RecommendedQuick Review by fearofdark

4 Mar 2009, 17:40
For: Tomb Rabbit v1.23.2 (updated)
Level rating: 9.3

Despite the fact that it has just taken me over a year to complete this game because it was so hard (although I am pretty rubbish at JJ2 anyway), this is one of the most original, exciting and diverse campaigns ever.

There are a couple of buggy walls, and some of the obstacles were pretty annoying, but other than that, this is an epic pack.

Quick Review by SR iR

1 Mar 2009, 08:49 (edited 1 Mar 09, 09:38 by cooba)
For: Cold Rush
Level rating: 1


[Review changed to quick review. lmao – cooba]

RecommendedReview by White pinguin

28 Feb 2009, 16:12 (edited 28 Feb 09, 16:36)
For: Episode Four: The Resistance
Level rating: 9.3

This review is intended mainly for the author. But even if you are not the author, it can help you.

This is a must for all Jazz fans, that’s for sure. Good levels, GREAT story and all that. But still there are some points I must complain about.

1. The music.
Overall the music tracks were so good. Some tracks here are amazing. But I disliked how some them worked together with the level. For example the jungle music didn’t remind me of the jungle. But the music fitted to the story though. They fitted to the story so good.

2. The eyecandy.
I really disliked how it looked in that town. It was just like a ground with some houses on it. I don’t think some houses in layer 2 and 5 wouldn’t harm.
Overall the eyecandy was great. But the feeling is sort of spoiled when you come to a level where the eyecandy drops many levels.

Then I don’t think I can say much more. Everything else was just great. A little plus for those guys hanging around in the resistance under the town.

Score: 8
Download recommended: YES!

RecommendedQuick Review by sonicnathan 1

27 Feb 2009, 18:20
For: How A Video Game Saved the World
Level rating: 6.8

Now this is cool. Not very good levels or eyecandey, but the originality is through the roof! Download recondmended

RecommendedReview by plunK

27 Feb 2009, 02:32 (edited 27 Feb 09, 02:36)
For: Cursed Castle
Level rating: 6.7

Layout: 8/10

The layout is very playable, both sides are different in design but they are similar in concpet so it remains balanced.

Eyecandy :6/10

The Eyecandy is not bad at all, it is pleasent to look at, but it is not the most outstanding Eyecandy ever, and it could prob be touched up

Powerup Placement: 6.5/10

The weapons and power ups seem to be fairly well distributed, but there are only like 4 varietys or so in the map and they are just in straight lines on the path

Overall: 6.7ish/10

This is a interesting little map that while simplistic provides a fun layout to play.

I would reccomend this as a download


I could not host this online with JJ2 1.24, I in fact had to use JJ2+ or i would get an error message saying the file has a problem.

Also, i found it strange that when in JCS test mode and certain game modes both flags were blue and you could not take one as you usually can in SP, with one flag only turning red once .

RecommendedQuick Review by FawFul

25 Feb 2009, 21:16
For: Snowy Caves
Level rating: 8

this time your eyecandy was simple and decent. but the design was a bit random again.. and things didn’t look very organic. but the music was nice and tricks too (however too many tricks isn’t that great either). further then that a bit tunnely. and maybe unbalanced but not sure.

Review by master sven

25 Feb 2009, 08:17
For: Death in the Sahara
Level rating: 7.4

Not recommendedQuick Review by Robee

24 Feb 2009, 21:08
For: Cold Rush
Level rating: 1

u did it for teh lulz

Review by troglobite

24 Feb 2009, 05:26
For: Boneland
Level rating: 7.7

The tileset can be opened easily with 1.24’s JCS under the name setol, although the example level is saved in such a way that it tries to open the tileset with the old name, and crashes. The example level also has no Jazz start, so by clicking save and run, you get stuck in a wall when you spawn. However, this upload is about the tileset, not the example level, so it will not be included in the rating.

