Heh. I remember you from VG Music! I also remember listening to your Lagunicus MIDI and going “…huh.” I meant to e-mail you from VG Music and tell you that while your MIDIs are 100% accurate…they’re only accurate as far as playing the PSM/MOD files in an external player. See, some of the files (such as Lagunicus/SongCD8) don’t play correctly outside of the game for whatever reason. So while your MIDIs are accurate in notes and samples, they’re also unfortunately accurate as far as the song errors goes as well!
Try zipping around the levels and listening to the music in-game if you want to fix your stuff, KDS. Like I said, they’re darned accurate, but not accurate to the in-game music.
Yours MIDIs sound good. But in Marbelara, Jungrock and Exoticus you should have used a E. Piano 1 extension rather than a E. Piano 2 extension in the chords.
Very nice tileset with lots of eyecandy
But as the previous reviewers said its rated for the CTF levels not the tileset…
I would give it a 10 as a tileset
But the levels aren’t perfect…(8)
(10 + 8) / 2 = 9
Time for another review on this great program.
What this is
This is basically a simply utility designed for the sole purpose of converting TSF tileset to 1.23. (As long as it doesn’t surpass the tile limit.) I have to say, it does what it says it does. I tried using it on a couple of tilesets and I didn’t have a single problem at all.
This has to got be one of simplest programs to use. All you do is drag the TSF tileset onto the converter. It will then tell you to type in a name. If you don’t type in a name, the original tileset is overwrite. (Which is a nice feature) It then runs for about a second and your done! Couldn’t simpler.
All this is a simple EXE file with no graphics, but I’m not going to rate that part as I don’t see a need to.
Does it work?
As long as the tileset isn’t to big, yes no problems at all.
Final Score:20/20
Rank: S
DR? This is a useful utility that ever Jazzer should download. this will really give 1.23 players a chance to play some TSF only levels. You really are an idiot if you don’t download right away!
what’s the password?
Nice joke.
Edited on Monday the 24:th of March
This is a very mspainty nature tileset.
The theme is ok. You can make a green ground (grass), a brown ground (soil?) and you can even make caves if yu want to.
The background shows a singlecolored blue sky where you can have stars, clouds and a sun.
The tileset contains much eyecandy such as bushes, fire and other plants.
Sceneries and stuff:
There are some destruct blocks and spikes, but nothing else.
Some parts ok. Some parts bad. Everything is very simple. It’s okay for a first time, but a lot more effort could have been laid on this tileset.
This tileset gives an everyday feeling. To me.
This tileset contains some good stuff but it is drawn too bad. It reminds a little of painted paradise and a little of mspaint.
Rating: 4
There is something good about this tileset but it still looks too ugly. A little more carefulness if you make any more tilesets.
EDIT: Download recommendation:
First I didn’t recommend this tileset but I’ve changed my mind and I think you can give this tileset a chance if you’re going for a simple tileset with an everyday atmosphere.
Quitte a funny little battle to play with 3 – 5 people in game. That it’s 1.24 isn’t a problem any more since we have the 1.24>1.23 convertor :D
+ Maskings where fine
+ Triggers working correct
+ Nice layout
! Little more eyecandy but don’t let it hurt the gameplay
! Make the warp maybe more easy to find
! You dit use almost all kind of weapons, I don’t see the use of pepper spray and ice gun here… but thats personal taste :)
! Make more use of the layers to make a even more nice game!
Download recommendation?
hmm… yes why not? I gonna host this some time i gues.
Keep improving! ;)
this could be improved more.. i still see dead ends and irritating parts in the lay out. and with the coin system it gets way difficult.
we played there,yesterday, was very good teamgame, nice stuff and everything else
[Review changed to quick review. learn how to make quick reviews for hell’s sake – cooba]
How you made brown stuff?
