COOL REMIX!!! LiKe It VeRy MuCh!
MuSt HaVe!!!
[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]
It’s a good tileset but it’s kinda hurting the eye…
[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]
Darn, I was misslead into thinking that this was going to be a scraparap remix of Sean Paul (which by the way somebody should so do). I wasn’t dissapointed with what I heard, however…
This supposed scraparap remix is not like many of the other remixes on this site. It is almost a complete composition with just a few elements of scraparap remaining (like the drums and parts of the melody), instead of your standard Jazz 1 remix which will just take parts of the song, change the samples and re-arange a few parts. More importantly, everything sounds in tune and the samples go very well with each other, and I love the different phrases of the song.
My only complaints are that something needs to be done with the ending (it feels a bit incomplete) and the structure is a bit hard to recognise sometimes and it is a bit repetitive.
DOWNLOAD?: I think the rating says it all. This song would go great with somekind of poisonous android toxic ice level.
EDIT: Repetitiveness isn’t really a huge problem, but in my opinion, there are just a couple of sections like at around 0:30 that repeat a bit too often (also at 3:00 to 3:20 and again towards the end). This was really just a minor poke.
A GoOd LeVeL!
NiCe AnD CoMpLiCaTeD!
Exactly how i like to play levels.
Eyecandy was good I got stuck 1 time but got out of there (not using jjk)an i won’t deduct.It happends…
Background was good. i felt like i was in ancient ruins and others.
Enemy Placement was good.
I don’t know if you placed things in hard mode , but it was very challenging!I got killed once.
Goodie Placement was great.
I had kinda 5 sugar rushes in all lvls
Coin placement In every level were 50-50 and something coins which means you had a lot to search.That’s good
Ammo Placement was good only you’ve placed too many crates.
Gameplay was VERY GOOD!!!Nothing to complain about
Long Levels? Yes.. They were long and had obstacles.
Uterus: Uterus in Ea10! Great! almost no lvls have uterus
All the music fitted to the level, drq_heat tune was great, so, in conclusion I LiKeD ThEm!
Fun? OOOO Of course! I had a lot of fun playing it!
DL rec!! Yeah! DL NOW!
Happy Easter!!
As plunK says
yea its very cool music and yea Techno No Respect :p
This not slow I like this very much…
uhm… and FawFul Good Job :]
actually.. if you ask me if it’s necessary then i say yes of course. i like feedback. and i want to know if it made differences. i mean.. did it annoy you the first moment, is it fixed. could it still be better. etc.
so necessary? i wouldn’t call it like that. but i would really appreciate if you do.
Notice: This review applies to v1 of the song. v2 is nowhere to be found, it seems, as the version uploaded here is still the original, unmodified music file…
==================Simple Review==================
Base Score: 5/10
(Edit: When I say “Base Score”, I mean that ALL files I review start out with 5 out of 10 points. In this, some files can get average scores by having no positive or negative points, or an equal amount of both.)
Point Bonuses: +3
[+2] Strong start, pretty good body, decent finish!
[+1] Reminds me of the “Enigma” table from Epic Pinball as well as other classic Epic games such as Unreal. (Not so much Tyrian, though.)
[+0] Doesn’t suck! :D
Point Deductions: -1
[-1] Slightly repetitive…
[-0] Doesn’t quite loop, but it’s nothing worth getting in a huff over.
Final Score: 7/10
=================Extended Review=================
Serious remix is serious. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is a serious remix of Episode 3, World 2: “Scraparap”.
Song Analysis:
The song is a very well-constructed remix of Scraparap’s theme, as I’ve said. The artist really thought outside the box on this one, not limiting himself to the simple, repetitive tune we all remember. Instead, he expanded upon it, indeed creating an entirely new experience while keeping just enough of the old tune recognizable.
Sample Analysis:
Not much to say about the samples other than they’re crystal clear and mix very well together.
Final Analysis:
Just when I was getting bored of the bippy-bip-bop-etc.-etc., it cuts out at 1:53 and goes into a kind of quiet melody for a while. I really liked that. And honestly, I like the song itself! Quite a bit! I think anyone who liked the original Scraparap tune is going to be pleasantly surprised by this remix.
Your friendly neighborhood S3M/MIDI artist, Joseph “Doc Lithius” Collins
Very nice, very catchy i like this alot. Keep up the good work
it’s just somewhat amazing snooze can think off thinks over and over again. like many people say the warps are annoying.i have nothing against it. just only that it should provide more start positions. the left is spammed with players mostly. and the not masking surrounding makes people stand outside the map withouth getting hit. but it r veri GUD
they are okay.. but i haven’t got a clue where to use them for :P. i just think it’s a bit useless. and converting isn’t really something where skills are needed.
Nice techno sounds and fast beats. GJ!
The tileset is nice but it’s just a color change.There isn’t anything new like snow for example.. And the example level is Tossted Salad whit this tileset
Sorry… but i won’t rate
Nice tune.It was a great mix! and i liked the guitar solo too but it was a fast opening and a slow ending.But you’ve managed to make a good Funk for Castle.
GoOd JoB!
Nice and complicated… exactly how i like it.But there is a small problem … It is kinda small area to move but the rest was ok.The music was addequate eyecandy good i just felt like i really was ia a building. So… 9.0 DL.rec YES
I think everyone else who has already reviewed has this one covered, so I won’t even bother writing a long review.
Very bad eyecandy with few layers used, and it was all a mess, particularily the background (for labrat, you need to use F to flip the tiles and make it fix). As for the gmaeplay, there was almost none. A few enemies and about 5 gems is about all this level has to offer. It was also very short and very linear, particulaily towards the end, where you have a long run up towards the end of the level.
RATING: 1.3 (.2 for the gameplay, and .1 for the eyecandy all on the basis that you had some)
DOWNLOAD?: Err, no, I don’t think. If you take a look at the JCS Reference at the top of the page, it has all kinds of tips on how to improve your levels. Also, make your levels longer and put more content in them and spend time on them. This could be made in 5 minutes.
Great tileset!Unique idea!
Also is very easy to use in lvl’s.I think u was inspired by the Roller Coaster Typhoon game ;D
Don’t stay down it now!!
I think some of the lvl’s there must be deleted because Download section in the last time is full with junk lvl’s….
Now about the lvl ..what can I say, is like a soup of enemyes and other things…
I think its a good tileset and a good joke :P. 9\10
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.