Another collaboration level! I’m not sure if that worked out properly this time.
The level looks and plays a lot better practically than it would seem when looked into JCS. Still, there is stuff that could be improved. The level has been made as colourful as possible with this tileset, which truly offers a lot of colours. The background is mostly visible only at the top-left region of the level, right where it doesn’t really have that much scenery in it. On the other side of the level there is a lot of caves and closed areas that have non-solid wall covering the background, where it would look better. This is nothing very major, but better remember to avoid it in the future, I guess. I have no other complaints about the looks of the level. At least it doesn’t confuse my eyes, but if does confuse you, you should probably reduce the colours of your screen or something.
Gameplay is as well different at the top-left region than everywhere else. And it’s actually good that this level isn’t entirely a ‘cavern’-level. However this area, while it is more open, is also pretty much squared off(could it be just a problem with the set?) Then, a lot of float ups were used to make the movement easier. It sometimes rather distracts than helps, though. Especially around the blaster PowerUp it becomes harder to shoot it with EBs while you are on such float ups. Also, while things like ‘x’ are a nice add of personality, I don’t think it really fits to the layout there. At least, not to the very top-right of the level. The cavern part seems to be playing pretty well anyway.
I’m quite wondering why is the seeker ammo that rare in this level as it is, while I don’t find any real purpose for that(except PrupelJazz.) However carrots(3 minor) and PowerUps are placed wisely, so that makes the level playable with more than just a few players too.
So yeah, I pointed out more of the flaws and bads of this level in this review, but you may suppose what I didn’t comment on was alright. Just improve the things I mentioned in the future, and it’ll be great. ;)
Also I’m thankful that you made a rf-climbing spot for me, although you didn’t mark it with text!!! Okay so, I guess these kind of ‘Prupel place F0R PrupelJazz’-things are getting a bit 0ld already, so in the future rather just reduce the amount of them or replace them with something fresh, please.
I recommend this level to be downloaded and hosted often. Also I recommend it to be a part of the upcoming Anniversary Bash, since it is a decent level in overall anyway. Well done CC&DS.
9.7 is completely overrated!
In the tileset, you will find tiles ripped from MEZ02, some poorly drawn signs, ugly text blocks and ugly red ground.
Very few animations can be made out of this set.
The background tiles look bad.
Apart from the MEZ02 tiles, the tileset was obviously made in MS Paint.
I cannot give anymore than a 2.5
I like it! xD
EDIT:Rating changed…
Awesome level pack! Great job iluz! :)
A series of 3 mario races? Well then, this race pack could offer some serious originality. I shall review this pack race by race:
Well, although the eyecandy theme looks pretty traditional and it has some mario style gameplay in there, such is flytraps and tubes, there isn’t actually a lot of content. Firstly, you can’t really play this online or over a LAN connection because it uses warps for the ends of laps, which only works in splitscreen. Secondly, the race is far too short, and there aren’t many obstacles, apart from one or two plants and a couple of pinball bumpers. Finally, the Mario theme is spoiled by all of the “Tileset by taz” tiles and floating trees in the background. I also felt that the eyecandy could be more exciting.
This one is actually quite similar to the first. Again, there are not many obstacles. Just a couple of gaps and some destructive blocks. The rain in the backround was a bit distracting and it was far too short and again, the eyecandy didn’t really offer much. There wasn’t even any ammo or items or anything; it was a pretty empty level. That really is all there is to say about this one.
This one was probably the best of the pack. You did slightly more in this level. You climbed up some hooks, dodged some spike bolls and there was even a water feature used, so there was more content. However, like levels 1 and 2, was still too short and over too quickly, and the eyecandy was still bugged. I didn’t really get why each spike platform had half a toad standing on them. Basically, like levels 1 and 2, this one didn’t have much to offer at all.
DOWNLOAD?: There are better kinds of this thing to download, and certainly races that are more worthwhile playing. The main problem was the lack of content. The race didn’t have much to offer. Try putting more content into further uploads, making them longer and make them look more creative and less buggy in the future. Also, go into the JCSRef under the JCS section at the top on tip of how to make good levels.
Oh, and also, the music didn’t really work. You may have entered the file names in wrong.
For one(or more)reasons I shall not rate this level.
First of all the levels don’t fit because i’ve played kingdom1 and i was forced to skip because i’ve got stuck and it had an error “level not found”
The music dosen’t fit at all, and all 4 levels are exactly like level 1 but with a diferent tileset and all of them are buggy.
Remember: If you want to make a good level, take your time and put some of your soul in it, no matter how long it takes.
I liked this level pack!
A rather intresting game you have created.
Eyecandy was good, difficulty was great
The levels are well built and all the baddies fitted the tileset
I liked it but it might need an intresting story.
I still recommend it .
Download recom. YES
Score: Fine
Rating 8.5
I agree with Janus…
This Level is tooo short,to linear and those layers were barely used(4&8)
Do not download…
In one place I’ve got stuck, but i didn’t jjk i used jjfly & jjnowall and i survived
sorry 1.2
This Level is ok. I recommend download but there are small cons but not major
It’s kinda buggy so you should fix level 1
It was quite a nice level MazeMan. I liked it and i will rate it.