[Rating (10.0) clearance. god damn – cooba]
Very cool level. Good eyecandy and it was fun to move around. But I got lost all the time when playing it so as a battle level I didn’t like it as much as I had expected.
nice tileset but imo the contrast on the industrial tiles are way too much. and it’s a huge part off the set. it’s not that there are a lot options in layers.
Wonderful! I’ve just used the this to convert one of my uploaded levels into 1.23! Thumbs up! Got a little confused in the beginning though. Didn’t know how to do it at first. It turned out to be very easily used! Thumbs up again! If one program could convert both levels and tilesets it would be a 10!
Wonderful! I’ve just used the converter to convert one of my uploaded tilesets into 1.23! Thumbs up! Got a little confused in the beginning though. Didn’t know how to do it at first. It turned out to be very easy! Thumbs up again! If one program could convert both levels and tilesets it would be a 10!
The eyecandy is good but the levels are boring … i mean its a litlle boring to just shoot … it could use some puzzles …
Rating : 9
A Halloween themed level?? A little unseasonal don’t you think. However, that’s not really important, what is important is the review, so here goes:
You can’t really say that the eyecandy in this level ain’t interesting. The feel of the level is almost perfect for a halloween level. It was dark, the place is filled with haunted gravestones and evil-looking pumpkins. There is the odd light here and there to further set the tone.
There are a couple of problems, however. Although the level is dark, it is a little too dark to see anything else. Ok, perhaps the darkness makes it a bit more of a challenge but here, it is too dark to really see anything. My prediction is that you won’t be able to see the level at all on a bright day where the sun is shining onto the computer/mac/whatever screen. Also, you could have used more layers and there are some odd tile bugs around the level.
Here is where its starts to go completely wrong. Firstly, there are no challenges whatsoever in the level. No trigger crates or zones. There are no secrets whatsoever. The only thing remotely challenging in this level (apart from the dark) is perhaps the odd gate which you have to shoot, a couple of graves that you fall into and a few enemies. The level doesn’t only lack challenges, but it lacks items. Whilst scanning through this level through the JCS, I could only find 3 items, and all of them were carrots.
The cause of these problems is probably due to the level being too short. It isn’t lengthy enough to be considered a JJ2 Episode, and when you complete the level, I got the sense that it was incomplete.
DOWNLOAD?: I’m afraid not, and mainly because of the appauling gameplay of the level. Try making the levels longer and more challenging so that they are more fun.
you should make some extended version off this program. that actually opens and be able to select a couple of levels at once. the copy /paste takes a bit long and i can hardly open my jj2 folder with all those files in it.. could be good to have a program doing on the deskopt.
An interesting little single player level.
Gameplay: 3/10
This level has a few enemies, but few enough that the level could be won mainly just by running and shooting. The only interesting point was that the lighting was set at a constant, dark, twighlight level. This made it quite challenging to see some of the enemies, but they were generally placed in obvious places. The only other complaint I have about gameplay, is some of the tiles were used inconsistently. You could walk through some little hills, but not all of them. This can be confusing, and should be avoided if possible.
Eye Candy: 6/10
This level had a great feel to it. The dark atmosphere with glowing pumkins was quite convincing. And when you stand in front of some tombstones, the ground drops out from under you, so you fall into a grave. This was a brilliant touch. However, the eyecandy also has some fairly significant flaws. The tileset itself is a bit simplistic. There are a few places where tombstones are used in layer 3, and when you walk behind them, your feet show through under them. Also, the messages on the “Text” squares are too high to easily read. I didn’t even notice the first message for a while. Try adding the @ symbol in the text string before the message a few times while editing the level.
It has an episode file: +.5
Lazarus didn’t mention “This is my first upload,” and wanted people to appreciate it for quality, not circumstance. +.5
Much too short: -2
(Make the level longer, or create a whole pack, and it will be much more enjoyable to play. As it is, it almost took longer extracting the files from the downloaded zip, making it feel like downloading wasn’t entirely worth it.)
Total: 8/20=40%=4/10
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.