Eyecandy: 5/10
What this set has is quite nice looking. The massive amounts of pink and green could get boring pretty fast, but all of the skeletons and flowers look very nice. The set’s main problem is its small size. It has nothing at all for layers 1,2,5,6, or 7. Layer 8 does have several options, but a textured background would be a great addition. There is only one basic pink tile, that has been copied and drawn on, which makes walls a bit boring. Just having two or three of these that could be alternated would allow way more combinations. The other problem with the tileset is that it tends to be much too square. The edges of platforms are simply straight lines, and gives the level a very artificial feeling. Jagged tiles that could be used as walls and ceilings would allow a level maker to create a much more natural looking setting.

Usability: 8/10
The set is small and well organized, so any tile can be found with ease. Levels could be made quite quickly and easily with this set. The masks were good too. The most important types of tiles are here too. However, it does lack some potentially useful tiles, such as destruct tiles for other guns, and something to explain warping.

Originality: 7/10
I have not seen any other set with this concept before. However, none of the individual parts are that unique. Buried bones have appeared in tilesets before, as do flowers, grass, a tree, etc.

Contains readme and screenshots +1
ReadMe is named Readme, so it tries to overwrite Jazz’s standard readme. -1

Total Score: 20/30 = 66.7% = 6.7

The set is fairly nice, and proves that Bartek has the potential to create something amazing. However, I do not expect this particular tileset to be widely used.

Review by Bartek93

23 Feb 2009, 21:17
For: Boneland
Level rating: 7.7

i cant use this on my other pc too, i think its because i change the name form te tileset change “Boneland” to “setol”

Not recommendedQuick Review by Bluespaz7

23 Feb 2009, 21:10
For: Cold Rush
Level rating: 1


RecommendedQuick Review by Bluespaz7

23 Feb 2009, 21:08 (edited 23 Feb 09, 21:08)
For: Sanguinary Sanctuary
Level rating: 8.2

Very nice. =]

Not recommendedReview by sonicnathan 1

23 Feb 2009, 19:33 (edited 22 May 09, 00:33)
For: Jazz 1 Letni
Level rating: 6.6

I’m sorry but this is a bad tileset. Let’s look over the problems.

First thoughts
Well when you first look at the tileset, you may thing to yourself, “Hey, this looks pretty good. you got animations, hills, bridges and all that good stuff.” Once you actually start yo build something with it though, you realized just how bad it is.

While there are quite a couple of tiles in this tilest, there are lots missing. you have your basic hills and ground and animations. There is a lot missing though. There’s no sky or background, no SIGNS, poles, suckers, hooks. There are Jazz 1 signs. What is there can look ugly. There’s just to much missing to make this a good conversion.

Well when you first look you say that the animations look decent, but no. The basic Lenti flashing chips aren’t included and i could give a 1 just for that. the electric walls look bad because of the background surrounding it. Same thing with the monitors. there are lots of frames missing in some of the animations. (they look fine, but in Jazz 1 there were more frames) There’s some spinning light animations and some static TVS. the animations are good, but the fact the pulsing chip isn’t here and some of the animations look horrible, I can’t give more then a 2.
This colors look off. I don’t know why everything just looks dingy and off. Maybe it would look better if the pulsing chip was here?
pallet events
Non are used so I won’t rate.
Masking is decent but there are some things, like the pushers, that you can go through for some reason. Masking could be a little better as something should be mask but aren’t. the Jazz 1 signs have weird masking on them.
Final score: 11/40
Score: 2.5
Rank: F
DR? I’m sorry but this is just way to off from jazz 1. You can download because this is the only one available, but I’d rather just wait for a better conversion.

Review by Bartek93

23 Feb 2009, 19:11
For: Castle of Pain
Level rating: 4.6

sorry, that i choose the 1.23, i have the TSF.

PT32, thanks for your review, my next work will be better and better

Not recommendedReview by sonicnathan 1

22 Feb 2009, 22:15 (edited 11 May 09, 22:06)
For: Textured backgrounds
Level rating: 5.5

I have to agree with what Cooba said. this is the laziest attempt you can do. Just by looking at the screenshots you can tell that the hues aren’t correct. I tired using them and they look horrible. Not only that but why is everything in one picture? I would have preferred each one to be in a different file. I give this a 1 because it simply doesn’t work.

