/30
Rank: F
DR? Normally I would say to keep trying but since this was uploaded in 2002, (I’m writing this this in 2009) I can say this tileset is really bad and I couldn’t say yes to download. Download if you want to see the longest text animation you’ve ever seen, but other then that, no.

RecommendedQuick Review by niyog123

10 May 2009, 02:31
For: Episode Three: The Battle for Carrotus
Level rating: 9.6

super levels and a lot more new tilesets
i like it very much .i give it 9.7

RecommendedReview by >CelL<

9 May 2009, 00:10 (edited 9 May 09, 23:04)
For: Wind Meister 4
Level rating: 8

I might expand my review here later but for now I’m just dropping off this 8.0 for fear of this disappearing down the list of downloads without as much as a rating. While not the most visually stunning or conceptually innovative level, Black Ninja very much achieves what he set out to do in creating this level – namely, producing a worthy successor to the earlier levels in the once quite popular Wind Meister series, and, more importantly, just giving us one goddamn hard test level.

I was around in the days the first Wind Meister levels were made and while I never managed to get very far in them I always used to have a ton of fun with ‘em regardless. Wind Meister 4 certainly lives up to the precedent set by Black Ninja’s older work, and that alone, combined with a rocking background track by PT32 and perhaps also influenced by a bit of nostalgia constitutes a solid 8.0 and a download recommendation. Granted, if you’re not into test levels this probably isn’t for you, but as far as test levels go this is obviously about as good as it gets.

Incidentally, it’s funny how even when I try my best to keep my comments in a review to a bare minimum I still vastly exceed the quick review max character count. ;P

RecommendedQuick Review by Lark

7 May 2009, 23:23
For: Temperature (Scraparap Remix)
Level rating: 8.5

Very impressive, I enjoyed this very much. Sample choice is nice, and I love what you did with a lot of the parts. Would’ve sounded AWESOME if you added like a distortion effect in parts of the song to the oldschool JJ1 drumline. But awesome. I really loved the intro the most, too. Great first impression, comes off strong.

RecommendedQuick Review by FawFul

7 May 2009, 14:04 (edited 7 May 09, 14:05)
For: Rollercoaster Park
Level rating: 8.8

the quality is very good. good idea’s but there isn’t any good varation in usability. i can’t think of making my level original from others using this set.

Review by Sooooooooosaaaaaaaaaaa

6 May 2009, 13:21
For: 00-Jack Rabbit(Fix Up)
Level rating: 4.2


RecommendedQuick Review by Grytolle

6 May 2009, 12:39
For: Temperature (Scraparap Remix)
Level rating: 8.5

gj fawful! i really liked the song!

RecommendedReview by DarkSonic

6 May 2009, 11:42 (edited 6 May 09, 11:48)
For: Rainforest Revelry
Level rating: 8.5

It’s been a while since I’ve written a normal review. This will be a short one.


Two members of OLC have made a collaboration level using IC-Jungrock1. This was totally unexpected to me, so let’s see if the level is good..


This is a pretty small Battle level (with the size of 120×64) but it feels a lot bigger because there are different areas. The level has an interesting design, with lots of narrow passages. There are also some dead ends (like in the corners) but they are probably placed for tactical purposes. And there are also some pits (some people would say ZOMGPITS now) but these pits are very clear and well-placed.

Gameplay and flow

The level is pretty open at places (like at the top right) but like I said there are also some narrow passages. There are a lot of vines and a copter (that’s needed to get something, read more about that later) So the player is forced to jump a lot. There are not a lot of springs, but there are a lot of one ways. The green spring at 104,47 might mislead the player because you cannot use it but it’s still there. The flow is still good. There are some small platforms but you can just run over them without falling down.

Eye candy and theme

The tileset used is a bit underused (because I have used it and maybe 1 or 2 other people) but I think this is the 2nd finished level on J2O that uses this tileset. And this level has the best eye candy EVAR (with this set) It’s how Jungrock is supposed to be. The background is also really good.

Placement of stuff

The ammo placement is good. There are only 3 types of ammo: gun9 ammo, Bouncer ammo and RF ammo. So no Toaster, Seeker, Gun8, Freezer and TNT. There are 4 carrots, and they’re well-placed (one of them is in a dead end at the top) The level has a lot of food, which is also interesting but you need it to get the Seek PU (yes, a Seek PU) You need to get the Seek PU with sugar rush (correct me if I’m wrong) The delay is 90 seconds so only few people will get it.. There are three other Power-Ups. A Blaster Power-Up (delay 30 seconds, with initial delay), a RF Power-Up (delay 45 seconds, with initial delay) and a Bouncer Power-Up (delay 45 seconds, also with initial delay) So if this level gets played in an event no-one would have a PU until 30 seconds are over. There are also some fast fires, and they also have an initial delay and a delay of 30 seconds.

Further comments

This level looks like it’s built for events, and I can see that this level will be a lot of fun during the next JDC season. As a single level it’s really good, and I’d like to see more Battle levels like this. There were not enough good Battle levels last year, so hopefully there will be more good Battle levels like this one. I give this level an 8.4 and a download recommendation.

Review by minmay

5 May 2009, 15:13
For: Wind Meister 4
Level rating: 8

Hey, whatever happened to that Wind Meister 4 demo that you were showing people, like, five (seven?) years ago? I liked it!

RecommendedQuick Review by niyog123

5 May 2009, 01:58
For: Epsiode 1: The war begins
Level rating: 7.7

cool levels!

RecommendedQuick Review by Unhit

4 May 2009, 10:29
For: Rollercoaster Park
Level rating: 8.8

Mad props for the mask messages (!) :D

RecommendedQuick Review by Lark

4 May 2009, 02:00
For: Mt. Helens
Level rating: 8.4

Nice little level. It’s confusing as heck to navigate tho. Wayy too many warps in every direction. The layout is clever though. Def original. Could be really fun for a 2v2 or even 1vs1 game. Looks pretty for the most part, but could’ve used more work. And I really hate it when people put death pits in their levels. Anyway, I like this. Thumbs up

RecommendedQuick Review by Lark

4 May 2009, 01:50
For: Rollercoaster Park
Level rating: 8.8

I mean, this tileset is GOOD and all. But it’s not anywhere near great. It’s a clever idea and a fun tileset, but honestly everything looks kinda dull and ugly. I mean, it’s not bad, don’t get me wrong. I reccomend it for download. But I’m not impressed at all by this.

Review by PT32

3 May 2009, 21:14
For: Wind Meister 4
Level rating: 8

No, please, no statues!
It might offend the Boss I work for.

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