The eyecandy was good ,i liked it it was challenging because i’ve lost 1 live while playing.
The enemy placement was good and you’ve placed a boss at the end.
the rest was ok except the fact that it had too many bouncers…
It was a lot of food and thet’s good because i’ve had 3 sugar rushes in 1 level(sometimes handy)
I recommend downloading it. It was fun!
I cannot play it..
Missing Tileset
Bad eyecandy, levels were short, fustraiting and there was no story, so they were pointless. Layer 8 in the space levels wasn’t fixed and the animataions were poor. Levels looked too rushed and I got stuck several times.
Also, the use of 2je files gains you no extra credit.
This is a pretty good conversion, but nor perfect.
What this is
This is basically a conversion of Muchamok using the tiles that came form Jazz 2. While most of the tiles are here, there are some problems.
While mostly everything is here, there are some things missing. what’s here are the basics. Slopes, signs, poles, textured background, layer 5-7 eyecandey, arrows and spikes. There are destruct blocks as well. Now what’s missing. This is supposed to be a conversion but the jazz 1 style signs aren’t here and neither is the jazz 1 style background. However, most of the tiles from muckamok are here so good job. I just wish the signs were here.
I’m not even going to bother rating this part because Muckamok had about 2 animations. (signs and acid water) They’re there, but there’s too little to even bother the rating that much.
Colors look great. Especially the night version as well. Good job there! everything looks correct.
pallet events
Only the textured background and water works. Sorry that’s it.
While this is only a conversion, the reusability is still great as you can make quite a couple of things. (Forests, caves, outside or a mixture of them all). Good there.
The masking could be better. While the masking does work, I think more time should have been spend making sure everything is basic shapes and lines.
Final score:35/50
Score: 7.5
Rank: B
DR? Yes. this is a good conversion. I hope yo use it soon.
Well THanxs to point out my mistake. Please tell me other files via e-mail which have an inaccuracy. But Jazz CD levels have become tough for me as I did not play Jazz for about 3-4 years when I was an expert player. I’ll try to zip through the levels. I think lagunicus is a water level and has some sideffects on the music so the music was to be intended like this externally.
THIS IS TSF! sorry. Been getting that alot.
Level 1: What? the background doesn’t fit together. Animations are average. Ground that floats in mid air. Only a layer 8 background. There’s no thought put into this, It’s just a couple of tiles put together and called a level. Also carrotus is overused.
Level 2: The same thing as level one. This one is probably worse becuase it’s more empty.
Level 3: Little better. Background same deal. little tilebugs. The snow stuff looks weird and makes no sense. The water that keeps popping in and out makes no sense and makes the level look weird. the animations are kinda silly and make no sense.
level 4: Same thing. No water but the level is tiny and once again everything is floating. I don’t fell like I’m in space.
Conclusion: Bad. Put more time in. Can’t give you more then a one.
You running about some random levels with no text or reason to do so. This is supposed to have a story? Nothing is given. Play the Invasion of Deserto to see how a story is done.
Level 1: Drop down, jump across some platforms that have fire on them so you have to take damage. If you fall, you go into a spike pit and die. If you survive, jump trough some layer 3 scenery to find a crate. Break it, go through a tunnel and you win. Fun right? I did this in less then 2 minutes.
Level 2: Your trapped. You have to buttstomp some tiles but you have NO CLUE there there. You have to take queses. From there, kill 2 turtles and go on. there’s a block. You need a coin. Again there’s no way of knowing it’s in a secret area in left wall of a waterfall you fall trough. Again impossible to know it’s there. Once you get that, you go through the warp and break the crate. You back but WOOPS. You get warped back becuase the coin was a 5 and the warp is blocking the @#$% path! End of level once your done with that. TOO SHORT
Level 3: Well. this makes no sense. Water keeps appearing randomly by just jumping or falling. Water in space? Anyhow, I never beat this level. You go down and destroy and crate then you have to get trough some blocks that were removed but there BEHIND LAYER 3. Again no way to know. Then you go trough some tubes. You can go up into an area, but the blinking platform goes way to quickly. There’s nothing up there anyway. You go trough another invisible wall and break a crate. I then go to the the right side and get warped back to the beginning. I was stuck there. I had no clue what to do. Even JCS didn’t help. I have no clue what I was missing.
Level 4: Go down and break some crates. Which are pointless. then fight a boss. Don’t know what else to say.
Conclusion: What do you think?
Enemy and Pickups
I think I saw 2 enemies in the whole pack. One boss. No carrots, no food, barley any ammo and some powerups i couldn’t figure out how to get to.
Obstacle Placement
They were all crate puzzles. There were aether to easy, or too hard to figure out without looking in JCS. (for me)
Final Score:5/50
Rank: F
Score: 1
D/R? No. Put more time in and look at some tutorials. Keep practicing. My first levels were like this too.
Holy (/) my first featured review.
Awesome tileset! Great job Blade! :)
Best. Wallpaper. Ever.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.