Not recommendedReview by sonicnathan 1

22 Feb 2009, 20:26 (edited 11 May 09, 22:21)
For: Cold Rush
Level rating: 1

This is yet another example of how having a great tileset doesn’t make a good level. First off, YOU FORGOT TO INCLUDE THE TILESET!

Did you even load this level in Jazz? The wierd planets in the background make the whole level look distorted. If that’s not bad enough, the tile placement is horrible. Everything is floating in mid are. The tile’s don’t match up that well, the other layers haven’t been touched ether. the waterfalls aren’t animated making them look horrible. Bad eyecandey as it looks like no attempt was made.
I’m not 100% sure how to rate gameplay for races, but I’ll try. When you start, you climb up some stairs that have dragons on them. You then go up a lift where you climb some platforms with seeker ammo. (Why do beginners always use seekers?)After that you have a hard choice. You can ether go up the blue spring into a whole in the roof and risk missing, or go through the much faster suckers. Climb some more steps and that’s one lap. That was about as fun as watching paint dry.
I“m not sure how badly ammo is needed in race, but even if it isn’t it’s pathetic. all there is some seekers that have no delay and a bouncer powerup.
Would I host this?
No. there’s no fun to be had in this race at all. I would have more fun playing sigh the sad beach.

Final score: 3/30
Score: 1
DR? No. Spend more time. there’s no way this has been done in 3 months. (did you place 10 tiles each day?) Look up some help and get some people to test. Also play through the levels yourself and ask yourself, is this fun?

Not recommendedQuick Review by PurpleJazz

22 Feb 2009, 19:42 (edited 23 Feb 09, 21:26)
For: Cold Rush
Level rating: 1


Review by SPAZ18

22 Feb 2009, 18:36
For: Cold Rush
Level rating: 1

This needs LOTS of work. The background used in Layer 8 makes everything appear distorted, use a textured background instead.
The level was also very short and one lap can be completed in less than 10 seconds. The enemies and Coins were not needed.
You also need to vary the tiles used in this level. Do not use just one tile multiple times, try various combinations. Try to also include animations. The waterfalls look bad and unrealistic if they are not animated.
One more thing, do not leave huge empty spaces and do not use just one tile high platforms.
I suggest looking at some JCS tutorials including:
+The help index in JCS itself
+How To JCS
+JCS Ref –

These two websites (especially How To JCS) are very useful.

Not recommendedQuick Review by cooba

22 Feb 2009, 18:21
For: Cold Rush
Level rating: 1

unsuccessful troll is unsuccessful

RecommendedReview by PurpleJazz

22 Feb 2009, 14:24 (edited 22 Feb 09, 14:33 by cooba)
For: Voldard's Cool Treasure Jungle
Level rating: 1

This is one of those levels which due to it’s horrendously low quality it has a legendary status in the community in terms of bad quality levels. Although it was probably not intended to be made as so, this was the level that started the idea and trend of “joke levels”.

Firstly, let’s look at the level. You get barely any time to look at it as it’s all over in a few seconds. What you do get are a flash of about 100 blue gems, a black background that as the infamous “cloning” effect in SP which occurs when there are no tiles in the background layers, a few random ground tiles, some random lizards, and an exit. Yeah, that’s it. It’s kinda amusing how all the reviews written at the time of release take this level seriously and find it as an offense to the JCS scene. While I’m not saying they’re wrong, nowadays if this was uploaded it would not be taken seriously and would provide some lols, as this level was the one that unintentionally gave the idea of creating a deliberately bad level as a “joke”.

Although I expect most of you have downloaded this already, if you haven’t I suggest so as you’ll get a few lols out of it.

[Sorry to break your theory, but this level IS a joke level in itself. ~cooba]

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